She's mine! - Izuku Midoriya...

By kacchanswife

4.4M 135K 275K

(Y/n) is a 16 year old girl who has recently been accepted into her dream school, U.A. High. Her goal, like e... More

Part 1:1
Part 1:2
Part 1:3
Part 1:4
Part 1:5
Part 1:6
Part 2:1
Part 2:2
Part 2:3
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Not a new chapter (edited)
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 24.5 (Izuku B-Day Special)
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 30.5 (Christmas Special [1])
Part 30.5 (Christmas Special [2])
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 41.5 (Character Q&A)
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54.5 (Character Q&A 2)

Part 54

2.2K 42 28
By kacchanswife

It's been hours since Izuku had left your place, and you still couldn't help but overthink all of the things you two went over. 'What does any of this mean?' You gazed, relaxing on the couch. Suddenly, the swinging of the front door startles you and pulls you out of your thoughts.

"Why is it so dark in here? (Y/n)? Are you home?" Your mother squinted, struggling to find the light switch while carrying some grocery bags.

"I'm here... Welcome home." You exhaled, relaxing your shoulders with relief & sinking back into the cushions.

"How was your day? Did you do anything productive?" She poked, entering the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"Uhh, no. Not really..." you sighed in defeat.

"Not even tidy up?" She questioned.

You cringed with a regretful expression before silently sitting yourself up. "Sorry, I don't know why-"

"Never mind, it's fine. Just, come and help me put these away." She gestured, cutting you off in the process. "Have the teachers stopped by yet? I lost track of time while running some errands." She added.

"No, not yet." You replied, lifting yourself off the couch and walking to the kitchen. "Hey ma, can I ask-"

"Really? Whew, that's a relief. I almost died in traffic trying to make it home on time." She chuckled, interrupting you once again.
'Aaaaand she's not paying attention..'

"Wow, that's crazy.." you replied, expressing the least amount of interest. The lack of enthusiasm in your voice made her stop dead in her tracks. "Ok. What's wrong?" She confronted, turning around to face you with her hand on her hip.

There, you stood stiff as a board with an uncomfortable expression. 'Crap. What do I even say now?'

She sighs and gestures you to have a seat with her at the table. You don't hesitate to do so and pull out a chair on the opposite side. "What's bothering you?" She plucked out of concern.

'Literally, everything...' You relaxed. 'But, where to start?'

Her gaze was fixed on you, as she waited for an answer. You rehearsed your reply in your head a few times before spitting it out. "I don't know how to say this without sounding strange, but..."

'Are you my real mother?'
'Do I have a brother?'
'Why don't I remember my past?'
'Is there something you're keeping from me?'

She raised her eyebrow in a concerned manner.

"Am I adopted?" You gulped, gripping the bottom of your shirt nervously. 'We'll start off with a question that's not too absurd...'

For a moment, the room fell silent. You averted your gaze downward in an awkward manner before looking back to her and noticing her perplexed expression.

"W-What makes you think-"

Then, just before she could finish her sentence, the doorbell rang and interrupted her. Geez... The world was all about cutting people off today, wasn't it?

'How convenient...' you thought, letting your head drop with disappointment.

"Im sorry, hold that thought..." Promised your mother before excusing herself to answer the door.

"Mr. Aizawa, hello. " She greeted.

"Good evening Ms. (L/n). I apologize for the late arrival. My partner got caught up in some personal business, causing a delay in time." Aizawa introduced.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine. Please, come inside." She gestured with a welcoming grin. Aizawa took one big step forward and kicked off his shoes at the entrance.

Your mom led him to the living room where they sat in opposite chairs across from each other and began to chat. You decided to move into the living room as well to join in on the discussion but ended up being shooed away by your mom with a tea request. With a huff, you followed through with her order and turned back to the kitchen to prepare everything.

'Looks like I won't be able to ask her much this evening.' You slouched, lazily swinging open a cupboard.

"So, as you know, I am here to inform you about the school's plan to relocate the students to the dorms." Aizawa began, as his voice vibrated throughout the room.

"Right. About that..." Your mother mumbled as if she were dreading this. "I don't know... Considering everything (Y/n) has already been through this past school year... I'm going to have to admit that I'm quite against it." She exhaled.

Hearing her opinion echo through the room hit you harder than Itachi's backstory. After hearing her words, you couldn't help but to come bolting around the corner. "Uh, excuse me, but what?! No, no no, no... Mom, please tell me you're joking??" You pleaded in despair.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n) but I've already made up my mind..." She answered apologetically.

"No, no, no, no, no you have to reconsider. I've worked too hard to get into this school... You know that..." You defend, as your voice becomes fragile with turmoil. There was a moment of silence as the two adults looked at you from their seated positions. Despite the obvious emotional distress you were already expressing, you were determined to not break down in front of your teacher. "Please, just rethink this..." you begged.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but-"

"C'mon, at least listen to what Aizawa has to-"

"(Y/n). That's enough. I'm telling you, my decision is final." She warned, making sure the last of her sentence was clear.

Your face crumpled in defeat as a giant wave of sadness washed over you.
'Why?! I mean, I get why, but still!'
'Why is she trying to keep me from going to U.A.?' You grit, feeling choked up.

'Does this mean I won't be able to see my friends anymore?'
One by one, memories of them began to flash in your mind like a slideshow, causing your chest to tighten as you fought back tears.

"Now, I admit that I was supportive in the beginning..." She pauses. "I mean, what parent wouldn't be after seeing how happy you were to receive your acceptance letter..." She added, allowing a small grin to form as she looked down to reminisce. You glanced at her and saw that the grin she had, quickly faded as distress filled her eyes. "I was completely supportive of your decision to attend until you got attacked by villains. Twice. Not to mention that you were kidnapped!" she snapped

'I mean... That one was more of an accident than kidnapping, considering the villains didn't even want me but go off...'

"You've gotta be out of your mind to believe that I'll allow you to live there when so many things have gone wrong already." She finished. You noticed that her eyes appeared glassy and that her fist was gripped tightly around her other hand, as she tried her best to keep her composure.

Once you heard her response, you couldn't help but back down, as she made some good points. 'She's not entirely wrong. But... isn't that what it takes to be a hero? I mean, Ron & Hermione's parents allowed them to continue attending Hogwarts after Voldemort was resurrected, and they turned out fine... Well, mostly..'

The room fell silent again until Aizawa cleared his throat, making his presence aware "I understand your concern, Ms. (L/n)...". You both turned your head towards him and listened to what he had to say.

"However, after coming to realize the self-conceit, foolish-pride, and negligence which was unconsciously sprouting within us, we are now reconsidering our ways, and what we can do to prevent any & all risks. For the students especially."

You quickly shifted your gaze to your mom, eyes filled with hope, before glancing over to Aizawa and witnessing his bow. His unexpected actions shocked you and caused you to do a double-take.

"I beg of you... just once more, can you place your trust in us and allow us to take your daughter into our care? I promise, on my status as a hero and educator, that I will raise Ms. (Y/n) into a splendid hero." He finished.

After another moment of silence, you checked on your mom and noticed that her face was flushed. 'What's up with that?' You wondered before glancing at Aizawa (who was still bowing before her).

You continued to switch your gaze back & forth between the two, slightly confused, as you waited for someone to speak.

Soon enough, your mother's voice softly echoed throughout the room. "No need to bow, Mr. Aizawa... Your words would've been persuasive enough.." she answered, averting her gaze elsewhere to hide her messy expression. You continued to scan her questionably before taking a moment to think to yourself.

When you finished putting the obvious signs together, you couldn't help but to cringe. 'Ahhh. Don't tell me she's getting all gushy for my teacher...'

"Besides, I've been chewing this over since I got the email... I know I can't keep (Y/n) from attending her dream school, I just.. hoped she would've reconsidered the idea of living there after I made her aware of my disagreement.."

Aizawa immediately sat up straight and carried out the conversation before moving onto negotiations. "You don't have to worry Mrs. (L/n). Like I mentioned before, the school will be upgrading the security levels, ensuring the maximum safety for all of our students." He reassured. Your mother seemed to be a little more at ease upon hearing this.

Shortly after everything was said & done, Aizawa gave her papers to sign and formally brought the meeting to an end. He respectfully thanked your mother for her time and went his way. After that, it was just you & her alone in the living room.

'Well, that didn't go as smooth as I hoped..' You thought before turning on your heels to walk to your room. 'Might as well call it a night.. She's probably too stressed to continue our conversation from earlier..'

Then, just before you could leave, your mother spoke.

"I still don't know about this, (Y/n)..." she groaned.

You turned back around and noticed that her usual careful facade was broken, showing hurt & longing. "It's not that I'm trying to keep you from achieving your dream, it's just..." her voice became weak. "I'm trying to protect you. The day I heard you went missing was the day where I lost myself for a while... The fact that I couldn't do anything but continually ask the police for updates and do my own useless investigating drove me mad..."

'Wait, so she never had time to fully heal from this?'

"The fact that I didn't know your whereabouts.. made me feel like I failed as a-"

"Stop right there. You didn't fail at anything, so don't blame yourself." You began, interrupting her sulking.

"If anyone's to blame it's me. I was the one who was stupid enough to jump at the villains without thinking." You reassured, sitting down on the couch and wrapping your arm around her back.

She proceeded to nod her head 'no' at your response, showing her disagreement. "Don't blame yourself, sweetie. You only wanted to save your friend." She replied, wiping away the few tears she shed with the tissue you offered.

"I should just be glad you're here now..." she exhaled before pulling you into a hug. The two of you remained in each other's arms for a bit of time, until she asked you a question.

"I hate to ask this now, but how come you only had minor scars when you came back? I was told you were engaged in battle with a villain, were they not as strong as the police presumed?"

Her question scrambled your brain as she expressed her concern. 'That's right... My injuries were suddenly healed sometime during the Kamino incident.'

You slowly pulled out of her embrace and straightened your posture as you tried to recall what happened.

"Uhh... Well, it's not that the villain was weak... He was a monster. Actually, Izuku & I were getting our asses-"

"Language." She lightly chuckled.

"Sorry. Izuku & I were getting tossed around like rag dolls by him. Heck, I thought we were done for when he started pummeling us into the ground. Especially when my ribs broke. Geez, that was painful." You cringed, ending your sentence as if you spoke about an everyday situation.

"That's not even all that happened, though. I remember being swooped up by a Nomu when I was trying to make my escape with Todoroki & Yaoyorozu." You chuckled, swooping your arm down & up as a reference. "That was such a crazy day... I thought I was gonna die in the air stuck to a damn Nomu." You added, staring off with realization.

Once you stopped speaking you noticed how much quieter the room was and decided to glance  back to your mom, seeing her baffled expression. Your answers left her completely speechless. As the silence began to drag, you started to awkwardly tap the tips of your fingers against your leg, waiting for her to say something as she processed your words.

Suddenly, you found yourself pulled into another tight embrace.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed someone the most..." she whispered, gently holding your head close to hers, as she secured her arms around you.

Hearing the empathy in her voice made you feel emotional all over again. Despite that, you tried your best to maintain your composure. You felt like you were doing great until she pulled away to align her face with yours. "Promise me you'll be more careful, no matter what..."

You looked into her eyes, and immediately noticed the tears that were pricking the corner of her peripherals. Your lip began to quiver, as you blinked your tears back to answer her. "I promise." you gulped.

The two of you hugged each other back once more before separating so you can both get cozy for the evening.

"It's been a long day... We should go get ready for bed." She suggested before wiping her eyes.

Your brows lowered in disappointment as you still had things you wanted to ask her. 'I guess I will have to save the questions for another day..' You thought, shrugging it off and agreeing with her.

"Yeah, you're right... Goodnight mom."

With that said, you both went into your rooms to get some shuteye. You closed the door behind you and plopped onto your bed before gazing at one of your many figurines, and taking in the silence. 'What an emotional roller coaster that was...'

'Still. I can't help but to wonder what that villain meant back then...' You thought, as clear images of the villain, Muscular, flashed in your head like a slideshow.

"I assume she's your sister the way she's trying to protect you!"

Then, the very moment that memory came to the surface, you quickly sat up in your bed. "He can't actually be my relative, can he?" You gasped, referring to Kota.

"Waaait, don't jump to conclusions. Let's just think about this carefully... What do we know about the kid so far?" You exhaled, rubbing your temples. "Alright... His attitude was similar to child Bakugo but I doubt he's always like that... Uh, his parents were a duo of pros called Water Hose..." you paused.

'Water Hose...'

After that was said, you went scrambling for your laptop and quickly opened up a search engine. But, just before you could start any research, your phone went off. You glanced at the screen and saw that it was a message from "⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴".

'Look at this stranger. It's been a while.' You smiled in awe.

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"Good evening (Y/n). It's been a while since we last spoke, I hope you're doing okay. I saw somebody order nachos today and it reminded me of you, so I thought I'd check-in."

Read: 8:55 pm

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴

"Hey stranger, sorry for not keeping in touch, I've been going through some 💩 recently. How have you been? Miss me? Haha just kidding!"

Delivered: 8:56 pm

'I hope that last part wasn't too cringy...' You nervously tapped.

Todoroki didn't take much time to answer back. Seeing this surprised you a bit, as you assumed he'd be busy with something.


'Why is she sending the pudding emoji? Is she using it as a way of coping?'

"Hey, sis. What does this emoji mean?" Questions Shoto, as he shows his sister his phone. Fuyumi squints down at the screen and reads the message before cheekily grinning down at her younger brother.

"I know what you're thinking... No, it's not pudding." She smiled.

Shoto takes a moment to think before replying to her. "Oh, okay thanks." He turns his attention back to his phone and continues his texting.

'(Y/n)... So that's her name. I wonder when I'll get to meet her?'


From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"I guess you can say that. I've been doing well lately. Although are you okay? Anything bothering you?"

Read: 8:57 pm

'He's.... concerned!' You gasped, slamming your face into a pillow for a moment before sitting up to reply. 'Calm down. He's just being a good friend... Right?'

"Pshh, why are you being doubtful! You know Shoto doesn't have time for things like that. He is just being friendly." You scolded, doubting your thoughts. Then, your phone went off again.

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"We haven't spoken to each other since the police took you & Bakugo in, so I apologize if I seem like a stranger again."

Read: 8:57 pm

"Why would I- wait why is he making it sound like I was locked up in a facility for years?" You chuckled before typing up your reply.

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"As if I'd forget about our bond that easily😆. I may forget a lot of things, but I never forget people I care for."

Delivered: 8:58 pm

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"I'm fine though, no need to worry ^^, I appreciate you for asking. I'm glad to hear that you're doing alright😊. "

Delivered: 8:58 pm

After sending your text, you set your phone aside and scrolled through the many websites & ads that appeared on the laptop screen, bringing your research to a beginning. At first, you got suggestions for an actual water hose, until you added the keyword 'heroes'. After that, you came upon many old news broadcasts & articles before seeing some wikis and old social media posts.

'There are so many headlines about their sacrifice... It's no wonder Kota hated society so much. He was constantly reminded of their deaths and barely had time to mourn for them... Poor kid.' You frowned.

While skimming through the many headlines, there was one that eventually caught your eye.

[Newly Debuted Duo Water Hose gives birth to first child! And she is A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!]

'She? That must be a typo... How old is this?'

You clicked on the link and saw a picture of the two before going on to read the article. You didn't think too much of what you were reading until you came across the child's birthdate that was printed up.

"XX/XX/XXXX" *<-insert birthdate here*

Your jaw slightly gaped open as your eyes widened eyes after reading that specific arrangement of numbers. Was that right? You quickly skimmed the sentence over & over again before scrolling further down and seeing a picture of the happy couple with the baby. You zoomed in on the picture, carefully scanning the baby's features before slamming your laptop shut. You took a moment to sit in silence to try and process this bit of information before dropping your head back doubtfully.

"Nahhhhh, that can't be right... I must be overtired." You giggled, face palming yourself. "We're hallucinating..."

Then, right as you said that, you shot back up and opened your laptop to reread the article once more. Once it was clear that there was no typo, and that the birthdate within the article was indeed your birthdate, thousands of questions started rushing in.

'What does this mean?'

'Are they my actual parents?'

'How come I don't remember them?'

'Was I separated from them?'

'How come no one ever told me about this?'

'Is that why Kota seemed so familiar back then?'

'What happened back then? Is there's something I should know?'

Among the many questions that flooded your mind, there was one that begun to worry you the most. "No, no, no, no..." you whispered, bringing your palms to your head in distress.

'Does that mean my current mom is an imposter?!!'

As your mind overflowed with these stressful thoughts, anxiety crept it's way in. Soon enough your  heartbeat began to race, causing you to heave short breaths with a heavy chest. You began to feel light headed & dizzy with every slight movement. You immediately elevated yourself down on your bed and began to rub your temples gently, trying to calm yourself.

Unfortunately, you were already too overwhelmed by it all, bringing your anxiety attack to a start. "Calm down, (Y/n). Breathe..." you exhaled, while nervously fidgeting your hands.

"There's gotta be an explanation for this... Maybe we are just adopted??" You chuckled, trying to keep yourself sane.

'But why? Why would we be adopted & never informed about it? It doesn't make sense.'

As your mind continued to wonder, the sound of your phone vibrating took your attention. You averted your gaze to the light and remembered that you were texting Todoroki right before you started your research. 'That's right, I was texting Shoto... Calm down & answer him. He'll keep you from overthinking.'

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴

"Right, sorry."

Read 9:07 pm

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"Have you already heard the news about the dorms?"

Read 9:07 pm

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"No need to apologize, Todo. Yes, I have heard the news. Aizawa stopped by not too long ago and informed my ma & I about everything.. Unfortunately she wasn't on board about the idea at first & kiiiinda protested against it🫣"

Sent 9:08 pm

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"She did change her mind about it in the end, just took her some time..."

Sent 9:08 pm

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"I'm sorry to hear about that. How are you doing now? Are you alright?"

Read 9:09 pm

'He's concerned.'

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"Awh, I'm okay now thanks for asking. Just have a lot on my mind right now, but I'll be fine."

Sent 9:09

From:  ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"Are you sure? Would you like to talk about it?"

Read 9:10 pm

'Wow, he truly is concerned. What the heck, why do I suddenly feel flustered?'

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"I would appreciate that, but I'm pretty tired right now... Had a long evening. Is it okay to save that conversation for another time?"

Sent 9:10 pm

'I really do want to keep talking, but man, expressing your emotions is so draining...'

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"Of course, I don't mind (Y/n). I'll be here & ready whenever you are."

Read 9:10 pm

From: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"I hope you get a good rest (Y/n). See you in school."

Read 9:11 pm

'Bless his kind soul.'

To: ⚪️Peppermint Boi🔴
"Thank you for understanding, Shoto. I truly appreciate it. Have a goodnight, see you in school😁."

Sent 9:11 pm

Meanwhile, in the room across from yours...

'(Y/n). I'm gonna have to tell you everything sooner than I expected... I know now that I can't keep everything from you anymore. I just hope you don't hate me afterwards...'

Your mother shifted to lay on her side & stared off into the dark room, pondering the conversation that has yet to come.


My oh my, I've finally completed this chapter after abandoning it for so long💀. Better late than never I suppose? I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it quite lengthy considering I left the last one on another cliffhanger, which I apologize for. Also, I might've made the characters a little OOC, but it's been a fat minute since I've last wrote or read the bnha manga, so plz be patient as I transition my way back into the groove of writing. That's all for now, I'll be back with another chapter soon! I swear🫡.

- Sierra

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