Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxB...

By LamPayning

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Niall's father in rich... very rich, but Niall isn't happy. He hides everything with a smile or a laugh. He... More

Just One Time (Ziall) - BoyxBoy
Chapter 2 - How i met the boys (Past)
Chapter 3 - We've got Niall!
Chapter 4 - We want to help you (Past)
Chapter 5 - I didn't do it intentionaly
Chapter 6 - Much Better (Past)
Chapter 7 - You Start
Chapter 8 - On a second thought... maybe we should leave (Past)
Chapter 9 - Make up your mind already
Chapter 10 - So, what do you say? (Past)
Chapter 11 - Beautiful
Chapter 12 - I'm kind of lost *Final Chapter*

Chapter 1 - I'll take care of it

9.4K 268 16
By LamPayning

Niall heard banging around the room, and his head started pounding at the same time. He had never had a head ache like this before. He winced as the noise didn’t stop for the following seconds, and it only made his headache worse.

He started groaning as he noticed that he couldn’t open his eyes or even talk. His wrists and ankles felt sore while the rest of his body was numb. He felt like his head weight a whole ton, and he wasn’t even able to understand what was going on.

He tried his best to move his hands, to touch his face that felt like thousands of little bugs were walking on it, but he couldn’t. He kept groaning, trying to talk, but he couldn’t form coherent words.

The light brown haired boy who was throwing a small ball against the wall, to keep himself entertained noticed the squirming boy, so he stood up.

“You’re finally up, ey?” the voice echoed through the almost empty room, and Niall’s breath became frantic in panic. Only now he realized what was happening… or at least a part of it.

The other boy on the other hand felt really bad. He didn’t want this to happen, and he wanted to agree with Zayn last night, but he wasn’t Zayn, and if he disagreed he would be thrown out of the gang. Everything decided, was accomplished by every member of the group, so of course he had to watch over Niall.

Zayn had volunteered to take the first shift, and Louis and Harry were not morning persons, specially after the tons of drinking they did last night.

Liam didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want Niall to be scared of him, but he also knew that he couldn’t become friends with the Irish boy. After not getting any answer, and noticing the fear, and the pain Niall seemed to be in, Liam decided to just go get someone else.

He walked in the room connected to the one in which Niall was in which in fact was more like a dungeon, while the other room was very cozy and warm. Zayn was currently sleeping, a slight frown on his eyebrows, while Louis and Harry were watching TV.

“Guys!” Liam gulped, shifting in his spot. The boys that were already awake looked at him expectantly. “He’s awake” the boy announced.

“So?” asked Harry, turning to watch TV again.

“He looks like he’s in pain” Liam bit his lip concerned.

“Give him some painkillers or something” grumbled Louis. ‘How can they be so calm about everything? This is a crime for fuck’s sake’ thought Liam.

Not getting another response, Liam walked over to the half-destroyed cabinet and got the painkillers and then a glass of water, and then walked back to the tied boy. He could only imagine how uncomfortable it was to sleep on a chair while your hands were tied behind your back, and your ankles tied to the front legs of the chair. Adding the fact that he was blindfolded and was covered in tape he easily guessed that this was the boys worst morning.

“I’m going to remove the tape from your mouth, and give you some painkillers. Don’t bother to scream, cause no one will hear you.”  Liam said dryly, trying not to sound  like he felt sympathy  towards the boy. He was one of the kidnapers after all.

Niall didn’t bother to move. He stood silent and motionless. Moments later he felt soft cold fingers on his skin and flinched away.

“Can you stand still?” The same voice was heard again as the fingers returned on his skin. He shook his head, making the hand drop again.  Liam was getting annoyed. He wanted to help the poor boy, but he didn’t accept his help.

 “Look…” Liam started but another voice cut him off.

“What’s going on here?” another voice filled the room. The pounding on Niall’s head for some reason softened a bit, and he stood still waiting to hear that voice again. He couldn’t remember anything from what happened the other night, but the voice was familiar.

“He looks in pain, obviously after all the drinking he did last night. I just wanted to give him something to ease his pain, but he won’t let me remove the tape from his mouth.” The first voice said in an annoyed tone.

That voice too was calming. Not as much as the second one, but if Niall heard those voices somewhere else, he would assume they wouldn’t be able to tie someone down, like they tied Niall.

“I’ll take care of it. You can go inside” said Zayn giving Liam a slight smile.

“You had the night shift… it’s either…ummm…  well the other’s turn” they knew they shouldn’t mention names, of they’d somehow be able to track the boys down, and they also knew they couldn’t let Niall see them because of the same reasons.

“It’s okay, i don’t feel like hanging out with them” Zayn said snorting a bit. Liam nodded handing Zayn the items and walked back to the other room. Zayn dragged another chair in front of Niall, and sat down starring at the blonde, Even in this condition he looked dashing.

“Hey Niall” Zayn said smiling even though the other one couldn’t see him. He noticed the way the younger boy freeze and he could imagine his breathtaking eyes widening if they weren’t covered.

He placed a hand on Niall’s knee which the other boy surprisingly didn’t make a move to shake off.

“You had aLOTof drinks last night, so i’m assuming your head is aching. I’ll be careful, while removing the tape, and i’m not going to hurt you, please just take these pills” Zayn said in almost a cooing voice. Niall didn’t move for a moment wondering what would happen if the boy actually drugged him, but he decided he didn’t care so he nodded.

Zayn’s smile widened in content as he moved closer, and leaned his fingers on Niall’s soft skin.

Niall felt the warm fingers land on his face and he not only didn’t flinch away, but he wanted so much to lean into the other boy’s touch. The warmness felt so good on his cold skin.

Zayn grabbed a corner of the tape and slowly and carefully tugged on it, removing it from Niall’s lips.

They parted as soon as the tape was removed, and Zayn moved his hand closer to Niall’s mouth and parted his lips further, so he could drop the pills in. Zayn then leaned the glass of water near his lips, so Niall could drink. After the younger boy had gulped the painkillers, Zayn placed a hand on his shoulder.

“I’m really sorry. I really didn’t want this to happen, but i had no choice”

Niall believed him. He could feel it in his heart that the words were truthful.

“Can you remove the blindfold please?” The blonde asked in a raspy voice, that almost hurt his throat.

“No, i’m sorry” the voice said again “I can’t risk you seeing my face, cause there’s a massive chance you’ll report us when you go back home” Zayn didn’t want anything else but look into his electric blue eyes again, to bad that rules were rules, and he couldn’t risk anything.

“Back home?” the younger’s eyebrows raised over the piece of clothing they had used to cover Niall’s eyes.

“Yes we’re calling your father later and telling him where to bring the money” the olive skinned boy said gulping. He might sound stupid, but he didn’t want to bring Niall home already.

As soon as the words reached his ears, Niall huffed. To bad their plan was going to fail…

“He won’t give you any money, he’s probably happy you took me”

The older boy’s head crooked at the side at the sound of the sentence. Memories of his previous life filled his head.

“Why do you say so?”  Zayn asked resting his fingers on Niall’s cold cheek. Niall tried to hide his shivers, and leaned a bit back snorting, making Zayn’s hand drop.

“Your plan failed, that’s all you have to know” Niall said his voice shaky.

Niall shifted in his place trying to bring feel to his limbs, while Zayn watched in his dreamy state. Even though he was drunk last night, Niall had been amazing. Their conversation was really funny and interesting until Zayn had to put his plan in action, and bring Niall outside where they put him in the car and took him to this place.

“And why wouldn’t your father pay the caution for his only son?” Zayn asked studying Niall’s face, trying to remember every single detail. Zayn was extremely intrigued by the younger boy, starting from his outer appearance, accent,  the laugh and smile he heard and saw last night, the way he moved his body, the way he talked, his voice, his shy side, his arrogant side, his tough side, his fragile side… everything he had noticed since last night.

Niall pursed his lips into a thin line, and looked like he was thinking about something, until he shrugged and leaned back fully on the chair rest.

“Why would he pay?” Niall answered with another question

“You’re his son” Zayn pointed out, obviously, rolling his eyes

“You mean the useless son, he’s ashamed of? Sure, call him and he’ll laugh in your faces… or ear, whatever. He won’t use his precious money in something worthless like me, that never listens to him, obeys his orders or does as he says” Zayn’s brows sank further, as he listened to the venom-dripping words that came out of Niall’s mouth.

Niall hadn’t only called his own self useless or worthless, but he also called himself ‘something’. That made Zayn get closer to Niall, and again place his hand on Niall’s face. Niall tried to shake Zayn’s hand  off again, but Zayn added the other hand Niall’s other cheek, and kept his face on place.

“Then he doesn’t know what a flawless thing he created” Zayn said wanting now more than ever to see the look on Niall’s eyes. Unfortunately, Zayn didn’t mean to say those words, they somehow slipped out, but he didn’t really mind. It’s not like he would ever meet Niall again, after this whole thing was over.

Niall was speechless. He didn’t know how to respond. Was that supposed to be a compliment? He tensed for a moment, but he realized that the kidnaper could be making fun of him, so he clenched his jaw.

“You don’t have to bother with me you know?” Niall said in a low voice, his accent coating every word more than usually. “You have tied me to this chair! Even if you’re nice i’m still the victim, and you’re still the criminal. My father won’t pay, i’m sure of it, so you can do whatever you’re thinking about doing with me already”

The boys wouldn’t do anything to Niall. They were sure that Mr. Horan would pay, so they saw no point on threatening. They would call the businessman later, and tell him that they had his son, but after those words, Zayn wasn’t really sure if their plan would indeed work.

Zayn was deeply touched. He realized that this could be the only time when Niall bothered to actually speak up, cause by the looks of it, Mr. Horan had been very strict towards Niall, and Niall had tried to accomplish everything his father said. Niall had a family, yet he looked lonelier than Zayn.

“Niall…” Zayn started, but the blonde boy stopped him

“Can you please leave me alone?” Niall whimpered, drawing his lips between his teeth.

Zayn felt even worse. He was trying to make things easier for Niall, but he only made him cry. He wanted to hug him, tell him that he would be okay, comfort him, tell Niall that he was there for him when his father wasn’t… but he couldn’t do that.

Keeping his gaze down, Zayn stood up from the chair, and dragged his feet to the other door, he opened it but didn’t have the heart to leave Niall alone in a big, empty room, so he closed it again.

Niall heard the door close, and as soon as he heard the clicking sound, he erupted in sobs and tears. He wondered if there was anyone in the whole wide world that hated his life as much as he did. He wondered if there was anyone who was more unfortunate than him. He wondered if there was anyone lonelier than him…

Zayn watched Niall’s shaking body and felt awful. He was intruding Niall’s privacy. The boy thought he was alone, and yet again here was Zayn watching the blindfolded boy sob and whimper while his tears stained the cloth…



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