New Leaf (Taekook 21+) [Compl...

By cyndicyn22

105K 6.4K 3.2K

After being caught doing cocaine in a back alley by his parents, Jungkook was forced into a reform school for... More

1- Unmanageable Youth
2- New Found Acquaintance
3- Touch and Go
4- Major Malfunction
5- Seeking Supplies
6- Dangerous love
7- Frightened and Upset
8- Promise to Protect
9- Incident Avoided
10- Taehyung's dilemma
11- If I can't have you...
12- Out of mind, out of body
13- Bittersweet
14- Resist the temptation
15- Crisis averted
16- Impromptu visit
17- On the contrary
18- Easily persuaded
19- Change of Pace
20- Denied Satisfaction
21- Opening Up
22- Vulnerability
23- Comprehending Each Other
24- Over Exertion
25- Forgiveness
26- News Flash
27- Peep Show
28- Hoseok's Dilemma
29- Obtaining your Way
30- Feeling Uncertain
31- Graceful and Erotic
32- Petty Theft
33- I'm Fine
34- Still Struggling
35- Problems Abound
36- Convincing Taehyung
37- Unraveled at the Seams
38- Mask the Pain
39- Brand New Man
40- Confessions
41- Reignited Love for Life
42- First Date
43- Passionate Night
44- Promise Revealed
45- Picnic disaster
46- Catastrophic Endeavour
47- Near Death Experience
48- Sudden Requests
49- Congratulations
50- Unwanted visitor
51- Concocting a Plan
52- Engagment discussion
53- Graduation Party
54- Talk it Out
55- Preparty Jitters
57- Announcement
58- Settled Fiancé
59- Dangerous Expanses
60- Surprise Surrogate
61- Fear for the future
62- Attempted seduction
63- Wake up call
64- Who are you?
65- Heart's Recognition
66- Upcoming Holidays
67- Christmas Eve
68- Christmas Eve date
69- Remnants of a ruined date
70- My presents to you
71- Christmas Night
72- Rough Night
73- Birthday Blues
74- Belated Birthday wishes
75- Surprise Guests
76- New Year Celebration
77- Bitter return
78- Conjugal visit
79- Misfortune strikes
80- First Meetings
81- Destined Day
82- Dire First Signs
83- Plans for a Future
84- Concerns and Questions
85- Location Scouting
86- Wedding Bells
87- Wedding Reception
88- Late Night Rendezvous
89- Off to a great start
90- Sweet Serenity
91- Sweet Surrender
92- Over Zealous Jealousy
93- He's More like You than You Know
94- Gabriel's slip up
95- Happy Anniversary!
96- Electric Love
97- Disaster Strikes
98- Unforeseen Misfortune
99- Lost Time
100- We'll Meet Again, My Love

56- Unfocused

570 68 15
By cyndicyn22

Hello all of you lovely and beautiful readers who still support this~♡ I hope that you are enjoying the ride thus far because we're gaining speed towards a desired goal!~♡ Not that this work will be finished too terribly soon, unfortunately for you guys.🥺😔 I do apologize in advance if you think this is too long a work, but I try to be thorough while keeping it interesting.:3 I hope it has been interesting too~♡ Thank you guys all so much for 13k views~♡ You guys honestly don't know what that means to me.🥺 I'd love to personally thank you all, but there's many of you right now, that I just can't fathom where to begin.🥺 But do know that I love and appreciate you all so much~♡♡♡ Thank you once again for helping me achieve a goal of this magnatude~♡♡♡ Well, this chapter has mention of drug use, unwanted physical attention, and minor sexual content. So please be advised when reading this chapter~♡ Without further ado, please enjoy this chapter~♡


All the guests had arrived before 4 pm and the festivities were in full swing by 6 pm. Taehyung and his parents had greeted the guests, shaking hands or bowing as they entered. Jungkook had been introduced to his parents as his fiancé, rather than boyfriend while his mother gushed happily for them. His father on the other hand grumbled something incoherent, which ultimately went unnoticed by anyone. Taehyung had noticed though that Hyungwon had arrived early and commenced schmoozing his father.

Taehyung stayed close to Jungkook for the night, the two practically inseparable as the symphony began playing in the background. Jungkook turned toward Taehyung with a smile as he pulled Taehyung toward him more. "Care to dance?" Jungkook asked lowly as Taehyung nodded slightly. Jungkook smiled as he directed Taehyung out onto the dance floor. He pulled Taehyung flush against his body, his hand resting against Taehyung's lower back as they stepped in time to the music with Jungkook leading Taehyung.

Taehyung's mother watched as Jungkook led Taehyung in a dance so elegant that many of the other dancers were stopping to watch them. She watched as Jungkook waltzed Taehyung around the large dance space, chuckling softly as Jungkook made no mistakes in his dance. She watched as Jungkook twirled Taehyung and pulled him back into his arms as he leaned him into a deep dip. She watched as Jungkook kissed her son before letting him up and sighed softly at the love between the two. She wished that she had tried harder to find a love like that rather than succumb to her father's demands as she approached them.

"Where did you learn to dance, Mr. Jeon?" Taehyung's mother asked, playfully poking his shoulder as Taehyung smiled at his mother. "Mama," he exclaimed, hugging her tightly. "I heard you gave the ring I'm wearing to Jungkook's mother for him to give to me," Taehyung whispered as she chuckled heartily. "Well, I couldn't very well have them pay for something I'd been saving for you on this day anyway," she expressed, cradling her champagne glass in her palm.

Taehyung smiled as his mother handed her champagne glass over to him. "Can you hold this for me, baby? I hope you don't mind, baby boy, but I'd like to dance with Mr. Jeon once tonight," she expressed as Jungkook nodded approvingly and Taehyung gestured for her to go ahead. Jungkook had his mother's approval already, he wasn't about to take that away from them by denying her a dance with him.

Taehyung walked over toward the refreshments table, standing idly by as Hyungwon finally approached him. Taehyung glanced over at Hyungwon as he smiled at him, his hands clasped suspiciously behind his back. "Are you enjoying yourself, Tae?" Hyungwon asked as he noticed Taehyung holding the champagne glass. "What are you doing with an adult beverage? Won't your father reprimand you for having that?" Hyungwon continued to ask questions before Taehyung finally became annoyed enough to answer.

"I am enjoying myself. It is an adult beverage, but it's Mama's adult beverage. I'm just holding it while she dances with Kookie," Taehyung finally answered, rather harshly. He stared straight ahead at his mother and Jungkook as if uninterested in what the nurse had to say. He was trying not to make eye contact with Hyungwon because of the stigma that hung in the air about tonight. He wasn't sure who his father was going to announce as his fiancé, but if it was Hyungwon, he was going to refuse in front of everyone.

Hyungwon chuckled as he stepped closer to Taehyung. "You know, you don't have to act so bristled towards me. I promise I won't do anything to jeopardize your night," Hyungwon noted softly as Taehyung finally turned towards him. Taehyung eyed him up and down to try and detect any hint of a lie within his statement before sighing. "Fine, I'll try to be kinder," Taehyung answered softly, watching as Jungkook and his mother had fun dancing. He smiled softly to himself as Hyungwon moved a little closer to Taehyung and plucked the champagne glass out of Taehyung's hand. "Let me get you a more suitable drink, okay? I'll hold onto this for your mother," Hyungwon insisted, walking over towards the punch bowl.

Taehyung sighed as he turned back towards his mother and fiancé dancing, unaware that Hyungwon dropped something white and powdery into his drink. Hyungwon waited for the fizz to die down some before he walked back over towards Taehyung with the cup extended towards the younger. "Here you go," Hyungwon announced, handing the glass over to Taehyung. Taehyung nodded his thanks, not really paying attention to Hyungwon as he took a sip from his cup. "Mm, who made the punch this year? It tastes off," Taehyung announced with a bitter look as Hyungwon took a sip from his own cup. "It doesn't taste off to me," Hyungwon acknowledged, hoping that would get Taehyung to continue drinking the drugged drink.

Taehyung shrugged at how he could think that it was any different as he took another sip. He cringed slightly from the chalky taste of the punch and figured that the punch wasn't mixed well enough as he continued to drink it. Before long, Hyungwon asked if Taehyung wanted another drink because his face was looking flushed. Taehyung fanned himself, realizing that he was getting rather hot inside of the ballroom as he leaned back against the table. He glanced over at Hyungwon with glassy eyes, nodding at his question for another drink. Although he was unable to answer from how dry his mouth felt to him. He was progressing into feeling an insatiable thirst. For what? He did not know, but he was hoping that another drink would calm the intense heat building within his body.

Again, Hyungwon dropped the same powdery substance into Taehyung's drink before handing him the second one. Taehyung accepted the drink with grace and dignity, although he was starting to feel like he was trapped in an oven. This time, he did not question the taste as he hastily consumed his drink. He elegantly placed the cup down on the refreshment table, still feeling that intense heat creeping up into his face now. He panted softly as Hyungwon watched him tilt his head back onto his shoulders. An expression of sin etched into his features as he side glanced Hyungwon. "A- another drink please," Taehyung requested as Hyungwon silently nodded and grabbed his cup.

Hyungwon was finding it difficult to remain focused on drugging Taehyung's third beverage with the latter exuding sex appeal from across the table. Even if it wasn't directed at anyone in particular right now, the amount of heat emitting off Taehyung's body was making it hard to swallow or breathe. He managed to slip the last of the white powdered substance into this drink, handing it to Taehyung. "Is everything okay?" Hyungwon asked, trying not to seem too suspicious to Taehyung. Taehyung nodded without really paying attention to Hyungwon and hastily consumed this drink as well before pushing his body off the table. He appeared as if he was going to approach Jungkook dancing with his mother, but his unstable feet gave out from under him and he crashed into Hyungwon's arms.

"Woah," Hyungwon started as Taehyung leaned his heated face against Hyungwon's chest. "Tae? Is everything okay?" Hyungwon asked again, trying to deflect any responsibility for what was transpiring. Taehyung could barely hold his head up as Hyungwon held Taehyung firmly in his arms. He could feel the heat radiating off of Taehyung's body as the younger mumbled something incoherent. If Taehyung's father wanted to announce Hyungwon as Taehyung's fiancé, there would be no arguments now. Hyungwon tightly gripped Taehyung's slim waist, pulling the younger flush against his chest and holding him close. "Do you like it when I touch you like this?" Hyungwon whispered close to Taehyung's ear, sending a tingling sensation down Taehyung's spine.

Hyungwon could feel Taehyung harden against his thigh and a wicked smile crossed his lips as his hands traveled further down Taehyung's body. His hands groped the younger male's perky ass, feeling Taehyung harden even more as Taehyung panted heavily. "Ngh," Taehyung whimpered out softly, feeling heat course through him as the desire for friction thrived ravenously. The gaze of yearning burning deep behind Taehyung's dark irises scorched Hyungwon's skin with every glance.

Before Hyungwon's hands could travel anywhere else on Taehyung's famished body, Taehyung was yanked away from his prying hands. Taehyung's back hit Jungkook's chest as the raven-haired male stared Hyungwon down with daggers that penetrated his very existence. "Touch my fiancé like that again and I'll fucking kill you," Jungkook declared boldly as Taehyung glanced back at him, Hyungwon rolling his eyes and walking away from the two of them. Jungkook could see the voracious lust behind Taehyung's dark irises and his flushed, luminous pink cheeks as Taehyung licked his lips deliberately. Jungkook's eyes were glued to Taehyung, the moment he noticed the expression as his eyes followed the movement of Taehyung's tongue.

"K- Kookie," Taehyung panted out, grinding his ass against Jungkook. Instantly, Jungkook felt uneasy with Taehyung's behavior as Taehyung whined with need. "Hot," Taehyung whimpered out softly, pressing himself against Jungkook once again. Jungkook suddenly felt trapped as he realized what Taehyung was trying to do currently. He would have loved to bend Taehyung over on the dance floor and dance a little more sensually, but he definitely wanted to make a good impression on Taehyung's parents. Even if he already obtained the good graces of Taehyung's mother, he still had to win over his father, and trying to fuck his son during their public party, was not the way to go about it.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around Taehyung's waist, leaning his head close to Taehyung's ear as he breathed softly. "What have you gotten into?" Jungkook asked breathily as Taehyung shuttered against him violently, placing his hands on Jungkook's own. "N- Nothing, K- Koo," Taehyung whimpered, pressing his ass against Jungkook again. Jungkook groaned lowly in Taehyung's ear as Taehyung panted heavily once again, both of them swaying back and forth to pretend that they're dancing rather than arousing each other. Taehyung could feel Jungkook growing hard against his ass as his eyes rolled back into his head. "I- I just s- started... Ugh," Taehyung moaned out softly as his knees buckled. Jungkook continued to hold him up and against him so that they wouldn't draw too many suspicious eyes.

"Started what, Tae?" Jungkook asked, whispering in Taehyung's ear and causing the other to pant again. "S- Started t- to feel r- really hot," Taehyung whimpered out as Jungkook gently placed a kiss to the back of Taehyung's neck. The action itself sent electrifying sensations straight down as Taehyung's nails dug into Jungkook's hand. Jungkook hummed softly against Taehyung's skin in thought as the elder panted softly, leaning his head back into Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook was trying to understand what had Tae's body responding this way as he glared at Hyungwon from across the room.

"When did you start to feel hot, love?" Jungkook asked allowing Taehyung to keep grinding against him as they swayed back and forth. Taehyung turned his head toward Jungkook as Jungkook met his intense gaze of passion. "A- After s- some punch," Taehyung answered breathily, his body writhing against Jungkook's own. "I- It did t- taste funny a- at first," Taehyung added as Jungkook's hands tightened around Taehyung slightly. Jungkook knew what being on drugs looked like many times over from himself and other people and Taehyung definitely had something in his drink. Although he wasn't sure what it was just yet as he slowly inched them towards a more private area of the ballroom.

He twirled Taehyung into the small area before glancing around and drawing the heavy, black curtain around them. Jungkook turned toward Taehyung and immediately Taehyung latched his lips to Jungkook's own, his hands snaking around Jungkook's neck. His lips moved deliberately against Jungkook's own as his hands maneuvered their way up into his hair, yanking hard. Jungkook stumbled only slightly as his hands found the wall behind Taehyung and caged his body between his arms. Their lips moving together in a heated kiss as Taehyung pressed his erection against Jungkook's own. Jungkook pulled away from the kiss slightly as Taehyung's lips trailed kisses lower down Jungkook's jawline and neck. "T- Tae. N- Not here. W- wait a minute," Jungkook tried to resist but Taehyung continued to kiss Jungkook's now heated skin fervently. It was making Jungkook's head spin with all those people just steps away from them. He would have gladly given Taehyung what he wanted because he wanted him too, but this wasn't the time or place. And with the fact that it had been a few weeks between their last tryst, Jungkook didn't think he could resist for much longer nor did he think they'd be able to remain quiet enough.

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