Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader...

By lndlover

533K 12.3K 3.2K

See title More

Another one
Prompts contiued
Somebody Else
Mother dearest (daughter!reader)
Lie to me
This seat taken?
Movie night
Since when?
Thats my shirt
She'll kill me
A bitter Goodbye
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
Thank you, and goodnight
Mothers of 7
We'll meet again
My Way
Til Death Do Us Part
Til death do us part (ending 2)
3 am
Story updates
Early Mornings
Back Home
Because of You
Parents' Visit
Band Double Date
Pillow Forts
Coffee Talk
Old Friend
A Rookie Mistake
Of Tops and Bottoms
A Steady Breath
Make You Love Me
Disapointment pt.2
Unreqited pt.2
Dinosaurs fell in love
Hymn for the missing
Striking out
Series announcement
Smoke and Mirrors
Quick announcement
A New Reality
My mother's friend
Curiosity killed the Cat
Our Friend Mari
Not His
Her Highness
Can't Let Go Annoncement
Fingers crossed
Sleeping Beauty
Gonna be okay
By Your Side


8.8K 282 70
By lndlover

A/N: Saw this prompt on TikTok and out loud said "Ah that's gas"

Ooh this ones long, 5,810 words.

Also very brief mentions of sex trafficking as well as implied child molestation, proceed with cation.

"Give it up Natalia." You taunted the woman before you who was admittedly struggling to get back on her feet. She looked tired. Not just physically but mentally, you could see you were completely wearing her thin. It didn't sit right with you.

You were enemies, sworn enemies at that. Your fights were always long and vicious with no clear winners in sight. She was the fearsome BlackWidow known for her skill and deadlines. She was a challenge for you and you had always loved a good challenge. It had gotten to the point where everyone knew that the two of you were borderline arch enemies. You hated each other.

That's why for the life of you, you couldn't understand why seeing her struggle to get to her feet was bothering you so much. She looked up at you with a fierce glare, one of pure hatred as she let out a ragged breath. She was covered in small cuts and bruises as well as one nasty gash on her side. Slowly she stumbled onto her feet only to collapse back down to the ground.

A chuckle that you had intended to sound dark and threatening escaped you. The chuckle itself came out more nervous than anything. "Natalia...get up." You said, staring at her still form on the ground. Your eyebrows drew together. "Get up." You barked out, harsher this time. Was this some kind of trap? A way for her to lure you in closer only to attack again.

You were drawn from tour thoughts by a loud explosion coming from your left. That's right you thought to yourself. I did set those. Your eyes looked back at Natalia who still hadn't moved. You could feel the heat from the incoming fire growing closer. If this was some sort of joke, it wasn't funny. Slowly you approached her only to see her body was completely limp. "Shit..." you muttered under your breath. She must have lost too much blood. On that note, she would bleed out if you didn't do something and fast.

Bending down you picked the redhead up in your arms bridal style. "Come on Widow." You said through gritted teeth. Truthfully you were amazed you managed to pick her up with the extent of your injuries. You rushed out of the burning building as fast as you could only to hear another explosion sound off after you had gotten about 20 yards away from the building.


Natasha woke with a start, jolting upright only to instantly regret the decision. She blinked, ignoring the searing pain in her side as she looked around the unfamiliar room. It was simple and nondescript. A safe house...looking down at her side Natasha ran her hand over the neatly wrapped bandages she found there. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion as she wracked her brain in an attempt to figure out how on earth she got here.

The only thing she could recall was falling to the ground and you calling her name.

"You're awake." Her green eyes snapped to the doorway where you stood leaning against the doorframe. Your outfit was far more casual than anything she had seen you in so far. You were wearing a plain black long sleeve shirt and grey sweats. She was silent as she watched you push off the doorframe and approach. You looked almost sheepish, like a schoolboy approaching the young girl he had a crush on.

"May I? I need to change your bandages." You asked softly gesturing to her side. She looked down at the wrapping before looking back at you. "I can do it myself." Her tone was hard. You nodded before looking into her eyes. "While that may be true, it'll be much easier and less painful for you if you allow me to do it." There was a pause before you sighed and continued. "If I were going to kill you I would have left you to bleed out or killed you in your sleep. Now, may I change your bandages."

Reluctantly Natasha nodded her head. You let out a soft breath of relief before kneeling down and unwrapping her torso. You were silent as you checked over the stitches. Thankfully she hadn't torn any when she sat up. You wrapped her side with a clean bandage before taking the dirty ones and disposing of them. "Hungry?" You asked warning a skeptical look from Nat. She gave you a slight nod prompting you to leave the room. You came back a minute later with a bowl of hot soup.

She opened her mouth to protest but you shut her down by taking the spoon and eating some of the soup before her. You then handed her the bowl and sat on the edge of the bed. She looked down at the steaming food before slowly taking a spoonful. She had to retain herself from moaning purely from the taste and soothing feeling of the soup on her throat.

"Why did you save me?" She asked after a few minutes of silence. You looked over at her before looking down at your hands. "I...I don't know." Your answer was truthful. You had been trying to figure out the same thing ever since you picked her up off that floor in the building. "I guess...I have no real hatred for you, Natalia. Seeing you so weak and on death's, door didn't sit right with me." You wouldn't look at her as you spoke but she could sense the truth in your words. When you could tell she had nothing further to say you stood up and wordlessly took your leave.

Natasha stared at the door after you had left trying to get her thoughts in order and figure out what it all meant. She eventually gave up and just enjoyed the food before settling into the bed and falling into a light and restless sleep.


You and Natasha stayed in the safe house for much longer than you had originally anticipated. You decided to stay until her wounds had completely healed before helping her get back to her team, although you hadn't told her that. It was the second week now and the two of you had fallen into a routine of sorts. You would wake up around the same time every day and check her wounds. Then the two of you would lounge around the safe house. There wasn't much else to do.

At first, she would always stay locked away in her room, as far away from you as she could possibly be which didn't bother you all that much. Both of you would sit and read until lunchtime came when you would try and figure out what to make for you two. The safe house had a surplus of food, you had stocked it just before your mission. Once lunch was served you would go your separate ways for the rest of the day until dinner and then repeat the entire process.

You didn't exactly know when, but one day Natasha broke your routine somewhat by coming out and sitting in the chair opposite of you in the living room. No words were exchanged between you two, however, that was the beginning of a new dynamic in your relationship. So now instead of being alone all day with only your books and your thoughts, you would have each other's presence.

This turned into small conversations about what the other was reading. Natasha would always initiate said conversations as you knew that if you were to try and strike one up you would most likely have a glare sent your way.

"What are you reading today?" She asked one afternoon as she took her usual seat across from you. You had finished your other novel just last night and decided to pick up another. "Phantom, by Susan Kay." You said simply and held up the book to show her the cover. "What's it about?" She asked causing you to tear your eyes from the page and look over at her questioningly. This truly was the most she had spoken to you in a singular day and it had only been two questions. "It's this woman's interpretation of the Phantom of the Opera, or Erik's, life from his birth to his death." She hummed in understanding before playing with her fingers almost nervously. "Will you read it to me?" Her green eyes met yours and you damn near choked on air. That honestly was the last thing you ever expected to come out of her mouth. "I...of course." You were only a few pages into the book so you flipped back to the beginning and began to read.

As you read you couldn't help but sneak glances at the Avenger as she stared off, clearly listening intently, drinking every word in. This too changed your routine. Soon Natasha would begin to comment on what you had just read to her, analyzing the text just as you would silently to yourself.

"Wait wait wait. So this 5-year old's voice is strong enough to not only hypnotize people but to also convince his mother that a statue is a baby that she needed to care for." You shrugged and smiled softly. "Well too his credit, his voice was hypnotizing since he came out of the womb, it was the only reason she breastfed him." Natasha nodded and shook her head. "I can't imagine how someone could be so cruel to a child." You could sense this conversation taking a turn for the worst so you tried to lighten it. "But hey, he's also a genius in every sense of the word. Giving architects a run for their money at the age of five." A smirk fell onto Nat's lips. "I feel like this kid is a better Stark than Stark could ever be."

  Now it was your turn to laugh. In the few times you had personally encountered Tony Stark it was evident that he had a brilliant mind although he was extremely arrogant. Speaking of encounters, seeing Natalia loosen up like this was refreshing. Anytime you two would meet it was always tense, you two taunting one another only to end up getting injured. Right now, this relaxed and dare you say, friendly atmosphere was a Godsend.

  Your friendliness with each other only grew one night when you were preparing dinner. Up until this point, you would always make the meals alone all though you had gotten to the point where you would eat together with little to no conversation.

  As you were chopping the carrots for your stew, Natalia walked in and wordlessly do the same with the mushrooms. At this point, you had stopped being surprised by her actions, or at least outwardly so. "Thank you, Natalia." You spoke softly, genuinely great full for the help. "Natasha." She corrected instantly. You looked up at her with an arched eyebrow. "Natasha, I go by Natasha." With a soft nod, you smiled. "Thank you, Natasha." For the first time in the entirety of the time you had known Natasha she gave you a real, genuine smile. With your mood slightly lightened you looked back down and focused on the task at hand.

  Things only got better from there. Conversation began to flow freely between the two of you each day. Topics ranged from the book you two were reading to past missions. When you had told Natasha about your work busting sex trafficking rings she gave you an odd look. "What?" You asked before chuckling. "Give me some credit, Natasha. I may do bad things but I have a heart." She rolled her eyes playfully. "That's debatable." You let out a soft chuckle before she continued. "I just didn't peg you as the type to care about such things." You shrugged and leaned back in your chair. "I don't think you realize just how similar we are Widow. Just because I tend to do things for personal gain doesn't mean I won't do some hero work now and then."

   Natasha took a moment to study you before smiling. "So why did we always fight then?" You shrugged. "Your boss labeled me a threat which, fair enough. Really I think he was mad I declined his offer to join that little team of yours." This piqued her interest. "Fury offered you a job." You chuckled and nodded. "Mmhmm. Now don't get me wrong if you like being under the thumb of the US government then that's your prerogative. I for one prefer a no strings attached approach."

Natasha was silent for a moment. "When did Fury commission you?" You thought for a second and then the light bulb went off. "A few months before our first encounter." Your eyes met Natasha's and everything was silent. You had both come to the same conclusion at seemingly the same time. You could tell she was hurt. The man that she considered to be a good friend and mentor had used her as a pawn to try and get back at you for not joining his little initiative. Your expression softened as you looked over at her with a slight frown. "I'm sorry Natasha." She merely nodded and looked off into the distance. "Just goes to show you really can't trust anyone in this world."

You knew she was right, you shared the same ideology but a part of you wanted to shout that she was wrong. You wanted to declare that she could trust you always from now on. You had never felt so natural, and safe around someone. You felt that you honestly could trust Natasha with your life at this point and for her to say that she could still trust no one hurt a little. "Don't count your losses just yet. I've seen the way you and your team work together, they've got your back." She looked over at you and then smiled appreciatively. The room fell silent after that.


Your next breakthrough had come a few nights later. You were sitting in the living room, peaceful cleaning, and sharpening your weapons when a loud cry came from Natasha's room. In a flash, you were on your feet and rushing to the door. You threw it open ready to fight her attacker only to freeze at the sight before you.

Natasha was in the bed thrashing around wildly as if she were fighting someone off. It lacked all of the grace and skill she had on the battlefield. That coupled with the sweat and look of pure terror on her face snapped you out of your daze and into action. Dropping your knife on the floor you rushed over and took hold of her gently shaking her. "Natasha wake up! It's okay, wake up!" After a moment her eyes shot open and she sucked in a deep gasp of air. Her eyes were wild with fear as they darted around the room before leaning on you. Your face was one of pure concern as you took her face into your hands. "Hey, shhh, it's alright. It was just a dream. I'm here." She nodded and took a deep breath before you pulled her into a tight hug, tucking her head under your chin.

She wrapped her arms around your torso and took in deep shaky breaths as she grounded herself. You continued to whisper soothing words and run your finger through her hair. "Shhh." You soothed. After a few minutes, your pulled back and looked at her. "No one can hurt you here, not while I'm here alright?" You asked. She looked into your eyes and your heart skipped a beat as you looked into them and saw nothing but pure trust. She pulled you into another hug. "Stay with me." She whispered the soft plea. Nodding your head you helped her lay back down before climbing into the bed with her and pulling her to your chest. She rested her ear directly above your heart as you began to play with her red locks again.

This was an odd position for both of you to be in. Neither of you could recall the last time you felt safe enough to fall asleep sharing a bed with another person. Tonight, however, Natasha found herself being lulled to sleep by the soft rhythm of your heart while you began to doze off to the soft sound of her breathing. Soon you were both fast asleep. It was the best either of you had slept in years.

From then on the two of you were far more casual with each other. You never brought the nightmare up which Natasha was eternally grateful for seeing as she wasn't ready to share them with anyone. Natasha was still guarded around you as you were with her but you were both more relaxed. Things felt natural between you. You could joke around as if you had been old friends. She stopped sitting across from you when you read and began to cuddle up to your side, tracing absent-minded shaped on your thigh.

One afternoon when you were reading she opened your arms causing you to raise an eyebrow before she crawled into your lap and snuggled her head into your neck. A fond smile fell on your lips as you wrapped one arm around her and continued to read, soothing her to sleep. You soon followed suit.

You regularly began to share a bed, finding it was easier for the two of you to sleep if you did so. The intimacy of it all felt so natural, so normal. Neither of you ever saw yourself as the domestic type but you were both falling into your roles perfectly.

It all came to a head one day when you were getting towards the end of the book. You were reading a passage where Erik was describing Christine and couldn't help but look down at the woman in your arms as you did. It had only been a month since you had gotten here and yet you could confidently admit that you had full-heartedly fallen for her. Natasha could feel your eyes on her and she looked up from the book. Your noses brushed together with how close you were. "Is this okay?" You whispered leaning your head in. "Yes." She breathed out before connecting your lips. Sparks flew. Her lips were everything you could have dreamed of, soft, pillowy, and had the lingering taste of the strawberries she had snacked on a few minutes later. You made a mental note of what page you were on before throwing the book across the room and falling completely into the kiss, letting everything about the woman in your arms consume you.

Hours later, you two were now laying with each other in your bed, bright grins plastered on your face. Natasha had her head in the crook of your neck as she gently traced the scars that littered your toned abdomen. "Where did you get this one?" She asked as she ran her fingers over a, particularly deep one. You paused, hesitation clear before taking a deep breath. "When I was a child, I was kidnapped by a horrid group of people. They abused me and used me..." you said shutting your eyes and gritting your teeth at the memories of it all. "I got that one from a particularly bad beating one of the men gave me one night. I was...7 I think." Natasha propped herself up on one elbow before placing her hand on your cheek. "I'm so sorry, милая." You placed your hand over her's and pressed a kiss to her palm. "It's over and done with, darling. If it makes you feel any better I killed each and every one of them and freed all the other boys and girls they had gotten their disgusting hands-on." Her lip twitched up into a smile. "As to be expected."

Leaning down, Natasha pressed a gentle kiss to your lips that you returned in earnest. You felt safe here in her arms. That was when you knew that where she was was your home.


Things continued to get better from there. You had fallen hopelessly in love with the red-headed Avenger and had even convinced yourself that you leave your entire life behind for her. This domesticated thing you had going with her wasn't half bad. You brought it up one night.

"Would you ever leave it all behind? Just stop doing the work we do and settle down somewhere?" Natasha looked up at you and thought for a moment. "You know if you would have asked me that a month ago I would have said no. Fighting is all I've ever know, I've never seen myself settling down." She took a bite of her food before continuing. "I was born fighting and I was going to die fighting." Sensing she wasn't done you nodded and let her continue. Her eyes flicked to you. "But what you've shown me here in these few weeks is more than anyone has ever shown me in my entire life. You've shown me that I can and want to do this. So yes, yes I would."

A soft smile graced your face as you continued to eat. "I never saw myself as one for the domestic life either. Living on the run is just natural to me. But I would love to settle down with you Natasha." There was a sparkle in her eyes as you said that.

The two of you knew that nothing would be the same after this. There was no way you could just walk away from each other. Even if you weren't ready to admit it you loved each other more than either of you had ever loved anything or anyone else. Both of you had numerous opportunities to leave each other behind through these weeks. You could have walked away and never looked back only to meet and fight again someday, but you didn't. You stayed and let your relationship blossom into what it is today.

There was absolutely no going back now.


"Do you want to get out of here? We've been cooped up for the better part of two months now. You're fully healed and a walk would do us good." You asked Natasha as you walked into the living room where she was reading her own book. She looked up at you before looking over at the clock on the wall and nodding. "Let's go."

You walked onto the evening streets of Venice arm in arm. It was a crisp autumn night and the breeze just added to how perfect everything felt. You walked around and looked around at the small shops they had, just admiring everything. It felt good to get out of the small safe house and into the real world. It felt even better to do it with Natasha by your side like a normal couple. Normal you chuckled to yourself, not a word you ever thought would apply to you.

You stopped by a small coffee shop, Natasha ordering you two drinks and sweets to go. A newspaper stand across the street caught your eye. Walking over you paid the vendor for the paper and walked back over to Natasha. "You're you go, darling." Her eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at the grim expression on your face. Taking her arm you led her to a nearby ally before trading her the newspaper for your coffee.

She let out a deep sigh as her jaw set in place. "Well, this just got a whole lot more interesting." You chuckled as you took a sip of your coffee. "Yes, them presuming you dead and me now having a very high price on my head is 'interesting.'" She calmly folded the paper and tucked it beneath her arm. "Well, I wouldn't mind laying low for a while longer. I'm not exactly ready to head back just yet." You looked over at her, a smile playing at your lips. "Anywhere, in particular, you've ever wanted to settle down? Personally, I'm tired of our little home away from home." She took your arm as you offered it. "I have always liked the French countryside."


You and Natasha had lived comfortably in your new homestead raising sheep of all things. It was easier for her to go completely off the grid seeing as everyone thought she was dead. She was sporting blonde hair now to not be recognized instantly. You had changed your appearance considerably as not to raise too many questions.

It was peaceful and you could honestly see yourself doing this for the rest of your lives. Sitting in your living room, you stared into the fire with a far off look. "I can see why Clint likes this so much."

She handed you a steaming mug of hot chocolate before taking her place next to you on the couch. Raising an eyebrow you tilted your head at her. "What do you mean?" She smiled and took a sip from her mug. "Clint's little farm. He was always telling me how amazing it was to settle down, now I understand." You smiled and cuddled up to her after pressing a kiss to her head.

   Taking a sip of your drink your eyes widened as you cleared your throat. "Goddamn Nat, you put vodka in this didn't you." You asked, your eyes playfully narrowing. She merely shrugged and looked away from you, a smirk playing at her lips.

  You laughed before turning on the TV that was playing cheesy Christmas rom coms. Leaning back on the couch you put an arm around Natasha and pulled her closer to your side. There was silence between you two for the rest of the movie.

  By the end of it, you were laying on your back with her on your chest, your hand idly running through her hair.

  "Tony should be having his New Years' party."

  Her sudden words pulled you from your thoughts. You hummed after processing it. "You wanna crash it?" You asked jokingly. When she was silently you looked down at her and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

  She raised her head to look at you before looking down and sighing. "I miss them." She admitted before looking back at you. "I feel...guilty leaving them like that. I mean they think I'm dead, they didn't even have a body to bury." You took in her words and nodded. Placing your hand on her cheek you ran your hand over it. "Say the word, and we'll be there." She leaned into your touch. "I don't want them to hurt you." She confessed. "What if-." You cut her off with a shake of your head. "I can take care of myself, Natasha, they are your family. If you want to see them then we can go to the party, they should all be there after all."

  Natasha gave you a grateful look before leaning in and kissing you. "I love you." She mumbled against your lips. You felt your heart completely stop for a few seconds. You blinked before smiling brightly and kissing her hard. "I love you to Natalia, so much."


   The night of the New Years' party was tense. Both of you were admittedly very nervous. You were quite literally walking into the lion's den, though for Natasha, you would walk to hell and back.

  Staring up at Stark Towers you took a deep break before looking over at Natasha. "Ready?"  She gave a curt nod. "As I'll ever be." You couldn't help but take in how stunning she looked. The blonde hair suited her, not as well as the red but still very well. She was wearing a black floor-length dress that matched your black button-down, and dress pants.

Taking her hand the two of you slipped into the building and instantly blended into the crowd. It truly was disappointing to see just how easy it was for the two of you to get through security without being recognized.

Natasha had put on a mask of excitement to further blend in with the other guests but you could see through it. She was terrified. Taking her hand into yours you gave it a gentle squeeze to help ground her. It seemed to do the trick and she began to calm down.

   Stepping onto the elevator to you looked at her with a soft smile before bringing her hand to your lips and pressing a gentle kiss to it. She gave you a soft smirk before linking your arms and leaning against you.

    Once the elevator reached the party floor you walked off and into the nearby bathroom which was luckily empty. "Alright, time for our grand entrance. You remember your cue?" She chuckled and pressed a quick kiss to your lips before walking past you to the exit. "What is this, amateur hour?" You smirked after her before checking yourself in the mirror. Once you were sure you were satisfied you walked out of the bathroom and to the party floor.

   The party was in full swing once you walked in. You took note of where each and every Avenger was as well as where all the exits were. This would be fun.

You took a champagne glass from a nearby waiter and took a sip as you made your way to the center of the room. "I must say Stark, you really do know how to throw a party." The festivities came to a screeching halt as all eyes were drawn on you. "You..." Tony said with a hard glare. A smirk appeared on your face as you tilted your head casually and swirled your glass. "Me." You replied.

From the corners of your eyes, you could see the other Avengers gearing up to attack. "Now hold on, I mean you no harm." A loud growl was heard from your left causing you to turn your head and look at a very angry God of thunder. "No harm? You killed lady Romanoff and then dare show your face here again?" He went to charge forward but was stopped by a metal arm crossing his path. "What are you doing here L/N." Captain America sneered at you from just next to Bucky and Thor. This was going downhill fast.

"I'm here to clear the air so to speak." Tony balled his fists at his side. "You better get to clearing then." You met his eyes before calling over your shoulder without breaking eye contact. "Darling." There was a moment of silence and then gasps sounded from all around you. Tony visibly paled as his eyes went wide in shock.

Natasha came up and linked her arms with yours. "Always a flare for the dramatics, hmm boys?" She asked with her soft smirk. "What's the matter Stark? You look as if you've seen a ghost." You commented earning an eye roll from Natasha and a slap to the chest.

" They said you'd died in the fire." Bruce said as he stepped out from the crowd. Natasha looked at you and then back at the men before her. "Y/N saved me. Granted she was the reason I almost died in the first place," you visibly winced at her words. "But she was the one who nursed me back to health." Skeptical glances were thrown your way. "Why didn't you come back then? She must have been holding you hostage or something of the sort." Bucky said not being able to believe that Natasha would ever stay with you willingly. "It's been 4 months for crying out loud," Cap exclaimed.

"I was free to leave at any point in time after I had healed." She replied cooly. "Healed?" Bruce asked with a confused look. Rubbing the back of your neck you sighed with a remorseful look. "I had stabbed her in the fight and she had lost a lot of blood...that's the entire reason I had to nurse her back to health. I almost killed her that night." It was genuinely painful for you to admit such a thing.

Natasha gave your bicep a comforting squeeze before leaning up and kissing your cheek to everyone's surprise. "Alright now, what the hell was that?" Sam asked completely bewildered by the small display of affection. Nat chose to ignore his question before looking over the crowd. "I just wanted you all to know that I'm alive and happier than I have ever been. I didn't want you living the rest of your lives believing I was gone."

There was a split in the crowd as a blonde man walked over with a deeply sad expression in his eyes. He came to stand in front of you and Natasha, his eyes flicking between the two of you. You instantly recognized him as Hawkeye or Clint as Nat called him.

You two had crossed paths during previous fights you and Natasha had.

He looked into Natasha's eyes, searching for what you could only assume was the truth. When he found it a smile crossed his face and he pulled her into a hug. "I missed you red." He whispered to her. She closed her eyes and hugged him back. "Missed you too bird boy." She pulled away only to have him hold onto her arms. "Are you happy?" He asked her, paying you no mind. She nodded firmly with no hesitation. "Good." He said softly before looking at you.

"If you hurt her, I will kill you." A small smile tugged at your lips. It was good to see that Nat had people that cared for her in such away. "You hadn't found us these past few months." He let out a loud laugh. "Really? So how's the French countryside treating you." Surprise flashed in your eyes for a split second before you smiled. "I'm impressed." He smiled and shrugged. "But I mean it. We clear?" You nodded firmly. "Crystal, I will never harm Natasha again. Not willingly at least." That was all he needed to hear before he flicked Natasha's forehead.

"Expect visits, I love France." He smiled before stepping back. "Now I'd get out of here if I were you two, I'll take care of these guys." Natasha smiled at Clint. "Thank you." She breathed out before giving everyone one last glance and pulling you away.

You could hear a commotion behind you as people began to call Natasha, telling her not to go and not to trust you but neither of you cared. You two were heading home, to be together, and that's all that mattered.

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