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A/N: Saw this prompt on TikTok and out loud said "Ah that's gas"

Ooh this ones long, 5,810 words.

Also very brief mentions of sex trafficking as well as implied child molestation, proceed with cation.

"Give it up Natalia." You taunted the woman before you who was admittedly struggling to get back on her feet. She looked tired. Not just physically but mentally, you could see you were completely wearing her thin. It didn't sit right with you.

You were enemies, sworn enemies at that. Your fights were always long and vicious with no clear winners in sight. She was the fearsome BlackWidow known for her skill and deadlines. She was a challenge for you and you had always loved a good challenge. It had gotten to the point where everyone knew that the two of you were borderline arch enemies. You hated each other.

That's why for the life of you, you couldn't understand why seeing her struggle to get to her feet was bothering you so much. She looked up at you with a fierce glare, one of pure hatred as she let out a ragged breath. She was covered in small cuts and bruises as well as one nasty gash on her side. Slowly she stumbled onto her feet only to collapse back down to the ground.

A chuckle that you had intended to sound dark and threatening escaped you. The chuckle itself came out more nervous than anything. "Natalia...get up." You said, staring at her still form on the ground. Your eyebrows drew together. "Get up." You barked out, harsher this time. Was this some kind of trap? A way for her to lure you in closer only to attack again.

You were drawn from tour thoughts by a loud explosion coming from your left. That's right you thought to yourself. I did set those. Your eyes looked back at Natalia who still hadn't moved. You could feel the heat from the incoming fire growing closer. If this was some sort of joke, it wasn't funny. Slowly you approached her only to see her body was completely limp. "Shit..." you muttered under your breath. She must have lost too much blood. On that note, she would bleed out if you didn't do something and fast.

Bending down you picked the redhead up in your arms bridal style. "Come on Widow." You said through gritted teeth. Truthfully you were amazed you managed to pick her up with the extent of your injuries. You rushed out of the burning building as fast as you could only to hear another explosion sound off after you had gotten about 20 yards away from the building.


Natasha woke with a start, jolting upright only to instantly regret the decision. She blinked, ignoring the searing pain in her side as she looked around the unfamiliar room. It was simple and nondescript. A safe house...looking down at her side Natasha ran her hand over the neatly wrapped bandages she found there. Her eyebrows drew together in confusion as she wracked her brain in an attempt to figure out how on earth she got here.

The only thing she could recall was falling to the ground and you calling her name.

"You're awake." Her green eyes snapped to the doorway where you stood leaning against the doorframe. Your outfit was far more casual than anything she had seen you in so far. You were wearing a plain black long sleeve shirt and grey sweats. She was silent as she watched you push off the doorframe and approach. You looked almost sheepish, like a schoolboy approaching the young girl he had a crush on.

"May I? I need to change your bandages." You asked softly gesturing to her side. She looked down at the wrapping before looking back at you. "I can do it myself." Her tone was hard. You nodded before looking into her eyes. "While that may be true, it'll be much easier and less painful for you if you allow me to do it." There was a pause before you sighed and continued. "If I were going to kill you I would have left you to bleed out or killed you in your sleep. Now, may I change your bandages."

Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader oneshots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz