This seat taken?

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A/N: highschool au, this teacher is one of my actual teachers and I could 100% see her react this way

Y/O/H = your old home

It was your first day at your new school and you were surprised by the fact that you weren't all that nervous. Yeah, it was a new setting and everything but you never really had all that much trouble talking to people so you felt you'd be alright.

And even if people did choose to ignore you that would be a win in your eyes so there really was no way to lose.

You arrived in your first period which was mercifully English. You looked for an empty seat among the class and took a seat in one of the desk groups near the back.

"You're the new girl right?" A redheaded girl asked as she turned to you with a bright smile. You flashed her one of your own. "Yep, I'm Y/N."

"I'm Wanda, this is my friend Bucky." She said gesturing to the boy sitting across from the two of you. He gave you a small smile and a nod. "So where you from new kid?" He asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"Oh, I just moved here from Y/O/H a few weeks ago." He nodded and smiled at you. "Well hopefully you like it here, I promise we're not all big and scary." 

You chuckled. "You think you're scary?" You asked teasingly watching the corner of his lip twitch a bit as Wanda let out a soft laugh. You could tell he was about to answer when the bell rang signaling that the morning announcements were about to come on.

You had your next class with Bucky so he walked you there and introduced you to two of his friends Sam and Steve. You were surprised by how friendly they all were.

It wasn't that you expected them to be rude but you certainly hadn't expected them to treat you as if you were already a good friend of theirs. Honestly, it was like a breath of fresh air.

Before you knew it the bell had rung and it was time for your hour-long free period/lunchtime. The boys led you to the auditorium where you all went and say in the bottom left of the room.

Wanda rushed over to you and linked your arms. "There you are, these three didn't drive you too crazy did they?" She asked sending the boys a playful glare.

"No, no don't worry, I made sure they were well behaved." You smiled brightly. "Well good. Now I can introduce you to the others." She quickly dragged you over to a large group of people and introduced you to them all.

As she went through their names you repeated them under your breath to try and commit them to memory. In total, the group currently consisted of Wanda, Bucky, Steve, Sam, Tony, Vis, Thor, Pietro, Bruce, Pepper, Carol, and Maria.

"Finally another girl," Maria exclaimed. "We're leveling the playing field." She smirked at the boys. Thor let out a loud laugh. "But with Natasha missing we still have you far more outnumbered."

Maria huffed and shook her head. "Plus, we have Clint. You guys aren't catching up anytime soon." Sam pointed out as he grabbed a bag of chips from his backpack. You took a seat between Wanda and Carol.

Carol then looked around. "Have you guys seen either of them today?" She asked the group quizzically. "I'm pretty sure they both had to go get their grades up in some sort of class," Tony said before he laid his head on Pepper's lap who began to run her fingers through his hair.

"Oh, so there's even more of you then?" You asked Wanda who had her hand in Vis'. She nodded with a hum. "Yeah, but they're the only ones missing." 

"Big group."

"And your beautiful face has made it even bigger," Pietro commented with a flirty smile earning him a smirk from you and a flick to the head from Wanda. "Don't mind my brother." She said sending him a glare.

You waved your hand dismissively. "A little flirting never hurt anyone." You commented causing Pietro's eyes to light up. "I like this one already." He announced causing everyone to laugh.

You had a fun time with the gang but all too soon it was time for your next class. Wanda, Tony, and Bruce were in this one so they walked with you to class.

Once there you picked an empty seat and sat down, getting your stuff out for this Math class. You didn't even notice Tony hushing Wanda as a wide smirk spread across his face.

"But-" Wanda started. "Shhh! No buts! This is going to be interesting." He said with an evil smirk that caused Bruce to roll his eyes and take a seat near you.

Wanda just sighed and took her seat next to you as Tony sat across from you.

"Oh! You must be the new girl," your teacher, Ms.Zubair said to you. "I'm sure these guys can give you the rundown of how this class works." She smiled as she walked over to the door so that she could close it the second the bell rang.

Right as the sound went off a girl with darker red hair rushed into the room. "Almost got you there Nat, you have a whole 5 minutes to get here, why do you wait till the last minute?" Ms.Zubair playfully scowled the girl, Nat."

"You know I'm a very busy person Ms.Zubair." She smirked causing your teacher to roll her eyes as she closed the door before walking to her desk. "Mmhmm sure, take your seat and start your warm-up."

You chuckled and looked down at the small worksheet in front of you before getting right to work on it. You didn't even notice Nat walk over to your seat and set her backpack down until she was sliding into your lap.

Your body went completely stiff and your throat dried as she began to work on her own warm-up sheet. Your eyes darted from her to tour lap to Wanda and Tony. Tony could barely contain his laughter and looked like he was about to absolutely lose his shit.

"I-I...what...what are you doing?" You managed to stammer out as a bright blush crossed your face.

Nat looked at you over her shoulder with a wide smirk. "Oh don't mind me. She told me to take my seat and you're in my seat. I don't see any reason why you need to move through." She said casually before turning back to her work.

You looked to Wanda for help who was also on her verge of tears from holding in her laughter.

"Nat! You nasty, get off her!" Your teacher exclaimed as she turned around and looked at the two of you. "Oh calm down, you said take my seat and she was in my seat. Plus this is much more comfortable than these stupid chairs." Nat protested

Ms.Zubair sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. If her hair wasn't under her hijab she would have run her hand through it in frustration. Looking to you she asked. "You alright there Y/N?"

You didn't trust your voice at the moment and simply nodded your head. "Fine then. Just if, the administration comes in get off of her. And don't get handsy with each other." She warned playfully before staring her lesson.

You looked back to Nat and gulped. "Are we gonna do this for the rest of the semester?" You asked slightly playfully.

"Most likely." Came her smooth reply.

Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora