3 am

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A/N: Angst request by ThemexicanHulk using the following prompts. This was really bad so my apologies, I'm really struggling with the creativity at the moment.

1: "This will be the last time you lie to me."
7: "You never loved me, did you?"
11: "What did you want once this was all through? Tell me!"
20: "I hope you get what you wanted."

     "So where were you?" Natasha was admittedly startled by the question. It was nearing 3 am and she had just walked into your shared apartment, she had expected you to be asleep. Slowly she walked over to where you were in the darkened kitchen. "What are you doing awake?" Natasha could feel her heart hammering in her chest slightly as a dry scoff left you.

   "Where were you, Natasha?" You didn't look at her, just stared into the glass of whiskey in your hand. She was tempted to ask you how many glasses you had—had but decided against it quickly. Swallowing her resolve she sighed. "I was just catching up on some paperwork." The defensiveness of her tone didn't fall short on you. "You must have a real hefty stack of paperwork to do seeing as this is the fifth time you've stayed after to finish it." You raised the glass to your lips and took a long sip of the dark liquid, enjoying the burn down your throat.

   "So tell me, what's got you so distracted that you have to stay at work until ungodly hours of the night? Or rather, who's got you so distracted?" Natasha froze in shock before quickly masking it with her usual mask of neutrality. Finally glancing over at her you chuckled at her silent state before shaking your head and looking ahead of you. Downing the rest of the liquor in your glass you slammed it down onto the table before abruptly standing up. You caught Natasha's flinch out the corner of your eye. You almost felt bad for scaring her.

    She opened her mouth to give you what you could
only assume was to be another lie. "Aht aht ah," you turned your head to her and leveled her with a hard glare. "This will be the last time you lie to me." Your words caused here's to die in her throat. Calmly, you let your eyes roam over her. Even in the darkness, you could see her subtle attempts to cover up the few marks he had left on her. You surged forward and firmly grasped her jaw. She went to fight but froze as her eyes met yours. Behind all the anger you were pushing forward was so much pain, the pain you never intended to truly show her.

   You tilted her neck to the side before rubbing away at a spot on her neck before letting go of her and stepping away. "You would think a master of disguise such as yourself would be able to hide a simple hickey well enough." You weren't looking at her as you spoke. Your attention had flicked from the dark mark on her neck to your foundation covered fingers. When no response came from her you walked over to the sink and rinsed off your fingers.

   "Bruce forget rule number one of sneaking around? Never leave a mark?" Your back was to her as you spoke. "Oh wait, I forgot. He's not a spy so he may not know the rules. But you know that I do, unless you had forgotten Natalia, I also work for SHEILD as a clearance level 8 agent." You laughed slightly. "Can you believe that? Clearance level 8. The only people who know more than me are Maria and Nick and you thought you would be able to hide your little escapades from me."

    Turning to her you took note of the guilt written all over her face. You rolled up your sleeves and leaned back against the sink before crossing your arms. "So tell me, what did you want once this was all through?" When you gained nothing but silence from her you lost your temper a bit. "Tell me!" Nat visibly jumped at the rise in your voice. You had never, never, raised your voice at her in all your time of knowing her. "Don't you dare speak to me that way." She growled out, fists clenching at her sides.

   You let out a genuine laugh of shock. "Oh well excuse me, Natalia. No, you know what? You're right, I'm sorry. I'm so so very sorry that I hurt your feelings by raising my voice at you." You pushed off the counter and walked over to the couch in your small living room. "Forgive me if I'm a little upset to find out that my girlfriend has been running around behind my back for the past four months with someone I considered a friend, a man I trusted."

    Natasha watched you as you bent down over the couch and pulled up a large duffel bag before slinging it over your shoulder. "What are you doing?" Nat asked as she began to walk over to you. Standing up tall you looked at her with a cold stare. "I'm leaving. I refuse to stay with you any longer." You brushed past her and walked to the door.

   "Y/N, wait!" She reached out and took hold of your arm. She half expected you to snatch your arm away, but you didn't. Instead, you froze before taking a deep breath and turning to her. "You never loved me, did you?" You let some of the pain that gripped your heart lace your words.

   Natasha looked into your eyes, opening her mouth to speak only to close it immediately afterward. Slowly, she let go of your arm and stepped back, looking to the ground. "I thought I did." Those few words alone almost brought you to tears. You wanted to rant and scream at her for hurting you. How could she? You had trusted her, let her see the most intimate parts of you, something no one else had ever seen before. You let her into your mind and heart and she turned around and betrayed you. She ripped your heart out and stomped at it, and yet you couldn't bring yourself to be mad at her any longer. But you wouldn't rant, you wouldn't scream, you wouldn't shout. You wouldn't do anything because in that moment you could tell Natasha was being the most honest she could ever be with you.

    She truly had believed that she was in love with you but then Bruce came along and proved her wrong. Your shoulders deflated before you nodded and turned to the door. Opening it you paused as you heard a slight sniffle come from the woman behind you. Taking a deep breath you closed your eyes and said. "I hope you get what you wanted. Truly I do." With that you walked out the door, closing it gently behind you, leaving Natasha to crumble to the floor in a pool of her own heartache and grief. The heartache and grief she had brought upon herself.

Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader oneshots Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz