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A/N: Post Endgame, get ready for heavy angst. Also, for any DBD fans, you may recognize this song.

Raising two kids had been hard after the snap. You and Nat had wanted to adopt in order to make the try and make the aftermath of Thanos a little bit easier on the poor kids left in its wake.

You had adopted a pair of twins, both of who had been at the orphanage a few years before the snap had happened. You and Natasha were horrified to learn that the two 5-year-olds had remained nameless than the entire time they had been there. You had to physically restrain Natasha from attacking the headmaster of the orphanage although you had half a mind to do it yourself. You could only imagine she didn't truly care for the children that resided in the orphanage if she didn't even have the decency to name the twins.

Still, you stood fast and got the two small children out of there as fast as you could. A little boy and a little girl, both with the cutest dark brown eyes and curly dark hair you had ever seen in your life. Both children were Black which you knew would regrettably raise the eyebrows of the few Karen's still left in the world.

Once home you and Nat introduced the children to their new home, showing them all their new toys and rooms. The young children seemed beyond ecstatic that they finally wouldn't have to share anything and would be able to have their very own positions.

You and Nat had already decided on names for the two. You personally had always wanted a little Alexander so that you could call him Sasha. Natasha absolutely adored the idea seeing as it reminded her of Russia, thus keeping with the theme you decided to name your new daughter Dominika.

The children took to their names almost instantaneously. It was as if they had always gone by such names. Your days soon began to become a bit easier to bare, with these two new lights in your lives you and Natasha found it far easier to deal with the loss of your friends.

Surprisingly to both you and Natasha, Nat took to the role of a mother with unmatched ease. You admittedly had a bit of trouble but Natasha, Natasha was immediately dotting and loving with her children. They brought out a new side of her that in your 3 years of marriage you had never seen before. It absolutely warmed your heart.

Как на нашем на краю
Да зеленый сад-садочек,
В саду аленький цветочек
Он на солнышке стоит,
А Илюшенька мой спит."

Leaning against the doorframe you smiled over at your wife as your two 6 years old laid on either side of her, their eyes growing heavy with sleep.

"Уж вы детки не шумите"

Natasha's singing was growing softer as Sasha let out a loud yawn. Domi cuddled further into her mother and let out a soft breath as Natasha began to run her finger over the young girl's cheek.

"Мне Илюшу не будите.
В колыбельке он лежит,
Он не плачет, не кричит,
Всю ноченьку крепко спит."

Natasha stopped singing and smiled down at the two small sleeping forms on top of her. "A little help?" She asked as she slowly looked over at you.

Chuckling softly you didn't move from your spot. "Let me commit this to memory first." You whispered back.

Your days were filled with raising the twins as normally as you could in a world where half of the population had disappeared. Teaching the twins Russian and French were relatively easy seeing as they both look at you and Nat in awe when the two of you would use it. They wanted nothing more than to learn the languages and be just like their mothers.

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