Fingers crossed

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A/N: goin back to the good ol days of song fics. Um I did wanna put out a Christmas chapter but hit the biggest bout of writers block I ever have and trust me that it left me heart broken. Buttttttt I've got some real nice angst for you to make up for it hehehe.

TW for anyone who has lost someone to sickness especially with the pandemic, I know this can be a very sensitive topic.

Song: Fingers Crossed Billie Eilish

In the end
When they're all gone

The whole thing had happened so fast. Everyone had been completely blindsided by the whole thing.

One minute people were happy and healthy, living out their ordinary daily lives. The next the dead are walking through the street and every second of those now not so ordinary lives is filled with dread.

When the world is silent
And days are long

It wasn't so hard at first, but it did take some adjusting. Having Natasha by your side through it is what kept you alive. She was your rock and you were hers.

She was all you had.

Just you and I
Will be alive

Supply runs were dangerous to say the least. With all of those...things outside you had to be careful. The risks that came with it, no matter how high, we're always worth it if you two aimed to survive.

The worst injuries either of you had gotten were a few scrapes and sprains. While they were less than desirable in these conditions it was better than being bit.

We made it
On our own

You two were running low on provisions. Normally, this meant you two would plan your route together and get ready to move to an untouched area together.

But, you had sustained an ankle sprain on your last time out meaning Natasha would have to do this alone.

Cause everybody makes it till they don't
And everybody wants to think they won't.

She had settled on going to one of the closer areas you two had yet to touch. If all went smoothly she would be back before nightfall, hopefully with a bag of supplies for the two of you.

You watched as she packed up her bag for the small trip, your anxiety rising as all the what ifs darted through your mind.

What if she didn't find anything?

What if she got lost?

What if she didn't come back?

What if she got bit?

Natasha had always been able to get a read on you. To her you were an open book; one she could read in a second flat.

"Hey," Her voice cut through your thoughts, bringing you back to the real world; back to her. "It's a short trip Y/N. I'm going to be fine."

She threw her backpack over her shoulder and walked over to you. She gave you that smile that never failed to cheer you up, even through all of this.

She gently placed her hand against your cheek, her thumb rubbing it in an attempt to sooth you. "We're going to be fine."

Your hand moved up to rest on hers, pressing her palm further against your cheek. "I know." You whispered.

Natasha gave you one more smile before pulling away. If she was going to get back before dark she would have to leave now.

She walked to the exit of the house you two were held up in before giving you another smile and leaving.

Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader oneshots Where stories live. Discover now