Old Friend

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A/N: I'm gonna be posting some in rapid fire so bare with me

Taking a seat at the bar you raised your hand to get the bartender's attention. He was a younger man, fresh on the job and shy., not like any you'd seen back home. "Old fashioned." The man nodded and quickly prepared your drink before sliding it to you. Taking the drink you have a soft thank you to the bartender who was already moving on to a new patron.

  Taking a slow sip of the burning liquid, you allowed your eyes to scan the busy bar. There were groups of people laughing intoxicated despite it only being 8 pm, granted there's not much else to do in small towns like these. A few people crowded around the dartboards and pool tables, their laughter filling the thick cigarette smoke-filled air.

  With the shake of your head, your eyes drew back to your glass. Bars like this were never your scene, too many loud and frankly obnoxious people packed far too tight together.

   "Never seen you here before stranger." A woman with a voice smooth as silk carrying a slight hint of rasp said from your right. Looking at her out of the corner of your eye you shrugged and turned to her a bit more. "I don't come here very often."

   You let your eyes roam over her form taking in the comfortable-looking red flannel and jeans she was wearing. Her blonde hair cascading down her shoulders. "You from around here?" She hummed softly with a nod. "Born and raised, what's a city girl like you doing in a small town like this?" Her slight drawl pulled you in a bit more.

   "That obvious huh?" You chuckled before nodding. "Here to meet an old friend, they should be here soon." You downed the rest of your glass prompting the woman to gesture to the bartender. "A Moscow mule and whenever she's having." You opened your mouth to protest but stopped as it was already too late.

    Once your drinks were served she took a long sip of hers. "Thank you for this." Your first smile of the night fell upon your lips. "Anytime beautiful." You raised an eye. "Oh, so I'm beautiful now?"

   "Yes," her eyes flicked over your figure before meeting your eyes. "Yes, you are." Your smile only widened. "Well, it's not every day you get a compliment from such a gorgeous woman." You leaned forward a bit more, playfully challenging her.

   "Tryin to one-up me then?" A smirk played at your lips and you raised your glass to your lips. "If I was?" Her eyes narrowed for a moment before a smirk of her own rose on her lips, her green eyes sparkling despite the dingy bar light.

"I've always loved a good challenge."

   Opening your mouth to retort with a small quip the loud clearing of a throat caught your attention. Turning you came face to face with your old friend staring down at you. He was tense with slight beads of sweat rolling down his temple which could easily be explained away by the heat of the bar if it hadn't been for how fidgety he was.

   A deep sigh escaped you. "It was nice meeting you miss." Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out enough to cover both of your drinks and her's. Finishing your drink you shot her a wink before walking off with the man.


    "You know, we should meet in places like this more often," You casually stuffed your hands in your pockets. "There are plenty of beautiful strangers."

    You had followed the jumpy man to a dark alley a few buildings away from the bar. He kept looking around every five seconds, checking over his back for some unseen danger. "Oh, would you calm down?" Leaning against the wall you crossed your arms over your chest growing increasingly frustrated antics.

Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang