Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me

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A/N: I've been giving out a lot of angst lately so I've decided to do something much more light-hearted for a change

"Nat...have you seen my phone?" You asked as you checked under the couch cushion for the 5th time. She poked her head out from the kitchen where she was talking with Wanda and shook her head.

"No, did you check back in my room or the training room?" You gave out a soft groan of frustration before plopping on the couch. "Yeah, I've looked just about everywhere."

You had been searching for your phone for the better part of the last 10 minutes and were growing increasingly frustrated with the search for your lost device. You never liked having it given your line of work, but Tony had brought you it as a birthday gift so you decided to make an exception just this once.

You could hear Natasha chuckling at your slightly childish antics. "I'm sure you'll find it soon, моя любовь." She walked out and sat next to you, placing her hand on your thigh and giving it a comforting squeeze. 

  "Why don't we call it?" Wanda asked as she walked out into the common room with you two. "Great idea," Nat exclaimed as she pulled her phone from her pocket and hit your number on speed dial.

"Yeah, that's a-No! WAIT!" You practically screamed in panic, but it was too late. Off behind Wanda and in the kitchen came the all too familiar Kim Possible jingle.

  Nat paused and raised an eyebrow at you as you shrunk back under her gaze letting out a nervous chuckle. "Y/N, if I go in there and pick up your phone, my contact name better not be Kim Possible."

  You gulped hard as she got up and walked away, disappearing into the kitchen. You could still hear the little "beep beep beep-beep" going off from where you sat, stiff as a board.

  Then there was silence. Your eyes slowly trailed to Wanda's who was hitting her lip to try and contain her laughter, her face turning a light shade of red.

  There was another beat of silence, and then.


   You sprung from your seat and instantly got into a defensive position as Nat came stomping out of the kitchen. "N-now Nat, come on let's be civil about this." She sent you a fierce glare as she hopped over the couch and you raced behind the coffee table.

"I mean can you really blame me? It's wayyyy too perfect! You're a badass, red-headed, spy who looks killer in black." You could slightly make out a tinge of playfulness in her eyes as she tried to race around the table to grab you causing you to squeal like a child and make a beeline for the hallway.

"She's gonna kill me!!!!!" You yelled as you bolted down the hall, Natasha hot on your tail. Wanda by now was doubled over on the floor from her laughter.

"What in the hell is goin' on?" Sam asked as he walked into the common room after you and Nat had almost run him over.

  Your thunderous footsteps could be heard approaching from down the hall as you quickly came back into view. You grabbed hold of Sam in an attempt to use him as a human shield. "Sam, wouldn't a better question be "what's the sitch?"

  Nat lunged for the two of you causing Sam to let out a scream high pitched than the one you had let out a few minutes ago. "You're on your own L/N." He exclaimed before escaping your grasp and running away.

You glared after him before turning your terrified gaze back to your girlfriend. "Nat, baby, darling, light of my life. Please don't hurt me." You chuckled nervously.

Her smile was sickeningly sweet and made your heart stop beating for a few seconds. "Of darling, I wouldn't dream of it," she paused before meeting your eyes. "That is—if you can outrun me." Her tone was nothing but sinister and was all the motivation you needed to hightail it out of there.

Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader oneshots Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora