Unus Annus and the Inevitable...

By Cherrystache

2.1K 129 63

This channel, along with every video that has or will ever be uploaded on this channel, will be deleted after... More

The End?
Sound of the ticking clock
Who the hell are you?!
The 'Game' Plan
Let's get going
Two sides to this story
Not dead
Can't stay here
The Fallout
A Christmas gift for Unus and Annus
A different perspective
Darkus Annus - Part 1

Anything for fun

120 8 1
By Cherrystache

Amy had said a few nights ago that she would enjoy the extra company... The new extended family but...

What Amy did not realize was that she would have to look after four men children whose brains, with the combined mental age of seventeen, can not think of anything to keep themselves occupied.

It was as though every idea of fun was used for Unus Annus. They weren't really complaining though.

As long as they knew they had entertained their audience, it was enough for them. That was before though.

Now the four men moped around, complaining that life was boring as though they were the children who often complained that the very begining of the summer holidays were boring just because they had nothing to do.

"I'm so bored..." Unus mumbled under his breath. He was lounging on the sofa with his feet dangling of the side. Unus' right hand was also dangling of the side but it rested gently on Spencer's head. Occasionally, Unus would ruffle Spencer's ear and he would then giggle softly to himself.

This would keep Unus occupied for a little bit. Thankfully, Unus wasn't as bad as Annus.

Annus would take a seat in front of the nearest clock (that wasn't digital) and would usually sit there for hours on end, sometimes not moving. He wouldn't eat anything.

When Cracker Barrel was on the menu though, then that was a whole different story.

Mark, who had not long finished recording for a video, entered the room.

He looked at both men.

Unus had fallen asleep and was gently snoring, his chest heaving up and down.

Annus, however, sat stock still. He had acknowledged Mark but had made no effort to greet him.

"You ok?" Mark asked.

There was no reply.

"Annus?" Annus turned to face Mark, a look of almost surprise written on his face.

"Oh, umm, yeah, I'm fine." He mumbled, standing and readjusting his tie.

"Listen, I know living life is hard and it must suck for you but, you need to do something. Amy had come up with a bunch of ideas that you could do." Mark said.

Annus raised an eyebrow in consideration. Doing something proactive with his and Unus' life could help them.

He nodded.

"Very well. I'll wake Unus up and we'll go and see Amy."

Annus strode swiftly to Unus and nudged him.

Unus did not stir. If anything, he softly mumbled five more minutes.

"Unus, you asshole, wake up!" Annus said, his voice raised a little.

Unus jolted awake. The sudden movement made him fall off the sofa like it belonged to comedic timing.

"Where am I? What do you want?" He said, rubbing his eyes to rid the sleep.

"Amy has a bunch of ideas for you and Annus to do so, you know, your not complaining." Mark explained as he held out his hand for Unus to take.

Unus gladly took the help from Mark and said his thanks.

"Where's Eef?" He asked, concerned.

During their time together, Unus and Ethan, though they should of been close before, had gotten quite close. They were acting like long lost brothers.

"Oh, he kindly offered to take Chica, Henry and Spencer for a walk."

"Yes, now moving on from Ethan, to Amy, shall we." Annus said, walking out the room with Unus and Mark close behind.

"C'mon Henry, please follow me... Spencer, stop sniffing the floor! Chica, uhh, sit, I got to get these two."

Ethan was struggling to walk three dogs. One was fine but three was almost impossible.

Henry would pause and look back in the direction of home, missing Amy.

Spencer, no matter what it was, would go and sniff anything in his path, the smells to his nose almost exotic.

Chica was the only one who would really behave but she was a little roused. What dog didn't love a good walk?

After a few more minutes of struggling, Ethan gave up and turned back to go to Mark's.

Around twelve minutes later, the four were home.

"We're back!" Ethan called but stopped. The sight in front of him was... Weird.

Now, to Ethan, most things are pretty weird depending on what was going on but this took the entire cake shop.

Unus and Annus were wrapped together in duct tape and their current situation?
They were on the floor, squirming against each other to get free. Annus was really trying, clearly hating the experience.

Amy and Mark was laughing heartily at the side, the obscure scene extremely funny. That's when Ethan noticed something. In Amy's right hand, there was the duct tape but, in Mark's hand, there was super glue.

"Uhh, what's going on?" He asked, taking a tentative step towards them.

"We wrapped them up in duct tape but it was covered in super glue!" Mark said inbetween laughs. Annus looked up and gave Mark an evil glare.

"Ethan, thank God, help me out, I'm being tortured here and Unus isn't making matters any better." He pleaded, the look of anger now gone from his face to be replaced with desperation.

Ethan was taking into consideration to help Annus out but, the more he thought about Unus and Annus' situation, the more funny it became. He walked to Mark and Amy's side and joined them in their laugh fest.

"You're all assholes, you hear, assholes!" Annus spat in a fit of rage.

Unus turned his head so that Annus was in sight.
"Aww, I'm so glad we've gotten closer, I hope we can be like this... forever!" Unus said, nuzzling his head against Annus.

Annus' face filled with pure dread and though they couldn't physically see it, Mark, Ethan and Amy knew that he was crying on the inside.

It had only been around half an hour but to Annus it had felt like forever... and he was pissed.

The glue had gotten on his suit but if he knew that there was going to be glue, then there wouldn't be any on it.

Now, Annus was being forced to where some of Mark's clothes. He was currently in Mark's room and was still rumaging around his closet when there was a gentle knock at the door. It was Amy.

"Hello Amy." Annus said blandly.

Amy looked out the room to see if anyone was there and, when she was satisfyed that there was no one listening in, she closed the door.

"Listen, Mark, we need to talk. It's about Unus and Annus. It's been a few days now and we're still no closer to helping them. I feel like we're letting them down.. Like I'm letting them down." She said.

Annus realised that Amy had called him Mark. Did she not know that it wasn't him? Annus was about to say that he wasn't Mark but took this as an opportunity.

"Amy, you're not letting them down. We're all trying our best to help them and it's taking a bit of time. We'll get there and it doesn't matter how long it's gonna take, because I know that we can do it." Annus said, trying to say something that sounded like Mark.

Amy nodded and she smiled. Then, without warning, Amy went up to Annus and hugged him.

Annus was unsure as to what he should do but he decided just to hug her back.

"Thanks Mark, I needed that." She whispered. Then she turned an left.

Annus stood still. He felt confused, he felt guilty but there was a feeling of love towards Amy, something he shouldn't be feeling.

He quickly ran out the room, passing the bathroom in which the real Mark was taking a shower, past the bedroom where Ethan was getting ready for bed and ran down stairs to the outside to Unus, who was swimming casually in the pool pretending to be the Gongoozler.

"Unus, we have a problem.."

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