The Impossible Love

By hanabunnyxooxxxxoo

4.3K 330 75

When Natalie Casen goes through a rough sophmore year, she vows to never make the same mistakes again! With h... More

The Impossible Love
monday mornings!
after school detention
pebbles on my glass
the lake
thursday sleepover
Spanish stories
drama club and other sorts of drama..
jerkface strikes yet again!
am i over him?
Ideas and skittle packets!
questions anger and confrontation!
new beginnings and sweet revenge
old friends...
red cups and deceiving men..
Blue eyes And Migraines
Hospitals And Happy Meals..
Sweet Home and chicken curry!
Starry Spotlights And Sundresses!
Outfits and lonely trees
Speeches And dreaded houses!
Almost November
School Trips and time slips!
New York City
Skylines and Sallys diner !
Is he the one?
Revealing Sleepovers..
A New Start

Making Out At The Gates And Running To Class..

107 7 1
By hanabunnyxooxxxxoo

Zack picked me up today morning, we drove to school while he kept on talking to me about his football match last night..

Parker must have been there...

I suddenly pictured Parker running through the football pitch, his shaggy brown hair drooping ontop of his luscious and thick eyelashes which guarded his deep blue and amazing eyes...

Which reminded me of how I was going to avoid him completely! I mean after what happened yesterday and all! I mean honestly, all the drama! Which reminded me I have drama club today after school, after all it is Tuesday..

Just one thing, Zack, Sandra, Sasha and Parker are going to be there...

Perfect! Just perfect....

Suddenly, out of nowhere I realise that were parked at the school!

I must have been doing a lot of thinking..

Zack looks towards me with an expression on his face that honestly I couldn't read!

"You okay Z?" I smile to him..

"Yeah, I was just a bit worried about you, you have been so distant lately.. We should catch up!"

At the thought of that my eyes were literally smiling from my cheeks!

We walked to the school gates, when suddenly Zack took a hold of my hand, suddenly my stomach clenched painfully making me squeal..

Zack just looked at me with a cute and sheepish smile! I hate how he knows the effect he can sometimes have on me!

Stupid hormonal teenagers!

We carried on walking through, I spotted Sandra making out with some member of the football team! Uuugh!!

Zack spotted them as well, suddenly he let out a loud wolf whistle.. I blushed like a cherry tomatoe, due to the fact that when he did that it was as if he was telling everyone who wasn't already looking at us to look!!

Then I saw him...

There he was...

Parker Adams, standing so sexily by his locker...

After a few moments I mentally slapped myself for even thinking that! Then I realised that Parker was heading for me and Zack, I turned around abruptly and ran... I ran as fast as my little legs could carry me, until I collided into someone..

I was just about to say shit, when I realised it was only L.. I hugged her so hard at that point that she was literally begging me to leave her...

When I stepped back, she looked at me in disgust..

"Why are you staring at me like that L? lol!"

"What did I say about sweatpants.. "

It then dawned over me that she was talking about my outfit....

Oh no... This can't be good!

She suddenly shoved me into the nearest toilet, throwing a powder yellow, curve complimenting dress! I mentally cursed and went into the cubicle to change!

Honestly I didn't bother arguing!

I mean what's the point..

I mean we have all established that Lara is as stubborn as a brick! If not then more!

I mean it didn't look bad or anything, but it's just not something I'd pick..

We headed out of the bathroom, lara had a very satisfied look on her face! Honestly so long she is happy I am too!

"So, Sandra is back!" I say.

"Yupp! I just saw her making out with someone at the gates!" Lara says in disgust..

"Omg!!! Me too!! It was disgusting she was eating his whole face for gods sake!! But I mean you can't exactly blame her, he is just so hot and I guess sometimes you just don't think about it and you just kiss.. "I reply to L.



"What did you do!??" Lara says to me with an alarmed look..

Lara never really trusts any boy or anyone really apart from me so she is always very cautious, but I'm not really sure why..

"Me? Nothing." I chuckle..

"You liar!!  Since when do you defend Sandra, or defend kissing a boy! Come on cough it up!!"

"I'm not defending anything lol!"

She gives one of her I know your lying looks...

And then I spill it

"Okay!! I may or may not have kinda made out with Parker in a dark elevator!"

I turn a deep shade of red as Lara says,

"I knew it! I knew you liked him, I bet you he likes you back! Eeeeee!! Im So happy for you tell me all the deets!!"

I sigh and suddenly catch a glimpse of my watch..


I'm twenty minutes late to class!

I don't bother explaining to her she probably already understands!


The day passed by pretty quickly!

Apart from the part where I spent my break correction breaks in the library just to avoid Parker!

It was know the end of the day and I was walking to the drama class, butterflies all over my stomach, due to the fact that I knew that there was no possible way of avoiding Parker in drama class!

I reach the closed wooden door, and knock before slowly opening it and entering!


So what do you think guys!! Please let me know, I really do appreciate it, and thankyou so much for all my supporters, without you guys I wouldn't be where I am now honestlywithout you!! ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ as usual read. Other and comment!!

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