Unstable Loyalties

By Lightningstar22

4.4K 63 16

šŸ—²"She is fierce and unpredictable - just like lightning, and within, she is just like a storm about to break... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Teaser! :))

Chapter 8

126 1 0
By Lightningstar22

"Soon, it will be time for her to head North, it will be her turn to guard along with Tirpitz this time," Yorktown muttered to Enterprise. Her sister just acknowledged it with a nod. 

"It is time for her to spread her wings and fly..."

The next day...

Lightning jolted awake, panting. Sweat ran down her face as she caught her breath. What a horrible dream... she thought. She dreamt that everyone she loved had died... in front of her and she was powerless to do anything. She took this time to think about what they all meant to her. 

First, there was Optimus. Her father figure, always encouraging her to never stop believing in herself. Next, Ratchet. The grumpy medic who hid his emotions. Lightning considered him a very close friend, one she could confide in and trust to keep secrets. The 'bots. They were basically her family. They all went through so much with her. 

Enterprise. Her teacher and mentor, whose soft heart was hidden behind her battle-hardened façade. Yorktown. She was... essentially a mother to her. Someone to guide her in Azur Lane, the one who always worried, always cared, someone she could talk to freely. Essex. Both a great teacher and friend, someone she would consider a sister. All the fun they had together made great memories. Yamato and Bismarck. the great warriors that she looked up to. But, they were still human, she understood them. The ones who offered her advice, comforted her. 

Bismarck was a great friend, one she could rely on to the end of the line. Bunker Hill and Tirpitz, although they may seem very serious at first, they were people she could rely on. They even had fun with her sometimes, joking around and talking about their lives. Although they were not as close as Bismarck and the others, she still cared about them deeply, as did they about her. Lightning sighed softly, reaching for the captain's hat and putting it on, heading to the canteen for food.

As soon as she had finished eating, she headed out to the dock where she was supposed to meet Tirpitz. The two of them were to head to the Northern Waters of Azur Lane in order to protect them. There were a few Siren bases nearby and Siren activity around that area had also increased. There had been reports of the Sirens harnessing a power never seen before.  Due to this, High Command had decided to send at least two shipgirls there for a week and a half together. 

Seeing as Tirpitz was already ready, Lightning quickly got on her ship, urging it forwards from the control tower. The both of them steamed North, preparing for the freezing waters there. The water gradually got colder, chunks of ice occasionally hitting her hull, causing her to shiver slightly. Her breath came out in clouds as they headed further North. The frighteningly cold wind howled around them and they stayed close to each other. As soon as they got near enough to one of Azur Lane's smaller docks there, they docked the ships and got of slowly, getting accustomed to the cold air. 

"It's freezing here," Lightning grumbled to Tirpitz, who only nodded in agreement. 

"Looks like the week and a half here is going to be a long one in this frigid weather," Tirpitz whispered. Lightning just sighed as she thought of the days about to come. 

"It seems like it will snow tonight too," Tirpitz continued. 

"Great, just great, we are going to freeze to death," Lightning muttered unhappily, quickening her footsteps as they headed to a small cottage further inland, sighing in relief as they entered, instantly feeling warmer. 

"High Command says a Siren lab has been spotted near here. We have to raid it tomorrow," Tirpitz announced." Lightning just groaned when she heard the news.

5 a.m. in the morning...

Tirpitz dumped a bucket of freezing water onto Lightning's head, causing her to wake instantly. 

"What was that for?!" Lightning screeched as she dried herself off. 

"Only way I know of to wake you," Tirpitz muttered. 

Lightning sighed, "Did Bismarck tell you this?" Tirpitz just nodded. 

"I swear when I get back I'll..." Lightning ground out. Grabbing a sandwich from the table, she devoured it and nodded at Tirpitz, the two of them activating their wisdom cubes as they headed across the freezing cold sea. This was meant to be a stealth mission so Lightning placed her muffler on her bow, shooting some planes from it to scout. Soon enough, they spotted the base and Lightning glanced at Tirpitz, who nodded tersely. 

Lightning pulled her bowstring back, releasing it quickly and silently to kill the Sirens guarding the front. Signaling at Tirpitz to cover for her, she kicked the door forcefully, causing it to fall with a 'Clang'. To their surprise, no one came out. the both of them headed forwards cautiously, until... they walked straight into a room with about ten scientists. 

"Oh scrap," Lightning muttered as she realised that they had been spotted. Whipping out her katana, she sliced left and right while Tirpitz fired her guns, the both of them killing the scientists fairly easily. Lightning headed to the center of the room, where a small shard of a wisdom cube, pulsating a vibrant blue. Lightning reached out and touched it gently, only to have her world turn black as Tirpitz cried out her name.

She awoke, hovering on the open sea. 

Four figures stood in front of her. the first had long dark brown hair and hazel eyes, wearing a navy blue jacket and black leggings. Most intriguing, a pair of large brown eagle wings were spread at her sides. 

The next had snow white hair and blue eyes, wearing a light pink kimono as sakura blossoms swirled around her. 

The third figure had bright red hair and amber eyes, wearing a dark red coat. 

The last figure hair had blond hair and dark brown eyes and a crown on her head, she was dressed somewhat like Queen Elizabeth.(The shipgirl)  

"Welcome, Lightning, linker of worlds, we are the first of the four main factions." The shipgirls then introduced themselves. Swoop, Sakura, Scarlet and Sovereign respectively. 

"We have been watching you Lightning, and you are truly unique. Not only do you fight for freedom and peace, but also for you loved ones, that is something not many people possess. A great darkness is coming, Lightning and soon, you shall have to fight alongside those you left behind. To combat this rising darkness, you shall have new abilities. Ability to survive in space as well as flight. You bow and katana will be enhanced as well. You bow's arrows can now burn through materials or melt them while your katana has increased power as well as ability to break through almost all materials.  Your planes will also be more powerful, but beware the darkness, Lightning, darkness can easily overpower the light if one is not strong enough." 

Lightning barely had enough time to take all this in before she awoke, realising that Tirpitz was looking at her, her face one of great worry. 

"I'm fine, Tirpitz," Lightning whispered before quickly relaying what had happened earlier to her. Upon hearing Lightning's recount, Tirpitz replied, "It would be best to inform High Command first." Lightning just nodded, her mind whirling, thinking about what had just occurred.  

Across the galaxy...

Unicron looked down at Cybertron in disgust. He had to be patient, soon enough, he would recover his strength enough in order to crush those Autobots. He laughed maniacally, thinking, What you killed back on Earth was barely a fragment of my strength, let's see how you can combat my full power! Optimus shall die at my servos!

Another chapter completed! Finally. It's taking forever to come up with all this stuff and put it up here. Hope you guys like it!

~Lightningstar out

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