
By TVreunited

155K 2.1K 258

18+ Read at your own risk! More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Book 2 Prologue

Chapter 14

3.8K 59 9
By TVreunited


'Well, what do you think?' Angel looks at me, seeking approval.

'Bro, can you just give us a minute?' I grunt.

'So... is that a yes?' He pesters.

'Alright, fuck, fine. Now get out.' I relent.

'SWEET!' He shouts. 'Cmon on Kerrys, there's something in my room I need to show you,' He grabs Kerrys' arm, pulling her out before she can object.

'Ugh, I've already seen it, but sure,' I hear Kerrys say and Sage giggles at her best friend's response.

I close the door behind them and turn to face Sage. She stops giggling and sits back on the bed. 'You didn't answer my question.' I start.

She rubs on her temples and exhales before responding. 'He hurt me in the worst possible way. So no, I don't love him. To be honest, I don't think I ever did.'

Satisfied with her answer, I go to sit next to her. 'I'm shouldn't have went off the way I did. I was just...'

'An moody jealous asshole?' She quipped.

'Yeah I was a moody jealous asshole.' I sarcastically repeat. We both chuckle. 'But I'm your moody jealous asshole.' What the fuck? Who says that type of soft shit? I'm so whipped.

'So, that's you saying sorry then?' She muses.

'That's not what I said.' I try and keep a straight face.

'Well it kinda sounds like an apology.' She shrugs, trying to contain her smile.

'Oh, is that right?' I smirk, moving my head towards her.

'Yeah,' she whispers.

I move closer to her lips and feign to kiss her but then drag her back down to lay on the bed with me, causing her to shriek.

She breaks our laughter by asking, 'Hang on, why didn't you tell me you speak Spanish?'

'No preguntaste,' I throw her words back in her face. [You didn't ask.]


Lake House

'HOLY! MOTHERFUCKIN'! SHIT. I forgot how big this it,' Theia yells getting out of her car and pulling her sunglasses up.

'That's what she said,' Angel winks at Kerrys, making her blush.

'Pur-lease' Kayla groans, grabbing her bags from the car and heading in. Everyone follows her in, leaving Sage and I stood outside.

'I'll get that,' I grab her bag, swinging it over my shoulder. She smiles at me, as we head in.

'Right guys,' Kerrys starts. 'There are 6 bedrooms. Angel and I will share, obviously.' She wriggles her eyebrows as everyone groans. 'Kayla, you know where your room is and Theia you're on the second floor.' She pauses dramatically before approach Sage and I, looking mischievous. 'Sage and Kree,' She taps her chin before continuing. 'You're in the attic.'

'But there's only one room on the third floor,' Sage grunts out.

'I know,' Kerrys shrugs. 'That's why I gave it to use two.'

'But what about the other rooms-'

'People will be wasted, they'll need somewhere to crash.' Sage's face falls. 'Don't be selfish Sagey, other people need rooms too. What, do you expect them to stay on the floor?

If looks could kill, Kerrys would be dead the way Sage is starting at her. She leans in and attempts to whisper to Sage. 'The room is sound-proof, so make all the noise you want. Ride him.' Kerrys winks at her and Sage puts her head in her hands, shaking it, causing me to chuckle. 'What? He didn't hear me.'

'Yeah I did.' I clear my throat.

'Ooops. Oh well,' she shrugs, grabbing Angel and walks towards their room, with everyone else following suit.

Sage looks up at me, seemingly going to apologise on Kerrys' behalf but ends up saying, 'You know what she's like.'

'Cmon, let's go check out this room you're dreading to share with me.' I start walking up.

'No it wasn't-' she starts but I cut her off.

'I'm kidding.' I look back at her and she visibly relaxes.

I enter, Sage closely following. 'It's beautiful.' She breathes out.

'Yeah, beautiful,' I mutter out, looking at Sage. I shift my focus when she catches me staring at her. A small smile appears on her face. 'We can put pillows in between us if you want,' I offer, not really meaning it, but willing to do whatever she feels comfortable with. 'You know, if you feel like you won't be able to keep your hands off me,' I lighten the mood.

'Ohhh, is that right? Don't worry, I'll be on my best behaviour,' She sarcastically says, jumping back on the bed. So that's what she looks like spread across a bed-

'-what do you think?' Sage asks.

'Huh?' I'm pulled back to present focus.

'You didn't hear a word I said, did you?' She lifts her eyebrow. 'I said-' she's cut off by Kayla's incessant screeching.

'BITCHESSS, let's get ready while the guys get the house set up. Everyone will be here in two hours.'

I hear a door burst open and my brother sarcastically grunt 'Two hours? Are use sure use ladies have enough time?'

'Babe, that's not enough,' Kerrys says back to him as Sage and I walk down the stares to the main living room. 'We don't wake up like this.' She's looks at him dumbfounded. 'We need to get Flawless!' She says, as she snaps her fingers. Was that Beyoncé? The girls walk off to get ready, leaving Angel and I to decorate.

'Bro, what the fuck?' Angel asks bewildered



Sage's outfit

I walk out of the en-suite bathroom and the girls gasp.

'SAGE!' Theia gasps.

'Three words: A-MA-ZING' Kayla over-emphasises.

'That's one-' Theia starts to say but is interrupted.

'Kree is going to have a heart attack,' Kerrys muses, whilst clapping her hands.

My face heats at the attention. The door opens and Shay and Luna walk in hand in hand, already dressed.

Shay and Luna's outfits

'Wit Woo,' Luna whistles. 'Maybe I picked the wrong sister.'

Shay pushes her lightly. 'Yeah sis, you look spectacular.'

'Thanks everyone. Right use need to get ready. Come on Kerrys, you haven't even done anything yet.' She's sat there smiling at her phone when we have a full house downstairs.

'Angel's just telling me what he's gonna do to me tonight.' She giggles.

'SPARE US, PLEASE!" Kayla rolls her eyes at the same time Theia says 'Go on.'

Shay, Luna and I sit and wait as the rest of the girls get ready.

Kayla's Outfit 

 Theia's Outfit

The sudden start of music startles me, indicating the DJ has arrived.

'BITCHH, that's my song. Girls let go.' Kerrys shrieks, pulling Kayla behind her and we follow downstairs.'

'Talk big shit but my bank account match it-' Kerrys sings down the stairs. 'I'm a savage, classy bougie rachet. Sassy, moody, nasty, acting stupid-'

Wow. There's a lot of people here. Shay and I walk into the kitchen to get a drink. Luckily, Angel managed to score some alcohol for the fruit punch. 'Damn, that's strong,' Shay coughs out. She hardly ever drinks, so it's not a surprise it's going straight to her head. I feel someone looking at me so I turn my head and see Kree and let me tell you, he looked sexy.

Kree's Outfit

He hasn't even made an effort to dress up, wearing a black suit, with no dress shirt, but still looks the best dressed in the room. He's got that glint in his eye that makes my legs feel like jelly. The smirk on his face suggests he approves of my outfit. Gold star to Kerrys for picking this out!

I'm about to approach him when bitchly and the bitch crew invade my personal space. 'Ugh, doesn't he just look scrumptious? I just want to eat him all up.' Bailey says, looking him up and down. She turns her head slightly to stare at me and continues, 'And what are you supposed to be, a dalamatian? Brandy and Belize snigger.

'Oh, I love that film,' Belize pouts out.

I roll my eyes and look their outfits up and down, thinking how ironic it is they're portraying holy characters when they're clearly spawned from hell.

'Do you think Kree will like my outfit?'

'NO!' Theia walks past, grabbing some punch.

Bailey's Outfit

Brandy and Belize's Outfit (They're wearing the same).

'Did you pick your outfit out yourselves, or did mommy do it, like when Mommy over her breastfeeds you and tells you what to say?' Kayla appears.

'Nooo, Bailey picked our outfits because she didn't want us stealing the attention away from how hot she looks,' Brandy says, seemingly proud of herself. Poor bitch!

'Rightttt,' Kayla says. 'Who invited use anyway?'

'I did.' Angel says as he and Kerrys walk up to us.

Angel and Kerry's Outfit

'Babe, what the fuck?!' Kerrys nudges him. 'Why would you invite the enemy?

'The more the merrier,' He shrugs, clearly not feeling the tension.


I really need to pee. I walk in the direction of the bathroom and see a long line. 'Nope cant hold it for that long.' I turn around and head up the stairs to my room. As I reach the third floor, I see someone dressed in a devils' costume leave my room. 'Hey, you can't be up here. It's off limits.'

'Oh sorry, I was trying to find a vacant bathroom - you know, trying to avoid the long line,' He says as he walks over to me.

'It's fine, but next time, just keep to the ground floor.'

'Yeah no problem.' He stares at me for a moment, before walking past me, causing a shiver to run down my spine. I swear sometimes halloween gives me the creeps. You never know who's who, when they wear a mask.


'This song is a request by Theia.' The DJ says on the mic.

'Ooo that's me,' Theia puts her plate of food down, gets up and stands in the middle of the dance floor, waiting for her song. The DJ then plays one of the worst songs I've ever heard in my life. '

They did the mash, they did the monster mash

They did the mash, it was a graveyard smash

They did the mash, it caught on in a flash

They did the mash, they did the monster mash

Everybody just stares at Theia, who is clearly the only one enjoying this song, or so I thought. Luca jumps out of nowhere and they do some monster mash dance - wait a minute, isn't that the twist? Who knows.

I see Kayla stomp towards the DJ booth and she proceed to wrestle the mic out of his hand. 'You can't do that,' He says but she cuts him and the music off.

'Theia, what the fuck are you doing?' Not giving her a chance to respond, she changes the music and In Those Jeans comes on, causing everyone to start bumpin' and grindin'.

I get up to go and get another drink, when I feel someone grab my waist from behind and pulls me towards them, pressing my back to their chest, leaving no space between us. I smile, instantly knowing who it is and start moving my hips against him. This is the first time we've interacted since the party started.

He grunts at my pressure, putting his head in the nook of my neck. He places light kisses on my neck, leading up to my ear and whispers, 'Can you feel what you do to me?'

'Mhmmm, ' I can't even respond to that. He pulls me even closer, if that's even possible.

'In that fucking dress?' He groans in my ear. I feel the heat rising in my core.

As the song winds down, Kerrys runs up to us all hysterical. 'Kree, come quick, it's Angel. He's gonna kill him'

'Fuck!' He grunts, annoyed that we were interrupted, grabs my hand and we follow Kerrys outside. We hear a splash and I gasp.

'Touch her again, even look in her direction again and I will fucking bury you!' Angel spits out at the guy he just threw into the lake.

The guy spits and coughs, trying to stay upright, as he is helped out by his friends. 'What am I supposed to do, when she goes around dressing like that, WATCH? He shouts the last bit.

Angel goes to advance to him again but Kree stops him.

'This guy deserves to be locked up, preferably in an asylum.' He yells towards Angel.

Kree seems to calm Angel down and then turns and walks towards the drenched guy. He leans down to his ear and whispers something. Whatever he said spooked him because his eyes popped out of his head, causing him to back away. 'Cmon guys, let's go. They're crazy!' His friends follow him to his car and they drive off.

I turn my focus back to the Hasapi boys, as they seem to be arguing in hushed tones. Angel storms off, grabbing Kerrys' arm and pulling her inside. Kree walks past me into the house, leaving me stood outside wondering what the hell is going on. Following after him, I find him in the kitchen, downing a shot of Ciroc. I sigh. Knowing he needs to cool down, I try a different approach. I walk up to him, grab the shot glass out of his hand and place it on the counter.

'Follow me,' I whisper, interlocking our fingers and leading him upstairs.

I open the bedroom door, signalling him to go in and he storms past me. 'Look Sage...' He starts defensively but I grab him and push my lips onto him.

He pulls away from me, looking confused. 'I don't know what that scene was about outside but it turned me on.' I say breathlessly against his lips.

Without hesitation, he slams his lips on mine, picking me up and pins me against the door.

A/N: Sheeesh! What do you think happens next?

We appreciate the support. See you guys on Thursday!

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