Choosing how to love.

By fantasywriter2

106 2 0

Holton was always the one that got what he wanted. Women included. Until he found himself on the other end of... More

Whiskey drowns the misery.
The Sound of Laughter
Don't drink it!
The brunette.
Not Interested.
Moving On...Maybe
She is here.
A Hug
You Asked First
An invite.
No Cabins
I was not staring
Float vs Swim
The Decision
Camp Fire Confessions
I could listen all night
For the Kids
Cookies and a Website
A Publisher
I chose you
A real author!
I see it too
He left?
That's two times too many
It's over?
He did what?
The better man.
Anything for that smile
A soft sigh
Don't wait
Just Friends

What did I do wrong?

3 0 0
By fantasywriter2


"Oh shit." "What?" "He's coming this way." Maddy looked down at her glass. "Act natural." "He saw me staring at him." She said through her teeth, but did not have time for much more, as Maddy saw him approach the table.

"Ladies." He said casually. "Hi." Lacy smiled. "Hello." Maddy looked up and caught his eyes but quickly looked away. "What a pleasant surprise to see you both again." He sounded, fake, and it bothered her.

"Holton, we were just talking about how sweet you were last night." Lacy smiled. "You saved Maddy, and I am so thankful that you saw it. There is no telling what he could have done to her." Lacy was laying it on thick, and it made Maddy blush more. 

He really did not save her, he just helped, and although she was thankful, Lacy didn't need to be so gushy about it. She chanced another look up through her lashes, but he was talking to Lacy.

"I just happened to be at the right place at the right time." He nodded like it was no big deal. His hands were in his pockets and he was so casual about it, which only made Maddy feel more shy. 

What was wrong with her? She was never like this! Usually she would just go for what she wanted. Not that she wanted him. God, no! She was not even interested in him!

"No, it was fate. Maddy doesn't believe it in that, but I do, and you being in the right place, that was definitely devine intervention." Maddy started at Lacy as she played the fate card, which she was good at, but this time, Maddy wished she would just stop talking.

Suddenly Lacy stood and wrapped Holton in a hug, which took Maddy by surprise. And she watched as he gently hugged her back, but his face stayed passive. She wished she could tell what he was thinking!

"It was pure luck that I saw it. And yes, it could have been bad." Holton looked at Maddy, who looked away, and tried to not play the damsel in distress. She wasn't. And she just wanted to stop talking about it. He was going to think she was weak.

"Yes, we were lucky." Lacy gave her a 'seriously' look, and then tilted her head. Maddy knew she wanted her to talk to him, but she had no idea what to say.

 "Yes, it could have been awful." She looked at her hands, whishing she knew what to do. Should she hug him? Or not? She hesitated, mostly due to embarrassment now. He looked so good, too good, and she felt weird.

"I was happy to hear that you made it home safe. I did worry that they might follow you, so I stayed back a while, but they did not leave the bar for a good hour after."

"You stayed to check?" Her voice betrayed her shock as she looked up and met his eyes. "Yes." The word was soft and before she could help herself, she gave a shy smile, and he returned it with a small one of his own.

"That was very kind of you." "Doesn't happen often." Was he trying to be funny? "Well, I appreciated it." She stood up and he stepped back. Oh. Well that was unexpected.

"I was just going to hug you, but that's ok." She started to sit back down, and he cleared his throat. "No, please, I would like a hug." His husky voice made her turn back and she gave him a hug. He was stiff and did not lean into her like last night, and it felt awkward and pushed.

Probably because he was drunk and didn't realize it last night. She got it. She tried to let go, but his arms tightened slightly, and she paused, then he dropped his arms and leaned back.

She feared what she would see if she looked up, so she sat instead, and tried not to be hurt. He hugged Lacy warmly. He must like her. That was why he is here, not her. And it stung a lot more than it should. How could she have been so stupid? He was not watching her, he was watching Lacy. Idiot.

"How were the hangovers this morning?" He asked politely, pulling her back to the conversation, but she was in no mood now. He liked Lacy, she could tell, and that brought back the familiar ache of being second place with her, yet again.

"We were both fine, except one of us had a headache that made her crabby." Lacy said, looking at Maddy. "Speaking of headache." She looked up at Holton, avoiding his eyes, and trying to be harder.

"Did you pay my bill at the bar? My card was not charged." "I did." "Why?" She snapped and he gave a little jump. "I wanted to. And a thank you would be nice." He growled. "Thank you." She said with sass. "Welcome." He hissed back. Oh great, this is wonderful.

"Maddy!" Lacy snapped at her and she felt worse. "I am so sorry. She is normally the sweetest person ever." Lacy apologized, then kicked her under the table, making her yelp.

"She's right. I am sorry. You were sweet to do that and to help me. If you want to tell me how much it all was, I will happily pay you back." She tried to be nice, but for some reason, the hurt in knowing he was just there for Lacy made her upset.

"It was my pleasure. I do not get to rescue women often." He smiled at her, then looked at Lacy a little too long. "Aww, he's so sweet." Lacy made a deal about it and she wanted to cry. Why don't you two just go bang in the bathroom? She thought, but then she felt worse. Why does this always happen to her? What did she do wrong this time?


Holton looked down at Maddy, and noticed that she was glaring at Lacy. It was clear that she did not like him, and he was wasting his time. She was annoyed and at this point, he was probably best to walk away, but he did not want to.

He was being nice, wasn't he? He inhaled and her scent was still floating around him, which made him want to pull her up and hug her again. Just to touch her for another minute. Then his brain caught up and he straightened up, letting the thought go.

"Ladies, I do hope you enjoy your lunch. It was nice to see you both again." He was trying, but he had no idea what to say, and she seemed less than thrilled that he was still there. He stepped back, hoping she would look up once more, so he could catch those beautiful eyes one more time, but she didn't.

"It was nice to see you again. And Holton, really, thank you for all that you did. God knows, I could have lost her last night. She is my best friend in the entire world, and...well, thanks. I owe you." Lacy stood up and wrapped herself around him again, hugging him tightly, but all he wanted was to hug Maddy.

"It really was nothing, but I am glad I was able to help." He said to Lacy and smiled, then over to Maddy, who was looking straight ahead, ignoring him.

"Maddy, it was a pleasure to see you again." He held out his hand, hoping she would stand or take it, anything. But she just looked up at him, and when their eyes met, he saw pain, and it took his breath away. Why? What happened? His body reacted instantly, as he reached down, took her hand, and pulled her up to stand.

"Are you ok?" He surprised himself as he wrapped her up in his arms. "Yes." She muttered, her arms were reluctant at first, but finally, she hugged him back, and he felt the tension evaporate, and she relaxed into him. Good.

Was she worried about the man from last night? Did he need to reassure her? What was he supposed to do? While his mind was thinking, she pulled away. Leaving him confused.

His arms felt empty immediately and he missed the warmth of her body. He was so confused. The way she relaxed...he thought...what was he supposed to say to make her feel better? Because that was all he wanted to do in that moment.

Briefly he thought about asked her to dinner, or maybe she would like a movie? His brain was working hard to think, to give him the right words, when her sweet voice broke the silence.

"Really, if you want to text me the total, I can send you the money back." What? No! "Maddy, I do not want the money back. I did it to make sure you girls were safe." "We are safe." She muttered.

"I am happy to hear that." He tried. Please look up he silently asked, but she refused. Lacy was all smiles though. No, not her. Do not smile at me, please. He glanced at Maddy again, hoping she would look back at him and he could fix this.

"Maddy, are you sure you are ok? That was traumatic." "Of course, I am ok. It wasn't like I drank the stuff." She seemed mad, and he swallowed down the lump in his throat.

"And I am thankful for that. I am not sure how I would have saved you then." He teased and she looked up with a smile, but her eyes told a different story. She was hurting and he had no idea why.

Their eyes meet and she watched him, no, she was gauging him. What was she looking for? He shifted uncomfortably. She searched his face for something, and now he felt like he did not belong here. He needed to go. He looked away and she made a sound, and it was obvious she did not want him there.

"Ladies, have a wonderful day." He nodded and started to walk away but looked over his shoulder once more. She was watching him. He smiled softly at her, and she tried not to, but she did. And he was thankful to at least have that.


"What the hell Maddy? He was trying to be nice." "He was only here for you. I saw the way he hugged you and watched you. He was not watching me last night, no, he was watching you." "You are crazy. He was watching you." "Really, then why did he give you a sweet hug and I got the stiff, don't touch me hug."

"You did not." "I did. And he was all smiles and sweet with you." She looked up and Lacy flushed. Yeah, she knew. "I'm sorry Maddy, I swear, I didn't know. I am not interested." "Me either. Not that he is. Anyway, can we just get our checks and go. I'm tired and have things to do before work tomorrow."

"Maddy, I'm sure..." "Just leave it. It doesn't matter." "It does matter. You liked him. Maybe you are wrong?" "I am not wrong." She drained her glass and waived at the waitress for their check.


"She hates me." Holton walked up to the window and stood next to Tim. "She does not hate you. That smile when you walked to the table, that was pure delight. She was shy. That is a good thing." Tim nodded.

"She hugged me like I was a stranger. Not at all what I expected for rescuing her." "Did you tell her that?" Tim turned to him with his jaw open. "Yes." "Oh Holton, you idiot." "What?" "Now I know why she went from all shy and timid to glaring. You made her feel bad."

"I did?" "Yes. She probably felt weak and helpless. You need to apologize." "For what?" He was surprised at his Uncle. "For making her feel bad." "Is that what that was? I thought she was upset and scared. Her eyes were full of pain."

"She probably expected you to ask her out. Woman get angry when they want something and do not get it. Even when you don't know, you are supposed to read their minds and know." Tim was laughing until Aunt Grace came up and hit him in the back of the head.

"We do not expect you to read our minds. We expect you to do the right thing. What kind of advice are you giving our boy?" Why do they do this? He is not a boy and he does not need advice.

"I am a grown man." He tried, but they were arguing. "Really, I am fine. The woman does not even like me. She glared at me. It is over, done. Thank you." He picked up his tea and turned away from the window.

"What woman?" Aunt Grace stopped bickering. "The girl he met last night, she is here, sitting a few booths down. He went to say hello and it did not go his way." "What happened sweetie?" "Nothing happened. Will you both please, I am a grown man." He tried again.

"She shot you down?" Grace looked surprised. "Not exactly. I didn't ask her out or anything, but she seemed mad that I was there." And before he knew what he was doing, he was recounting the entire encounter to them.


"Why are you upset?" Lacy picked up her card and they stood. "He likes you." "I'm sorry about that." "Me too." "I thought you didn't like him?" "I don't. But I think I could." "Then go ask him to dinner." "Seriously? I'm a girl, he's supposed to ask me." She grumbled.

"Guys are idiots. He likes you Maddy, he kept looking at you at the bar." "He likes you better." "How do you know?" "Lacy, all guys like you better. You get the attention, not me." She felt hurt again as Lacy looked at her in confusion. Maddy was right, and nothing Lacy could say was going to help.

"I can't help it." Lacy moaned. "I know. I am not mad at you at all, I just wish for once, someone noticed me first." She walked past her, but Lacy took her arm. "Don't, please." Lacy looked hurt. "Can we just go?" "Don't be mad at me." "I'm not. I don't even like him." She groaned and crossed her arms over her chest for protection.

"Maddy, can we try something? Just to make sure?" "Make sure of what?" "That it's not you." "I'm not talking to him." "No. Just walk that way, past the window. You walk first and I will watch. I need to get something from my bag, and then I will meet you outside." She grinned. Whatever she was doing, Maddy did not even care.

She put her shoulders back, straightened up, and walked past that window. She had barely made it five steps when she felt him looking and she turned and met his eyes, almost faltering her step. He was gorgeous. And it made her heart race. She gave him a small smile, which he returned, then she walked on, not stopping until she was clear of the window.

She looked back just as Lacy went by and waived with a smile. She could see Holton's hand up, giving her a waive back with a big smile. Ugh. See. Damn it.

"He watched you the entire way." Lacy giggled. "He waived to you, and I saw both of your smiles. I barely got a lip turn. It's obvious Lace, he likes you." Lacy started to protest, but she stopped, and Maddy knew she understood because not another word was spoken about it.


"See, she doesn't even like me." "I think that shy smile showed differently." Aunt Grace laughed. "She barely moved her lips Aunt Grace, then she looked away." "She's shy." "No, she doesn't like me. And why are we even discussing this? I don't want to date her." He groaned and tried to get away from them, but Grace followed.

"She was cute." Grace said. "Yes, she is." "The blond seemed to like you." Uncle Tim pointed out. "I'm sure she does." "She's more your type." He tried. "Blond?" "Tall, long legs, and yes blond." "Maybe I should just ask that one out." Holton said, then shook his head. No, he did not want that one at all.

"Can we just leave it, please." He did not want to discuss it anymore. And now his good mood was gone. He let it go and went on to sing happy birthday to his grandmother, but visions of her sad eyes never left his mind.

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