Before I Go

By StacyHanvy

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I am Morgan Feldman, and I struggle with depression and anxiety. My bad days outnumber my good days and my em... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1- The List
Chapter 2- Your Hair
Chapter 3- Well, Hello
Chapter 4- Not Invisible
Chapter 5- 2. Befriend Someone New
Chapter 6- Today is a Bad Day
Chapter 7- I'm So Sorry
Chapter 8- I Get It
Chapter 9- 3. Get a Cat
Chapter 10- Girl Talk
Chapter 11- Parker Adams
Chapter 12- 4. Break A Rule
Chapter 13- 5. Go To A Party
Chapter 14- You Look Cute
Chapter 15- Getting Caught
Chapter 16- Aftermath
Chapter 17- 6. Kiss A Cute Boy
Chapter 19- An Empty Day
Chapter 20- Kissing Parker Adams
Chapter 21- Serena
Chapter 22- 7. Do Something Bold
Chapter 23- I Definitely Liked It
Chapter 24- What Did I Tell You?
Chapter 25- You Look Unhealthy
Chapter 26- Rumors
Chapter 27- Bad Days
Chapter 28- You're Not Alone
Chapter 29- I'm Not Going Anywhere
Chapter 30- 8. Skip Class
Chapter 31- 9. Swim In The Ocean
Chapter 32- Where Were You?
Chapter 33- Our... Date?
Chapter 34- Mean Girls
Chapter 35- 10. Pet A Giraffe
Chapter 36- Certainly Not Complaining
Chapter 37- I Can't
Chapter 38- Exactly The Way You Are
Chapter 39- 11. Build A Snowman
Chapter 40- It's Called A Date, Morgan
Chapter 41- Watch Your Back
Chapter 42- You Need To Eat
Chapter 43- Help
Chapter 44- Don't Scare Me Like That
Chapter 45- A Year Later
Bonus #1- A Time To Say Goodbye
Bonus #2- Life Goes On
Bonus #3- Forever

Chapter 18- Consequences

134 9 0
By StacyHanvy

In my experience, Mondays are always the worst days to be at school; sometimes, I feel like they shouldn't even exist. Everyone is always sluggish after having to wake up early after two whole days off; it definitely puts a damper on things. It's hard to be back on the demanding and often overwhelming schedule of high school so early in the morning on a Monday, forcing your body and brain to instantly readjust to the insane expectations set for you. But, it's unquestionably not the worst thing in the world.

Being at school is infinitely better than having an empty day.

As I cautiously weave my way through the semi-crowded hallway toward my locker, my eyes automatically lock on the girl leaning up against it. One of her arms is crossed over her chest, her other hand twirling a strand of hair around her index finger. I slow my pace as I watch her carefully, wracking my brain in an attempt to figure out what she could possibly be doing there. In my space. Is she waiting for me? Or maybe she's lost? Does she have a friend with a locker near mine?

Whatever is happening right now, I don't like it. My heart begins to race as dread bubbles in my stomach, threatening to lurch forward at any time and completely devour me. That's the last thing I need; having a panic attack right here in the school hallway. The girl's gaze wanders down the hallway as if in search of something, her face set in a sour expression.

She looks like she has just eaten a lemon or something.

My heart rate quickens further, and my breathing lags slightly as I recognize the girl as Serena, one of the most popular girls in the school.

This can't be good.

I take a deep breath, preparing myself for whatever drama is about to come my way, knowing that there is undoubtedly some crapstorm stirring on the horizon. Still, I hope that the fire burning in Serena's eyes won't be directed at me, even though all signs seem to be pointing precisely to that. Maybe I'll get lucky, and she simply got my locker confused with someone else's. My steps are probably overly cautious as I continue in her direction, my breath hitching in my throat as if my lungs are too scared to function correctly or something.

This situation is messing me up in all kinds of ways, it seems.

"Good morning, loser," Serena sneers as she catches me in her field of vision, spitting her words out as if they're poisoned. Her eyes narrow almost threateningly as they sweep over me before locking with my own. A silent air of danger looms over her, and a gleam in her eyes promises to follow through with whatever discomfort her words are about to threaten.

I think that pretty much verifies that I am undoubtedly the target of her hatred today.

"I saw you talking to Parker Adams at the party Saturday night," she says, her words dripping with apparent hatred.

I bite my lip nervously, equally afraid to even reply to her and unsure what to say at this moment. Is it too late to just turn around and run? Would that make me look like a complete idiot? Yes, it most definitely would. But do I really care about that right now? Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I don't have any idea where this conversation is going, but I definitely don't like it. My stomach rolls, almost guaranteeing that the remnants of my breakfast are about to join this incredibly confrontational and scary dialogue. Wouldn't that just be my luck? Blowing chunks all over the school's queen bee in front of everyone?

"You need to stay away from him, freak. He's mine," Serena growls, venom still lacing her voice. "I don't want to catch you with him again; there will be consequences. Do you understand me?"

By now, there's probably a giant crater in my bottom lip, thanks to my nervous habit of chewing on it. I can't bring myself to answer her, focusing all of my energy on not throwing up on the unpleasant girl.

"I said, do you understand me?" Serena repeats, sounding even more hateful than she did the first time.

"Get lost, Serena," Ash's voice calls from a few feet away, stealing the other girl's attention from me.

Thank goodness she's here...

I'm instantly swept with a feeling of relief, the nausea I was previously feeling letting up as my friend's comforting presence soothes me. I feel tears stinging my eyes, but I refuse to let them fall. Not here, not now. Not in front of Serena. Ashton is by my side quickly, standing protectively beside me with a glare fixed on Serena.

"I said, get lost, Serena. Leave Morgan alone," Ashton says, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I hope you're not dumb enough to go against me, Feldman," Serena spits at me before walking away with a huff.

"Are you okay?" Ash asks, placing her hands on my shoulders and looking directly into my eyes. I can tell that she's searching for any signs of harm. I simply shake my head in response, my voice stuck in my throat. Before anyone else can see the water pooling in my eyes, Ashton takes me by the arm and drags me into a nearby bathroom. "It's okay, Morgs, it's okay," she whispers soothingly, pulling me into a tight, consoling hug.

She lets me cry on her shoulder for a few minutes before I pull away. I rake my eyes over her, noting the wet spot now residing on her shirt, immediately feeling terrible for ruining it. My mouth opens to say something, words of apology and thanks swirling around my brain as they fight to escape my mouth first.

Ash cuts me off, holding her hand up before stating, "Don't thank me, Morgan." Wiping the tears staining my cheeks with her shirtsleeve, she adds, "And don't apologize, either. I'll always have your back."

I don't think I've ever felt so appreciative of someone in my entire life.

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