GLOWING ~ Julie and the Phant...

By k_storytime

165K 3.3K 3.6K

"You're glowing! How is this possible?" This is how I think season 2 of Julie and the Phantoms should go. The... More

~ Chapter 1 ~
~ Chapter 2 ~
~ Author notes ~
~ Chapter 3 ~
~ Chapter 4 ~
~ Chapter 5 ~
~ Chapter 6 ~
~ Chapter 7 ~
~ Author Notes ~
~ Chapter 8 ~
~ Chapter 9 ~
~ Chapter 11 ~
~ Chapter 12 ~
~ Chapter 13 ~
~ Chapter 14 ~
~ Chapter 15 ~
~ Chapter 16 ~
~ Chapter 17 ~
~ Chapter 18 ~
~ New story Idea?? ~
~ Chapter 19 ~
~ Chapter 20 ~
~ Chapter 21 ~
~ Chapter 22 ~
~ Chapter 23 ~
~ Chapter 24 ~
~ Authors note ~
~ Chapter 25 ~
~ Epilogue ~
~ Collided/ Author's Note ~
Hey :)

~ Chapter 10 ~

5.1K 118 94
By k_storytime

Luke's POV ~

   Luke flashes into the garage

I've always had one goal in life, to make it big in music. I focused everything on that. Nothing got in the way, school, girls, boys, none of it. I always had the guys beside me, but it was never a distraction. I worked so hard my whole life and got killed by a hotdog, but life gave me a second chance. And what did I do with that, I got attached to a girl that I could never have only to have her break me instead. That might sound normal for regular teenage boys, but not me. I never get attached and I mean never. It would be a semi flirt or a small fling, but nothing major. The longest thing I had was with Alex, but we were always better as friends. All dating did was get in the way, but JULIE was different sh-

Alex: Luke are you ok?

Reggie: Yea, you just flashed in and stood there.

(Luke looks up at them with a numb expression)

Alex: What happened with Julie?

Luke: (says super quite) S-sh-she quit the band.

Reggie: What, you have to speak louder. I might look 17, but I have the hearing of an old man.

Luke: S-she quit the band.

Alex: Did I hear that right, because it sounded like you said "she quit the band"

(Luke looks back down)

Reggie: No, you must have heard her wrong, Julie would never quit the band.

Alex: Why?

Luke: Her happiness. (he says as he is tearing up)

Reggie: Julie loves the band, we do make her happy. Right?

Luke: She did it for us! She saw how happy we were that people could see us when we played with her, so she joined. Now she wants to do something for her. Without me.

Alex: Luke you know s-

Luke: No Alex, god how could I have been so stupid!

(Luke sits on the couch aggressively and puts his head in his hands)

Alex: How were you stupid, you didn't do anything?

Reggie: Yea, it's not your fault you fell for her.

Luke: I didn't just fall for her s-! (Takes a breath) Yall remember back in the 90's?

Reggie and Alex: Yea. (say confused)

Luke: Music was everything to me. It was the reason I woke up in the morning, the reason I got through most things. I always knew music was there for me.

Alex: Luke what does this ha-

Luke: Wait. I had yall and my parents, but music was always the thing I loved most. It was apart of me. I even ran away from home for music, of course I regret it but I still did it because I couldn't stand the thought of never doing it again.

Reggie: We know that man, b-

Luke: Let me finish, please.

(Reggie and Alex nod)

Luke: Music was going to be my future. I never thought about falling in love or finding my other half, cause I knew no one could replace music. It would always be first. Then we died. And all I thought in that room is how I would never get to perform and move people like we used to. It crushed me to know that my chance was over. Then the universe gave us a second chance to play, and once again music was there for me.

Alex: Music will always be there, even with out Julie.

Luke: Yes it will.

Reggie: Then what's wrong?

Luke: I knew once I found out that we could play again everything was going to be ok, but with that came Julie. Julie brought music back to me. And the more we played together the less music had control over my life. I always thought music was what I needed to be complete, but that was before I met Julie. 

Reggie: We know you love her.

Luke: I wasn't lying when I said "Music isn't worth making if we're not making it with you."(says more to himself) I just never realized how much that sentence truly meant until right now. (widens eyes in realization) 

Alex: What are you saying Luke?

Luke: (says shakily) I-I I'm not complete without her, music isn't enough anymore. I-I was wrong. I don't need m-music to l-live, I-I need her. (starts to tear up again) And she left me. She left me.

Reggie's POV ~

Luke: She left me.

I can't believe this. Luke has found something he loves and NEEDS more than music. I just wish he would have realized this before she left.

Alex: She will come back.

Luke: No this is for good. I could tell.

He's actually broken. I've never seen this side of him.

Reggie: What exactly did she say?

Luke: Well, she said she loves me a-

Reggie: That's good!

Luke: As a friend. She loves me as a friend.

Spoke too soon, but I know Julie there is no way that is true.

Alex: What about the I'm sorry, what was that?

Luke: She said it was a sorry for leaving the band, and she ran away cause she wasn't ready to say it to me yet. 

This is weird, that doesn't sound like Julie at all.

Luke: I-I can't even imagine playing one note on my guitar, it's like I was always half of a whole with music. Then whole with Julie and music, and just like that empty. She took both.

Reggie: I'm su-

Luke passes out

Alex: Omg, Luke! Hurry, help me lay him down.

Reggie: W-what happened?

Alex: I-I don't know. Let find Willie he will know what to do. You think we can leave him here?

Reggie: Yea, he should be fine. Maybe he will wake up when we are gone.

Alex: Ok, lets go.

Reggie: Wait, what did you think about Julie. The way he described how she quit did not sound like her.

Alex: I know, and she has been acting a little strange ever since the gig. We can deal with that later though. We need to help Luke.

Reggie: Ok.

They flash out

Julie's POV ~

(As she is walking into the garage)

Ok, I just need to go into the garage say bye then leave easy. Don't lie to yourself. K-

Julie: LUKE!

(She runs to the couch)

OMG what happened, wait maybe he is just sleeping. Do ghost even sleep?

Julie: LUKE! LUKE!! Wake up. (shakes him) NO NO NO NO. What have I done.

Ghost don't just pass out. What if he's hu-.  OH NO, I-I did this!


Author: I am so sorry that I took so long to post, I have had so much homework and after school stuff and I just haven't had time. I hope yall like this chapter, it's been sitting in my head for over a week so hopefully it's good. 

On a second note

Thank you for 4k reads!! :) It makes me so happy that yall are enjoying my little story. If you have any ideas pls comment, I would love to hear your thoughts. Ok bye!! :) :)

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