Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader...

By lndlover

533K 12.3K 3.2K

See title More

Another one
Prompts contiued
Somebody Else
Mother dearest (daughter!reader)
Lie to me
This seat taken?
Movie night
Since when?
Thats my shirt
She'll kill me
A bitter Goodbye
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
Thank you, and goodnight
Mothers of 7
We'll meet again
My Way
Til Death Do Us Part
3 am
Story updates
Early Mornings
Back Home
Because of You
Parents' Visit
Band Double Date
Pillow Forts
Coffee Talk
Old Friend
A Rookie Mistake
Of Tops and Bottoms
A Steady Breath
Make You Love Me
Disapointment pt.2
Unreqited pt.2
Dinosaurs fell in love
Hymn for the missing
Striking out
Series announcement
Smoke and Mirrors
Quick announcement
A New Reality
My mother's friend
Curiosity killed the Cat
Our Friend Mari
Not His
Her Highness
Can't Let Go Annoncement
Fingers crossed
Sleeping Beauty
Gonna be okay
By Your Side

Til death do us part (ending 2)

4.9K 125 3
By lndlover

A/N: Do not read unless you've read the first chapter. Now you certainly don't need to read this to get any sort of closure, this is just me messing around and talking about how this would realistically look with the whole time travel plot.

As explained in endgame when you go to the past, that past is now your present and whatever comes next is your future. Clint and Nat went back to 2014 in the movie meaning that Natasha died in 2014, not 2023. This would also mean that she died a full year before you had. So this is just how that ending would look.

  You jolted forward as you woke up to a bright light. "Woah there." Came an all too familiar voice as you felt her hands steady you. You looked around confused as your eyes focused on her. "Natasha...?"

  Her eyes scanned you over, seemingly checking for injuries as she always did. But something was off. She looked different. She hair wasn't in its shirt red bob and was instead long with white tips.

  On top of all this you could have sworn you made sure everyone was safe before going back in the building. She was back in the quinjet with everyone else, so why on earth was she with you here?

  "I'm so, so sorry I couldn't save you." She said before pulling you into a crushing hug. Shakily you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around her, returning the hug.

  "Please explain all of this to me."


   Heaven was truly beautiful, it also wasn't somewhere you ever pictured yourself ending up. You couldn't really pay attention to the scenery however as you were too busy trying to process everything Natasha had just laid on you.

  " let me get this straight. You're from the year 2023 where I had already been dead for 8 years. Everything went to shit when Thanos snapped half the universe away back in 2018, which is still three years from now. So you went back in time with Clint to a year ago to get the soul stone, sacrificed yourself, and have been here for in past heaven for a year while waiting for me to die."

  Nat looked at you and couldn't help but crack her tell tale smirk. "Yeah...pretty much." You let out an exasperated breath and shook your head. "I'm sorry, this is just a lot to take in. I mean I died today and you were no where near the explosion so to see you here and then have you tell me all of this is just a lot."

  She reached over and took your hand, giving it a supportive squeeze. "I know, my love. It's a lot for me to even try and process in the first place and I went through it all."

  "Good thing I went out before things got to rough." You attempted at a joke only for her to shoot you a fierce glare. You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "Come on, I've been dead for like 8 years for you, I think I should be allowed to joke about my own death."

  She merely rolled her eyes and stood up, pulling you with her. "No, no your not." He kissed the tip of your nose before wrapping her arms around your neck. You wrapped your arms around her waist and pulled her a bit closer.

  "I'm just sorry I kept you waiting for so long." You whisper before reaching up and brushing some hair behind her ear before resting your hand on her cheek. She shook her head and leaned into your touch.  "No my love, I was the one who kept you waiting."

  With a laugh you leaned in so that your lips were inches apart. "In your old time line maybe." You whispered before connecting your lips in a loving kiss.

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