Unstable Loyalties

Von Lightningstar22

4.4K 63 16

🗲"She is fierce and unpredictable - just like lightning, and within, she is just like a storm about to break... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Teaser! :))

Chapter 5

122 1 0
Von Lightningstar22

"She is more than ready to be out on the field, you know, one more week of training should be enough." Enterprise commented. 

"Are you sure?" Yorktown questioned worriedly. 

"Yes, sister, I am sure. Look at the way she fought the Sirens! She is a born fighter, that is for sure." Enterprise replied. 

Yorktown still looked unsure and Enterprise sighed, "I know you are worried about her and you care a lot about her, but it is time for her to spread her wings. She knew the risks when she came here, Yorktown." 

With a soft sigh, Yorktown nodded and whispered, "Perhaps you are right..."

A few days later...

Lightning grumbled under her breath as she thought about the extremely boring day ahead. Five days had already passed since her battle with the Sirens but she still could not do any training. Life was so boring. She had managed to pass the time by listening to songs and drawing, but still, life was dull. She knew that she should be grateful, that she could heal faster than normal people, but that did not stop her from being bored to her wits end. Thankfully, she could still walk about, so she continued climbing the cliff, slowly of course, to stargaze with Bismarck. They usually talked about their past lives, before joining Azur Lane. They both respected each other, trusted each other. Because of this, they were best friends, to the very end, they promised each other. 

Bismarck also introduced Lightning to Tirpitz and amazingly, despite the differences in their personality, they got along well. The same could be said for Lightning and Bismarck as well as Lightning and Shokaku, probably. Lightning also frequently visited Yamato, in her eyes, Yamato was honorable and mighty, a true warrior. 

Suddenly, Lightning remembered that Bismarck had wanted to buy something and Lightning offered to tag along. After all, she heard that Akashi did sell quite interesting things, even though she overpriced them way too much... Changing into a new set of clothes, Lightning immediately headed down to dock where she was supposed to meet Bismarck. 

When she headed out of the base, she could feel the gazes of many, many shipgirls on her. She had not put on the captain's hat since she joined Azur Lane. She didn't deserve it. Not yet. And now, with the stunt she pulled during the previous battle, gossip had spread across the base like wildfire. All the stares... Some curious, some jealous and she could hear their whispers. Freak and weirdo, that she understood, after all, not many knew about her past and some were bitter she had just swooped in and stole the limelight. 

The older shipgirls were more understanding, a respectful nod from some of them. What those shipgirls talking about her didn't know, was that with every word they said about her, it felt like daggers piercing her heart. She was used to this, but that did not take away the pain all the same. The stares followed her to the dock as she waited for a brief moment. Just then, Bismarck came out from the base and was immediately surrounded by many shipgirls. To them, she was a walking legend, but Lightning knew she hated the attention. 

As Bismarck slowly made her way to Lightning and stood beside her, hushed exclamations came from the crowd and more whispers were heard. Bismarck heard them, she knew. Which was why Bismarck fixed them with an icy stare from her blue eyes, challenging them. Under her gaze, the shipgirls shrunk back and silence was heard. With one last glare for good measure, Bismarck left, walking away with Lightning.

Lightning and Bismarck entered the shop and Lightning gazed around in wonder. With a small nod, Bismarck headed further into the store to get what she needed. After some time, Bismarck headed to the counter where Akashi was trying to overcharge her. Again. 

"That'll be 5 gems. Nya~" Bismarck sighed in defeat as she handed Akashi the gems and Akashi just grinned as she watched Bismarck leave with Lightning. Once they reached the dock, Bismarck excused herself and headed to base while Lightning just went to her ship to have a look at how the repair works were going on. Fortunately, the ship was almost ready for regular operations. Another day would do it. Bunker Hill was there too, staring up at Lightning's ship in amazement. 

"My ship is nuclear powered, you know," Lightning could not help but blurt out. 

"That's interesting," Bunker Hill replied, reaching up to pet her owl. 

"Siren activity around Azur Lane has been increasing... soon it will be time to fight again," Bunker Hill sighed softly. "You are actually a natural fighter, you know Lightning?" Lightning was rather shocked by the compliment but she managed to thank Bunker Hill, asking her where her ship was. Tilting her head slightly, Bunker Hill pointed out her ship to Lightning. Just then, a flapping of wings could be heard and a bald eagle landed on Lightning's outstretched arm. 

"You have an eagle?" Bunker Hill questioned. 

"Yup, his name is Avenger!" Lightning smiled as she replied, glad to have such a loyal eagle by her side. Gazing at the sky, Lightning realised that it was getting late. Saying good bye to Bunker Hill, she headed back to base, ready to get ready for bed, after eating, of course.

After dinner...

Lightning pushed open the door of her room, entering it and closing the door. Her gaze fell on a wrench and she was almost instantly dragged back into her memories...

Lightning had done it again. She had officially irritated Ratchet for the third time that day. Ratchet was really really at the end of his patience. Grabbing a wrench, he threw it straight at Lightning, who dodged with ease. 

"But how...?" Ratchet spluttered. He had almost never missed hitting people with wrenches before. The other 'bots, amazed, just watched. Grumbling under his breath, Ratchet somehow or other summoned an armada of wrenches and started flinging them at Lightning. Lightning just ducked, twisted and weaved out of the way, her movements fluid as she dodged every. single. one. of Ratchets wrenches. Growling in frustration, Ratchet just grabbed more wrenches and started hurling them at Lightning. She just leaped and ducked, twisting here and there before grabbing a wrench and her bow. Blood roared in her ears, the adrenaline pumping in her veins as she fitted the wrench in her bow and released the string. Time seemed to slow down as the wrench flew towards Ratchet. And hit him straight in the helm. 

"Ow," Ratchet muttered, before finally conceding defeat. All the 'bots  were shocked, even Optimus wore a look of surprise on his face. No one, had ever managed to dodge that many wrenches, or made Ratchet, of all people, concede defeat. 

Lightning just stood there, smirking as she said," We'll have another round one day." 

Of course, that day never came. Lightning left before it happened. Pain gripped her as she sighed softly. She knew what she needed. Heading out of base and up the cliff, she gazed at the stars. She missed them, so so much...

Across the galaxy...

A certain red and blue mech stared out of his window, up at the stars, his spark aching. Oh Lightning, I miss you so much... 

Ahhh. Finally, another chapter done! Claps for myself. Now to take a well deserved break...

~Lightningstar out


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