Magical Merpeople

By KyssaraSnowheart

21.3K 1K 62

In an attempt to find the Grangers, raise a baby and get away from the spotlight of being two thirds of the G... More

Planning Before Departure
About Mako Island and Strange Girls
From Magicals to Magical Merpeople
Research and Exposure
Talks and Knowing One Another
Ms. Chatham's Knowledge
Exploring and News
A Magical Mer's Hectic Every Day
Preparations and...Death Eaters? In Australia?
Skirmish Under the Full Moon
A Lead
Trouble On The Horizon
Moon Stones
Omake: Hogwarts Adventures (Year One)
A Visit to Gringotts
A Day in the Australian Magical District
Angered Mers
Potion Making and Ideas

Mako's Moon Pool

1K 52 2
By KyssaraSnowheart

The days before the full moon, Harry and Hermione had dived into the warding of their home and the construction of the Potion's lab shack.

They had agreed to do both at night. That way they would avoid calling unwanted attention to themselves. Winky and Kreacher were a blessing with the building of the shack, while Hermione did all the warding and also carved Runes into the house.

Andromeda had also managed to get a small boat, knowing that when the day of the full moon arrives, Harry and Hermione would head out towards Mako. They would have Apparated, but because they've never been there nor did they have a detailed image of a location on the island, they couldn't. Not only that, but to try and blend in with the Muggles, they had decided to take two backpacks with Muggle and Magical items with them.

Not only that, but all four enjoyed the time in the water. Teddy more so due to never being in a body of water other than a bath. He would splash around with his floaties and Harry and Hermione encouraged him to swim towards them back and forth.

Andromeda even managed a tan without burning herself under the sun.

Teddy would be so tired, he would sleep all night long. Something unheard of from the little Metamorphmagus.

Now it was the night before, Hermione was reading about magical creatures native to Australia.

"Still at it Mione?" Harry asks as he walks in and sits on the other chair and picks up a book."

"I just can't seem to figure out what those three girls could be! They aren't werewolves, that's for sure. They didn't show any of the signs of being one. No scars, no irritation to loud noises or smells, no craving of chocolate! They aren't Fey or any other creature native to Australia." Hermione said in frustration as she pretty much slams a book shut.

"Hermione you can't expect to find what they are immediately, even with your brilliant mind. Maybe they are normal girls."

"You don't really believe that do you Harry?"

"No. I don't, but I can hope." He answers her as he waves his wand and the books return to their place. "Are you ready for tomorrow evening?"

"I am, are you?"

"Yes, but what time do you think it be best to head over?" Harry asks, having a feeling he knew when would be the time to head over. "Your magic told you didn't it?"

"Yes...before the moon is at it's prime in the sky."


Morning came rather quick. Neither young magic wielder having been able to sleep long enough to be completely well rested. Only enough to be able to function for the day's planning and journey later on.

Kreacher was making breakfast for everyone. Harry and Hermione also had Nutrition Potions with them. They had gained some weight since the end of the war to be able to drink the potions safely and help them recover more.

"Good morning Master Harry, Missy Hermione and Mrs. Tonks. Breakfast will be ready shortly."

"Thank you Kreacher." Harry said as he sat down and drank some juice. He has to admit, waking up to no Prophet was a welcome change. Though he may ask for Kreacher to see if he could get him one, or maybe subscribe for the Australian Wizarding paper instead.

"What should we do while we wait for the time for us to head out to Mako?" Harry asks as he looks out the window.

"We could go and get new phones. That will take some time and today is the perfect day to waste it efficiently." Hermione says as the food arrives. "We should take Teddy. Give Andromeda some time to herself and also see what else she can find that could help or just wants."

"Sounds like a plan to me, and we can also go and check the boat Andy got for us. Hopefully it's not something extravagant."

"She did say it was small."

"True, but she is a Black by blood and we are now a family of sorts. So I wouldn't put it past her." Harry points out with a shudder but smiles. Hermione returning it.

"Breakfast is ready Master." Kreacher announces and the food floats to the table.


Harry, Hermione and Teddy walk towards a phone shop after Andromeda drops them off and assured her they will make their way home before it was later in the day.

Teddy was holding on to Hermione's hand, wanting to be with her for the time being. Harry didn't mind, he wouldn't be surprised if he starts to call her mom. He blushes at the thought and shakes his head as he stands beside her as she does all the talking towards the sales person.

Rather than going for the newest model, Hermione went for a slightly older one since she theorizes those will last longer around magic.

After getting three, choosing their numbers and paying, they leave the store and walk around, looking into the stores. "How about we buy some clothes for us and Teddy, Mione?"

"Sure, we have more than enough time for the moment." Hermione says and they walk into one of the stores with clothing.


After a couple of hours shopping, the trio was hungry and decided to get something to eat. It was an experience for them, but they found a deli and ordered Continental Rolls.

Teddy didn't want to eat them but after seeing both Harry and Hermione try them, he did so too and found he enjoyed it. Thankfully they ordered a small one for him.

"This is delicious. We are going to have to ask Kreacher and Winky to make these for us now and then." Harry says as they make their way to a secluded area and shrink their shopping bags before putting them into his pocket.

"I agree, along with more Australian cuisine." Hermione adds before they make their way out of the are only to bump into someone. "Oh! I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"It's alright. Hey, you're the ones from the cafe yesterday."

Hermione looks at the blond headed girl that served them the day before, alongside the other two girls she left with. "Yeah, we are. Emma right? I'm Hermione."

"Hermione? That's an unusual name, but beautiful non the less. I'm Emma Gilbert, this is Cleo Sertori," she motions to the brown haired girl before motioning to the other blond, "and this is Rikki Chadwick." She introduces them and then looks at Harry.

"Harry Potter, and this little rascal is Teddy." Harry introduces them and looks at Teddy, who steps forward and offers his hand. They each shake his hand, though they notice Rikki was a bit hesitant.

"Is he your brother?" Cleo asks as Teddy returns to Harry's side.

"He's my son." Harry answers, deciding to tell the truth to a group since he knew Emma had heard when he said son at the cafe. "We're sorry for bumping into you, but we have to be going. Teddy here needs his nap soon."

"No I don't!" Teddy says with a pout, making the group smile, even Rikki.

"Well, see you around!" Harry said and walked past them with Teddy on his arms and Hermione beside him.

Once they were out of ear shot, the girls looked at each other. "Do you think they know something?"

"Doubtful. They were having lunch from the looks of things. Come on, we better get what we need for tonight." Emma tells them and walks ahead. None of them hearing the sharp crack from behind them.


The sun was beginning to set, Harry and Hermione were walking down the dock with their bags. Hermione, having learned how to operate a boat before would be steering.

Andromeda had wished them luck and to be careful.

Climbing onto the boat and lifting the anchor, Harry started it and then they were off, Harry paying attention to the surrounding boats in case they were followed or were about to collide against one.

Once out of the bay, Hermione picked up speed and Harry paid attention to what she did for whenever he needed to drive it. Hermione went as fast as she dared to get to Mako at a good time. However, Harry could see she wanted to go faster and he couldn't really blame her. His magic seemed to be humming the closer they got to the island, almost singing. If his magic felt like this, he could only guess how Hermione's felt.

After about an hour and a half, they make it to Mako and get off the boat after getting in to the beach. They look around towards the jungle and then at one another before they slowly make their way into the jungle.

Both said nothing, letting their magic and instinct guide them deeper within. They didn't know how much time had passed, but they come upon a beautiful waterfall. Looking up at the sky, they see it has darkened some and take a break by drinking water and eating something.

"It feels like whatever is meant to happen will happen soon." Hermione says as they walk over the rocks.

"Yes, but it seems we aren't in the right pla-AAAHH!" Harry shouts as he falls down a steep hole.

"Harry! Harry, are you alright!?"

"I'm fine Mione, nothing broken or sprained."

"Hang on, I'll get a rope so you can climb out!"

"Wait! Mione you may want to come down here. I think this is it!" Harry shouts as he stands and goes to explore a little deeper into the cave.

"What do you mean? Harry? Harry!?"

"Hermione, you've got to see this!" Harry answered after a moment.

Hesitating, she looked around before deciding to slide down the tunnel. "WHOA!" Hermione lands with a bit of a thud and groans before getting up and patting her pants off of sand. "Harry?"

"Over here!" Harry's echoing voice answered her.

She walks towards were she heard him and gasps at what she sees.

They were in the middle of a cone like cave, the center of the volcano. The top was open and the night sky visible. In the center of it all, a beautiful clear blue pool of ocean water could be found.

Harry was looking at it, mesmerized. Hermione soon found herself mesmerized by it as well. Compelled by something bigger than either of them, they step into the water and could feel it calm and relax them.

They knew, right then and there, that they had found the reason as to why their magic was reacting to the island. To this Moon Pool. But they felt that it wasn't complete. Something was missing, but they were sure it would soon come to pass.

Just then, the full moon started to shine above them, slowly making its way to the middle. The water started to bubble and sparkles floated from the water as they stared at the moon.

Their magic seemed to swell within them, their cores getting bigger and adapting. They floated beside one another and relaxed, knowing no harm would come to them.

Finally, the moon passed, the water calmed and the cave returned to normal.

Harry and Hermione remained looking at the sky for a few moments longer, before looking at one another.

"What do you think will happen now?" Hermione asks as she floats up and down, glancing at the dome and then Harry.

"Whatever it is, we will face it together." Harry answers her and then looks down. "It looks like there's a way towards the ocean from here. Want to take this route or try and leave from the forest again?"

"Let's swim out, we're already here." Hermione says and Harry nods. They cast a Bubble Head Charm on themselves and dive down, swimming out of the Moon Pool. They make it outside and swim towards where their boat was and dry themselves before heading back to the Mainland and back home.

They take a final look at Mako Island as they drove away, not seeing it as eerie as the book had mentioned it to be. Rather, seeing it for its magical beauty.

Unknown to them, they're lives will be forever change and new challenges and adventures await them.

I am making it so that, since Harry and Hermione are a wizard and witch, they will be different merepeople instead of the regular ones from the show H2O: Just Add Water and Mako Mermaids alike.

Image from Google.

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