Hazbin Hotel II Hell's Paradi...

By Fancybunnynii

405K 13.2K 2.2K

*** A fallen Angel, huh? Well, Heaven isn't really crack up to be the best. Cast away to Hell with her cool b... More

War against Heaven
No thanks, Michael!
Little Princess
Present for Charlie!
New Orleans
A Gentleman
Party Time
Hell's new Sinner
Charlie's Girlfriend
Fragile Bonds
Vanishing Act
Happy Hotel
Dance of Gold and Red
Back Home
First Client
666 News
New Friends
Funny Mix-up
Brave or Stupid?
Tea Party
Dinner for Two
Bite the Bullet
The Question
Drinking with Music
Show Off
My Darling Belial
Start of the Day
Lively Party
Don't leave me
Find a Way
Trial of Heaven
Welcome Home

Green with Jealousy

5.5K 192 59
By Fancybunnynii

Belial left the table to approach the bar for another drink. Anything to distract herself from listening to her own heartbeat's fluttering. "Damn it all." She mutters under her breath. This is new for Belial since she never experience this type of feeling throughout her life. Calming herself, she told the bartender for cold beer. Uncapping the beer, he slides it to Belial which she paid with a generous tip. Taking a sip from the beer, she let out a sigh of relief. Ed, the bat demon looks at Belial who looks troubled despite her calm expression. 

"Long day?" He decides to be polite since he doesn't want to be on her bad side and her generous tip. Belial gave him a wide grin, waving off his question. "You can say that." Ed raises his left eyebrow but doesn't say anymore. He watches Belial took a long drink from her bottle. Looking past her shoulder, he saw his boss approach the table with a cat-like grin. Each step she took is a skip. "Seriously..." He mentally sighs at his boss' behavior. 

"Thanks for the beer." Belial announces. Ed nods his head then he watches the fallen angel walking back to the table. "...Maybe, I'll look for another job." Ed mentally notes to himself, just in case things goes south. 


"Aunt Bel!" Charlie left her seat to wrap around her arms around Belial's neck with a wide smile on her face. Belial let out a chuckle in response. "Mimzy is going to help the party!" Charlie announces with joy in her face. Mimzy stood next to Alastor, her eyes lands on the grinning Belial. "That's great, Pup. Glad to have you in our group." Belial's head is at Mimzy's direction. The flapper's lips form a forced grin in reply. "Of course, Sugar! I'm excited to see how the party will turn out." She adds a happy tone for good measure. 

Angel shakes his head at Mimzy's forced smile. "This broad..." He thought to himself. Alastor let out a chuckle. He looks down at the flapper with a grin. "Wonderful to have you on board. If it is possible, can you come by at the hotel in two days? After all, we have to go over plans for the party!" Mimzy's cheeks turns pink in response as she replies with a sweet yes. After exchanging a few words, the group departs from the club - happy that the flapper accepts being their singer for the party. 


The plan of making a welcoming party gives the fallen angel a bit of reflection time. By reflection time, she sits at the hotel's balcony of the seventh floor with her fast food next to her side. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Belial quietly chews on her hamburger. The sound of crumbling wrapper is the only thing she heard. Finishing her burger, she eats her fries. 

While munching on her fries, Belial begins to think about her newfound feelings for the radio demon. Alastor is an interesting person since he step foot in hell. Sure, she had her payback at him for stabbing her but their first fight against each other awaken something within the woman. Centuries of slaying her and Lucifier's enemies made her feel dull since they don't put much of a challenge. After years of winning, it starts to wear down on the woman. The lack of satisfaction of her battles, it made Belial doubt her strength. After all, fighting made her feel something of worth. 

She thought she was not worth anything until Alastor arrives with powers of his own. It seems that their contact on Earth doesn't deter Alastor from killing more people. With kills by him, it boast his power as a demon. Finally, she had something of worth - worthy to him as a opponent. It made her happy. 

She thought he would stop there - only use her for fighting but no, he goes farther. He goes out of his way to interact with her. Alastor welcomes her to interesting conversations and even dance with her when other demons are too fearful to approach her. His little quips made her smile and even laugh. 

He doesn't see Belial as a blind woman. No, he saw her as powerful even if he laid his eyes on her hidden scars. Accepting all of her, Belial saw him as one of a kind that she could never replace. Finishing her last fry, Belial picks up her trash to walk back inside the hotel. Arriving the hotel's lobby, she was greeted by Vaggie who is sitting on one of the chairs. In the moth demon's hand is a pile of papers. Belial throws away her trash into the trash can next to the front desk then approach the woman. 

"How's the plan going?" Belial asks since she can't help much, only provide suggestions if asked. Vaggie turns to the next page. "It's slow but it going smoothly." She replies. Belial smiles from the reply. "Great-"

"We would go a bit faster if she doesn't make it obvious with her secret glances towards him." Vaggie grumbles under her breath, "It would be better if we don't include Alastor or Mimzy to this party." She quietly express her distrust to the both of them. Belial pats her left shoulder to give her silent support. "Don't worry about it, V. Just focus on making the party the best thing in Hell." Belial reminds her, "Pup is counting on you to make it right." Vaggie gives her a gentle smile, thanking her. She shouldn't stress herself on little things, the main goal is making the party and have new clients for their project. 

Their peaceful moment was interrupted by Charlie who waves to them with a wide smile. Following her is Alastor and Mimzy. Vaggie glances at the duo behind Charlie to see Mimzy's eyes sharpen when landing on Belial. Alastor looks down at Mimzy who gives him a sweet smile as if her glare never happens. Alastor turns back to face Belial. It seems his mood is brighten slightly when he lands his eyes on the blind woman. "There you are, Aunt Bel. I was wondering if you can walk Mimzy back to the club since it is late." Charlie asks in a soft voice. Belial stood straight up then gives them a grin. 

"Sure, no problem." 

Her reply made Mimzy's grin twitch. The flapper wants Alastor to escort her back to the club but he simply said that he is busy currently since he is taking part of the party building. The next person who can escort her back is the fallen angel since she is working as security. Mimzy silently curses in her head. She questions Charlie's sanity since Belial isn't much to the eye.

Alastor spoke up in a lively voice. "Wonderful! You are fortunate to have someone like our darling Belial escorting you back!" He adds. Mimzy's head turns to Alastor, surprised at this endearing title to Belial's name. Belial coughs behind her right hand when her heart beats wildly against her chest when hearing Alastor's words. 

Not now, you are on the job...

She is able to display her usual composure even though her emotions are haywire within her. This doesn't help her hatred towards the blind woman at all. Belial gave Mimzy a welcoming smile, "Now then, shall we?" She walks towards the front door with Mimzy following suit. "Have a good night, Mimzy!" Alastor said. Mimzy said her farewells to Alastor then the group. Her lips press together to a thin line when she turns back to Belial. 


They left the hotel with Belial walking beside Mimzy's right. Mimzy notices that the demons who usually made snide and crude remarks towards her becoming silent and some of them showing fear when they laid eyes on Belial. "Hmph...they are just weak anyways." Mimzy silently told herself since she believes that Belial isn't all that powerful like Alastor. Her blood boils at the thought of Alastor's title for Belial. Not trying to hide her distaste towards Belial, Mimzy studies her appearance and silently judges every bit of her. 

"Why she is even wearing sunglasses? Is she too good for us that she won't even look at us without it?" Mimzy thought to herself. Belial stops to look down at Mimzy. "Something wrong?" She asks out of concern since she felt something off from the flapper. Mimzy growls under her breath. Then, Mimzy pulls Belial away from the side walk to behind one of the building - out of sight. Belial doesn't know what is going on as her back press against the brick wall. Mimzy took out a switchblade from the hidden strap close to her left thigh. 

The click of her blade made Belial look at her in question. "Listen here, you...you dirty worker!" Mimzy hisses at the woman. "...Worker?" She asks. Sure, she is security so she is right on taking on the dirty work of dealing with threats. Mimzy growls at the woman, pointing her knife at Belial. "Don't act dumb! You know what they are - workers, prostitutes who takes guy's money for favors!" She angrily explains. 

"Ohhhh, I got it now. Yeah...no, you are wrong about that." 

"Shut up! Now, listen to me carefully since you are dumb as bricks!" Mimzy took a step closer to Belial with her knife pointing at her stomach. Belial doesn't look faze to her threat which made Mimzy's eyes glow dangerously. 

"Alastor is mine. So, back off or you'll get it.

Her declaration made Belial silent. Mimzy hide her grin of victory. It seems that her threat scares Belial. It seems that Belial isn't strong as everyone said. Suddenly, Belial's left hand wraps around Mimzy's wrist in a split second. The flapper's eyes widen to feel Belial's grip on her. She can't even move away from her spot despite how hard Mimzy tried. Belial's grip isn't tight but her hand lock is impossible for Mimzy to move away. 

"Alastor isn't property for you or anyone to own. He is his own person who can make his own decisions, Mimzy.

Belial spoke in a calm voice. Even if her voice is calm, it is lace with an unspoken threat. Mimzy becomes still when she felt a sudden chill down her spine. Her anger pushes away the instinct to run away from the blind woman. "If you can't see that, then you should forget it." Belial releases her grip on Mimzy. The flapper fell on her bottom, glaring at the woman. "So, you can have him?! You can forget it. " She shouts at the blind woman. Belial shakes her head, sighing at the jealous flapper. It is no use to talking to her right now. 

"Don't even hide it! You love him. I can see it!" 

Belial crosses her arms over her chest. There is no use of denying it. "Yes, I like him." She admits to the flapper. Mimzy stood up, gripping her knife tightly. The feeling of stabbing her sounds good right now. "But, I won't pursue it." She confesses, "It will only fall on him. If the feeling is mutual on both sides, then it will be fine. If it is one sided or he likes another, then I will be fine with that." This silences the flapper. 

"I respect him that much." Belial finishes. Even if she said those words, it hurts to say it. Her heart squeezes painfully at the thought of Alastor loving another but she can accept it. Besides, she lived for centuries. How long does one heartbreak can last? 

Belial is strong....she can handle anything. 

Silence fell between them. Belial gives Mimzy a forced smile. "Come on, you should get back before it's dark." She announces. Mimzy reluctantly put away her knife, her right hand digs into her left arm. Her eyes narrows at Belial's back. Despite Belial's words, Mimzy still won't give up on Alastor. 

After all, she loves him. 

Leaving the area, the women didn't see the shadow high above the wall where Belial once stood. With glowing eyes and a wide smile on its face, the shadow looks satisfied with its findings. It's master had a good idea of following the women for safety and any information. The shadow left the scene with good news. 


A/N: Sorry, guys. There is no catfight...

Belial lived a long time so she would take the mature route even if it is painful. 

-Bun Bun

Incorrect quotes

Belial: "Everyone told me I'd understand when I'm older." 

Belial: "Well, I'm older now and I understand absolutely nothing."

Belial: "I actually understand less."


Charlie: "...Is this a lovers' quarrel?" 

Alastor: "We're not fighting."

Belial: "And most importantly, we're not lovers." 

Alastor: "...We're not?" 


Belial: "Only fools fall in love and I'm no fool!"

Alastor: [Exists]

Belial: "...I am officially a fool."



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