What I could have had

By mondaynightbrollinss

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Umm..read to find out..😆 More



253 14 0
By mondaynightbrollinss

Rebecca called Colby what she had told him about the blood coming out from her area he jolted up and practically ran out his hotel room.
He made it to Becks house.
She was already in the living room balling her eyes out when she seen headlights she ran out the house and right into Colbys arms.
A place she felt safe, they got in the taxi and rode to the hospital they told the driver to turn the blinkers on so he could go faster and not get pulled over.
They arrived and medics admittedly took her back to the room.
They told Colby to wait in the waiting room. He sat there by his self soaked in pure fear and shock ness. He decided to call his mom.
25 minutes later the doctor came out to tell him the news...  the news that they had lost the child and Becky was struggling.
Thank goodness they were in a hospital, he almost passed out hearing that. He went into the room to a crying Becky. He walked up to her bed and held her close.. super close. It felt like time stopped and it was just Colby and Rebecca. Not remembering anything that had happened becky tilted her head up and kissed him softly and slowly. Savoring the moment... neither of them had no idea if she was going to survive. But they knew Becky was a fighter and she would not give up. Even if the world came to an end she would be fighting with all she has to stay alive.
"Thank you for coming Colby." She said after minutes of a very comfortable silence

"No need to thank me, I would be here for you in a heartbeat." He said as she started crying again now remembering the events that took place  "I know let it out. We're gonna get through this together. It's hard for both of us. But we have to stay strong for Chelsea. Ok?" He said to lifting her head up to look him in the eyes.

"K... I  just never thought I would loose a child before... EVER. And it's my fault." She said still sobbing

"It's not you fault babe, you couldn't control it. So please don't beat yourself up over this." He sits to her softly while running his hands down her arms
"But it is" she whispered while looking at him " I was the one stressed and put that stress on my kid. Colby I'm so sorry, I let everyone down. And now Chelsea not gonna have a sibling."
Colby then sat in the bed with her. He ran his hand up and down her back, slowly and gently. He told her sweet nothings. That helped her cool down. But it still didn't make her feel any less guilty.

The next day Colby woke up in a strange place in till he realized where he was and remembered the events from last night. He walked up to Becky and kissed her head.
He left the room and let the nurse know that he was going to change at his hotel and that Becky was still asleep. When he got in the taxi he thought back to the day the that he left Becky at the hospital by herself.
"Could you please turn around and go back?" He asked. The driver obliged
He ran back into the hospital and went back to her room and stayed there until she woke. The day went smoothly... sorta. Beckys parents and her daughter were upset that she didn't tell them that she was pregnant. But everything was explained. It was only a matter of time for the little family to become.. well a little family again.

What's to come next.. will Colby and Rebecca get back together?!

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