Emily Prentiss daughter

By klizaa

69.6K 1.1K 397

Prentiss' old team were trying to catch a serial killer that had murder 5 couples. They caught him but Prenti... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 21

1.6K 61 18
By klizaa

Gabi's POV
I woke up around 6:30. I couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't understand why I was even awake up this early. I decided since I'm up, might as well start getting ready. I went to my bathroom and decided to bath. My mom made sure I showered last night before heading to bed. I don't remember how I manage to shower since I was so sleepy and tired.

After being in my bath for more then I'm guessing, 30 minutes, I got out to change. I head to my closet and put on some jeans, with a stripe black and white shirt and one of my mom's hoodie that I manage to snuck from her room. I wanted to go outside until it was time to leave to the BAU so I grabbed my sketching book, my bag filled with markers, color pencils, and pencils. I went by my mom's room and she was still sleeping. I head downstairs, grabbed a granola bar before I head out.

I went up to my treehouse and luckily I had blankets up here.

I also had Jack's canvas up here so I started coloring it in. It took only an hour to color Hailey and I needed to color Jack in. I then got a message.

Emily 💞
Honey, we are leaving to the BAU in 20 minutes.

I should probably change her name now. I texted her back that I would be down in a few minutes.

I got my things ready and change my contact of my mom to 'Mama💞'. I head down the ladder and went inside. I put my things on the counter and grabbed an orange juice. I drank half of it before heading back upstairs to my room.

I got my mini backpack, charger, and my Harry Potter book. I head downstairs and started putting my things inside. I wasn't aware that my mom was standing next to me until I heard a gasp.

"Honey, did you drew this?" She was staring at the canvas of Jack and Hailey.

"Oh yea, mom, I been meaning to talk to you about that. The other day when I was in the briefing room with Aaron, he was telling me about Hailey. He has this picture of Hailey and Jack but Jack is little. So I drew this, but I need to show it to Aaron when I am finish and ask if it okay to give it to Jack. If not, I'll just keep it."

"Oh baby, this is amazing! Jack will love it and so will Aaron. Honey, you are amazing you know that?" She grabbed my hands and level down to me, "Your heart is so big, full of love and I'm so proud of you. This will be an amazing gift." She kissed my forehead and gave me a hug.

"Mom, are you okay? Why are you crying?" I started to panic a little

"Honey, I won't lie to you, Hailey was an amazing person and at times we all do miss her."

I give her another hug and she went to the bathroom to clean up. I got my art bag and put the canvas inside and as my mom walked out of the bathroom, we head to the car.

We made small talk and got to the BAU. We went inside and head to the 6th floor.

"Prentiss and mini Prentiss in the house!" Derek said as he notice us when we walked through the glass door.

"Morning," I said to Derek as I sat on my mom's desk

"No case or what?" my mom said as she sat in her chair.

"Don't know, I came in 5 minutes ago. Haven't seen Rossi or Hotch yet. Oh and mini Prentiss, Garcia wants you in her lair. She told me as I came up." Derek said as he sips his coffee

"You couldn't tell me before I sat down?" I groan and hopped off to go to Penelope's office. My mom was laughing as Derek look in disbelief that I kinda snapped at him.

I head over to Penelope office, texted her that I was outside her door. She answered and told me the code to get inside and made me swear not to say it to anyone.

"So what's up?" I made myself comfortable on the couch.

"Okay, so one of my plans is to have you and Henry do something with me, obviously Micheal too, and have your mom and JJ spend time alone."

"Hmm i don't think that would work. If me and Henry suddenly say that we want to hang with you and it not because my mom is out on a case, they might just spend their day on their own separate time."

"Then I can't think of anything and trust me kiddo, I always come up with plans."

We sat around until I came up with something.

"Okay, we can lie, just a small lie. We can make sure the others are involve as well so it won't be suspicious. We can reserve a table for 2 and just say that we all going to eat together but when we get to the restaurant that I hope you can find that nice, some can text that they couldn't make it last minute and you can pretend to want to take us kids someplace fun and that someone accidentally book a table for 2 instead a group for more than 5 people."

"Gabriella Prentiss, that is genius. We need to go explain this to Hotch and Rossi first and then fill in Spencer and Derek later." Penelope squealed loudly.

"Wait, won't my mom get a bit suspicious if suddenly we walk out there and go talk to Rossi or Hotch? Beside I didn't see them when we came in, neither did Derek."

"Oh that because they're in the briefing room talking about-" she stopped herself

"Talking about what?" I asked as I wanted to know

"Just a case that's confidential and you don't need to know, let's go." I knew I wouldn't know much about the cases they would be working on but it was worth a shot. I followed Penelope but damn even in heels , she is fast. I almost tripped by trying to catch up to her. She open the glass door and just barge in, not even holding the door or making sure I was behind her. I pulled the handle and followed Penelope who was already up the stairs so I stopped at my mom's desk not even bothering to follow Garcia into the briefing room.

"Woah woah, what the rush?" Derek said as my mom and JJ look confused at Garcia.

"Do we have a case?" My mom ask

"Oh no, Penelope just wanted to talk to Rossi very quickly, no worries." I didn't bother following Penelope to the briefing room, I sat back down on my mom's desk.

"Gabi, you know your chair is right there?" My mom said as she was writing down in her papers.

"I know, but if I'm not mistaken, you're probably going to be called into the briefing room in less then 5 minutes to say that you have a case, then boom you're out of your chair and I can just sit in it."

"Smart but I haven't been called in from any place so there's no case." JJ said as she sat in my chair.

"You'll see."

"Your mom was telling me that you have a surprise to show to Hotchner and Jack, what is it?" JJ ask as she stir her coffee.

"Oh, it this." I get my art bag and take out the canvass of Hailey and Jack. I hand it to JJ.

"Oh my goodness. Gabi, this is amazing." JJ smiled widely as she admired my artwork

"Thank you, I hope Aaron would like it and allow me to gift it to Jack."

"Honey, I think he would. He's going to love it."

"Let us see!" Reid said. JJ turn over the canvass and showed Derek and Spencer.

"Girl, you got talent!" Morgan said. Reid also compliment me. JJ turn it back to herself to look at it again. I saw Aaron and Dave walking out and I quickly snatch the canvass from JJ and quickly put it under my mom's desk

"Hey! What was that? I wasn't done-"

"We have a case, everyone meet me in the briefing room. I'll be there in 5 minutes." Aaron said as he quickly walked to his office. I turned to my mom.

"Told ya"

"ToLd Ya" my mom mocked me. She head upstairs to the briefing room and I sat in my moms chair. I brought another small canvass and decided to draw the team together. I took out my phone and decided to go on Hulu to see what show to watch. I decided on Drake and Josh.

I started drawing on the new canvass until an hour or 2 passed by and my hand started cramping. I also needed to pee badly so I took off my earphones and went to find the restroom.

The bathroom on this floor was broken so I had to find another one. I head to the elevator and went to the recipient desk on the first floor. I ask her where was another bathroom because the on the 6th floor was broken. She showed me another bathroom and I quickly went. I didn't have my phone on me and it came to me now that I didn't tell my mom or anyone I went to go find the bathroom. I quickly washed my hand, thank the recipient who's name was Anne, and hurried to the elevator. Anne knew that I would probably get in trouble so she gave me luck and told me if I needed to tell my mom that I just went to the 1st floor to find a bathroom, that I would.

I quickly kept pressing the 6th button, as if it was going to go any faster, and once the doors open up, I stepped out, hoping everyone was still in the briefing room.

I stand corrected. My mom look so worried and everyone else too.

"Em, shes here", JJ said as she first notice me when I open the glass doors. My mom's face went from panicked to relief and angry in just a matter of seconds.

"Young lady, where were you? You just decided to leave without saying anything to anyone? Didn't I tell you that at least one of us had to know where you were?!" My mom remained calm but her voice was strict and for the first time, I was scared.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I just needed to go to the bathroom fast. The one on this floor is broken, and I went downstairs to ask Anne. I forgot to write a note or text you." I said. JJ was biting her nails and looking at my mom from the back, Morgan and Reid were okay, Penelope look like she was scare of my mom, Hotchner and Rossi were more interested in what my mom was going to say next.

"Honey, I'm glad you trusted Anne but you need to tell us or one of us where you're going to be so I don't start yelling at Garcia and become super worried about you. After what happened last time when you ran out, I don't want to have to see you get hurt again." Everyone went their separate ways and it was just me, my mom and JJ.

"Just next time, tell me please, I don't care if you get up to get water, but as long as you're on this floor, I know you're okay, just don't go wondering around."

"Ok" I was scared to look at my mom so I was still looking down , and have not moved.

"Come here and give me a hug." My mom said. I look up and saw her waiting for me to hug her. I gave her a hug.

My mom and JJ went back to the briefing room and I sat down in my mom's desk. I wasn't in the mood to finish my drawing so I listened to music. I wanted to lay down, so I texted JJ

Can I go to your office and lay on the couch?

JJ 💕
Of course sweetie, I'll let your mom know later so she won't go panicky again😉😂

Thanks, but I did worry her. I'm stupid for forgetting to do something so simple.

Gabi, don't you dare call yourself harsh names before. It happens, don't you worry. I'll talk to you once I'm up here.

Oh no😶

😂nothing bad, I promise you, I won't tell.



I grabbed my phone and went to JJ's office. I went on the couch and turn on my playlist on Spotify.

I soon drifted off to sleep.

Hi loves! I'm so sorry for keeping you guys waiting, and taking forever to upload a chapter. I'm done with finals and done for the semester so I can focus more on uploading chapters.

I have chapters saved but I'm going back and adding more. I see every one of your comments, suggestions and I love seeing those. For next chapter, I'm hoping to get at least 5 votes before I upload the new new one ;)
Also comment because I love seeing and reading you guys on what you have to say.

Thanks so much for those who continue to read!!


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