Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader...

By lndlover

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See title More

Another one
Prompts contiued
Somebody Else
Mother dearest (daughter!reader)
Lie to me
This seat taken?
Movie night
Since when?
Thats my shirt
She'll kill me
A bitter Goodbye
Call me, beep me, if you wanna reach me
Thank you, and goodnight
Mothers of 7
We'll meet again
Til Death Do Us Part
Til death do us part (ending 2)
3 am
Story updates
Early Mornings
Back Home
Because of You
Parents' Visit
Band Double Date
Pillow Forts
Coffee Talk
Old Friend
A Rookie Mistake
Of Tops and Bottoms
A Steady Breath
Make You Love Me
Disapointment pt.2
Unreqited pt.2
Dinosaurs fell in love
Hymn for the missing
Striking out
Series announcement
Smoke and Mirrors
Quick announcement
A New Reality
My mother's friend
Curiosity killed the Cat
Our Friend Mari
Not His
Her Highness
Can't Let Go Annoncement
Fingers crossed
Sleeping Beauty
Gonna be okay
By Your Side

My Way

7.5K 203 54
By lndlover

A/N: More mama!Nat. Readers 16. Y/C/N : your code name

  Double checking that you were able to fit everything into your backpack you sighed softly. Today was the day. You slung your backpack over your shoulder and took one last look around your room before waking out to the kitchen.

  You set your bag down and walked over to the toaster. You had to continue with your morning routine as normal as not to raise suspicion. You were doing good so far, living in a house of spies was hard when you were trying to sneak around. 

"Good morning little widow," Tony called as he walked over to refill what you could only assume was his 7th cup of coffee. "Morning," you eyed him pouring his cup. "Why don't you just get a coffee pot for the lab?" You raised an eyebrow as you bit into your toast.

  He chuckled and patted your shoulder as he walked past. "I need the exercise." You let puff a soft laugh as he retreated down the hallway. Next, to come in we're your mother and Uncle Clint. 

  "Morning sweetheart." Your mother greeted before kissing your cheek and walking to pour her and Clint cups of coffee. "Good morning."

"Sleep well?" Clint asked as usual as he took the fresh coffee from your mother. You shrugged and took a final bite of your toast. "Pretty good I guess." The blonde man smiled and nodded as you grabbed your back and pressed a kiss to your mom's cheek.

"Happy should be downstairs to take me to school, see y'all later." You said before walking to the elevator. "Alright have a good day," Natasha called after you. "Oh and don't forget, movie night tonight!" She reminded just as the doors closed.

"Damn..." you cursed under your breath. You indeed had forgotten it was movie night. Oh well, they'd get over it.

  Arriving at the garage Happy was indeed waiting for you. "Ready Kid?" He asked as you climbed into the backseat. "Let's go." You said with a soft, forced smile, not that he could tell the difference.

It took about 10 minutes to arrive at your school. Happy wished you good luck as always and you waved goodbye. Taking a deep breath you walked into the school and straight to your first period.

  For the rest of the day, you were just going through the motions of class, getting your work done, and chatting with MJ. During lunch, she finally cracked. "What's wrong with you today? You're quiet." Her eyes are narrowed at you.

  You blinked and shook your head brushing her off. "I'm fine MJ, just tired is all." You were lying through your teeth. She opened her mouth but you cut her off. "Please MJ, I live with a bunch of spies, the last thing I need is to be interrogated at school."

  She put her hands up in mock surrender and shrugged. "Alright, if you say so." From then on conversation flowed easily. Good, bullet dodged.

By the end of the day, you walked to your locker where you had been storing everything. For that past month, you had been bringing stuff to school slowly but surely and stored it in your locker. Now you were grabbing the bags you had brought and slinging them over your shoulder. You switched hoodies and pulled your phone out of your bag.

Taking a deep breath you took your phone out of your pocket and sighed. You then erased all data and set it in the now empty locker. You pulled the hood over your head and picked up your second bag before heading to one of the back entrances of the school.

  You couldn't slip out the front in fear that Happy would spot you. You walked out of the school without anyone noticing and down a side street. You had already mapped out your route and commuted it to memory, you knew where to go. You walked with purpose but still kept your head down. It would be far too risky to walk with your head completely lowered or with you constantly peering over your shoulder.

So you walked like a NewYorker and didn't pay anyone else any mind. Once you reached the bus station you gave the man your ticket and hopped on, taking your seat.

  So far, so good. It was about 15 minutes later that the bus started driving off. You reached into one of your bags and pulled out a brand new phone that you had yet to open. You took your time setting it up, it gave you something to do.

Thankfully no one had sat beside you so you had your entire row to yourself. You leaned back and closed your eyes, a small nap wouldn't hurt.


  Back at the school, Happy was walking out of the office with a nervous look. When you weren't one of the first kids out of the school like you usually were he figured you were just talking to a friend or something. When Peter and MJ came out without you he started to worry. He was put a bit more on edge when they said they hadn't seen you since 3rd period.

So he did the only reasonable thing and walked into the office to see if they had any clue where you were. When that came up empty he finally called your mother.

"Happy, what happened." Happy winced at her tone but it was to be expected, he rarely called Natasha, and seeing as he was supposed to be picking you up from school she was already worried.

"It's Y/N, we can't find her." He sighed nervously.

"What do you mean you can't find her?" Nat's words caused everyone else in the gym with her to pause. There was a pause as Nat pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'll be there soon." She hung up and before any questions could be thrown her way she snapped into action, gathering her things and rushing to the door. "Y/N's missing."

Everyone snapped into action, whatever they were doing beforehand, and rushed after Natasha. "What do you mean she's missing?" Clint asked as they walked into the common room. "Exactly that Barton, Happy said she's not at her school."

This caught Wanda and Tony's attention who were both prepping for movie night. "She can't have gotten too far can she? Not with this kind of traffic." Nat began to call you but it went straight to a "this number is no longer in service." message which only made her heart hammer in her chest.

Tony raised an eyebrow of his own. "Hey FRIDAY? Ping Y/N's phone." Natasha began to pace the floor nervously as she tried to call you again only to revive the same message. "I'm sorry sir, but the last known location is her school. It seems she has also completely wiped her phone."

"She's too smart for her own good." Bucky groaned as he two began to pace back and forth. "Check her bank account, that could give us an idea of where she's going," Sam suggested.

"It seems all money has been withdrawn from the account in small increments over the past month." FRIDAY replied.

"She's been planning this for a while," Steve commented with a shake of his head. "Hey FRIDAY, when you say small increments, how much we talking here?" Clint said eyeing Tony suspiciously.

"About $55,000 every two days, Agent Barton." At this everyone turned and looked over at Tony, Natasha glaring at him so harsh he felt his heart may give out. "Okay, so maybe I went a little overboard with birthday money. And drunk gifting..."

Shaking her head Natasha walked to the elevator. "Where are you going?" Wanda asked as the rest of them followed her into the elevator.

"To her school to look around."


It had been a few weeks since you had left New York. Truth be told you did miss everyone but you got over it quickly. Using the money Tony had given you over the years you rented out a small apartment in a small city in Maryland.

No one questioned you seeing as here it's legal for a 16-year-old to live on their own. Sure it was odd but legal. You sat out in your balcony and sipped on your tea. You needed to start finding work and soon.

So you did the only thing you could. You took to the street. You knew there would be plenty of small jobs here and there for larger crime families in the area. You started hanging around shadier parts of town. Soon enough you heard whispers here and there about drug Kingpins and their oppressions.

You picked one to 'side' with and began going after the opposition drug runners, taking them out quietly. News spread around amongst the crime bosses at their men being taken out along with the only family not being targeted.

Once you had stirred the pot enough you decide to have a little meeting with your soon-to-be employer. Meeting in the darkened park, you arrived a few minutes late.

"Run along little girl, don't you know it's not safe out here at night?" One of the bodyguards says causing you to chuckle and shake your head. "I don't think your boss would be too happy about you scaring off his next business endeavor."

The man narrowed his eyes at you before laughing. "Yeah right, you're just a kid." You shrugged. "And yet I can think of about 25 different ways to kill you where you stand. Now if you'd excuse me, I'm not here to talk to you."

You turned your attention to the small man standing in the middle of them. He was shorter than the three bodyguards standing around him and carried himself with a slight air of arrogance.

Narrowing your eyes you turned your attention to the guy in the driver seat of the first car. You walked over and leaned against the door before gently tapping on the window. There was a pause as the men around you looked shocked as their eyes flicked between you and the man in the car.

The window slowly began to roll down. "Ya know, the little decoy trick almost worked. But if you'd like to stop wasting my time I'd really like to talk business."

The man was impressed, to say the least. Someone as young as you have your vast skillset was intimidating. He saw it best to keep you close so he gave you a job as his newest hitman and you took to it like a charm.

You set up clear guidelines that you wouldn't be killing children whatsoever. It was completely off the table. Other than that, everyone was free game.


The Avengers hadn't given up hope at finding you. They ruled out early on that you weren't taken by one of their enemies which had let them rest a bit easier.

It was still stressful not knowing where you were. They continued to search high and low but you had done well. You didn't want to be found and since you didn't want to be found you definitely weren't going to be.

Like mother like daughter.

It had crossed Nat's mind to strike out on her own and go searching for you. But she soon realized that she needed her family's support more than ever.

So here she was, curled up on the couch with her head resting on Bucky's right shoulder with a fresh cup of coffee in her hands.

"Where did I go wrong, Buck?"

Bucky was drawn from his thoughts by Nat's quiet question. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to his side. "You did the best you could Natasha."

She scoffed cynically. "She would be here if I had." She looked down into her still steaming cup before taking a sip. Bucky sighed. Even though he wasn't your father and he and Natasha weren't together, you were truly like a daughter to him. You being missing was eating him up inside just as much as it was for her.

"You'll have to ask her when we find her." He says as she shakes her head. "If we find her." She corrected causing Bucky to groan in frustration. "You can't think like that Natalia." He snapped causing Natasha to freeze and look at the man who had been her rock through all this. "She was raised by the best of the best which is clear seeing as she's seemingly fallen off the face of the earth. But we are still the best there is meaning we will find her. We have to."

Natasha could only nod her head before leaning against him again. He was right, she had to say positive to find you, and of not for you, then for her sanity.


  Months had passed and you had gained quite a reputation throughout Baltimore city. You had taken out two of the four biggest crime families in the city at the orders of your new 'boss'. You were only doing it under false pretenses. Tonight you were going to go for the third family who was up in arms and ready for you.

  Or so they thought. It was all too easy to slip into their homes and kill all the higher-ups. It was deeply satisfying to you to know you were getting rid of some of earth's scum. You make sure the job is done and done correctly. Not a trace of you is left and not one person is left alive as you leave.

  You call your boss as you walk down the street. "Jobs done." He chuckles deeply over the phone. "Good, Good. You've done well Y/C/N. I'd like to thank you for all you've done."

  His words cause you to stop in your tracks. "Just make sure my money ends up in my account." And with that, you hang up the phone and place it in your pocket. You keep walking and let out a soft breath before turning a corner.

  You're instantly grabbed by two burly men and thrown against a wall. Your teeth grit as you regain your footing before glaring at them and getting ready to fight. Chuckling they crack their knuckles. "I've been waiting for this." One laughs.

  You charge as one and Ashe throws a punch you dodge and land a few of your own to his stomach and face causing him to fall to the ground. The other man comes at you with a knife. You grab his wrist and twist it at an angle until you hear a satisfying crack causing him to cry out and drop it.

  You catch it and drive it into his throat before pushing on to his back. You turn just to face the other man only to have him drive a knife into your side. You cry out and grab hold of his head. You drive your fingers into his eyes causing him to cry out. Quickly you kick him in the balls causing him to fall to his knees. With one cry of rage, you snap his neck before looking at the scene before you.

  You felt the back of your head and pulled your hand back in front of you. Your gloves hand was covered in blood. Silently cursing you, stumbled home. Silently thanking any gods that would listen for keeping your adrenaline pumping until you could get home.

  You grabbed your first aid kid and fell into your bathtub. Taking out the knife you cleaned the wound and stitched it up. You patched up your head and sat back, trying to regain your breath.

Truthfully you were always going to kill your 'boss', but now you were going to have some fun with it.

  Sadly you didn't have time to wait. You went out the next day and went after the man in question. He was terrified. When he got word of his men's demise he immediately went on lockdown and doubled his muscle.

    It was no matter for you. You slipped in and took the men out swiftly. Seeing as you weren't caught off guard this time you easily made it to the big man in charge.

  Glaring at him you pressed your gun to his forehead. "I was going to draw this out, but then you went and pissed me off."

  "P-please, we can talk-" he was cut off by a bullet entering his forehead. You watched as his body fell to the ground and shook your head. You looked down at your side and saw blood-forming. "Shit."


  Despite you still being missing, your mother and the team were still Avengers meaning they still had missions to go on. It killed them that the had to pause their search for you.

  This is why they were already discussing places to check as they arrived in the debriefing room. Nick and Maria were standing tall and greeted them as usual before going over how the mission went.

  None of them were really paying attention though causing Nick to sigh and shake his head. "Look, we're doing what we can to find her. But that doesn't mean you can be off in la-la land during things like this."

  "Aw come on now Fury, give them a break." Everyone's heads snapped to the door at the sound of your voice. You walked over with a soft smile and threw a file down in front of Nick who for once in his life looked stunned.

  The room fell completely silent. Natasha was the first to get up and slowly approach you. To say you were intimidated was an understatement. Her face was completely devoid of all emotion as she studied you. You stood tall and met her eye as she stood in front of you, staring you down.

  In a flash, she pulled you into a tight hug which you immediately sunk into. Your arms wrapped tightly around her as you buried your face into her neck. She kissed your temple and let her tears fall down her cheeks. "Don't you ever do something like that again, you hear me?"

  You nodded quickly. "Yes ma'am." She pulled back and took your face into her hands to look you over. She kissed your forehead before pulling you in for another hug. This time you inhaled sharply causing her to jump and let go. Everyone else quickly got up.

"What is it?"

"What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

  Came the chorus of questions. You gave them all a sheepish grin and lifted your shirt, revealing your stitches. When everyone gasped and looked at you with growing concern you shrugged. "Occupational hazard."

"This isn't your occupation Y/N," Tony said flatly. "It might as well be." Nick chimed in, drawing everyone's attention.

  "Seems here Little Romanoff single-handedly took down one of the largest organized crime rings in America in a matter of 6 months." Everyone looked to you with mixed emotions. You shrugged. "You all said that I couldn't be an agent with I uh...I took it upon myself to prove you wrong."

Nick looked at you impressed as he walked over. "Well seeing as you would have had to hack into the SHEILD database to get this information and did this all on your own I'd say you are certainly an asset we want and need on this team." He placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed. "We'll talk later." And with that, he nodded at the others before walking out with Maria in toe.

  "You did all of this, just to impress us?" Bucky asked once Maria and Nick had left. You rubbed the back of your neck and nodded. "Well...yeah. I just had to prove to you guys that I was more than capable of handling myself and I think I did a damn good job doing it."

  He sighed and shook his head. "That was risky. Don't do it again." Was all he said before pulling you into a hug of his own.

  You went around hugging the team one by one and saying your apologies for leaving. Once that was all done you looked to your mother who wrapped her arm around you. "Come on, let's have Cho look at that wound of yours."

  As you two were walking down the hallway you looked over at her. "So, I'm grounded right?"

"Oh, big time."

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