Fire vs Ice || Power Rangers...

By onlyhuman_05

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In this sequel, Sofia Oliver returns to Blue Bay Harbor following the decimation of Lothor a year prior. When... More

The Return
Happy Birthday...Or Not
(Not So) Secret Admiration
Ancient Jewels Part 1
Ancient Jewels Part 2
Ancient Jewels Part 3
Opposites Attract
Crimson Jealousy
Fury of the Nymph
Twisted Thunder Pt. 1
Twisted Thunder Pt. 2

Shadow Deceit

392 9 3
By onlyhuman_05

Summary: Sofia prepares for a moto tournament and somebody threatens to ruin any chances of her winning. When a new villain arrives on Earth, the Rangers are forced to battle without one of their own.

Dirt splattered everywhere as a rider in white sped around the track before flying through the finish.

"Dude, that was awesome," Dustin cheered as she rode up onto the hill.

"Thanks," Sofia replied as she pulled off her riding helmet.

"With that speed, you'll definitely win that tournament. No doubt," Kelly assured.

"Yeah right. The day she beats me is the day hell freezes over," a male voice sneered.

Sofia rolled her eyes and dismounted her bike to face a tall man about her brother's age with brown hair and eyes and dressed in black motocross gear. 

"What do you want, Thomas?" Sofia asked.

Thomas Santiago, the biggest hothead in Blue Bay Harbor with a huge ego to match, was incredibly sexist and was opposed to females riding on the track.

"What I don't want is you riding the track! Little girls don't belong with the big boys," Thomas taunted.

"Call me a little girl again. I dare you," Sofia growled.

"Come on. Don't you want to spare yourself the embarrassment and be my girl? You'd look great on my arm, babe," Thomas cooed, leaning in close.

"Please," Sofia scoffed, crossing her arms defensively.

"And as for being your girl, no thanks. I've already got somebody," she added, looking over his shoulder at an approaching figure.

"Is he a real man, though? Like me?" Thomas asked, flexing his muscles.

"Why don't you find out for yourself?" Hunter growled as he grabbed the egotistical rider and forcefully spun him around.

"Whoa, dude. Back off," Thomas laughed, brushing Hunter off him.

"You first, bro," Blake chimed in.

"Well, well, Blake Bradley, the wannabe Factory Blue rider. What brings you back to our humble city?" Thomas jeered.

"None of your business, Thomas," Blake spat in return.

"Ooh, I'm shaking in my boots," Thomas mocked.

"You better move it before you don't have any boots left to shake in," Hunter cautioned.

"Ease off, man. I'm going," Thomas grunted and, with a final wink at Sofia, strode away.

"That guy really steams me," Sofia growled, clenching her fists.

"Just relax," Kelly said as she and Dustin approached.

"Don't let him get into your head," she added.

"I'll do my best, but my patience is wearing thin," Sofia answered.

"I'll see you at the tournament later," Kelly said as she walked away.

"Wait, what time is it?" Sofia asked, grabbing Dustin's wrist to look at his watch.

"10 till 10. Why?" Dustin replied.

"Cam wanted to meet us in the woods to test some gimmick of his," Blake replied.

"Didn't you get the memo, bro?" Hunter questioned.

"Dude, would I be asking why if I did get the memo?" Dustin countered.

"We'd better go before he goes full snark on us and Sensei makes us clean the zords," Sofia mentioned, collecting her stuff but leaving her bike propped up against a haystack for the tournament staff to collect.

As they ran off the track, they failed to notice Thomas walking over, pulling out a sharp pocket knife, and cutting the brakes on Sofia's bike.

"Let's see how well she wins now," Thomas muttered smugly, before slinking away unnoticed.

Blue Bay Forest

The four rangers walked to a clearing in the forest, but the other rangers were nowhere to be found.

"Shane? Tori?" Dustin called.

"Jacob? Cam?" Sofia added.

"We're over here," Shane's voice rung out.

"Huh?" Blake asked.

They heard the rev of a motorcycle engine or rather...three.

"Watch out," Sofia cried as three Tsunami cycles raced towards them. They leaped out of the way as Shane, Tori, and Jacob skidded to a stop.

"Where'd you come from, dudes?" Dustin asked.

"Around. We're testing Cam's new gizmo," Jacob answered.

"The Tsunami Cycles aren't exactly new...well, except for yours," Hunter commented.

"Yeah, isn't it rad!" Jacob gushed, patting his black and gold Tsunami Cycle.

"Cam made it for me," he added.

"Speaking of, where is Cam?" Sofia asked.

"Right here," Cam called as he jumped down from a high branch, using his power over nature to land safely by swinging on a vine.

"Where'd you come from, bro?" Blake asked.

"I control the forest. Have you ever heard of camouflage?" Cam responded matter-of-factly.

"Just asking," Blake muttered.

"So, what is this new gizmo, Cam?" Hunter asked.

"I created new modes for your visors and helmets. Now, you all have magnifying vision, night vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision, and they can amplify your voices plus they include listening devices to hear enemy dialogue," Cam explained.

"That explains how these three could see us and hear us, but we could only hear them," Sofia mentioned.

"Precisely. Now, aren't you going to test it out?" Cam urged.

"I guess so," Blake agreed as their mobile command center pulled up and opened its back hatch, revealing their yellow, crimson, navy, and white Tsunami cycles.

The four rangers flipped through the air, morphing as they went, and landed on their respective bikes, firing up the engines and taking off.

"Whoa! This is awesome!" Dustin exclaimed.

"Uhh, Dustin, you've been on a Tsunami Cycle before, right?" Tori laughed as she pulled up beside him.

"Of course I have," Dustin exclaimed proudly.

"Then why are you acting like a kid who just won 1,000 chocolate bars?" Shane chuckled, pulling up on Dustin's other side. 

"Because he is a kid," Sofia yelled as she sped past them, Jacob and Hunter on her heels.

"You're on!" Dustin challenged, speeding after her.

"Is everything a competition with those two?" Blake asked, riding next to Hunter.

"When it comes to moto, yes," Tori replied.

Up ahead, Dustin and Sofia wove through the trees on the path to the beach. When they reached the deserted sand, both rangers dug their back wheels into it, dismounting the cycles.

"I won," they said together.

"No, I won," they argued playfully.

They laughed.

"We both won," Sofia conceded.

"So, who won?" Hunter asked as the remaining rangers parked their Tsunami Cycles.

"Eh, we're both winners, bro," Dustin responded.

Scene change to Doom Island:

The sand on the island blew around as a large, regal, silver, and red ship landed on the ground. Xalkar appeared in front of the new ship with his blade at the ready. The door as an armored figure flanked by two soldiers in red and silver armor were lowered from the opening in the bottom of the ship.

"Who the hell are you?" Xalkar spat. One of the soldiers raised their silver staff and blasted him in the chest.

"Show some respect," the soldier growled.

"Is that really the best you can do?" the Zynthian soldier scoffed, brushing imaginary dust from his chest.

"Enough," Diabolos boomed, appearing between the opposing sides in a flash of golden lightning.

"Queen Fidi, glad that you have finally arrived," Diabolos said.

The female's snake-like armor and helmet faded in a flash of red light to reveal a woman who appeared to be about 20 years young with long raven-colored hair and beautiful hazel eyes. Her eyes were covered in black eyeshadow and her lips were painted cherry red. She was dressed in black leather pants and a matching top with silver chainmail armor covering her torso, arms, and legs. Her knee-high boots were also black leather with 2-inch heels. Finally, a long red cloak, suitable for royalty, blew in the wind.

"Diabolos, wonderful to finally hear from you. 'Tis a shame what happened to Serios. Bested by a bunch of weaklings," Queen Fidi said.

"Yes, but you have a chance to exact your revenge. These weaklings are just that...weak! Their ends will be swift and painful," Diabolos cackled.

"You misunderstand, Diabolos, while I do want revenge, I have a plan laid out. In fact, I already have my most trusted general executing the first part. I sent him to Earth years ago under the guise of a normal human male," the queen of Reptillion explained.

"You always were one for finesse, weren't you, Your Majesty?" Diabolos teased.

"Sometimes a little finesse is needed to get the job done," Fidi cooed, her hand crackling with dark red magical energy. She turned to her soldiers.

"Go assist General Kyiv in the first part of my plan," she ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty," one soldier complied, both bowing to their queen before disappearing in flashes of silver light.

"Soon, the ranger pests will be no more," Queen Fidi claimed.

"General Xalkar, go and assist the Reptilliac soldiers," Diabolos ordered.

"But-," Xalkar began to argue.

"NO BUTS! Go," Diabolos yelled.

"Yes, sir,"  Xalkar conceded, disappearing in a twister of purple energy.

Blue Bay Beach

Tori and Blake were splashing around in the ocean, Dustin was building a sandcastle nearby, and Hunter; Shane; Jacob; and Sofia watched from the shore. Each of the rangers had their helmets off and resting on the sand, all except one. Sofia had hers resting on the nose of her bike as she straddled the seat of her Tsunami Cycle.

"What's up with Sofia? She's been in a daze ever since we got here," Jacob commented.

"She's just worried about the tournament later," Hunter assured.

"But I'll go ask to make sure," he added, walking over to where his crimson Tsunami Cycle was parked next to her white one.

"Sofia," Hunter called, startling her out of the thoughts she had been in.

"Yeah," she replied.

"You seem distracted. You okay?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah. Of course," Sofia lied.

Hunter raised his eyebrow and gave her an 'I don't buy it' look. Sofia rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she sighed.

"I'm worried about the moto tournament," she confessed.

"You'll be fine. Remember to try your best and forget the rest," Hunter assured her.

"I know, but I've got this nasty feeling that something bad's going to happen," Sofia replied.

The two fell silent and stayed that way until Shane's morpher beeped.

"Go for Shane," the red ranger answered.

"Shane, there's reports of attacks in the city. You guys go and I'll meet you there," Cam's voice informed.

"On it," Shane confirmed. He lowered his wrist and nodded to his team. All 7 rangers ceased what they were doing, collected and donned their helmets, the visors snapping shut, and climbing onto their respective Tsunami Cycles, and speeding off.

Blue Bay Harbor 

An alien in spikey silver armor, similar to that of a power ranger, with a long black sword attached to a silver hilt attached to his hip. The helmet was modeled after a king cobra head. He was flanked by two soldiers in red and silver armor. Joining him was Xalkar.

The aliens stopped in their tracks as they heard the sounds of seven bike engines cutting. Xalkar looked in front of him and smirked under his panther mask at the teens and young adults opposing them.

"Ahh, power rangers. How nice of you to make an appearance," he sneered.

"Stuff it, ugly," Shane spat. 

"You've wounded me, red ranger," Xalkar taunted.

"Who's your friend?" Hunter demanded.

"I am General Kyiv of the Reptilliac army and high advisor to her majesty Queen Fidi," Kyiv spat.

"Those are some seriously weird names," Dustin laughed.

"You dare mock me? You are all mere children," Kyiv growled.

"We're more than 'mere children,' Cam countered as he appeared beside Shane.

"Defiant 'till the end," Kyiv grunted, unsheathing his blade.

"Tell me about it," Xalkar muttered, summoning a troop of Revolters.

The two sides rushed into battle. Xalkar went for Shane, while Kyiv went for Sofia. The two Reptilliac guards went for the Thunder Brothers, splitting them apart. The remaining rangers battled the Revolters.

"Time to clip your wings, little birdie," Xalkar jeered as he and Shane clashed swords.

"Not in this lifetime, kitty cat," Shane shot back. Xalkar growled at Shane's retort and kicked him in the stomach to which Shane replied with a right hook to the jaw.

"That actually hurt," Xalkar complained.

"And that'll teach you about underestimating your opponent," Shane growled as the pair went in for round 2.

"All your so-called 'ninja training' isn't going to help you against a mighty general such as me," Kyiv snarled as Sofia banged her saber against his sword.

"Maybe not, but I can try," Sofia replied, round kicking his ribs.

"You'll pay for that one," Kyiv spat, not fazed at all.

"Like I haven't heard that before," Sofia replied, rolling her eyes under her helmet.

"You are a pain, aren't you?" the general spat.

"So I've been told, but how do you know that?" Sofia inquired.

"I know a lot more about you than you think," Kyiv replied.

"What?" Sofia asked. While she was distracted, Kyiv landed a powerful kick to her head that nearly cracked her helmet.

"Wow, you hit hard," she groaned, collapsing on one knee.

"That was nothing," Kyiv growled as he prepared to bring his sword down upon her head. 

It was an inch from slicing through the skin when another sword blocked the attack. He looked up and saw Cam's Samurai Saber blocking his.

"Thanks, Cam," Sofia said as he held out his hand to help her up.

"Let's team up and take him down," Cam replied. Sofia nodded.

Shane made a hand motion and fired a huge gust of wind at Xalkar, knocking the alien general onto his back.

"Defeated by a simple gust of wind? You're weak, Xalkar," Kyiv mocked, becoming distracted from Cam and Sofia.

"And you should really keep your eyes on what's in front of you," Cam countered.

Kyiv turned back, only to be knocked down from a punch to the face by both the white and green rangers.

Hunter and Blake knocked their opponents back with twin bolts of lightning in crimson and navy respectively. Tori, Dustin, and Jacob destroyed the Revolters with slashes from their swords.

"We'll be back, power brats," Kyiv spat as the villain side retreated.

"Yeah, that's right. You better run," Dustin laughed.

"That was too easy," Cam commented.

"You call that easy?" Hunter asked in retort.

"They were here for more than a fight, but for what, I have no idea," Cam responded.

"When I was fighting General Metalhead over there, he said that he knows me more than I think. I wonder how," Sofia mentioned.

"No idea, but I'm sure the answers will reveal themselves to us sooner rather than later," Jacob answered. With that, the rangers fell into silence.

Doom Island

"Excellent job, General Kyiv," Queen Fidi complemented.

"Thank you, my queen," Kyiv replied.

"Excellent job? We just let the rangers beat on us then bailed," Xalkar whined.

"Cool your britches, Xalkar. It's all part of the queen's plan," General Kyiv hissed.

"What plan?" Xalkar demanded.

"Patience is a virtue, General. All will reveal itself in due time," Queen Fidi cooed.

Xalkar scowled and stormed out of the chamber.

Blue Bay Track; tourney time

"You checked your fuel level, right," Kelly fretted as Sofia mounted her bike.

"Of course. Who do you think I am?" Sofia teased.

"Good luck," Kelly wished, walking off the track to the judges' table.

"Good luck, Soph," Hunter wished, kissing her hair.

"Make us proud," Blake added.

"You got this," Jacob finished, messing with her hair.

"I'll do my best," Sofia laughed as the brothers and Jacob walked uphill to where the rest of the rangers were waiting.

"You know, it's not too late to turn back," Thomas suggested as he pulled up next to her.

"Dream on, doofus," Sofia spat, donning her helmet and preparing to take off as the 30-second time card went up.

"Racers, start your engines," the announcer ordered.

About 30 some engines started on this command.

"Get ready..." 10 seconds.

"Get set..." 5 seconds.

"GO!" 0 seconds. The racers pushed out of the gates with Sofia in the lead.

"It appears to be a clean start from the gate for Sofia Oliver, but Thomas Santiago is not letting up," the announcer reported.

Sofia faintly heard the sounds of her friends cheering her name. 

Thomas was gaining on her, but she would never give him the satisfaction of knowing that he defeated her in motocross. She cracked the throttle and sped off, leaving the arrogant young man in her dust.

"Dudes, she's killing it," Dustin pointed out to the rangers as Sofia rode past them

"Yeah, at this rate, she'll cross the finish line with no snags," Blake added. Hunter nodded in agreement.

Sofia saw the finish line fast approaching. She raced the bike up the dirt mound and launched it off, landing it safely on the track and continuing towards the finish. Before she knew it, her bike was racing through the final posts that marked the finish line.

"And Sofia Oliver takes the win," the announcer called, causing the rangers and everybody else to cheer loudly.

Once Sofia landed, she pushed the brakes so that she could meet up with her friends. But to her disappointment, the bike continued going at full speed. She was so preoccupied with why her brakes weren't working that she didn't notice the barrier before it was too late. Her bike crashed into it headfirst, throwing her off and into a tree.

Pain rushed through her back as she collided with the tree then fell to the ground, rolling down the hill. The helmet cracked upon impact. Her vision went blurry and then completely dark.

The rangers were waiting for her to appear, but when she didn't, they began to worry. Then Kelly rushed over with a panicked look on her face.

"Kelly, what's wrong?" Shane asked.

"I talked to a paramedic. It's Sofia," Kelly cried, on the verge of tears as she threw herself into Shane's chest, throwing the red ranger off balance.

"What about her?" Hunter asked.

"It's better if you follow me," Kelly answered. She pushed herself off of Shane and walked away, motioning for the seven rangers to follow her, which they did without hesitation.

Kelly led them to a grassy hill behind the finish line. Hunter noticed that her bike's nose was smashed. There stood two paramedics and in the center on a stretcher laid Sofia.

Her helmet was off and her blonde hair was matted with blood. The rangers approached them. Tori covered her mouth and buried her face in Blake's chest as tears rushed down her face.

"I trust you guys can handle this because I can't," Kelly said in a tearful voice as she walked away from the upsetting scene.

"What happened?" Jacob demanded from a committee member.

"Something went wrong with her brakes and she couldn't stop after she crossed the finish line," the member informed before walking away.

Cam looked back at the abandoned bike.

"We'll see exactly what happened," he mumbled as he ran towards it, leaping over the fence and kneeling by it.

"Ah-ha," Cam cried out as he noticed the cut brake wire.

"I knew it," the green ranger added, standing up and running back to where his friends stood.

 Sofia was wheeled into the back of an ambulance. The paramedics climbed into the vehicle and drove away with sirens blaring.

"You know how they said that something went wrong with her brakes?" Cam asked.

"Yeah," Shane replied.

"I just took a look at them. Somebody cut the brakes and made her crash look like an accident," Cam announced.

"So somebody made her crash on purpose," Jacob determined. Cam nodded.

"No, not somebody. Thomas," Hunter growled.

"What about me?" Thomas asked in mock-innocence.

Hunter turned around and slugged the man in the face, sending him to the ground with blood gushing out of his nose.

"Stuff the act, dude," Dustin spat.

"Yeah, we already know you were the one who cut the brakes on the bike," Blake added as he soothed Tori.

"So what if I did? I won the race and that's all that matters," Thomas sneered as he got to his feet, wiping the blood from his face.

"You won by default and by cheating," Cam countered.

"You do things your way and I do things my way," Thomas laughed, turning and strolling away.

"Come on. We should call Tommy and Kim. Tell them what happened then meet up with them at the hospital," Blake said as Tori pulled away from him.

The rangers nodded and followed both blue rangers towards Tori's van. 

Blue Bay Hospital (about 2 hours later)

Tommy, Kim, and Chloe walked through the double doors of the hospital to the waiting lounge where the rangers waited. Kim had a white bear plushie in one arm and a bouquet of orchids in the other.

"Tommy, Kim, nice to see you again. Even if it's not under the best of circumstances," Hunter greeted.

"Where's Sophie?" Chloe asked, seemingly not understanding what had occurred.

"We've explained to her, but she either doesn't want to accept it or doesn't believe us," Kim announced.

Hunter kneeled in front of the little girl and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"There's no easy way to say this, but your sister's been hurt. We've no idea how badly," the crimson ranger explained, watching painfully as the little girl's big brown eyes filled with tears. Chloe sobbed and threw herself at the young man who had become like her big brother. 

Hunter rubbed Chloe's small back and glanced up at her parents. He pulled away and stood up.

"There's somebody I want you to meet," Hunter said, turning to Jacob.

"I'm Jacob. Sofia's biological brother," the black ranger introduced.

"He's also the black ranger of the team," Shane added.

"I'm Tommy Oliver and this is my wife Kim and our daughter Chloe. We're Sofia's adoptive family," Tommy introduced, shaking Jacob's hand.

"I'm sorry about Sofia," Jacob apologized.

"It's okay. It wasn't your fault," Tommy answered.

"Blake and Tori explained to us over the phone," Kim added.

At that moment, a doctor walked out of Sofia's room and the ten people in the waiting room went silent and turned to him.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Turner. I've got some good news and bad news about the patient," he introduced.

"Just give it to us straight, Doctor," Shane pleaded, going into red ranger mode.

"The good news is that she's waking up," Dr. Turner began.

"That's awesome," Dustin interrupted, causing Shane and Jacob to roll their eyes.

"Isn't it?" he asked.

"The bad news?" Tommy asked.

"She broke her right arm, she's needed several stitches on her head, and she fractured several vertebrae in her spine. She's temporarily paralyzed below the waist," Dr. Turner explained.

Kimberly and Tori nearly fainted and the boys became extremely worried. Chloe, being too young to understand half of that, just ignorantly stood in front of Shane and Hunter.

"Can we see her?" Shane asked.

"Two of you at a time. So who's first?" Dr. Turner replied.

"Hunter, take Chloe and head in," Kim urged.

"You sure? I're her parents," Hunter answered.

"That's why we aren't going in," Tommy replied, sending small echoes of laughter through the tension of the waiting room.

"Take these," Kim ordered, handing the crimson ranger the presents.

"I thought she's allergic to flowers," Hunter replied.

"She is. That's why these are artificial," Kim affirmed.

Hunter nodded and gently grabbed the little girl's hand, leading her into Sofia's hospital room. The white ranger lied helplessly on the bed, her morpher laying on the nightstand next to her.

"Hey," Hunter whispered as they approached her bedside.

"Hunter?" Sofia rasped, her throat dry from the lack of water.

"Yeah, and Chloe," Hunter replied.

"Be gentle with your sister, eh?" Hunter told Chloe.

"Okay," Chloe replied, bounding to her sister's bedside.

"Hey, kiddo," Sofia greeted.

"How are you feeling?" Hunter asked.

"Sore. My head is killing me," Sofia responded, propping up against the pillows.

"Maybe these will help," Hunter said, handing her the gifts.

"Hunter, you really shouldn't have," Sofia declined.

"Actually your parents and Chloe bought them. We were in a hurry to get to the hospital," Hunter explained.

"Wow! Thank you," Sofia thanked Chloe.

"Chloe, do you mind going back out to mom and dad? There's something I want to talk to Hunter about that you're far too young to understand," Sofia suggested.

"Oh, alright," Chloe groaned, hugging her sister and skipping out of the room.

"She's a bundle of energy, that one," Hunter chuckled as he sat in the chair by her bed.

"You don't know the half of it," Sofia laughed, trying not to flair the pain in her head.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" Hunter asked.

"The doctor's diagnosis," Sofia replied.

"Yeah. Dr. Turner said that you've got a broken right arm, needed several stitches on your head, broke several vertebrae in your spine. You're paralyzed for the time being," Hunter explained.

"You mean I can't be a ranger?" Sofia gasped.

"At the moment, no," Hunter replied, deflecting his eye line to his shoes.

"I don't even remember what happened," Sofia replied.

"Uh...your brakes were cut," Hunter informed.

"What? By who?" Sofia asked.

Hunter clenched his jaw. 

"That bastard Thomas," he replied.

Sofia ran her good hand through her hair, wincing as the movement stretched the stitches on her head.

"Why am I not surprised? Of course he did. He must have done it while we were off training or fighting," Sofia sighed.

"We'll make sure the committee finds out. He needs to be brought in," Hunter announced.

"He's already got my win. Let's not give him any more satisfaction than he needs," Sofia declined.

"Satisfaction?" Hunter asked, confused.

"Yeah. If we report him, he's going to relish the fact that he got in my head," Sofia replied.

"Then don't let him in," Hunter said.

"Is that the best you can come up with?" Sofia laughed.

"That was a bit cheesy," Hunter admitted sheepishly.

"Hunter, we've got an attack alert. Abandoned warehouse. More aliens," Shane informed, stepping into the room.

"Shane, hey," Sofia greeted.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Shane asked.

"Lousy," Sofia replied.

"Sorry," Shane apologized.

"It's not your fault. Now go. Blue Bay needs the rangers, one down or not," Sofia ordered.

"Right. Cam ran back to Ninja Ops and he'll be back to keep you company," Shane informed.

"Okay! Go," Sofia ordered.

Hunter and Shane nodded and ran out of the room into the corridor.

Abandoned warehouse

Six streaks landed in the abandoned area. Flames lit up the dark. In the center of the carnage stood an armored female.

"Who the hell are you?" Shane asked.

" manners at all," the female sneered.

"Answer the question," Hunter demanded.

"Fine. I am Queen Fidi of the warrior planet Reptillion. You met some of my soldiers earlier this day," she replied.

"Oh yeah. We kicked their tails," Dustin laughed.

"Dustin," Shane warned.

"You think this is funny, human? Funny's going to be when the almighty power rangers are groveling at my feet," Queen Fidi spat.

"That's not going to happen, queenie," Shane replied.

Queen Fidi snarled and fired an enormous blast of red electricity at the rangers.

"Move," Tori shouted as the ninjas scrambled to avoid the red energy barrelling towards them.

"You asked for it, lady," Shane growled as they all got to their feet.

"Ready?" the red ranger asked.

"Ready," came the reply.

"Ninja Storm!"

"Thunder Storm!"

"Fire Storm!"

"Ranger form, ha!"

They summoned their ranger armor just in time to take another blast from the alien queen. Flames erupted all around as they collapsed on the ground.

"If you really can't take a hit like that then Earth is doomed," the queen sang.

"We can take it," Jacob replied as they stood on their feet.

"Ah, but can you take this?" Fidi taunted, as a second blast, although it was black, knocked them back down.

"Oh, what now?" Tori grumbled.

"Don't you mean who, Tori?" Thomas sneered as he walked through the flames.

"Thomas?" Shane asked, confused.


"Sofia," Cam greeted as he walked into her room, carrying a large bag.

"Hey, Cam," Sofia greeted. "What's in that bag?"

"My laptop. I tapped into the Air Force satellites so that we can watch the rangers fight," Cam explained.

"You sure that's all? That's an awful large bag for just one computer," Sofia suspected.

"Uhh... yes," Cam lied. 

"Anyways. Let's get it set up. I don't want to miss a minute," Sofia hurried.

"Right," Cam said, pulling it out and setting it on her lap. He tapped a few keys before live footage of the power rangers appeared on the screen.

"Alright," Sofia said as Cam took a seat in the chair next to her.

"Is that...Thomas?" Cam asked, pointing at a male.

"Yeah, and who's Wonder Woman next to him?" Sofia wondered, pointing to the female next to him. Cam shrugged.

Sofia reached over for a cup of water that a nurse had placed there. She took a gulp of it, only to spit it out when they saw Thomas transform into the metal creature that Cam and Sofia had battled earlier that day.

"Thomas is that general?" Sofia asked in astonishment.

"Who would've thought?" Cam remarked.

"Explains how he knew me," Sofia pointed out.


"Thomas, you're General whatever your name is?" Blake asked.

"It's General Kyiv, navy ranger, and no, Thomas Santiago was a mere disguise to gather information on the so-called defenders of the galaxy. I always have, and always will be, the general of the Reptilliac Army," he replied.

"Yeah, whoever you are, you're going down," Shane spat as they got to their feet.

"Please, try all you want, earthlings," Fidi taunted.

"Just face it. You're too weak," Kyiv added.

"Tell me he did not just call us weak," Dustin growled.

"Yes he did," Jacob replied.

"You're toast," Jacob hissed.

"Revolters," Kyiv ordered, summoning a large group of the lizards.

"You take whoever, but I want the almighty Thunder rangers to myself," Fidi cooed.

"Yes, my queen," Kyiv agreed.

"Us?" Blake asked.

"Who else?" Fidi shot back.

"Fine," Hunter grunted as he and Blake removed their Thunder Staffs.

"You're mine, black ranger. Since your sister's out of commission, you'll suffice," Kyiv taunted.

"Lucky me," Jacob spat as both warriors drew their weapons.

"And that leaves us with these disgusting things," Tori stated as she kicked one into a wall.

Sparks suddenly lit up the floor around Shane and he fell to the ground.

"Oh, what now?" he growled, looking up and seeing Xalkar standing in front of him with his arm outstretched and glowing purple.

"Rematch time, red ranger," Xalkar spat, rushing Shane with his blade out.

Shane twisted to his feet and met Xalkar's sword with his own, leaving Tori and Dustin to fend for themselves against the Revolters.

The hospital

"I wish I could help. I'm useless," Sofia cried.

"They'll be fine. They can fend for themselves," Cam assured.

"Usually, yeah, but they're getting roasted out there," Sofia replied, tears filling her eyes.

They painfully watched Blake getting knocked into a car and Shane being thrown to the ground, his head near the raging flames. As they watched their friends being thrown around like ragdolls, both rangers failed to notice the white light exploding from the gem in Sofia's morpher until it released sparkles that weaved themselves around Sofia's half-paralyzed body.

"What's happening, Cam?" Sofia asked.

"Believe it or not. I have no idea," Cam replied.

The glow faded and she remained unchanged.

"How do you feel?" Cam wondered.

"Stronger. I feel like there's a weight on my legs," Sofia responded.

"That'd be the computer. Wait...if you can feel the weight of the computer then these gems of ours must have some sort of healing powers that we had no idea about. They must be triggered by emotion. Like the type you felt when we watched our friends being beat to a pulp," Cam explained.

"Who cares! I can fight. But I can't fight in a gown," Sofia stated, climbing out of the bed.

"That's why I brought this," Cam announced, reaching into his duffel bag and pulling out a black leather ninja teacher's uniform with white piping.

"I knew you were hiding something," Sofia countered.

"You better get dressed. I'll meet you there," Cam said.

"You're on," Sofia agreed.

Cam nodded, packed up his computer, and ran out the door. Sofia donned her uniform and strapped her morpher to her wrist as the final touch.

"I can't walk out the door. They'll freak out seeing a supposedly paralyzed patient roaming the halls. Only one way out," Sofia muttered, glancing at the window.


Tori and Dustin fared well against the Revolters. Unfortunately, that was the only thing going well for the ninja rangers. Shane was blasted into a railing before tumbling to the concrete, Jacob was thrown into Tori and Dustin, bowling them down like pins, and the Thunder bros were pinned to a wall by the queen's magic.

"Let us go," Hunter grunted, struggling against his bonds.

"Not yet. The real reason I chose you boys is to convince you to join my army," Fidi cooed, running a hand down Hunter's chest.

"Get your damn hand off me," Hunter spat. The queen drew it back with what they could imagine was an evil smirk.

"What do you say, boys?" Fidi asked coyly.

"Never," Blake replied, pulling on his restraints.

"You're crazy," Hunter growled.

"I don't know why I bothered asking. You don't have a choice in the matter anyway," the queen spat. 

Her hands glowed with red magic as she thrust her palms into the Thunders' chests. Hunter and Blake cried in agony as the magic clouded their minds, erasing the good moments that they had with the power rangers and replacing them with evil, twisted thoughts. She pulled back, satisfied with her deed, and the bonds disappeared, allowing Blake and Hunter to slump to the ground, drained.

"Say goodbye, red ranger," Xalkar snarled as he stepped on Shane's weapon arm, pinning it to the ground. He prepared to bring his blade down on his head. 

Shane prepared for the blow, but when none came, he looked up to see Cam's samurai saber blocking the blade, inches from his head.

"Samurai Ranger, have you come to share in your friend's demise?" Xalkar sneered.

"In your dreams, creep," Cam spat, pushing up with the samurai saber, throwing Xalkar off-balance, before side-kicking him, causing the alien to stumble several feet back.

"Cam, what? I thought you were with Sofia," Shane exclaimed as the samurai helped him to his feet.

"It's a long story that we don't have time for," Cam replied.

"Your friend's correct, red ranger," Kyiv jeered as he strode towards them.

"Go away. They're mine," Xalkar hissed.

"Correction, they were yours. Go back, Xalkar, before you make even more of a fool out of yourself. You weren't invited," Kyiv laughed.

"Fine then. This isn't over rangers," Xalkar spat, giving Cam and Shane a glare before disapparating.

"They're like me and Serios when I was evil. Constantly at each other's throats," Jacob mentioned as he, Tori, and Dustin jogged to their sides.

"Cam, what are you doing here? Did something happen with Sofia?" Tori wondered.

"You'll find out right about now," Cam answered, checking an imaginary watch.

"Dude, you don't have a watch," Dustin commented. Cam rolled his eyes behind his helmet.

"Just look," Cam urged.

White lasers rained down on the villains. Both sides, sans Thunder Rangers, looked at a platform where the blasts had come from. They saw the smoking end of a very familiar blaster. And the gloves that held it were white.

"Sofia," Dustin cried. The white ranger flipped over the railing and landed in front of her friends.

"What are you doing here? I took care of you at the tournament," Kyiv asked.

"That's for me to know and for you never to find out," Sofia spat, blasting him once more before returning her rifle back into it's bladed form and sheathing it.

"Not another one," the queen groaned as she walked over to her general.

"Don't worry. I'm the last one," Sofia growled.

"Drill blaster," she called, summoning the triple-headed blaster into her hands, pulling the trigger and firing a large orb of green energy at the two powerful aliens, knocking them back, but leaving them fairly unharmed.

"We'll meet again, power rangers. I assure you. But for now, enjoy my little present," Fidi laughed as they disappeared.

"Present?" Shane asked.

"Where are Blake and Hunter?" Sofia asked.

"Last time I saw them, they were fighting queenie in the corner of the warehouse," Jacob replied.

Tori ran past them and they turned to see her running towards a semi-limping Blake with Hunter not far behind.

"Blake! Are you alright?" the blue ranger asked her boyfriend.

"I'm fine," Blake suddenly growled, grabbing her arm, twisting it, and throwing her back at the rangers.

"Dude, what's wrong with you?" Dustin growled in a tone extremely rare for him.

"Nothing's wrong. We've just decided that being evil is way more fun," Hunter cackled.

"That queen must have messed with their heads," Shane whispered.

"Clearly," Cam replied.

"Later days, power rangers," Blake laughed. The newly evil Thunder Rangers turned and ninja streaked away, leaving six baffled rangers.

"Looks like we've got a whole new problem on our hands," Sofia stated.

Hey lovely readers! Sorry about the super long wait! It's been an eventful chapter and I was trying to figure out how to write this. This is just the beginning of another fun arc. Oh, and the Thunder Bros are evil...again! I'm gonna have so much fun writing these next few chapters. I hope you liked it. Stay strong!

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