Revealed [[KNJ]] 18+ ✔️

By IMSugaWonho

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**READ UNDERCOVER FIRST** Hana can't seem to catch a break. She finally thought her life was starting to get... More

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By IMSugaWonho

Namjoon ducked as a plate came towards him and he stared at the shattered glass covering the kitchen floor.

"Please don't throw shit at me!" Namjoon exclaimed.

Hana turned on him, "I'm not throwing anything at you. I'm throwing things in general!"

"Babe, I think you should calm down. You can't-"

"Don't tell me to calm down!" She yelled throwing a mug at him, "That one was aimed!"

"Babe, please,"

"That waste of space, unwanted wank stain has put one of my friends in a coma and you are telling me to calm down," Hana said running her hands through her hair, "Namjoon, you need to find him,"

"We are trying,"

"Then try harder!"

Namjoon stepped over the broken glass and put his hands on her face, making her look at him. Even though she was angry, he could see the fear and sadness trying to break through.

"I have every man possible out on the street searching for him. Jae has his men looking and Jungkook is doing his best," He said, "Don't stress yourself out too much. It isn't good for you and our baby girl,"

Hana's bottom lip trembled and she burst into tears, burying her face in Namjoon's chest, "I was supposed to be with them! Sara asked me to shop with them but I was so tired. I could have done something and this never would have happened,"

Namjoon held her tightly as she wept and someone cleared their throat. He looked over his shoulder and Jimin motioned him to follow.

"Hana, go sit with Jungkook. I'll get someone to clean the mess up. Your stupid dogs will need to be let out of my office once this is clear,"

Hana nodded and left without another word.

"She took it better than I thought," Jin said making him jump, "You need to see this,"

Namjoon followed him to the living room and dropped onto the sofa beside Jimin. Jimin turned the laptop towards Namjoon and he felt his heart stop.

"When did you get this?"

"A few minutes ago. I've tried to track where the email came from but it's an Internet cafe in the next town. By the time our guys got there, it had already gone up in flames," Jimin said, "What I don't understand, is why Yugyeom is sending pictures of you growing up,"

"He's trying to get into my head. Are there anymore?"

Jimin nodded and turned to face the screen, "I'm not sure you will want to see them,"

"Show me. Now,"

"Ok," He said quietly and changed the photos. Jimin held his breath as Namjoon picked the laptop up, his knuckles turning white from how hard he had hold of it.

"I am going to skin him alive," Namjoon whispered and slammed the laptop shut, "I want him alive, do you fucking understand? I want that twisted mother fucker alive. I need him to feel everything that I will do to him and I'll make sure that he doesn't fucking enjoy it,"

"I'll get rid of the email," Yoongi said, "Go back to Hana,"

Namjoon shook his head, "No. I need to go to my parents. They sent me a message ages ago telling me I had to meet them for dinner. Make sure nothing happens to Hana and take care of everything else. If shit goes down, call me. Jin, I want you to stay by her side and tell her where I am. Double security and check their ammo and guns. I want them kitted out. This is fucking war,"

Hana tossed the ball and her dogs charged after it almost knocking Jungkook over.

"Watch it!" He yelped as they charged back, "If Yugyeom doesn't kill me, I'm sure those bloody dogs will,"

"Sorry," Hana mumbled.

"Best present ever," Jin said quietly from behind his book.

"How are you feeling?" Jungkook asked handing Hana a drink.

"I've calmed down but I'm so angry. Seunho made me angry but I've never felt anger like this. Not since Wonho was killed," She said, "If I was with them, then this may never have happened,"

"You can't think of the what ifs," Jungkook said, "I've told you before that you can't change the past. This still would have happened but it could have been worse,"

"Sara is in a coma. How worse could it get?"

"Someone could have died," Jin said, "I understand that this is a hard time but Jungkook is right. Stop thinking about the past and start thinking about what you can do to help,"

"Namjoon said I can't do anything too strenuous and he doesn't want me in the way,"

Jin smiled, "He did say that. But is hacking into the government database too strenuous?"

"Where are you going with this?" Jungkook asked.

"Yugyeom has a long list of safe-houses, allies and medical...issues, shall we say," Jin said, "If you can get me in then I can inform the others about where to check,"

Hana sighed, "I could but I don't want Namjoon getting into trouble,"

"That's true but-"

"Where is my favourite, pregnant future daughter-in-law?"

Hana looked up, "I thought you would still be with Namjoon,"

"Namjoon?" She frowned, "What makes you think we were with Namjoon?"

"He told us he was going to lunch with you," Jin said and he stood up, "I saw the message,"

"Darling, someone took my phone from my bag when I wasn't paying attention. That wasn't me who...oh my god. Darling, call Namjoon right now!"

"Already on it," His dad said, "Stay in the house. We will go look for him. Hana, stay out of trouble and away from the fight,"

Namjoon's parents ran out of the room and Hana looked at Jin.

"What if he doesn't come back?" She whispered, "I can't do this alone. What if his brother has got him!"

"Hana, you need to breathe. You're going to give yourself a panic attack," Jungkook said. Hana began to pant heavily and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, her eyes were wide with panic, "Hana, I need you to listen,"

"He's going to kill him. Namjoon is going to be killed and I'll be alone and-"

"Namjoon would never leave you," Jin said, "He loves you so much that it makes him even more insane. Take a deep breath and look at me. You are like my baby sister and I will not have you thinking so negatively. Namjoon will come back and once this is over, you can have the relatively normal relationship you have wanted,"

Hana nodded and gulped, "You're right,"

"I know I'm right," Jin smiled.

The sound of yelling distracted them and a gunshot echoed through the room. Jin pointed his gun towards the door as someone tumbled through, out of breath.

"H-he is here," The man said dropping to his knees.

"Hana. I want you to stay in this room. If shit gets out of hand, you will go to the panic room in here. I think it's best if Jungkook grabs Taehyung and stays with you both," He said, "And that wasn't me asking was me telling you,"

A/N: I wrote this on my phone so there could be mistakes so ignore them if there are.

Don't forget to vote and comment.

Stay weird <33

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