Falling Again || bnha

By Helolo06

269K 10.7K 6K

❝BUT IF I HADN'T FALLEN, I WOULN'T HAVE MET YOU ❞ [various x reader] When an unknown... More

"Hello, World!"
Burn Marks
School or Prison. Aren't those the same?
This is why I don't socialize.
The Purple Man
Secrets. We all have them either if we know them or not.
V is for Villain
Midnight coffee
Why can't I have my Sweets in Peace??
Don't you think it's a bit cold for ice cream?
A Hug that was worth the wait.
Takoyaki: the love of my life
The goddamn Hero outfit
A Destructible God
Honey and Milk
Just like Home.
Urgh, Where are you, Sleep?
Me? A God? Pfft
Would you hold my hand, if the world was up to flames?
Lil' Museum of covers (Falling Again edition)
The unordinary life of (Y/n) (L/n)
Crazy How Fast this felt Like Home.
My weakest point isn't my mind
The Beast isn't merciful.
I wanna become something else.
A magical girl! That's what I'll become!
Midnight and coffee.
Whatever you say, Brocoboy. Whatever you say.
How long I wanna stay by your side? Does forever count?
Forever is not a number? Oh, then infinity.
Infinity can't be determined? Then as long as you're alive.
I don't care if you're going to live for an hour or thousands of years.
I want you, so stop denying my love.
But I don't want your love.
Seth was big big dragon, with a big big heart.
Yellow is now my favorite color.
A broken home, makes a broken hero.
Aren't broken heroes, just villains?
Give me the goddamn stars
Almost a happy ending.
Love is such a bitter medicine, and I'll never take it.
I think the world likes to see me suffer.
Don't worry, darling, I will always be your safe Haven.
Monsters will always be my favorite.
Wow, so many creative names.
The light has gone out of life. It doesn't shine anymore.
Has no one told you that you should bow before your god?
"Eyes blue like the Atlantic and I'm going down like the titanic."
I'll say a little prayer for you.
The World was only meant for the chosen ones.
I am not worth saving.
For you, I choose death.
We were meant to be. Can you not see it?
You were only a child.
Love is everywhere.
You are like cinnamon rolls

A God/Hero wannabe

6.5K 268 116
By Helolo06

↑↑↑Shelter-Porter Robinson&Madeon↑↑↑

No, you did not see this photo before, you can check chapter 6.

Can't stop crying because of Shelter (T_T)


Chapter 11: A God/Hero wannabe


Shoto sat on the table, never taking his eyes of his father. After he placed two tea cups on the table, Enji sat in front of him. Minutes of silence passed, as they both stared at each other.

"How is work doing?" Endevour was taken back by his son sudden interest in his work, a smile making his way into his face.

"Oh, interested?" Shoto's frown deepened, the grown man was unfazed by it."Well, I defeated yet another vill-"

"Anything new?" Shoto interrupted Enji's monologue as he was eager to know why and how the hell (Y/n) and Enji met. Was she perhaps one of his weird fangirls? Enji raised a brow, however he did not question it.

"Not r-"

"Are you-" Suddenly, Enji stood up, as his fist made contact with the table, the tea cups fell breaking and spilling tea (obviously) everywhere. Aside from the interrupting him all the time, he wanted to know about her.

( Okay, so this part was supposed to be "He fist bumped the table" but you guys wouldn't take it serious, because I didn't)

Tired of being interrupted, Endevour spoke:

"ifdhssfhskjfklshjkcs" Shoto was completely lost by whatever-the-hell he said, Enji smiled in victory seeing his son couldn't interrupt whatever he said.

(Don't blame your author, If you guys were there you wouldn't understand it either)

Seeing the pure confusion on his son face, he repeated it more slowly, going back to his mad face "What do you know?"

(Okay, he definetly did not say-)

Shoto stood up, glaring at his father "Enough." He repeated the girl's answer from before, leaving out a few.... uhm weird word-, oH yOu KNoW wHaT i MeAn. The answer seemed to anger the man even more.

"YOU BETTER STAY AWAY FROM HER" Enji slamed his fists onto the table, Shoto flinched, never hiding his hate for the man. "SHE'S NOTHING BUT TROUBLE" Thinking force would solve this problem, he glared at his son, hoping for god's sake he didn't like her.

Anger boiling his blood, Shoto looked away. as he 'tsk', and left the room, leaving an Enji with pure hate for the girl, who intefered in his life long goal. He flipped the table, as his breaths got deeper. Who does she think she is?

And from that moment Enji knew he had to take her out of the picture. Shoto had to surpass All Might, and he couldn't let a god wannabe mess with his plans.

Let's-imagine-we-didn't-read-that- Time Skip

Aizawa adjusted himself, enjoying the sweet warmth of his bed sheets and the coldness of the night. An unseasy feeling came over him, it felt as someone was watching him sleep. Slowly, he opened one eyes, a dark figure loomed over him.

he jumped out of bed, his heart skipping a few beats, as he grabbed the scarf, quickly lifting the person. His eyes shined bright red, as room lights were turned on, (Y/n) arkwardly smiled at him in between the scarf.

"Good morning" she managed to say.

Aizawa let her go midair, massaging his temple, as stress setled. Rubbing her butt, (Y/n) managed to spit out a few words.

"I-I-I uhm-"

"Don't" Aizawa extended his hand to stop the girl from talking. "Why. the. fuck. are you watching me sleep?" The girl yelped as his eyes shined bright red, his hair flowing in the air.

"I-I-I wasn't!! I couldn't sleep so I was hella bored-"

"So, you decided to watch me?"


"So, why the hell were you in my room?" She meekly pointed at the scarf,

"I-I just wanted to see how it worked!!!" He exaperated, his hair fell back, he went to the kitchen. the girl sat on the stool as she watched him boil milk.

"Can I ask you somethin'?" The girl grabbed a banana, analising the man.


"How do you sleep?" Aizawa looked at the girl as if she was crazy.

"With a pillow and a bed" he turned around grabbing a mug from the self.

"No, I mean like sleep"

"...you can't sleep?" He felt somewhat of a pity for the girl, as he sipped his milk.

"No... I mean back home I used to sleep a lot, but ever since I arrived on Earth I feel in constant danger and my body doesn't sleep"

"You must live a sad life" he placed the mug on the sink.

"...You're a huge help, thanks" the girl watched the man head to his room.

"You're welcome" He said as he closed and locked the door.

"...It's going to be a long night." The girl sighed heading for the sofa.

π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π

also this chapter is a few words short,

So to make up for those words

This is one of my favorite poems

"And All I loved, I loved alone"😆

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