Forever Yours// Reggie

By staybeautiful_1

44.6K 906 179

She's been watching over her best friends family for twenty-five years, she never left their side. Just like... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Christmas/ New Year Special
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

3.6K 87 11
By staybeautiful_1

Julie was far from impressed with the four ghosts that were somehow in her home studio. She angrily looked at them as Luke beamed brightly at his band and new ghost friend.

"He likes our song" He smiles

"Oh. He doesn't count. He's a dad" Alex mentioned trying to prove a point that wasn't there

Amelia on the other hand was still shocked that Ray was able to see her for a split second, she was so confused. She had so many questions and literally no answers.

"He could see me, how could he see me?" Amelia mumbled to herself

Amelia's attention was turned to Julie very quickly as she noticed the glare coming her best friend's kid. She nervously looked at the boys as Julie shut the door to the studio.

"Why can't you be normal ghost?" Julie angrily yelled "go haunt a mansion or something...I heard Pasadena's nice!"

With that she slammed the door, leaving the four ghosts to look at each other in sadness. Three of them not understanding why Julie was so upset, the other knowing that it could be out of frustration that out of all the ghosts she could possibly see it was three random dudes and her dead aunt. It was them and not her mom. Amelia shoved her hands into her black skinny jeans and took a deep breath. Luke noticed the girls sudden mood change and looked towards the door where Julie just left.

"I think she's warming up to us" Alex stated

"Yeah, I've always wanted to go to Pasadena" Reggie agrees

Amelia let out a slight chuckle and shook her head.

"We might have to go, if she won't let us stay," Alex told them

"She gotta let us stay" Reggie muttered "we have nowhere else to go"

"I'll go talk to her" Luke said just before vanishing out of the room

This caused Amelia to whip her head in the direction of where Julie left. She knew pushing Julie more wouldn't end well. Reggie and Alex looked at the girl's freaked out expression.

"Is he trying to get killed again, Julie doesn't need this" She exclaimed before vanishing like Luke

Reggie and Alex turned towards each other and shrugged before following Amelia's suit. "Might as well follow the action" Reggie thought to himself

When the three ghosts joined the conversation Amelia immediately noticed the desperation in Luke's voice.

"Look, I'm sorry we came into your life, but what I felt in there actually makes me feel alive again" Luke explains to Julie "we all felt alive again, your Tia included. So you can kick us out if you want. We can play again, that's a gift no musician would ever turn down. Think about Amelia, she's been by your side for years. Are you really gonna kick her out that easily?"

Amelia looked at the two ghosts behind her and held out her arm.

"You two stay put" she informed them

Amelia appeared beside Luke and pulled him slightly away from Julie. She glared at him as she held onto his arm.

"Give it a rest Luke" Amelia spoke "you can't change her mind"

Luke shakes his head and pulls his arm away from Amelia's grip. He turned towards Julie and gave her a pleading look. He needed her to understand.

"But she has to know that." Luke started before turning back to Julie "clearly your mom is into music"

That was the comment Amelia didn't want Luke to make. She glanced at Julie sadly and appeared beside her in an instant. She looked at the sky with such sadness, she could feel the sadness radiating off of Julie. Amelia dealt with her own version of grief, she watched her best friend grow up and live. Only to watch her die, not even been given the opportunity to join her on the other side. After years of waiting to be noticed, she said hello and goodbye way too quickly.

"Was. She passed away" Julie spoke softly

Luke's face drops as he watches the two girls look down at the ground sadly. Reggie and Alex immediately appeared closer to the group. Alex felt so heavy-hearted for the female ghost as he couldn't imagine what it was like for her to watch her friend die, He knew that if it was him with Luke and Reggie, maybe even Bobby. He would be greatly ruined if he watched over them for 25 years, never noticed only to watch them die. He truly felt such compassion for Amelia. Reggie was concerned for Amelia...(and Julie). He didn't like seeing people sad. He didn't like seeing Amelia sad. There was something about this girl and all he wanted was to see her smile again.

"I' sorry" Luke apologized

"Yeah...we...we didn't know" Alex voiced, making it known that he and Reggie were now in on the conversation

"It's alright" Julie smiled sadly

"It's not something you openly tell people" Amelia added

Julie looked up at the four ghosts, hope shining in her eyes.

"You guys haven't seen her anywhere, have you? From wherever you're from?" She questioned

This sparked Amelia's interest as she wondered if her best friend truly crossed over.

"No. No, I mean you're kind of the first person we've seen" Alex said

"Yeah, but she isn't dead. So that doesn't answer her question" Reggie stated causing Amelia to rolled her eyes.

The two ghosts make quick eye contact and Reggie flashed her a smile, making her eyes twinkle. She politely smiled back.

"I think she knows what we mean" Alex stated slightly annoyed before turning his attention to the two girls

"I'm sorry for your loss, same goes to you Melia"

"Thanks" both girls smiled softly

During the brief moment of silence, Julie looked over at Amelia and took in her appearance. Amelia hasn't changed from the pictures that she's seen, she obviously knew that it was because she was dead. But it still blew her mind that the famous Amelia Anderson was right in front of her. Her mother's ride or die was literally looking right back at her. Julie had so many questions for her and that's what led her to think about letting them stay.

Julie looked at the four ghosts and smiled softly at them. "Sorry I got mad. You guys are kinda good"

Amelia smiled proudly at Julie and let out a small laugh. Not noticing the stares she got from Reggie.

"Kinda? I thought we did really good" Amelia mentioned as she crossed her arms

"Y-y-you know that's like 25 years of rust just getting dusted off" Luke chuckled

"Yeah. Do you play piano too?" Reggie spoke up

"No, I don't play. That was my mom's stuff in there" Julie denied

Amelia knew that was a lie but she knew Julie would tell them when she felt ready. She made eye contact with Julie and just by the look in her eyes, Julie knew Amelia wasn't going to say anything.

"No way, she's an amazing songwriter" Luke complemented in awe "you are too Mel"

"Wait, how would you know?" Julie questioned

"There's a song on the piano. Amelia said that it use to be hers and your mom finished it..." Luke trailed off

"We'll I wrote the music and wrote the chorus, Your mom did the rest" Amelia added quickly

"your mom was really talented" Luke finished after Amelia gave Rose the credit for the song

"Yeah she was" Julie whispered

Julie turned around, thinking about leaving but quickly turned to look at the four ghosts before her.

"I guess, if you need a place to stay, you can stay here" Julie sighed

"Told you she'd cave" Amelia smirked as she looked between the three ghost boys

"There's a bathroom in the back and a couch that turns into a bed if you still use that stuff" Julie rambled shoving her hands in her pockets causing Amelia to shake her head smiling softly

"Dibs on the shower!" Reggie exclaimed randomly, making everyone look at him

"I just really like showers, and sometimes the occasional bath"

Amelia and Luke looked at each other with an amused expression while Alex looked at Reggie with extreme disappointment. Reggie just stood there standing like a puppy would, all happy go lucky.

Amelia couldn't pin-point what it was about Reggie that just made everything seem to light-hearted. He just carried a vibe that was so relaxed and carefree. It made her remember that days of her adventures while she was alive. It was like the feeling of running through an open field of tall grass and flowers. She felt something that she couldn't explain.

"This-this is just too weird" Julie spoke as she mentions towards the group just before she left towards the group

Luke turned towards the other two boys as they all celebrated silently. The boys jumped around and excitement but Amelia focussed on Julie.

"Hey Mel, are you gonna join us?" Luke called out

Still keeping her eye on Julie she slightly turned her head towards Luke. Her eyes never leaving the gate.

"Uh. Yeah!" She answered "just give me one second"

"You got five minutes!" Alex told her with a smile

Amelia flashed a smile towards Alex and quickly vanished to Julie's bedroom. The boys watched her in awe as she made it seem that being a ghost was so easy.

"She's amazing" Reggie gushed before letting out a cough "uh-I-I mean, she's amazingly good at being a ghost! Really knows how to do that disappearing act"

His bandmates only let out laughs and Alex slapped his shoulder, "Good try buddy" he stated

Meanwhile, Julie sat upon her bed quietly as she thought about the four ghosts who are now living in her home studio. Amelia flashed in front of her, startling her a tiny bit.

"Oh sorry Jules!" Amelia apologized "forgot this was new to you. Heck, this is new to me! May I?"

Amelia gestured towards a spot on Julie's bed. Julie stared at her silently but nodded, Amelia happily sat beside her cross-legged. Amelia clapped her hands together and looked excitedly at the girl in front of her.

"Okay, I may be too excited about this but I've been dying for this moment" Amelia spoke before silently laughing at her own joke

"Okay, yeah, sorry. Forgot you don't understand my humor yet. Then again your mom never really understood my humor" she shrugged

"My mom?" Julie questioned

"Yeah, that's kind of why I came in here in the first place. You ask the boys about seeing your mom. They said, no but I never answered."

"You've seen her?" Julie asked in shock

Amelia tilted her head side to side as she hummed "well... briefly. She wasn't around for long which really sucked but she needed to cross over. It was her time"

Julie couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her mom was seen by another ghost, her mom was a ghost. Well according to Amelia.

"What did she say? Was she Okay? Was she in pain? Was she scared? Did she look young again? How did she cross over?"

Amelia chuckled and held out her hands as if to tell the girl stop with the questions. " whoa whoa whoa, that's a lot of questions" she laughed

"First of all she was perfectly fine, she looked the same as you last saw her. Just healthier, Kinda had a glow to her. And she kind of just disappeared I guess. There was a light and she kind of just went into it. I'm trying to completely understand it myself. Anyway, I just want you to know that she wanted me to remind you and your dad... and your brother that her love for you guys will never end. That my protection will never end, that even now that she's crossed over and in peace, that I am here. She might not be here but her best friend is. And don't tell her this but I may be better than she is."

Julie let out a small laugh as she listened to her mother's best friend ramble. Julie can understand why her mother was so fond of Amelia. To Julie, Amelia reminded her so much of her mother but just in a different way. It was actually kind of refreshing for her, It's like her mother really blessed her by letting Amelia be seen. Julie sent her a smile and nodded her head.

"Thank you," she said " I really needed to hear that"

"I know. That's why I came up here. Anyway, the boys want to hang out with me they probably have questions of their own. If you ever need me just give me a shout I'm never far. I never was to begin with."

Julie smiled at the ghost in front of her, she felt so cared for by Amelia. It was weird considering Amelia was technically only a couple years older than her, but at the same time her mother's age. Already Julie knew that Amelia was going to play some sort of motherly influence in her life but at the same time she was going to be like an older sister.

"Thank you, mom used to always say you were around"

"Well, she was right, as usual. Plus she couldn't get rid of me even if she tried." Amelia smirked

The two girls laughed just before Julie decided to tuck into bed. Amelia slowly got off the bed and looked out the window to see the boys waiting for her. She turned towards Julie who was pulling the covers over her body.

"I'll let you get some rest now," Amelia told her

"Alright, you go have fun with the boys," Julie said

"I will" Amelia smiled

But before Amelia could leave she flashed beside the lights and lightly placed her fingers upon the light switch. Getting ready to turn them off.

"Hey, Julie?" She whispered


"We'll figure out this music program thing, okay?"

Julie smiled softly and Amelia and nodded her head, "yeah okay, goodnight Mel"

"Goodnight...little bug"

Amelia turned off the lights and quickly vanished outside and in front of the boys. The three boys smiled at the young female.

"Hey, you made it!" Reggie said excitedly "Can we go now?"

Amelia let out a smile, "yeah sure, where exactly are we going?" Alex asked

"Well, we're ghost. We can go anywhere" Amelia reminded them "we can go wherever you want. The world is ours to explore"

Luke beamed brightly at the three ghosts and wrapped his arm excitedly around Amelia and Reggie's shoulder, "I know just the place".

Amelia let out a chuckle as she understood exactly where Luke wanted to go, she pulled Alex closer to the group and gave them all a smirk.

"Alright boys, hang on tight. It's going to be a bumpy ride" she joked with a wink before transported them to the last place they were before they went to get those deadly hot dogs. The place that none of them knew they had the same connection with. 

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