Arrowverse One Shots

By olicity417

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"Fanfics. Courtesy of Ray Palmer." Supergirl, Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, Superman and L... More

Just a lil intro...
Supergirl and Mon El - Valentine's Day
Kara and Alex - Hurt
Winn and Cisco - First meeting
Joe and J'onn - Fatherly Advice
Cisco and Caitlin - Fake girlfriend
Kara and Barry - Something for you
Cisco and Killer Frost - Frozen
Brainy and Nia - Date
Kara and Alex - Bangs?
Iris - Wedding Dress
Barry and Iris - Baby Nora
Alex and Kara - Missing Powers
Brainy and Nia - Identities
J'onn - Fathers Day
Alex and Kara - Missing Powers Pt 2
Barry and Cisco - Musicals
Brainy and Nia - Babysitting
Nia - Drunk Karaoke
Jesse and Wally - Family Dinner
Kara and Lena - Secrets
Kara and Mon El - New Baby
Kara - Quarantine
Kara and Mon El - Earthly lessons
Caitlin and Cisco - Virus
Cisco and Harry - Couples Therapy
Ralph - Code Words
Nia and Alex - Eating Disorder
Flash - It's Elemental
Alex - Pride
Lita - Date
Iris and Barry - That Time of the Month
Kara and Lena - Supercorp?
Green Arrow and the Canaries
Nia becomes a Legend
Winn and Hartley - Broadway Here I Come
Sara and Felicity - Grieving Together
Caitlin - Panic Attack
Kara and Cat -The Birth Certificate
Just a quick announcement :)
Olicity - Felicity gets Kidnapped
Cisco and Iris - Patching You Up
Snowbarry - Time to Think
Oliver - Babysitting Nora
Kara and Cat - The Birth Certificate Pt 2
Kara and Cat - The Birth Certificate Pt 3
Barry and Iris - Pregnant
Barry and Iris - Pregnant Pt 2
Westallen - If I were a Worm?
Kara and Alex - I'm Pregnant
Frost and Ralph - Unsolicited Advice
Barry and Mia - Will you?
Oliver and Mia - Something I Need to Tell you
Ava and Nyssa - Is she Alive?
Ava and Nyssa - Is she Alive? Pt 2
Alex and Esme - Just a Nightmare
WestAllen - A Scream in the Night
WestAllen - A Scream in the Night Pt 2
Barry and Kara - Are you Drunk?
Sara and Oliver - Can We Talk?
Iris and Cecile - An Orphan and a Widow

Barry and Iris - Fight of a Lifetime

220 6 2
By olicity417

"Barry," Cisco said over comms. "In about a mile you're gonna see a warehouse on your left, there are two heat signatures on the main floor but the infrastructure is seriously damaged so you'll have to be in and out, and fast."

"NOT A PROBLEM CISCO," Barry replied, the sound of wind filling the background. "ALRIGHT I'M HERE."

"Great, now you've just gotta get those two hostages out before the whole place comes down," Harry added, watching over Cisco's shoulder.


It was at that moment that Iris came walking through the door, a grim look on her face. It was unusual for her to be late like this.

"Iris we need you on comms," Cisco called out to her, resulting in a bitterness washing over her face. She apprehensively made her way over to the dashboard.

"Barry, what's your status?" Harry barked, but was only met with silence.

"Barry!" Cisco tried again, but to no avail.

"He made it out right?" Caitlin asked worriedly, "Why isn't he answering?"

"Not sure but he must have turned his comms off," said Harry.

"But why?"

"Damnit Caitlin I don't know," he barked.

"Because of me," Iris snapped suddenly before standing up and storming out into the hallway."

Harry turned back to the team with a frown, "what the-"

"-frak," Cisco finished.

"What does Iris have to do with anything?" Asked Caitlin.

"Don't even ask," Joe piped in, rounding the corner into the cortex. "Those two have been at each other's throats since late last night."

"About what?"

"Don't know, Iris wouldn't tell me. But whatever it was, it was bad enough to make her spend the night at our place."

Papers suddenly went flying as Barry came flying in.

"Oh my god you're okay," Caitlin sighed. "What happened?"

"Nothing," Barry said nonchalantly. "The hostages are safe with NCPD now. Why?"

"Because you-" Caitlin suddenly became aware of the pleading look everyone was giving her. "Nevermind."

"Okay well I'm gonna go get changed," Barry muttered, heading off to the speed lab. What he didn't know was that Iris had already chosen to hide out there. He came to a screeching halt when he saw her sitting on the steps, attempting to quickly wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Hi.." he said quietly, "I'll go somewhere else I just wanted to-"

"What were you thinking?" Iris said, cutting him off.

"What are you talking about, I didn't-"

"Barry, you turned off your comms, and in the middle of a life or death situation. Why?"

"I just... needed some space."

"Barry!" Iris yelled. "I don't care how mad you are at me, you are part of a team and you don't just push them all away because you want to punish me!"

"Punish you. That's what you think this is?" Barry snapped, getting angry.

"Sure seems like it."

"If you think this is me trying to purposely hurt you then you really don't understand this at all."

"Then PLEASE. Enlighten me."



"YES. IT IS." Barry stopped to catch his breath, tears welling up in his eyes. "Iris you may be okay with all this, and maybe you think I should be too. But I can't. Damnit Iris I can't look at you without hearing those words all over again."

"Barry. They're just words."

"TRUE words."

"That mean nothing!" Iris cried. "None of it meant anything!"


"Barry-" Iris' breath caught in her throat. She began to speak again but gave up before turning around and stumbling out the door in tears.

Barry turned towards the step and fell down in defeat, his hands shaking from both grief and anger. He heard cautious footsteps approaching and looked up, expecting it to be Iris.

"Hey," Cisco said quietly.

"How much did you hear?"

"Um.... you know.... Enough."

"Crap," Barry dropped his face into his hands. Cisco took a seat next to him and took a breath before speaking.

"Barry... what did she do?"

Barry's heart dropped, he'd been expecting this moment.

"She cheated on me."

"She...." Cisco couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Like cheated cheated?"

"She slept with someone else."

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