
By Amore_381

17.1K 447 14

Imprisonment, “I think I was sent here for a reason, to help Jake.” Sara White knows everything that’s going... More

Twilight is not supposed to be real; Jacob black is a fictional character!
And secondly I might have a penis you never know.
I think I forgot to mention how scared I am of thunder storms
how dare he do that to me, come on Leah, let's go for a little joy ride
I'm laughing because you're stupid
Sometimes I wish I was a vampire.
What's vampire sex like?
Why are you even here?
I killed my brother, Nick.
It's my fault
the key to a prison that I didn't even know I was in
How the fuck did that happen?
why did you come through Jake's window?"
You're really special, you know that
We are going to do the Frick Frack before that.
but you know what you didn't ruin
Who the fuck does this guy think he is?
Why you being a cockblock?
So us three went on an adventure, well not really I couldn't walk that far
it took me all my inner strength not to fan girl right now.
he doesn't wear clothes, which I do not mind one bit.
I've heard better music from a 4 month old
How you guys are talking is like I'm being handed to them gift wrapped and all
That's when you have to promise to kill me
I don't think you realize how many fictional boyfriends I have
I hope you're taking me to a cliff, so I can push you off
I heard him lift the toilet seat, followed by a trickle.
So Edward, do you deny keeping a human knowing of our existence

Didn't you know? I don't share my food with no one

625 15 0
By Amore_381

Sara POV

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows are everything that’s wonderful is what I feel when we’re together.     

Yeah corny I know, but that’s how I feel plus that song is stuck in my head.

“Let’s play 20 Questions” I blurted out, I don’t even know where that came from, do not judge me, I looked over and he was staring at me intently, “just watch the road”

“Is there stuff I don’t already know about you?” he questioned “remember I lived with you over a month now”

“Ok fine” I said as I turned and stared out the window “we don’t have to play” 

“Wait, I want to play now” he said, I didn’t respond.

“What are your parents like?” he asked, trying to play the game no doubt.

So I decided to get him back “oh, my parents? They are ok, it’s been pretty difficult once they told me I was adopted, I guess I should have known since they are Asian and all”

“Wait, what?” he said looking shocked, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“The look on your face is hilarious” I snorted, very attractive Sara. “You shouldn’t believe everything I say”

“Oh, I’m sorry that I trust you” he said sarcastically.

I sighed, it’s only been a day and we are already at each other’s necks.

“I didn’t mean it like that and you know it” I argued, by now we have reached the restaurant I looked at the dash 7:50.

We didn’t say anything else until we actually got our seat, I basically was screaming on the inside, this is where Bella and Edward had their first date and it was just as perfect as she explained it.

“What are you so happy about?” Jake asked.

That’s when it hit me, I’m here in this amazing place with a guy I’d never expected to love and he sort of thinks I’m this amazing creature on earth, I know this because he imprinted on me.

“I’m so happy you’re here with me” I choked, “I never in a million years think you’d ever imprint on me”

“Please, don’t cry” his face soften “I don’t care if they are happy tears”

That made me smile, I quickly pulled myself together and carefully wiped my tears away, thank god Alice used water proof everything on my face.

“You don’t realise how much...” I trailed off, now way was I going to tell him I loved him without DTR yet.

“How much what Sara?” he asked, but we were interrupted by a waiter.

“Can I get you any drinks to start off with?” he asked, thank god this wasn’t going to be a recurrence of Edwards and Bella’s date oddly enough he was looking at me intently.

“Can I please have the house white wine” I asked sounding sophisticated, he just stared at me.

Jake cleared his throat “I’ll just have a coke”

He snapped out of his gazed, repeated the order then left.

“That was weird” I commented.

“Not really” he disagreed, playing with his fork “I better get used to it”

“Why?” I asked as I grabbed his hand, my hand tingled on of top his, I will never get used to that feeling.

“Because I have a really hot girlfriend” he smiled as he looked in my eyes.

“Who said I’m your girlfriend?” I teased, I went to pull my hand away and he caught it quickly.

“Why would you even say that?”

“You haven’t even asked? I’ve cared about you for so long, and now you decided to actually take notice since I’m your imprint, I know you can’t control it but it’s confusing for me” I held his gaze as long as I could, looking at him gave me energetic bunnies in my stomach.

“Here are your drinks” said the waiter as he placed them in front of us, “would you like to order?”

“I’ll have the Chicken parmigiana, thanks” he orders as he handed back the menu.

“And for you?” he questioned.

“I’ll just have the Mushroom Ravioli” I smiled at my inside joke, I’m so lame.

He must have thought I was flirting with him because he gave me a really charming smile, and took my menu away really slowly.

“Ok then…” I looked at Jake, he just smiled not faze by that interaction and continued to speak.

“I’m sorry, it was a bit of a shock for me too” he started “that’s why I went to my dad, he basically said I was trapped in my own thoughts hung up on Bella, he called it ‘imprisonment’ and then when I saw you hold that baby it’s like you opened my eyes to new possibilities like I was poor man who found a diamond ring on the ground” he shook his head “ this is coming out so wrong, but I know you know what I’m trying to say, Bella was a little speck compared to the love I feel for you”  

“Oh Jake...” I wanted to say that I understand and that I love him, but my word were stuck in my throat, so I said the next best thing “… you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, I can’t imagine my life without you”

“So… that means you’ll be my girlfriend?” he smirked as I went to take a sip of my wine, which was strangely switched with his coke.

“If you’re going to steal my alcohol then no” I pouted, and went to reach for it but he pulled it back suddenly.

“You think I’m letting you drink underage, you got another thing coming” he joked; well I think he was joking.

“Boo, you whore” I quoted, “Embry wouldn’t do this to me”

“Here are your meals” said the annoying waiter, who was really getting on my nerves “anything else I can get you?”

“We’re good thanks” Jacob said abruptly and before he left, he gave me a wink.

The food smelled amazing, I didn’t realise how hungry I was until I popped ravioli in my mouth and groaned, I could see out of the corner my eye Jake was eyeing my food, even though he had a meal right in front of him.

“Can I try?” he asked, as his fork drifted over my plate, I hit it away with my own fork.

“Didn’t you know? I don’t share my food with no one” I explained, as I ate another bit “but I’d make the exception with you if you give me back my wine”   

He raised an eyebrow at my ultimatum, “Actually, when you put it that way this chicken looks amazing”

I just poked my tongue at him, instead of saying something sarcastic, I just stole a fry.

“Oh, you want to play it that way huh?” he asked before I could respond, he grabbed the wine and skulled it all.

“JAKE” I yelled, I looked around and noticed people looking at us. “You have to drive!”

He shrugged, “this won’t do anything to me”

I thought back to the party that changed everything, Embry and I had a bet going on the see who could consume the most alcohol without getting drunk, I got drunk off my face and Embry took me home, and that next thing that happened made me gasp.

“What’s wrong” Jacob asked worryingly like I was physically hurting.

I looked into his warm brown eyes and asked “does Embry know about us?”

He hesitated, cutting a bit out of his food and ate it, I already knew the answer he did know, and obviously he didn’t take it very good.

“What happened?” Jake continued to eat his food, “Jacob?”

“He was really torn up about it first, I mean the whole pack was shocked, imprinting was supposed to be rare, and what we went though was just a myth.”

I grabbed my napkin and wiped my mouth, by this point my lipstick had rubbed off and I didn’t really care, all I cared about was Embry’s feelings “I probably should go see him then”


I looked at him in shock, how dare he basically tell me not to do something?

“Umm… why?” I asked casually, taking a sip of Jacobs’ coke.

“What if you get him upset? What if he takes something the wrong way and hurts you? I can’t risk losing you”

Oh boy, he sounded jealous but I don’t care if he likes it or not I have to explain it to Embry.

 “Jacob, as if he can hurt a face as cute as mine” I smiled to break the tension “plus he already knew I was fully committed to you when I rejected his kiss”

“Wait, when did he try to kiss you?” Jake growled, “Was it at the night of the party?”

I could see him start to shake “Jacob, I’m going to leave to go to the rest room, when I come back, I want you to be fully in control you got that?” I ordered, I got up from my seat not looking back at him.       

We had to leave soon or Jake was going to explode, my waiter was at his station so it was the perfect chance to pay the bill.

“Excuse me, would I be able to pay my bill?” I asked as he turned towards me.

“Most certainly” he smirked and printed off the bill for me, it was under $100 but since Alice was paying might as well give a good tip, “here you go, and please don’t come back to the table”

As I got back to the table Jake had finished off mine and his own meal, I didn’t mind I was already full.

“Yes” I said as I sat back down, he just looked at me I could see he wasn’t happy.

“That asshole, I told him to take care of you that night” he muttered, I knew I wasn’t going to get anything more out of him, guess I’ll just have to ask Embry myself.

“Ok, I’m done lets go” I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, or tried too.

“I have to pay the bill” he said as he stood up, trying to find our waiter.

“I took you out on this date, my shout” I smiled, I went to take a step back but my heel got wedged between the chair leg and I stumbled.

Jake had great reflexes and caught me before I could fall, “you didn’t need to pay Sara”

“Excuse me, may you please take your hands off her” oh no can you please go away.

Jake looked at him with this grin on his face “She’s my girlfriend, I’m allowed to put my hands wherever I want on her”

“I’m ok” I assured the guy, “I only fell and he caught me”

The guys eye’s flicked between us, “are you sure?”


I grabbed Jacobs hand and pulled him towards the door.


Sorry this was bit rushed, but i hope you enjoyed it, I never thought Sara and Jake would fight, but I guessthe characters have a mind of there own.

next chapter has newly Vampire bella :D

plus i havent even made Jake and Sara kiss you, dont worry they shall soon ;) 

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