New Beginning

Oleh StoriesLoubbie

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AU: Debbie and Lou are a couple but get separated after an unfortunate incident. After few years, when they m... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15


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Oleh StoriesLoubbie

When the manager got pastries packed, even Daisy and Jess were done with their food and were about to leave the restaurant. Debbie observed. Daisy was talking about meeting Lou right now.

She is going to meet Lou? What should I do now? Should I warn Lou?

Debbie decided to go against warning Lou. She instead made sure to follow Daisy and Jess. She didn't want to arrive there before them.

She followed them, maintaining the distance. When they entered Lou's building without any check, thanks to Daisy's frequent visits until few days ago, Debbie too did, somehow distracting the security. She took the private lift to Lou's floor, stood few steps away from Lou's Penthouse door. She waited for 15 minutes, and saw Daisy and Jess walking out, completely in blank state. Debbie noticed Daisy holding a piece of paper. Cheque!

"I can't believe she gave money after knowing everything about us", Jess said in surprise.

"Fucking 30 grands", Daisy said, "I fucking didn't know she would do this for me"

Debbie heard them say these words, while entering the lift.

Lou gave them money? 30 grands! That's too much. Why did she give?

"Do you need something, Miss Ocean? Oh, let me rephrase, are you here to check whether I am cheating on anyone else? Or whether my sister is cheating? She doesn't live here"

Debbie heard Lou's voice and turned to see her. Lou was wearing black leather pants and black velvet vest coat with blue loose tie and a bomber jacket. Maroon boots were a different story.

"Do you always dress like this?", Debbie asked, not acknowledging the earlier question.

"Depends. If Ann takes this tie while cheating on her boyfriend, then I won't be dressing this way. I will be wearing other tie"

"Look, I didn't mean to speak that way. I just joked"

"I don't think anyone gave you the rights to joke on someone whom you hardly know"

"I know"

"You know Ann?", Lou asked, not really understanding.

"No. I meant I know I shouldn't joke on someone the way I did"

"Well, you did though", Lou said, leaning on the threshold.

"Yeah. That was my bad"

"It was"

"So... Shall we forget and move on? Continue with Tammy's wedding plan?"

"Can't believe! Ocean, do you fucking believe by moving on, I will forgive you? Or that you are not bound to apologise for your crass remark on my sister?"

Debbie sighed. She knew she was supposed to apologise but she did have a bit of ego and stubbornness that prevented her from doing that.

"Lou, it was a joke"

"Which you are supposed to apologise for"

"But jokes are not meant..."

"Bye Ocean. It won't work", Lou said and turned to walk inside.

"No, wait", Debbie rushed and caught Lou's jacket from behind. "Look, if apologising is the only way, then okay, I am sorry for what I said"

"Firstly, stop ruining my jacket. Leave me. And secondly, you don't mean a word. You aren't really sorry"

"I mean it"

"You don't. Now, let me go"


"Well then, I don't have any choice", saying so, Lou just slid her body out of the jacket and walked inside while Debbie stumbled backward due to lack of force in holding the jacket. She quickly stabilised herself though and didn't fall.

"Look, I...", Debbie ran behind Lou, still holding the jacket, and entered Lou's penthouse before Lou was able to close the door.

"Get out, Ocean", Lou said, turning to face Debbie.

"Lou, I... Wow", Debbie was suddenly distracted by Lou's arms. Her long perfect arms, cleavage and little bit of exposed skin between her vest and pants were too much to avoid.

Debbie quickly averted her gaze to the luxuriously decorated house. Well, she didn't expect any less. After all, it was the penthouse on one of the luxurious building. Debbie was not new to richness. Her father was a millionaire. But this was beyond what she had. Her family's millions won't even come close to what Millers have. But Debbie wasn't attracted to these luxury. Though she was looking at the place, her brain was picturing Lou and only Lou.

Lou looked at Debbie observing the place. She didn't say anything, just stood there waiting for Debbie to speak.

Debbie's eye fell on a beautiful wood-carved tiger head on the wall. It looked so realistic, she actually thought it was real head.

Lou looked at the direction Debbie was looking at. Now she decided to speak.

"It's wood. Don't file a case that I poached it in some Asian country and hung it here", she said, bit bitterly. "Now, give my jacket", saying so, Lou literally snatched the jacket from Debbie's hand. Debbie, though felt bit hurt, didn't show it. Instead, she decided to compliment the house.

"It's beautiful"

"I know. And you are not welcome here after accusing my sister. So, please, get the fuck out of my place", Lou said, taking her Motorola Razr flip-phone out.

"Lou, please, listen to me, I really didn't mean to make fun of your sister. I just... I... I thought..."

"My sister was a cheater?"

"No, I... It was a joke. I..."

"I don't think calling anyone a cheater can be a joke. And not apologising for it makes it clear that it wasn't a joke"

Debbie sighed. "Look, I know I did wrong. But I am not good at apologising. Try to understand"

"And I am not good at being with assholes"

"Lou... Listen, I... I genuinely am feeling bad. I just don't know how to apologise. I mean how to phrase or... You know, even if I apologise, it won't sound genuine though I mean it, every word"

"I don't need you to use 1000 words. One heartfelt word sorry and I will forget everything and move on"

"You mean it?"

"Unlike your words, my words always mean what they are meant to be"

Debbie sighed and Lou just stared back.

"S... Sorry", Debbie apologised and she meant it.

"Thank you", Lou said. "Coffee? Tea? Vodka?"

"Wait, that's it?"

"No, I have Tequila, whiskey bourbon if you want. Just, no beer or wine"

"I meant about the apology"

"You apologised"

"And you didn't say anything but thank you"

"What you want me to say? You apologised, I acknowledged. That's the end of the chapter. So, moving on, how about whiskey?"

Debbie really was amused by Lou's methods.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?"

"I said thank you, didn't I?"

"That's it?"


"That's... Something"


"Yeah. I expected you to say something"

"Something as in?"

"You know, lecture me about people, sisters, relationship, jokes, sensitivity blah blah and how wrong I am to make insensitive joke. How it shows my character..."

"Why will I do that?"

"Because... That's what... Don't you have any judgement on me based on..."

"Hey, I'm a businessman, I mean woman. I am not a judge. Ocean, this is my house. Not court"


"What you want to say, Miss Ocean?"

"I am amused"

"Amused of?"

"You really don't have any judgement?"



"Why? You want me to?"

"I mean..."

"Look, I know what you want to say. Let me clear it to you. I don't work the way others do. I don't drag anything. I... You know, it's just like... When I reach or find the end of something intentionally or unintentionally, willingly or unwillingly, I just accept that end and move on. It becomes a closed chapter. Whether that end coincide with end of my life or an instant just ahead from where it started, it's an end. It ends permanently to me. You know... You drive a car, you reach the end. The driving event is done. End. Next driving is a completely new event"

"That's... I never heard that before"

Lou chuckled. "Yeah, I get that a lot"

"Are you always like this?"

"Yup. I move on once I see the dead end. I need closure", Lou said, walking behind the counter of her in-house bar.

Debbie looked at Lou for few seconds. "I never met a person like you in my whole life"

"You have barely completed quarter of your life. I don't think you can speak of your whole life"

"Debbie rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean. Also, how old you think I am? I definitely completed quarter of my life"

"Going by your physical appearance, 23-25. But I know it's wrong. Your beauty can hide your age but not your smartass brain. And I know you are older to Tammy. So, somewhere between 30 to 34"

"Impressive. 33"

"Which means barely a quarter of your life"

"You might need a calculator. It isn't barely. If we consider average life span of a human to be 70, then quarter of it will be around 17-18. I am 33 I am close to finishing half my life span", Debbie said, her competitive and lawyer self coming to picture to win.

"I don't need a calculator, ma'am. And I am speaking about human life span, the maximum life span irrespective of statistics and other bullshit numbers. The maximum life span of a human being is 122 years. And quarter of it is 30.5 and you are 33. So, barely quarter", Lou smirked.

"Really? Stats are bullshit? No one goes for absolute values, girl. Average values are the one that are reliable"

"My mum died at 45. Way below the average value. You think reliable?"

"That's not... Oh, I am sorry"

Lou waved as to let go of the topic. "You didn't know. Anyway, choice of drink"

"Bourbon would be fine"

Lou nodded. She took the Kentucky bourbon and poured two glasses. Debbie was looking at various glasses and bottles that were stacked on the shelves. The arrangement was extraordinary.

"I don't drink all of that. It's just, my dad loves to collect and Ann will kick him out of his own house if she sees more than one bottle in his fridge. Dad underwent surgery last year and since then, Ann won't let him have any fun with drinks. So, he keeps it here"

"And you drink from it?"

"Well, he got to pay me something for keeping these bottles, right? What better than drinking them whenever I need"

Debbie chuckled. "Fair point. It's funny though. Your sister wants your dad to not drink, while you help him hide the alcohol"

"Yup. I always was the little devil to my sister's cute Angel. Cheers", she said, clinking the glass with Debbie's.

Debbie took a sip or two before speaking again.

"Your penthouse is beautiful"

"Want to tour it?"

"Why not"

Debbie got up, so did Lou. Lou first took her to the study room. It had a table and few chairs, a computer and stationery on one corner. Rest of the room had many bookshelves, with numerous books in each.

"Wow! So many books"

"Yeah. Dad loves reading. So do I"

"You hoard everything for your dad?"

"This is his place. He didn't take his stuffs when he handed me the key"

"Oh, where does he live?"

"My condo"

"You exchanged your place of living?"

"Yeah. More like, my dad was unreasonably guilty"

"Guilty of?"

"You know, he feels he is a bad dad. A failed dad"

Debbie raised her eyebrow.

"He thinks he didn't give much time to his children. Also, he is about to handover everything to Ann. He feels he is being unfair to me"


"He is being an idiot. I never wanted anything. I don't know why he thinks he is favouring Ann over me. My silly dad. With age, he is probably losing his mind"

"He is guilty for no apparent reason? I don't understand"

"My family is crazy, Ocean. I have a sister who thinks too much, a dad who feels guilty for no reason and me, who is not really attached to any materialistic things"

"Well, better than my family"

"Your father is a millionaire who is jealous of his own daughter. I heard about that. My dad is nowhere closer to your dad. Thank god"

"Yup. You heard right. He is not proud of anything I do. He never is happy for my achievements. All he sees is my brother's achievements"

"Are you adopted or something? Or is Ocean your stepdad?"

"Nope. My very own biological dad"

"That's strange and scary to even think. I don't think I could be sane if I grew up in such family"

"I find your family strange. Too much of affection overflowing if I go by your words"

Lou laughed. "My family is strange. But in cute way. Not in horrible way like yours. And yes, affection overflows in Miller family. Probably it's an Aussie thing"

Debbie smiled while also rolling her eyes. "So, your dad handed over his penthouse and you took it? I thought you weren't interested in materialistic things"

"Well, I didn't have any option. Dad was already guilty for leaving us in Australia. I didn't want to burden him with new guilt"

"He left you in Australia?"

"Dad had a thriving business in Australia. When I was 12, he expanded his business widely and decided to shift it to this nation. You know, more opportunities and more business in this nation. After we shifted, everything in business was a success but Ann and I found it hard to adjust here. Ann was better than me but I couldn't adjust at all. Even in school, I wasn't comfortable. Most students didn't want to speak to me because of my accent. Teachers weren't cool with my behaviour. I don't tolerate bullshit and so, got suspended for a week for punching a girl who was mean to another innocent girl. Unlike Australia, kids here are mean and certified bullies. It's not just in your movies but in real life too"

Debbie rolled her eyes at Lou's jab on American ways.

"I didn't want to be here. I was too young and immature to rectify my shortcomings. I wanted to go back to Australia, my comfort zone. I demanded to go back. And without me, Ann wouldn't stay alone here. So, mum and dad had to take us back to Australia. We lived with my granny while they returned back here. For 12 years, Ann and I were away from parents. They would visit us twice a year, we would visit them during vacations of course. I mean, we loved and cared for each other, but physically were in two different continents. We weren't here when mum died. We were a day late to reach. And dad feels guilty for not having us here with mum during her last days. He thinks it is his fault"


"Yeah. It is my fault but he is guilty. I was the one who was selfish and not adjusting and wanted to be back in Australia. But dad is feeling guilty"

"And you?"

"Am I guilty? I am. I haven't found a closure to that yet. And I don't even know how to find one"


"Yup. And so, I don't want to add more to his guilt. When he offered me this penthouse and spoke emotionally, I agreed"

"What do you think of your dad?"

"He is the best dad one can ever have. He loves us, takes care of us and still considers his little girls and protect us. He is papa bear"

"Tell him that. You might get a closure"

"You think I haven't told him?"


"I have done it. But he still feels like he didn't do much for me"

"You have a dad who cares so much about you and your feelings, and I have one who doesn't care about me"

"Life always is mysterious"

"It is. Anyway, is your dad adjusting to your condo?"

"He is happy. Too happy if I have to say"


"He is attracted to my neighbour... Well former neighbour Mrs. Florence Jackman"

"Woah, didn't see that coming"

"Well, it's funny actually. Mrs. Jackman is one heck of an upright woman. And my dad likes her"

"She doesn't like him?"

"I think she likes him too. They spend hours talking to each other, which is uncharacteristic of her. She likes Ann. And with me... She always tried to discipline me. When I lived there, I was not supposed to drink and wobble on the hallway at night. No loud music was allowed. More than building rules, her rules were being followed"

"Oh. That's funny. Is she alone?"

"Yup. She is a widow. Her kids are in higher position but never ever visits her. Neither the grandkids visit. She is lonely deep inside. And she likes having people around. But also doesn't want to spoil them with too much affection"

"So, she disciplines you"

"Yup. And dad is finding someone finally. He didn't show any interest after mum died. But Mrs. Jackman's uptightness is charming him"

"That's cute", Debbie chuckled.

"Yeah. Until Mrs. Jackman becomes my stepmother and I become Cinderella"

Debbie laughed. "I think you will be fine"

"I guess"

"So, now that we spoke and had some general conversation, are we back to planning the wedding?"

"So soon? We just met couple weeks ago. And it's not legal in your country"

Debbie rolled her eyes and sighed. "I meant Tammy's wedding"

"I know. Just wanted to see if you would be irritated or not after having alcohol"

"Whatever you do will irritate me"

"That I guessed"

"So, are we back to Tammy's wedding?"

"Yeah. One second", Lou quickly picked up a file from nearby table. She called Debbie who walked closer. Lou handed the file.


"This is Ann's folder regarding the flower arrangement for her wedding. I stole it from her house yesterday. I am guessing you haven't yet made up your mind regarding flowers"

"Well, I am not good with flowers"

"This might help. Also, I have searched few designs and got catalogues from designers too. It's in this file", Lou pointed at another folder on the table.

Debbie opened Ann's folder and went though the pics and description. Every flower, design, bouquet, arrangements were organised based on colour, pattern, style etc.

"Did your sister do this all by herself?", Debbie asked, surprised.

"Yup. She spent months on it"

"Didn't you say your sister's wedding is scheduled this year-end?  In December?"


"And it's May right now"

"I know", Lou chuckled. "She is planning since the day Aron proposed"


"Yup. And dad is no less. Actually, both Aron and Ann always knew they would marry. So, everyone planned way ahead of time. My dad has his guestlist ready. Ann and Aron already have the seating arrangements ready. Well, almost ready. I haven't given my guestlist. So... Almost everything is ready way ahead of time. They just are waiting for official confirmation"

"They are together since?"

"Almost 20 years. Childhood sweethearts"

"Oh, cute"

"Yup. I was the third wheel since childhood"

Debbie laughed. "That's funny"

"Nope. Being third wheel to your sister and your crush is funny"

"Crush? Wait, what?"

"I had crush on Aron"



"But... How?"

"How? I know you met him. Don't you see, he is totally my type"

"Your type as in?"

"Long shoulder length hair, tight suits, 17 inch biceps, abs, tattoo... Biker, cool and savage with right amount of nerd"

"I am pretty sure he didn't have 17 inch biceps when he was a kid"

"He had long hair back then too and was a nerdy cool biker"

"That doesn't make him your type, does it? Also, aren't you into girls"

"I swing although it's 80 to 20 ratio. I am picky when it comes to women. But I am extremely picky when it comes to men. Not gonna be attracted to any arsehole out there. I have a type as I said. And Aron is totally that type. I have a thing for rich long smooth hair. And not just that, Aron and I were buddies doing all the mischief and Ann would cover for us when got caught. When I was fifteen, I somehow got crush on him. I mean, I don't even know how but I was crushing on him. Innocent crush. But soon, I realised he liked my sister"

"Oh, that's awkward"

"Well... Yeah. And my sister too was into him"

"And so, you sacrificed?"

"No. I told about my crush on him before she told me about her feelings. She was about to sacrifice her likings for my stupid crush"


"I didn't feel good. I mean, my silly crush would result in breaking her heart. So, I decided to end my thing on him"

"Just like that?"

"Yup. It was just a crush. Nothing more"

"And your sister didn't oppose?"

"I made it clear to her that all I had was silly crush. I knew she really really liked him. I could see it in her eyes. And I also got to know that Aron liked her. You know, he was my type but I wasn't his. He considered me as his buddy and shared this matter when we had our first ever vodka"

"And so... You got out of the love triangle?"

"There was no love, Debbie. I mean they had for each other but I didn't have such love for him. I mean I did love Aron as a friend but not as... You know"

"But you said you had a crush on him"

"I have crush on Brad Pitt too. Does that mean I love him?"


"Look, I was clear. I just had a silly crush. I thought maybe it would be fun to go out with him for, maybe few weeks, as boyfriend-girlfriend. That's all. But he was really into Ann. And she too was. I got to know both their feelings and I thought it was better to unite them instead of going after my stupid crush"

"You united?"

"Yes. I arranged a small intervention"


"Yup. And we cleared every single thing. But I fucking had to convince them a lot that I was fine. It was just a crush and I don't have anything and I no longer have it. They were feeling guilty about breaking my heart"

"Well, they worried for a reason"

"I guess. But their togetherness wouldn't break my heart. He was just another guy whom I crushed on. It took two days to explain the same to them and convince them that their relationship won't hurt me"

"Oh. And since then they are together?"



"Yeah. They were together until graduation. During that time, I was planning on getting serious about my career. I had watched some artists working on wood carving. I wanted to be like such artists. So, I began researching on it. You know,we didn't have Google back then. So, I spent hours, visiting different artists and wood workers, design professors and others. And my shift in focus was mistook as heartbreak by Ann and Aron. It was awkward. They were unnecessarily guilty which fucked up everything. They mutually decided to get separated so as to not make anything awkward with me. They went to separate college to avoid each other, while I was in Switzerland for a special workshop regarding wood carving. I didn't know this stupid separation thing until my granny told me. I fucking quit the workshop to kick their asses and get them back together"

"Wow! That's filmy yet cool"

"Filmy? Daytime soap. My sister was seeing some bastard already and Aron was going out with different girls every day because he couldn't get close to anyone emotionally except Ann. I worked a lot to unite them back"

"Oh my god"

"Yup. And Ann was broken because Aron was going out with different girls. I told her to break up with her bastard boyfriend and go to Aron. But well... she didn't. After granny's death, Ann moved here, finally breaking up with that bastard boyfriend. I too moved here but I constantly reminded her that Aron is for her"

"And she agreed?"

"Nope. I don't know why, but she kinda... maybe scared or confused or whatever it is. She didn't go back to him. Not until she met him here one day. He moved here for higher studies because he couldn't be there in Melbourne without Ann. And while he was searching for her, she accidentally bumped into him on streets. And well... Had this friggin cinematic reunion"


"You know... Those rom-com types. How Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant reunite in Two weeks notice. That kind. In the middle of the street!"


"Wow? They were kissing as if it was their last kiss. In the middle of the road"

"What's wrong in that?"

"They were on streets, outside dad's office. And dad was standing there, along with his colleagues when she kissed Aron senselessly. Dad didn't know about Ann and Aron. And he didn't know how to explain what was going on, to those colleagues and partners. He didn't expect his daughter to show public indecency. If left, they probably would fuck there right in front of everyone. Thankfully, I stopped them before they could escalate to anything"

"What the fuck!", Debbie laughed. "Jesus! But they were in love. It's fine"

"Well, yup. And it's been 9 years now. They are together, and we are happy crazy family"

"When did Aron propose?"

"New year's Eve. Too melodramatic and clichéd. Too much of happy cries and howling involved"

"Well, their story too is crazy"

"Yup true", Lou said.

"So, if you were into men, how come you were with Daisy?"

"How do you know her name?"

"I'm a lawyer", Debbie smirked.

Lou rolled her eyes. "I swing both ways"

"Good to know"

"Good to know?", Lou smirked, raising her eyebrow.

"Yes. Good to know"

"Are you, low-key, trying to collect info about me so as to see if we match? Since you arrived, I have been saying everything about my life to you"

"What? What the... How is that even... What the"

"Do you blabber this way in front of the judge?"

"I am one of the finest young lawyers in city
You won't find another me"

"Good. Is this self-boasting part of your flirting"

"I am not fucking flirting with you"

"Okay", Lou said, smiling sheepishly.

"What do you think of this?", Debbie showed one particular decoration pic from the folder. She wanted to divert the topic before she speaks something.

"Good. But Tom isn't fond of purple or violet. He kinda freaks out"

"You met Tom? How?"

"I have been answering so much for last couple of minutes. It's your turn. I will say if you tell me how you figured out Daisy's name"

"I even know her girlfriend or partner whatever she is, Jess"


"Lawyer brain"

"Fine, don't tell me", Lou said. "What do you think of baby pink?"

"Lesser the pink, better the wedding. I don't like pink"

"This is Tammy's wedding, Ocean. Not yours"

"Still, no pink"

Lou chuckled. "You will have one hell of a boring wedding if left on your own to decide"

"Marriage is stupid"

"No. The people getting into married life are stupid"

"What's the difference?"

"Marriage is an institution. It isn't a real person. It is a concept. It's the people involved in that institution who make stupid decisions. Marriage cannot be blamed for that"

"You have some out of the world thinking, don't you?"

"Have to be. If I don't think out of the world, I can't do my creative works and I can't have money to fend my needs"

"You are fucking billionaire. By the way, I wanted to ask you something"


"Why did you give Daisy 30 grands?"

"You are a genius! You fucking got to know about that within 20 minutes of its occurrence! How!", Lou said dramatically and Debbie rolled her eyes.

"I heard them saying. I also followed them here"

"You followed them?"

"Yeah. I was in this restaurant, for taste testing. Oh by the way, I got you pastries. Taste them and tell me what you think", Debbie said, holding Lou's hand and guiding her back to the bar where she kept pastry box. Lou didn't care about the pastry. She was concentrating more on how Debbie took her hand and pulled her here.

"Lou?", Debbie snapped her finger in front of Lou's eyes.

"You baked?", Lou asked, opening the box.

"What? No. I got it from the restaurant. I want you to do the taste test. This is the last restaurant I am going to visit. I can't. This catering selection is fucking hell"

Lou chuckled at Debbie's words. "Okay. Well, I will taste. But let me tell you, I already shortlisted the catering services"

"What? You did? But I am in-charge"

"Well, I shortlisted two catering services and their best cuisines. I also wrote down the key features, texture and taste regarding their food. I will take you there tomorrow. You can finalise"

"And I wasted my three fucking days on restaurants", Debbie groaned.

"Think that as a fine for fighting with me"

"I didn't fight. You unnecessarily got angry"

"You really are a fucking bitch"

"I am", Debbie smirked. "So, tell me, why did you give her 30 grands? She was cheating, Lou. She is with Jess. That slut cheated"

"I know. And she is not a slut"

"She is. She was with Jess whole time while she faked with you"

"She did. But she is not a slut"

"How can you..."

"Daisy and Jess are con artists. They are lovers. They trap rich people. One will act as girlfriend while other one makes sure the plan runs smooth. The girlfriend will squeeze all the money from rich person, and after a year, say it's not working and break up with that rich guy"

"What the fuck! That fucking slut..."

"Debbie, she is not a slut. Stop using that word. She is a con girl"

"Who sleeps with different people to gain money"

"Debbie, she isn't selling her body for money. She is faking emotions for money"

"I don't understand"

"Let me explain. Jess and Daisy are lovers. And conning is their profession. They live this way. And Ann was their mark but they mistook me as Ann"


"Yup. She actually wanted Ann but she instead approached me. They realised after a week or so. Also, Ann was committed and straight. So, Daisy had no other option but to be with me. She, along with Jess, planned to con me. But I wasn't really helpful to them"

"What do you mean?"

"I am not like other rich person. I don't spend fortune on my flings. I pay for food, drinks etc. But I don't give my credit card to a girl. I am not blinded by lust like others. So, they didn't get much out of me. One day, I finished my work early and so, decided to meet Daisy. Thought of visiting her place. There I saw her fucking Jess. Though I didn't have any feelings for her, I didn't like the fact that she was sleeping with other while being with me"

"Oh. That's reasonable"

"I followed Jess for two days to know what exactly was the deal. I got to know about the whole conning thing. That was it! I can't get conned. And I didn't want to continue seeing Daisy. I wanted to end. You know, my type of end. Once ended, I don't want the chapter to be reopened"

"Lou's end. Hey, did you see what I did? Lou's end. Sounds like loose end"

Lou chuckled. "You are poor at word game"

"Fuck you. So, what happened?"

"I formulated a plan. And that plan involved you"


"Yup. I know who you were, way before that bar incident, Ocean. I wanted to approach you for business purpose a month ago. But then, I got to know about Daisy and my focus shifted. I heard from Tammy that you are a feminist who can't see anything wrong happening to a woman. So, I decided to fake an event. This could be my door to get out of that relationship, as well as a test to see your proficiency"

"What? I am confused"

"Well, I knew you and Tammy would be celebrating that day in the bar. I asked Daisy to meet me there. I saw you walking to washroom. I joined you there, faked a phonecall. I was speaking to Ann and purposely used endearments than her name. And as I expected, you thought I was speaking to my girlfriend. Then, Daisy entered. I pretended to be a double-timing cheater. Your inner feminist was awake and we know what happened next. Daisy had to leave me. You were present there and I was unapologetic of 'double-timing'. If Daisy had to look sophisticated in your eyes, she had to break up with me. She was trapped. And she did. And because I am a cheater and she broke up with me, there left zero reasons she could return back to me. You know, I still will be unapologetic and no sane person will want a relationship with a cheater. I closed all possibilities of her return to my life by pretending to be a womaniser"

"You fucking used me in your stupid plan?"

"Hey, the plan was fucking awesome"

"Well, okay I give you that. But she did return today, didn't she?"

"She did. The time when Daisy was with me, she couldn't gain much. Jess and her had to use all their savings. And after breaking up with me, they were broke financially. So, they had no other choice but to try. She came here and told she is fine with me cheating. It is fine by her if I continue cheating. But she can't live without me and so I should take her back blah blah"


"I just told I know everything about her and Jess. And I called Jess inside, who was waiting outside the door. And I told not to return back to my life"

"And the money?"

"They were broke. I felt bad. So, I gave money and told them to do something good in their life and stop this bullshit conning. My way of charity to make this world a better place"

"You just gave 30k for them to start their life? Are you insane?"


"That's... Why would you do that? Also, why would you take such blame of double-timing? I thought of you as a cheater when in reality you we're not! Why did you..."

"Because I am rich enough to afford the title of cheater and still be looked high upon. And Daisy is not. She is in a position where she'll be called a slut or whore or characterless if people got to know she cheated me"


"You know, you called her a slut few minutes ago. That's what others would call her too. Just because we know words, doesn't mean we should use it out of context. Slutshaming is wrong. She isn't that. She loves Jess. She slept with me as an act to take my money. She didn't sell her body. Nor did she crave for sex with me"

"That's... Still kinda..."

"If Daisy was a man, she wouldn't be called anything like that. Just the word cheater or con would be used. But because she is a girl, no matter what, people easily will call her slut. Whether she is a con or cheater or anything, they don't see it that way. They jump to one fucking word slut. She would be called that if I didn't take blame on myself. I would be called that too if I was poor. But I have money. No one dares to call me that way. People see rich people differently. I won't be degraded, even if I actually did something wrong. Money speaks a lot. I am being called a player, which actually is not a right word, and rich people cheer saying my name instead of degrading. That's what money does"

"Well, I agree about how people get to conclusions. But money cannot do everything in such situations"

"Don't you read magazines? About those rich actors and actresses? An actor or actress, let's say X has a spouse, let's say Y. And yet will be cheating with Z. Later, X breaks up with Y and start living with Z. And magazines call X and Z couple goals blah blah. They don't even care that X cheated on Y. Why? Because X is fucking rich and money can buy anything. And right now, I am the rich fellow. Though I didn't cheat, it is better to take blame on myself than let poor Daisy suffer. She is wrong. But I can't let people degrade her. And by giving money I have sent them to guilt trip. I am hoping they won't con anyone hereafter"

Debbie looked at Lou. She couldn't believe it. All her assumptions on Lou were false. Lou actually was a good person and she misunderstood her.

"What happened?", Lou asked, seeing Debbie silent.

"Nothing. You are rare"

"I get that a lot", Lou chuckled. "C'mon, let me show you the pool"


The Rooftop pool of Lou's penthouse was beautiful and from there, Debbie could see whole city.

"Beautiful", Debbie said, leaning back on the lounge chair. Lou was sitting next to her in another chair.

"Yet polluted"

"Well, can't do anything about that. But I must say, of all penthouses I have seen, yours is the best. Even my father's doesn't hold a candle to yours"

"Well, technically not mine. But thanks"

"So, you live alone?"

"I have been answering for so long. C'mon, it's your turn. Tell me about you. When is your birthday? How tall are you? Who is your favourite cricketer? Do you have a boyfriend?"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Two more months for my birthday. And I am as tall as you are..."

"No, you are shorter"

"Hardly by an inch"

"Still, every inch counts. Ask your boyfriend"

"Fuck you. And I don't have any boyfriend"


"Nope. I am happy being single"

"You can be happier with me"

"Excuse me?"

"Just saying"

"Stop trying to flirt with me"

"I am not trying. I am flirting"

"Then stop", Debbie said, smiling and taking a sip of her drink.

"Few days ago, you blasted on me. Today you are smiling. Tomorrow you might kiss me if I go on. There is no fucking way I am going to stop flirting"

"Don't dream, Miller"

"Okay then. No dreaming. Let's make it reality"

"Fuck you"

"You have been saying it since long but you haven't"

Debbie threw the piece of lemon on Lou's head which hit right at the centre of her forehead and plopped down.

"A piece of lemon can ruin my eyes. Careful, woman. Your future girlfriend might lose her eyesight because of your stupidity"

"Stop dreaming of being my girlfriend"

"Dreams are uncontrollable. Anyway, you think we can convince Tammy to get married in Vegas?"

"I don't think so. She doesn't like gambling"

"But it would be so cool. Imagine them getting married, with Elvis Presley as the minister"

"You mean lookalike"

"Well, we never know"

"Tammy won't let. So, let's get back to work. Bridesmaids dress. Everyone but you paid money. Where is yours?"

"You don't trust me to pay?", Lou smirked.

"I don't know. You might give 30 grands probably. But you haven't agreed to wear a dress. I haven't told that to Tammy yet"

"Dresses are problematic. Too much work"

"It's Tammy's wedding and bridesmaids should look alike"

"We aren't twins or triplets or whatever number we are, to look alike"

"Five bridesmaids, Lou. And what else can you wear?"

"Suit. You know, we all should wear suits. Fucking hotness overloaded. And Tom's best man can suck it"

"Suits? Really? I don't think others will agree. I am fine with it though. It would be easy and as you said, hot"

"You know what's easier? If we just wore tracksuits. I bet you look fucking hot in yoga pants"

"It would be lot easier if Tammy decided to get married in registrar office instead of this big ceremony. I mean, why the hell did they decide to marry in such short notice. I am fucking trapped. This was time for our firm's growth and here I am, doing stupid bridesmaids dress thing"

Lou laughed. "Tammy is your best friend"

"Yes. But this is too early. And she is there fighting few lawsuits and this marriage will be a distraction"

"She is good at her work"

"I know. But still... You know how fucking hard it is to concentrate on cases when things are messy"

"You don't have any cases right now. Tammy is looking after"

"Still, I will always be thinking of cases. And I met few clients recently. They haven't replied yet. I am worried whether they will take our offer or not. All these... And this wedding. It's too much. And upon everything, you fucking decided to be angry"

"My anger was totally justified, thank you very much"

"Whatever. But all these stressed me out"

"Well, you can relax. I no longer am angry. And I have reduced wedding work to great extent. I have shortlisted two teams for every work. All you gotta do is select one. And this wedding dress... Well that is up to you. I don't want to involve. Whatever you guys choose, get a suit of that colour. I will wear"

"Really? You will wear suit? And even if we allow you to wear, you are confident to wear whatever colour we select? What if we select yellow dress?"

"I'll wear yellow suit"

"Ewww yellow suit? No way! That's fucking gross. You'll look like a clown"

"Well, then I will be a clown", Lou smirked.

"I will kick you out if you wear clowny suits"

"Clowny suits. You know what, wait here. I'll be right back"

"Where are you going?"

"Just remembered something. I will be back. Until then, you make decisions. Here are my files"

Saying so, Lou walked inside. Debbie didn't give much thought. She went back to files.


"One the scale of one clown to 10 clowns, how clowny do I look?", Lou asked, walking towards Debbie, wearing lemon yellow suit.

"What the fuck! You have yellow suit which looks good? Impossible"

Debbie gawked at Lou, and Lou smirked.

"What do you think?"

"You don't look like a clown. You look... Pretty. Hot! And handsome? I don't know what to say"

"Well, still think you can choose a colour that will make me look like a clown?"

"Show me your wardrobe"

Lou laughed. "Sure"


"You are about to step inside my bedroom"

"I said wardrobe"

"The door to my closet is inside my bedroom"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Just show me your wardrobe"


Debbie and Lou walked inside Lou's closet. Everything was nearly arranged, as if it was a shopping mall.

"Nicely arranged"

"Well, have to. Else Ann will make me arrange"

Debbie laughed. "Where are your suits?"

"This way"

Lou took her to suit section, which looked like a giant wooden door covering the entire length. Lou took a remote, clicked the green button. The wooden door opened, and behind it were suits arranged in line, the whole line acting like a conveyor. When Lou clicked another button, the conveyor line rotated, thereby showing various suit collection.

"For someone who is not interested in materialistic things, this is...", Debbie smirked.

"It's a prototype"


"We got an order for designing perfect closets"

"Aren't you a wood carving and furniture work person?"

"I am. And this is a furniture business. You think lawyers build these doors and shelves?", Lou asked, pointing at the doors and shelves.

Debbie rolled her eyes. "I mean to say, isn't this job of an engineer and interior designer?"

"Depends. I have better designing skills than most of the interior designers here in town. Plus I know how to make things move mechanically. It's not the qualification, it's about talent. My company does every fucking design, may it be of woodworks or metal or carving. Actually, I am planning to extend it. I have brilliantly talented people who do many stuffs"

"Well, good for you. So, you didn't sell this prototype?"

"I created this prototype in here and analysed for the possible problems. After solving all possible problems and errors, I created the actual one and gave to the client. Took me three months to design and perfect it. And obviously was paid a lot"

"Who was the client?"


"I'm a lawyer. Why will I ask about clients?"

"Well, if you are thinking of having that person as your client, then forget it. That person is already with your brother"

"Fuck. My brother and father always take away big clients"

"But I am interested"

"Excuse me?"

"To be your client"

"You are joking, right?"

"No. I am serious. I actually wanted to approach you and Tammy long back. I told you earlier, didn't I?"

"You are serious?"

"Yes. Right now, my company is represented by same firm which represents Millers group. And because my company doesn't usually fall in legal trouble, my billing to that firm is less. And I feel they are not giving much importance to me. Since dad announced Ann's chairmanship and I am not part of anything, firm stopped paying attention. And recently, there was one case. Very rare. But there was. A girl working in Miller's office accused me of harassment"

"But you don't work there"

"Yup. But I visit often. And that girl accused. It was false accusation and I made that girl admit the truth. But that day I realised how incompetent the firm was"


"That girl was planted by one of the partners who was unhappy with Ann being chairman. So, he thought of this scandal. He hired your father as the lawyer. And seeing your father, this stupid firm chickened out. They insisted on accepting the harassment issue and settling"

"What the fuck!"

"Yup. I didn't agree. Nor did dad and Ann. But they didn't know how to take it further. We had no proof"


"Well, fuck the firm. I am smart enough"

"Okay? So?"

"I managed to get out of that. The girl admitted she was told to do so. And that partner got fired by the board. Your father is still butthurt. He was about to get fame through this case but the case just vanished even before anything happened"

"Well, that's good. Thank god you are not guilty"

"I am not guilty because I didn't do anything. But I am disappointed by that firm. So, I want to shift to better firm. I may not get into legal troubles often but I like to pay for firms who actually pay attention to my company and doesn't chicken out seeing Oceans. I want Millers group to do the same but well, they can't. Not at this moment anyway. So, what say?"

"Are you really serious? You are not joking, aren't you?"

"I am serious. I need a firm to represent me. I wanted to speak to Tammy about this. That's why I was asking her about everything in your firm. And she told, and also spoke about you"

"Well, if you are serious then you should probably come to our office"

"Sure. But I have one condition"


"You guys are looking for furniture. Tammy told me. She asked me if I could"

"Yeah. Ours is a startup and we got some cheap furniture which were used probably more than 5 times. I mean it looks like that. Now that our firm has better income, we can afford new ones. I left Tammy in charge of that. I didn't know you were the one to provide"

"Well, Tammy just asked. Nothing is confirmed. Not until her wedding anyway. So, I have one condition"


"I will provide good quality furniture if you promise me to not bid with others. I will be the provider throughout"

"What's the catch? What's the catch for you, I mean"

"You get quality products and I get free advertising"

"You want me to advertise? I am a lawyer, Lou. It is a law firm. Not an Ad agency"

"I know. I also know that law firms tend to use every fucking thing in presentable way so as to attract new clients. I just want my logo to be present on your desks. You have clients visiting every now and then. When they see the logo, they will be interested"

Debbie raised her eyebrow.

"I know you are getting more clients because of your tremendous victory. So, I want to cash on that"

"And you are shamelessly saying that"

Lou shrugged. "Pure business. What say? Represent me, you will get yearly billing of minimum 5 million American dollars. And you give me your contract and advertise indirectly, I get my profit"

"Our billing is certain, but your profit isn't"

"That's the risk we take with advertising anyway. No big deal"

"Are you sure?"

"I am. And as your firm grows, you will need more furniture and fancy designs. My company does every fucking thing needed. You can have glass-top table for conference rooms, rotating chairs, luxurious couch... Every fucking thing. And we also have carvings. And I can even carve your face out of wood. Or resin if you need. You can keep it in your office"

"No thanks. Let my face be not replicated. But I will think of other things you said"

"I need an answer in two days. I have other companies and firms too"

"Are you threatening?"

"Nope. Just saying. I will do the furniture because Tammy has asked long back. But I can go to other firms if you are not ready for advertising"

"Let me think"

"Two days"

"Sure. Also, most of the firms chicken out in front of my father. So, you really need me", Debbie smirked and Lou rolled her eyes.

"Well, I guess"

"Do we get discount in furniture billing if we advertise?"

"Depends on what you select"

"Pardon me?"

"Our discount depends on the furniture. The more expensive ones will have better deals", Lou smirked.

"I will stay with moderately expensive for the time being"

"As you wish. So, I can assume the deal is sealed?"

"Not yet. I need to discuss with Tammy and other partners"

"Well, okay. Do that soon"

"Now who is being bossy?"

"When it comes to business, I am"


"So, what do you think?", Debbie asked, showing wine red dress.

"Well, I will be fine. Make sure to stitch perfect suit for me"

"C'mon, wear a dress. Or long gown"

"Darling, the only time I might wear a gown, though not by choice, is during Ann's wedding because I promised while drunk. Not before that and not after that"

"What? C'mon. Please"

"Nope. And don't you think I look great in wine red suit?"

"Well, after seeing you in this...", Debbie pointed at Lou's yellow suit, "I have no doubt"

Lou smirked. "Well, that's me"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Okay if you wear a gown, then I will go on a date with you"

"As much as it is tempting, nope"

"Okay, I'll kiss your cheeks"

"Again, nope. And don't think you can lure me to wear a gown by bribing with kisses or dates or sex. Not going to work, Ocean"

"What if I..."


"I didn't even complete"

"Still, nope", Lou smirked. "I don't like the fuzz around managing a gown. Too much! Can't walk, can't run, can't sit properly. And to make sure there aren't any creases or unnecessary display of my inner wear... Nope. I am comfy with suits"

"You are one tough nut. Wear your suit. I will try to convince Tammy"

"Thanks", Lou smirked.

"Stop smirking"

"I am doing nothing"

"You are. So, stop"


"Finally!", Debbie said, exhausted by the process of selecting wedding dress.

Both Debbie and Lou had dragged Tammy to the boutique so as to finish their duties. Little did Debbie know that Tammy would take more than 3 hours to select a dress.

"There is a new collection which will be displayed tomorrow, ma'am", the manager informed Tammy.

"Oh really? I would love..."

"I will fucking kill you if you make us come here again tomorrow", Debbie warned Tammy.

"It's my wedding, Debbie. I gotta choose something best"

"It's just for a day Tammy! It's not forever. You don't have to think so much"

"When you get married, you can choose in a minute. Let me live my moment, Ocean"

Debbie sighed. "Fine. But tomorrow if I am cranky..."

"You are always cranky", Lou interrupted.

"Shh, tomorrow if I am cranky, it's all on you"

"Whatever. I am hungry now. Let's go eat. Tomorrow, will be back. I'll give this dress to keep on hold", saying so, Tammy excitedly followed the manager.

"Why are weddings so crazy", Debbie whined.

"Because they are weddings"

"Great. I am enlightened", Debbie replied blankly and Lou laughed.

"Get up. Let's have something. I fucking need a vodka after this"


"So, what's with you and Lou?", Tammy asked Debbie when they were returning back to office. Debbie didn't have any more things related to wedding preparation for the rest of the day. So, she decided to go to office. Lou was off to her work after food.

"What's with me and Lou?"

"You are speaking to her like a sane person. She forgave you. What happened?"

"She is a really good person"

"From cheating asshole to really good person. What did she do to you", Tammy grinned.

"Nothing. I was wrong about her"

"I know that. But how did you realise?"


Debbie explained everything. Tammy listened carefully as well as noted the way Debbie's mannerism softened while speaking about Lou.

"So, now you like her"

"I what? No. I mean... Why will I... Why are you...?"

"You went from hating her to praising her. It's only a matter of time when you say you are in love with her"

"No, I am just praising her goodness. That's all"


"And yeah, she is beautiful and anyone can fall for her but I am not really into her"


"And she is blonde"

"Excuse me? What's the problem with blondes?"

"Oh, nothing"

"Then why did you say she is blonde"

"Because she is blonde"

"Are you saying blonde as in bimbo?"

"What? No. She is smart. And she is too good"

"Then why did you call her blonde?"

"Because she is blonde and she looks beautiful! Those bangs... The straight, shoulder-length hair... It is perfect for her. And she just oozes the strong attitude. You know, she has the attitude that says she rules the world. In a good way. I mean... You know what I am saying, right?"

"Oh yeah! You are saying that you are attracted to her"

"Yeah I... Wait, what? No. I am not"

"Sure you are"

"Tammy, why is that everything I say goes above your head?"

"Because I am actually seeing your likings to Lou"

"Nope. There is no liking. You need to stop saying that"

"Okay, I won't say"

"Good. That's better"


"I mean, imagine if you blabber in front of Lou about this... How awkward it will be"

"Uh huh"

"And... She might have wrong impression"


"And, if she laughs at me... That will be horrible"

"Yup. More horrible than what's happening now"

"What's happening now?"

"You are denying your feelings. That's horrible"

"Yeah, well... What? No. There is no feeling thing going on here, Tammy. God! You are stuck!"

"No, you are. You have been speaking about Lou for so long. And even when I agreed there isn't anything between you and her, you aren't stopping. You are going on and on and on about her"

"That means nothing"

"Sure, in your dictionary probably"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Just... Do your work"

"We aren't yet in our office", Tammy smirked.

"Well then do once you are at office", saying so, Debbie walked towards the lift.


"Hey, are you free?", Tammy called Lou.

"Well, not really. Say"

"I have tickets for the Giants"


"New York Giants"

"And what is that?"

"It's our football team, idiot"

"Your American football? No thanks. I prefer  real football, rugby and Aussie rules. The one where players actually use their foot to kick the ball. Not your silly version"

"Well, okay then. I'll tell Debbie you won't join. See ya tom..."

"Wait, Debbie is joining?"

"Yes. She is crazy fan of giants"

"Oh, well, count me in"

"Really? I call you and you refuse. I say Debbie's name and you agree?"

"Well, you know what they say"


"Nothing. Forget it. I am coming. Just tell me which one is giants. I don't want to cheer wrong team and hurt Debbie"

"Wow, so caring about her feelings"

"Not about feelings. That woman is no less than a volcano. What if she erupts"

"Say all you want. You like her"

"I won't hide. I do like her. But she doesn't. So, no use"

"You don't know whether she likes you or not"

"She doesn't. She hardly became civil today. She won't like me"

"We never know. Anyway, wear something other than suits"

"How about Man U jersey?"


"Manchester United", Lou rolled her eyes.

"Sure, if you wanna pisss off Debbie"

"What do I wear then?"

"Whatever, but not your soccer jerseys or your Aussie whatever jersey"

"Aussie rules"

"Well, right now you are in America and America rules. So, get ready. Meet me in the stadium"



"What?", Debbie received Tammy's call. She just walked out of shower and was still in her robe.

"Giants game, tonight"

"Really? Damn! Is it today? I didn't get the tickets too. Fuck!"

"Don't worry. Lou arranged tickets", Tammy lied.

"She watches football? Our football? She doesn't find it authentic"

"How do you know?"

"She was blabbering about how wrong we Americans are. And she spoke about football too. She was praising those European games. She was going on and on about those shorts wearing men of soccer and some Aussie thing"

"Aussie rules. And yeah, she arranged tickets only for you"


"She got tickets when I told you are a fan of Giants"

"Oh, that's good"

"Yup. So, get ready. Also, prepare yourself mentally. There is a chance Lou might wear Man U jersey"

"Man you? What?"

"Manchester United. The soccer team"

"Oh, well if she does then she'll pay. Let me get ready"

"Okay. Meet me in stadium"


Debbie hurried to the stadium but there wasn't any match going on. To be honest, there wasn't a single soul.

"What the fuck", Debbie took her mobile phone to call Tammy.

"Fuck this phone. I don't even understand", Debbie cursed her new phone. Tammy had forced her to buy this new phone which has camera.

Debbie got the operator voice saying Tammy is busy with other call.

"Fuck you Tammy. Who the hell are you speaking to", Debbie tried dialling again when she heard a voice. Familiar voice. Debbie turned to see Lou Miller in black jeans and black t-shirt, with white jacket, talking to someone, nope to Tammy.

"Are you kidding me, woman? You fucking told me to meet here. There is no fucking match going on!"

"Tammy tricked us", Debbie replied before Tammy could reply to Lou.

Lou looked at Debbie. She was not completely sure.

"Debbie is here too. Did you trick us, Tamera?", Lou asked.

"Well, seems like I did", Tammy said and laughed. Lou rolled her eyes.

"Fuck you"


Lou shook her head and cut the call.

"She set us up"

"I know. I should've known", Debbie said. "I guess I will go back"

"Wait", Lou didn't really think before stopping Debbie.



"Dinner as in just dinner or Dinner dinner?"

"What's dinner dinner?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"No. I am hungry. And I thought maybe you too are"

"Oh, in that case, sure. I know a place. C'mon"


Both Debbie and Lou sat opposite each other, waiting for their food.

"She told you got tickets"

"Seriously Ocean? You think I'll buy tickets to your stupid game?"

"Don't you dare call it stupid"

"It is stupid. You call it football and all you do is hold the ball in your hands and run"

"Even your rugby and Aussie thing do the same"

"They kick the ball too. They use their foot to kick the ball! You have to kick! That's why it is called rugby "football" and Aussie rules or "footy". We use our legs"

"Well, ours is dangerous sports"

Lou laughed. "You think your game is dangerous? Your players are covered in thick mattresses. Have you seen rugby? The players don't cover themselves. All they wear is a jersey and shorts. They risk everything. They are manly and the game is like a war. Have you seen footy? The way players mark! They jump on the opposite guy's shoulder! And they are like 7 feet tall! That's real danger"

"I am least interested in watching half naked men in shorts running around"

"But fine with men wearing tights?"

"Not tights. That's uniform"

"Tights. And your games are so into marketing and superficial needs. Why are there cheerleaders? And why are they not wearing anything"

"They are wearing. And they are very much needed in games. Don't your rugby and footy thing have cheerleaders?"

"No, we are more interested in games. Not in naked cheerleaders"

"Whatever. Ours is the best sports ever"

"Only your kind can say that. Your game is not watched by others. Rugby on the other hand is fucking watched all over the world. Also, soccer! That's the real king of games. FIFA craze is all over the world"

"Well, my American sports still is the best of all. And if you really want to be my friend, then you gotta accept it"

Lou showed her finger. "Definitely not. You know what, come to Australia. I will show what real sports look like"

"You didn't show me finger", Debbie said, amused.

"I did", Lou smirked, showing the finger again.

"Fuck you"

"I won't do someone who likes to see men in tights"

"How dare you", saying so, Debbie leaned and punched Lou's shoulder.

"Ouch! I am hurt. You broke my hand"

"Stop whining and learn American ways. If you wanna live here, then learn"

"I am Australian and I will be an Australian forever"

"Yet your whole family is here in search of profit"

"Business has no boundaries"

"How convenient"

Lou rolled her eyes. "Do you always do such mediocre argument in court?"

"Mediocre? How dare you!"

"I am daring enough"

"Well, then I dare you to shave your head"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes. Show how daring you are"

"Shaving my head doesn't fall under daring act. What the hell"

"In my list, it does. So, if you really are daring, then shave it"

"Fine. You want me to shave right now or after food?"

"After food will be fine", Debbie said, thinking Lou will chicken out.


"Dude, I wanna shave my head", Lou said to the salon lady.

"Really? Your hair is great"

"Well, it's a challenge"

"Who hates your hair?"

"This one", Lou pointed at Debbie who rolled her eyes.

Debbie didn't think Lou would actually shave. She still was thinking Lou was pretending. She wanted to see to what extent Lou would pretend.

"Well, for girl like her, you probably will be ready to shave your entire family"

Lou smirked and Debbie again rolled her eyes.

"If you are done talking, shave her head. She is going to stop you and I will win. So, hurry up and let me win sooner"

"As you wish"

Saying so, the stylist told Lou to sit and took the trimmer.

Lou was calm and began checking her phone.

"Here you go", the stylist said and clicked the button. The trimmer made the sound and stylist got it near Lou's hair.

"What the fuck!", Debbie immediately pushed her hand away from Lou's hair. "Are you fucking with me? Get the hell up", Debbie yelled at Lou.

Lou raised her eyebrow. "But I am about to get my head shaved"

"Okay, you are daring. Now get the hell up", Debbie yelled again.

"Girl, listen to her before she burns this place down", the stylist said, keeping the trimmer away.

"Ow, I really wanted a haircut"

"Get. The. Fuck. Up", Debbie ordered.

"Fine", Lou pulled the apron and kept on the counter. "Sorry darling. Probably I am not meant to be your last customer today. But here, tips", saying so, Lou kept 20 dollars on the counter. The stylist looked at her.

"Oh, it's less? I am not really good with tipping method. You know, this is all too American to me. So... Here", Lou kept 10 more dollars.

"Why don't you just give your wallet to her", Debbie said sarcastically.

Lou rolled her eyes. "Well, I wasted her time. And also, your nation isn't really good with wages. So, I will give her 30 dollars. Enjoy gal", Lou said to the stylist and walked to door.

Debbie looked at the stylist who was counting the bills and then at Lou who was walking out.

"Fucking idiot", saying so, she ran to catch up to Lou.


"You are an idiot for tipping her 30 dollars! 30 dollars!"

"I waste more money every day. At least this 30 dollars went to someone who works hard whole day"

"You are really unbelievable. And you fucking scared the hell out of me"

"By tipping?"

"No. But by almost shaving your hair. Are you insane?"

"You dared me, bitch"

"You were supposed to lose that bet"

"Excuse me?", Lou chuckled. "Why will I lose"

"Because that's how I imagined and planned the situation"

"Miss Ocean, sorry to burst your bubble. World doesn't go your way"

"It does! Well, it was, until you fucking decided to mess with it"

"Damn! You are crazy", Lou said laughing.

"I am not"

"Seems like you are"

"Fuck you"

"Nah, I don't do bitches"

"You...", Debbie began hitting Lou's shoulder.

"Ouch! What's your problem with my shoulder?", Lou said, rubbing her shoulder.

"Apologise for calling me a bitch"

"Okay, sorry I called you a bitch, BITCH"

"FUCK YOU", Debbie said and pushed Lou away and walked. She wasn't angry, she was just pretending. However, her heels decided to fuck the moment and she slipped at the edge of the walkway and was about to fall on streets when Lou caught her and pulled her into a hug.

"Jesus! What's with you and streets? Why do you want to die?", Lou asked, all concerned. "Did your parents never teach you street safety? You really..."

Lou went on and on about safety while all Debbie thought was their intimacy. She was hugging Lou, Lou's hands are around her body, hers around Lou's and that made something stir in her tummy. Something that never happened before. She could smell Lou's perfume, and even hear Lou's heartbeat which was beating faster because of the incident.

"... You are so careless. Do you know how bad it is to get hit by some vehicle? Do you even have slightest idea how painful it is to have a broken arm or leg?"

Debbie just closed her eyes and enjoyed the hug. Didn't reply.

"Are you even listening to me?", Lou said. "Hey", Lou put some distance between them, made Debbie face her. "Do you hear me?"

Debbie was back from her dreamland. She now had to be snarky.

"I fell asleep. You really are the worst ever speaker"

Lou rolled her eyes. "Bitch"

"I know what you are. You need not tell that out loud"

"Haha funny", Lou said sarcastically.

"It definitely is", Debbie smirked and Lou rolled her eyes again.

"Whatever", Lou said and walked forward.

"Someone's offended", Debbie said, following.


"I meant you"

"I am not offended", Lou said, walking.

"Seems like you are. Wow! So, I retort and you get offended! Now that's something", Debbie said, with mockery.

"Don't give too much credits to yourself. You probably would be dead by now if not for me"

"Saviour", Debbie said sarcastically.

"Don't be so thankless. Do you even know what it would be like if you got hit by a car?"

"You are making a scene out of nothing"

"Nothing? Fuck you"

"Damn, you are offended", Debbie said in amused way, yet chuckling.

"Yes, I am. Happy? Now, let me go", Lou said and walked but Debbie caught her hand and pulled her back.

"Debbie", Lou warned.

"Idiot", Debbie kissed Lou's right cheek. "Thanks for saving me. And I really am grateful for that. I am just messing with you, dumbo"

Lou took few seconds to realise that Debbie kissed her cheeks. That was enough for her to calm down from her irritated state.

"Didn't look like you were just messing", Lou said, softly, yet in complaining manner.

"Awww, look at you. You are pouting"

"I am not"

"You are. See", Debbie tapped her finger on Lou's upper lip.

"I am not"

"You definitely are. Damn, you are like a child. Getting offended for stupid things and yet do all mischief"

"I am not a child"

"Yes, you are. And very stubborn child for that matter"

"No, I am not. You are the one who is stubborn"

"I am stubborn but mine is adult level stubbornness. Yours is childlike stubbornness"

"I am not a child"

"By saying so, you proved you are a child"

"How is that even... What the..."

Debbie laughed. "You are so cute"

Saying so, Debbie pulled Lou's cheeks.

"Ouch! Stop messing with my body parts. You are hurting"

"Really? Hurting? Awww baby Lou is hurt"

Debbie said those words and laughed again.

"You are so irritating"

"Well, I am", Debbie said smirking. Lou rolled her eyes. Debbie put her arm around Lou's shoulder. They began walking.

"So, are you free tomorrow?"

"I don't have any office work till Tammy's wedding. So, yeah I am. Why?"

"Do you like movies?"

"Depends. Which movies are we speaking about?"

"Sandra Bullock's rom-com"

"Really? You seriously are into rom-coms?"

"No, I am seriously into Sandra Bullock. Have you seen her legs? Man! They're like... Perfect! She is a Goddess"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "I have better legs than her"

"You do? I never saw your legs"

"Ugh? What the fuck do you think these are?", Debbie asked, tapping her foot.

"I meant, I saw you wearing pants. Never saw in short skirts or dresses where I can see how good your legs are"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "You will be stunned if you see my legs"

"Stun me then", Lou smirked.

"Easy there, Miller. Don't get ahead from where you are"

"What? I am being innocent and asking you. You told you have great legs. All I ask is proof"

"Well, nope. You will have to believe my words"

"I prefer my sight over words", Lou smirked.

"I believe my words are superior. But yeah I am fine to leave you to your imaginations"

"I am imagining 2D animation legs inside those pants"

"What the...", Debbie laughed. "Idiot"

"Show me a pic of yours in short dress"

"Forget pics, I will show my legs if you wear bridesmaids gown"

"I am happy with Sandra Bullock's perfect legs. I don't want yours"

Debbie laughed. "You are funny. Anyway, it's late. I gotta go. It was fun today"

Saying so, Debbie gave a side hug to Lou. "Bye Miller"

"Bye", Lou smiled genuinely. "Good night"

"You too", saying so, Debbie kissed Lou's another cheek. "Take care"

And Debbie walked to her car and Lou stood there, just looking. Only after Debbie drove away, she walked from there to her own car.


"I set you two up for a date..."

"It wasn't a date"

"A date. And you two just spend time getting mad at each other every 5 minutes?", Tammy sighed, sitting in her chair.

Debbie and Tammy were in their office. Tammy was supposed to complete her paperwork but she was so into Debbie and Lou's story.

"I wasn't angry. I was pretending"

"Whatever, but you guys wasted your time doing stupid arguments? Jesus! You two are fucking idiots"

"I am not. She is"

"You had a chance to kiss her when she saved you from falling down and all you do is mock her! Aren't you an idiot!"

"I did kiss her"

"On cheeks? That's not counted"

"It is counted. Besides, she was the one acting like a child"

"You are no less than her. Shave her head? Seriously? You think that's something done on date?"

"This wasn't a date"

"Why not?"

"Because... I don't feel..."

"You don't feel? Idiot you are feeling. You are feeling everything for her"

"Look it's... I don't..."

"Nope. Don't give me any excuses. Afternoon when we meet her, you are going with her for a date"

"What? Tammy, that's..."

"Look, she asked you for movies. She has initiated from her side. Now, you need to do your part"


"Not buts. Just fucking go for movies with her, have candle light dinner without stupid arguments, enjoy your night. And if everything goes well, you can even get laid with her. How long it's been now? 3 months?"

"Seriously? You are keeping tag of my sex life too?"

"Well, you aren't keeping. As your best friend, it is my duty to make sure you enjoy your life"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, but no sex tonight. I am not ready"

"We'll go to salon and get you ready"

"What? I didn't mean that way, idiot. I am all fine. I just... I don't know it's just... Lou is..."


"She just came out of one relationship. I don't want to be her rebound sex"

"Well, okay then. Book a hooker for her who can be her rebound sex. Later you can be with Lou"

"What the fuck"

"Yup. What the fuck, Debbie. You are clearly attracted to her"

"Yeah, but... Not today"

"Fine. Your choice. But at least kiss her. ON LIPS!"

"Will think about it!"


A/n: what do you think?

And yeah, it is kinda similar to Blind date right now, but this will soon change. We are dealing with flashback. The present day scenes will start in next chapter again!

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