New Beginning

By StoriesLoubbie

12.8K 370 449

AU: Debbie and Lou are a couple but get separated after an unfortunate incident. After few years, when they m... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 1

1.7K 30 23
By StoriesLoubbie


I have a problem😅 This is my 3rd or 4th fic with Debbie as a lawyer! Let me tell in advance that there are few more fics with Debbie as lawyer😅 I can't take the statement made by Sandy out of my mind. She told in O8 interview that Debbie probably would advice her lawyer to solve problems than listening to a lawyer. Since then I imagine Debbie as a tough uptight lawyer and Lou as a rich, freebird. Enough of my blabbering. Here's the characters:

Debbie Ocean, a prestigious Lawyer

Lou Miller, a businesswoman.

Tammy, Lawyer and Debbie's partner in the firm

Daphne, YouTube personality and Lou's friend

Constance, Lou's friend and Professional Gamer

Nineball, Lou's friend, hacker and Professional Gamer

Rose, Lou's friend and a socialite

Amita, Debbie and Tammy's friend and junior


The place in Minnesota mentioned in here, is a fictional isolated countryside named Lorien. I have no idea if such place exists anywhere except in Middle Earth Lothlorien of Galadriel.

All situations, names and characterisation of OCs, scenes, weather conditions, cities/countryside description (Except NYC) and dialogues are fictional! No reference to any living or dead!


Year 2019

Debbie sighed. She couldn't concentrate anymore. She had been working for past few hours though it was weekend. For long time now, her days were only filled with work and zero fun. She didn't want any fun. All fun vanished from her life, the day Lou walked out of her life, 3 years ago.

Lou Miller, who was her girlfriend of 11 years, left her because of one bad incident in their life. An incident which showed Debbie cheating on Lou. At the time when Lou left her, everyone including Debbie thought it was Debbie's fault. She believed that she cheated on Lou, while being drunk that fateful night. The circumstance had made her a villain. But a year back, the truth was out and it proved Debbie's innocence. But Lou wasn't there to witness that. Lou was nowhere in New York since she left Debbie. Nor was she in Australia. No one knew where Lou was. Debbie, Tammy, Lou's sister Ann, Ann's husband Aron had been looking for her everywhere but she wasn't found till this date.

Debbie was not able to cope up with this. She has been drowning herself in work for last 3 years. Lou leaving her was traumatic and for two years she blamed herself and hated herself for whatever happened. But when she realised the truth, though was happy for a second, still remained unhappy in life because Lou wasn't there anywhere to hear the truth. Every single day since Lou left, Debbie has been dreaming about their reunion but it never became a reality. And in these 3 years, she couldn't lead a happy life, gain normality and emotional support from anyone. Well, except for El.

El was an upcoming writer, who was famous for a romantic novel 'Love you, forever'. Debbie stumbled upon his social media handle a year after Lou left. Well, she never saw him. No one saw him. He was a mysterious writer with the best novel of the year. The love story in that novel was inspiring and so well written. The man and the woman in that story were deeply in love, and the love was unconditional. Though in fictional world it was ideal, the way the novel was written, it made people believe that unconditional love exists, if the partners work hard on it. The novel was awarded and it became the best seller. Yet, El never came forward to accept. Instead, the publishers took the awards on his behalf.

Debbie had read the novel and was impressed by the story. She was interested to know about this man El Seem more. Not in any other way, but purely as a fan. She had created a twitter account after knowing El has an account. The only interaction El had with his fans was through that account. Debbie however didn't want to reveal her own identity and so, had a fake account named "Daniel Miller". Daniel being Danny's name and Miller is Lou's surname. She used this name as her username for her twitter account. She followed El Seem.

El hardly tweeted. Many tried to interact with him by tagging, but no use. Also, few who tried to hack his account, but failed. Turned out, El had very high security and his internet footprint was untraceable. Even his publishers never revealed anything about him. This made Debbie curious but she never tried to research more than what other fans knew. She didn't want to violate anyone's privacy.

One day, El was drunk and he tweeted in anger against his girlfriend who cheated on him. The followers were confused. El, in anger, tweeted continuously and revealed that the novel was based on his own life and that his girlfriend cheated on her when he had the book half written. He didn't want the sad ending and so, kept a happy ending of the protagonists marrying and living happily forever. The way El tweeted, made Debbie angry. She took his tweets personally. After all, she was in same position as his girlfriend. It was the time when she still thought of herself as a cheater. Her innocence was yet to be proved. She accepted that she had cheated and she regreted it to date. El's tweets were blindly blaming his girlfriend, saying she never loved him and she acted; and somehow Debbie imagined Lou blaming her of the same. Lou had never confronted Debbie for what happened. She just left without informing anyone. Now, El's tweets became Lou's words in Debbie's mind. This raged her because she loved Lou. She loves Lou a lot. She herself doesn't know how she lost control that unfortunate night and slept with her client Peter Beckman.

El was generalising every woman as cheater in his tweets. Debbie didn't like it. Though she herself agrees on cheating Lou, she couldn't take his harsh words. She confronted him by quoting his tweet. He quoted back, lashing out at Daniel. There were tweet exchanges with harsh language. El was thinking Debbie as a man named Daniel and so, had used pretty harsh and abusive words. Next day though, El messaged Debbie (Daniel) and apologised. The talk continued in DM and since then they became friends.

Debbie wanted to tell El that she was a woman, but she didn't know how. While talking, El somehow realised Daniel had cheated on his girlfriend and he angrily texted that because of men like him, everyone gets bad name. But Debbie (Daniel) tried pacifying and made El realise not every man and not every woman is bad.

However, from that day, she decided to not reveal herself as a woman because El was angry on women. For now, he is in control because he thinks Daniel, a man, cheated too. But if he gets to know Debbie cheated, then he will go back to blaming every woman. It was a surprise to Debbie that El never considered cases of men cheating their spouse. To be honest, El hated most of the men but never really spoke about them. So, Debbie decided to hide her identity. Also, her reputation was on stake. She cannot let anyone know that Debbie Ocean was a cheater.

She however shared many things about herself with El. All personal stuffs. She told how she and Lou separated. She never revealed Lou's name though. When Debbie and Lou were together, many knew about them. So, she can't risk revealing names. All she said was girlfriend. Also, she interchanged everyone's gender so that El won't guess it is Debbie Ocean's story. Debbie was Daniel, who cheated on his wife. El told his story. He was an innocent man, whose girlfriend cheated on him with some other man.

They both became friends and would speak about life. Slowly and steadily, El started spending more time in DM and also told about his current book he was writing. Another love story, based on his parents' life.


In 2018, August, Debbie's innocence was finally out. Turned out, she never cheated on Lou. She was unconcious when Peter Beckman a.k.a Claude Becker took advantage of her and made it look like she cheated on Lou. She confronted Becker. Becker did that to take revenge on Debbie's brother for sending his cousin to jail. Debbie decided to bring Claude down. Even Lou's sister Ann and her husband Aron were on Debbie's side. Together, they made sure Becker was completely destroyed. But Lou wasn't there. They failed at reaching Lou.

Debbie shared about her innocence with El. However, she replaced Claude Becker as Claudia Beckman. El was shocked to hear what happened. He consoled Daniel (Debbie). El suddenly became more emotional and caring towards Daniel. Daniel never cheated and was framed. That somehow made El question his own life. What if his girlfriend too was framed? What if it looked like cheating while in reality his girlfriend was taken advantage of? But he didn't know what to do. All he could do was share his doubt with Daniel. He also gave Daniel (Debbie) tips on how to survive without wife. How a 'man' will need to take care of himself if he has decided to not move on from his past lover. He never advised to move on though. Never said to find someone else.

El had been constantly advising Debbie about vacation. He told Debbie to take a break, cool her mind and take care of herself. Debbie didn't listen to him. She couldn't take a break. Work is the only thing that keeps her busy and gives less time to think about Lou.

Today though, she was tired and reached her melting point. She no longer could concentrate. She decided to take his advice. She opened her twitter DM and clicked on El's chat. The last message was "Trust me, a break will help a lot. But your choice. Take care"

Debbie texted back.

You think so?

After few minutes, she got a reply, saying Yes

A month later, after completing her current work, Debbie took a break. She left Tammy in charge of everything for time being. She decided to go to an isolated place called Lorien in Minnesota. She packed everything needed, and drove.

It took few days for her to reach the state. But as she was nearing, the weather condition worsened. There was heavy wind and snowfall. It was a snowstorm. Debbie tried her best to drive faster and safer, so as to get to nearby Motel. But to her bad luck, the car broke down.

Debbie didn't know what to do. Snowfall was worsening every passing second. She began cursing and swearing for making El take this vacation. He was the one who suggested to go to any isolated place. He thought it would calm her and help her find inner peace. Debbie searched for a week to find the most isolated place and got this place named Lorien. But now, for Debbie, this was bad. She was stuck in the middle of the street, and all she could see was snow covered trees. There were no vehicles moving. To be honest, she hadn't seen any vehicle in this street since she entered the district. She sighed and texted El.

I listened to you and now I am stuck. I am in Lorien and it is fucking snowing and my car broke down! It is hecking cold and I am about to turn into a snowman!

Unfortunately, her message didn't deliver. There was no network. She sighed again. Fifteen minutes passed. Debbie took a thick fur jacket to cover herself. Finally, she heard a vehicle honking. Debbie quickly got down from her car, walked on the snow-covered ground to stop the vehicle. An old Toyota stopped in front of her.

"Hello", Debbie tried to speak but her voice was too low compared to the wind and snow.

The person from the car got down.

"Hey there, is everything alright? Did your...", the person stopped talking after seeing Debbie. Debbie was shocked too by seeing that person.

It was Lou Miller, her girlfriend. Lou didn't know what to speak. All she did was turn away and stand, taking support of her car. She bit her lower lip in order to control her tears and pain that rushed back to her by seeing Debbie.

"Lou...", Debbie spoke. But couldn't continue. All these years, she dreamed of meeting Lou again and reuniting. But now, when Lou is in front of her, she was not able to speak or move. She was too shocked to do anything.

Lou turned to face Debbie. "It's not safe here. Snowfall is getting worse. Hop up. Let me take your luggage"

Debbie nodded. Lou helped Debbie with her luggage and they both sat in Lou's car. Lou sighed and started the engine and drove.

"Lou", Debbie spoke again, after 5 minutes.


"How are you?"


Again, silence crept in, and Debbie couldn't say anything. Somehow, she was not able to think or speak anything rationally.

"There is a hotel nearby. Let's check if any room is available for you"

Debbie nodded.

The drive to the hotel was too quiet. Lou didn't know how or what to speak. Same was with Debbie.

Once they reached the hotel, Lou and Debbie went in to check for a room. Unfortunately, there wasn't any available. The snow had caused damage in the hotel itself and so, they couldn't rent any rooms for new arrivals.

"What will I do now? Is there any hotel nearby?", Debbie asked.

"There isn't. Sorry, ma'am", the receptionist replied.


Debbie walked back and sat on the couch in the lobby. Lou was silent until then.

"I shouldn't have come here", Debbie whispered. "I guess I will go back"

"You can't", Lou said, blank expression masking her real feelings.


"Snowfall is really bad out there. I was the last person to enter the street. They closed this street for next few days. The weather report says snowfall will increase. So, you can't go back for at least a week"

"Fuck! This is bad", Debbie said, worried.

Lou looked at Debbie for a minute and sighed heavily. "Come"

"Excuse me?"

"Come to my place. It is just few minutes away. You can spend time until the streets are cleared. If you don't mind"

Debbie looked at her. She didn't know what to make out of this. But she agreed. They were back inside the car and Lou drove, while Debbie remembered their first meet.

********* Flashback***********

Year 2005

Debbie finally was done for the day. She was a busy lawyer, with a start-up firm with her best friend Tamera Robinson. They had won a highly prestigious lawsuit, which many people thought was going to be the end of their career. They were pitching against the most wicked and powerful firm. But they won. Their hard work paid off. Both were now in a bar, celebrating.

Tammy got phone call from her fiancé Tom and so, she began talking to him. Debbie wasn't interested. Also, the fact that Tom works at the State Attorney's Office and actually got selected over her was adding to her lack of interest. It wasn't his fault. The state attorney had a rift with her father and so, he decided to not recruit her.

She was now bored. Tammy was not in mood to cut the call. She was actually giggling, blushing and whispering like a teenager. Debbie rolled her eyes. She went to bathroom to take some break from constant giggles.

She stood in front of the mirror, looking at herself. At 33, she was looking younger, with perfect body, style that was no less than models and actresses, attitude that was commanding and making everyone instantly listen and follow her. Overall, she had the charm and presence that made her desirable for everyone: straight men, gay women, even straight women and gay men. Yet, she was single. She didn't want any commitments. She had her fun, but limited to physical relationships. She never let anyone closer to her heart.

Right now, though, seeing Tammy's giggles and blushes for someone, praising 24*7, even planning for moving to suburbs after wedding, she was bit uncertain. She thought whether she was neglecting her personal life for career.

She was thinking deeply for the first time about this issue, when she heard someone speak. She looked up to see a blonde woman, dressed in ridiculously bright coloured suit, behind her. Not to ignore the fact that she totally rocked that ridiculous suit. The woman was on phone and addressing the other person honey frequently, Debbie thought it was probably her girlfriend. She didn't look at her much, but her ears were good at grasping as much information possible.

"Honey I'll be there tomorrow, I promise. This was an emergency. The machine had some complications and so, the workers were scared", the blonde tried convincing whoever was on the other end of the conversation.

Debbie suddenly looked up to see the woman again, through the mirror.

Emergency? Machine? This is a bar, for God's sake

"I am still in the factory, dear. I have to solve this before I can do anything"

Factory? What a pathetic liar

"C'mon Annie. I will make it up for you"

Debbie realised the woman was lying to her girlfriend.

"...yeah darling, I will make it up for you. I am repairing this machine. Also, I got new order just now. I probably will have to prepare a blueprint. I don't think I can be home any soon"

New order? In this washroom? Jesus! You are such a liar

"..." (Words spoken by the person on phone)

"... I know, I will make it up for you"


"Yeah, I will spend time with you tomorrow. Will discuss about the anniversary. I know how much it means to you"


"I am, honey. I am. Now, let me go. The machine really needs to be replaced. I need to check it. Bye honey"

Debbie looked at the woman, amused by what just happened. She saw how reluctantly the woman spoke on phone. Clearly, the blonde was unhappy with her relationship. Else, why would she lie?

Debbie was still standing there, when the woman cut that call, in hurry, hearing the voice calling her from outside. Soon enough, a brunette walked in to the bathroom, looking for her.

"Hey baby, are you done? Who called you in the middle of our date night?", she asked, standing very close to the blonde.

The blonde immediately wrapped her arm around her waist, and pulled her for a kiss. She then looked at Debbie and winked. Well, if it could be called as wink. But Debbie clearly understood the inner meaning. The blonde was showing off her philandering ways to Debbie. She got irritated.

"Who was that on phone?", the brunette asked, again.

"Ugh... My sister. She is too happy and wants me to join her. But I said I have a date night with you and not to disturb me. So, let's not talk about the phone call, shall we? It's our date", Lou said, kissing again.

"Oh...", the girl got lost in kiss. Debbie was shocked. The way that blonde lied and was cheating on her girlfriend made her angry. The inner warrior in her got activated.

"You are dumb. She is lying to you", Debbie said.

"Excuse me?", the brunette turned around to face Debbie. Lou raised her eyebrow at Debbie as if to challenge. There was a smirk on her face that irritated Debbie even more.

"She is cheating on you. She was talking to her another girlfriend on phone"

"What?", the brunette was shocked and turned towards Lou. "Is she speaking the truth"

The blonde just shrugged. She was unfazed, nonchalant and totally an asshole according to Debbie.

"She was planning on her relationship anniversary"

"How dare you!", the brunette started ranting. She began cursing and the blonde just stood there, not giving a cent to that brunette. Finally, she left angrily. Now, it was just Debbie and the blonde in the washroom.

"I am single again. How about we get some drinks?", the blonde asked, smirking at Debbie.

Debbie's eyes were wide open in disbelief. "You are pathetic", she said, and walked outside while the blonde continued smiling.

"At least give me your number", the blonde asked. Debbie showed middle finger, and then shut the door with loud thud.


Debbie sat in her chair while Tammy still was going on and on about some decorations she wanted for her wedding. Debbie sighed. Tammy's wedding was in a month. She can spend time speaking to Tom after marriage. Why is she speaking so much! Debbie was frustrated. That's when the waiter placed a glass of martini with green olive.

"I didn't order"

"That beautiful lady in suit sent it to you", he said, pointing at the table. Debbie looked to find the same blonde looking at her. When Debbie's eyes locked with hers, she lifted the vodka shot at her. Debbie sighed with frustration.

"Send it back to her", she said to the waiter, who was confused and looked at the blonde. It seemed like he was friends with the blonde. The blonde nodded and he took the glass and kept at her table.

The blonde took the glass and then drank martini. Debbie looked at her, still angry. The blonde gave one last flirty smile and kept some bills on the table which the waiter collected. Then she walked outside.


A week after the bar incident

"I really don't understand why you have 5 bridesmaid", Debbie said, while helping Tammy organise the buffet.

Tammy had arranged a small party to introduce her bridesmaids to each other. Debbie being the maid of honour of course. Debbie had no idea on anyone except Amita who was their junior in office.

"C'mon. I am not having many. It's just 5 including you"

"Why do you need 5? Aren't you happy with Amita and myself?"

"They are my friends too, idiot", Tammy said chuckling. "Now, help me get these vodka bottles to table"

"Vodka? We decided for wine. I have to go to office after this"

"Yeah well, Lou hates wine. She loves vodka"


"Jesus Debbie. I just gave you the list of my bridesmaids. Didn't you see Lou Miller written just below your name?"

"I didn't care to read. I really don't understand why you want me to socialise with them"

"Because that's what a normal person will do"

"If I don't like any of them, will you change?"

"Nope. Also, you might dislike anyone but Lou"

"Why? Is she special? Did she fall from heaven?", Debbie asked, sarcastically.

"She definitely did. She is so... Fairy like. Magical"

Debbie rolled her eyes. "I thought I was your best and special friend"

"You are"

"Then how can she be special and fairy type?"

"Because she is... she is Lou"


"I can't explain how, Debbie. She is so charming and... You'll see"

"Whatever", Debbie said and went to get the said bottles.


In twenty minutes, the bridesmaids arrived. Well, except for Lou Miller. Debbie being a perfectionist hated this tardy behaviour.

"She knows how to make a grand entry", Tammy said and Debbie rolled her eyes.

"Tardiness is not grand"

"You really need to stop being an upright bitch"

"I am not upright. I am perfect"


They all began speaking about the arrangements. That's when there was a knock at the door.

"She's here", Tammy said with a wide smile. "Can you get the door?", she asked Debbie.

Debbie walked to the door and opened it, and shrieked in horror. There was a person in suit, wearing a scary ghost mask. The person started laughing while others rushed to Debbie.

Debbie was taking heavy breath.

"I expected you, Tim-Tams. But your friend too gave desired reaction", Lou said, removing the mask, laughing. Tammy looked at Lou and then Debbie. Debbie looked at Lou.


It was the same blonde whom she met in bar. The irritating and cheating blonde who also flirted with her!

"Oh you! Hello gorgeous", Lou said, softly with a hint of mischief.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?", Debbie asked, angrily.

"You guys know each other?", Tammy asked curiously.

"How can I forget this beautiful face and..."

"She is the cheating asshole who tried to flirt with me"

"What? Debbie, what are you saying?"

"Cheating asshole! Cool", Lou said, smirking.

"She is a cheater"

"Did you date her, Debbie?"

"What? No"

"Then why are you calling her a cheater?"

"Because last night I was in her dreams, Tammy. And probably got caught double-timing with her and my girlfriend with whom I am having relationship anniversary", Lou said, winking poorly.

"Fuck you! Tammy, I don't know her but she was in the bar, two-timing with a girl. And the girl got to know..."

"Because of you"

"I had to inform her. She deserves better"

"I really am not understanding", Tammy said.

Debbie sighed and explained everything, including Lou's flirty interaction with her.

"Lou, you have a girlfriend? I didn't know. Who is she? Is she hot?", Tammy asked, excitedly and Debbie just shook her head, totally in disbelief.

"Well, I had! Not anymore. Thanks to this angry birdie here", Lou said, smirking at Debbie.

"Don't call me angry bird"

"I would call you, pretty birdie but well... You are angry right now"

"Fuck you!"

"I'm ready", Lou winked, or tried to wink.

"How dare..."

"Okay guys, I see a lot of chemistry between you two. But right now, focus on my wedding. C'mon, discussion. Dress, hair, flowers... Hurry up"

"If she is going to be you bridesmaid, then I'm out"


"No, Tammy. I can't be at same place as her", Debbie said. "I love you but I can't do this"

Saying so, Debbie walked out of Tammy's apartment. Tammy sighed. She knew how much of a drama queen Debbie was. She was about to follow her when Lou stopped.

"I'll get her back. Pretty birdie needs some petting"

Tammy shook her head, smiling. "Don't rage her more though. You don't want her to be angry. That'll be dangerous"

"You know me. I can make a girl melt in my arms"

"Debbie isn't like everyone. So, careful"

Lou saluted and then went down the stairs. She definitely failed in keeping up with the lift. When she reached downstairs, Debbie was already on the sidewalk, trying to get a taxi.

"Wait", Lou said, running towards her. Debbie looked at her and sighed in irritation. She began walking towards opposite side. She was so vested in going away from Lou, she failed to see a car racing towards her. She froze when she heard honking. But Lou was there and pulled her away from there. She held Debbie very close to her.

"Don't you dare die, lady. If you did, I'll be the maid of honour and I fucking don't know what to be done in wedding stuffs", Lou said, freeing Debbie from her clutch. Debbie took a deep breath.

"Fuck you! This was because of you"

"You stormed out. How is it my fault"

"You made me storm out"

"Oh baby, I can make you do many things, storming you out is not the one", Lou smirked again.

"Just shut the fuck up and go away from here. I don't wanna talk to jerks like you", Debbie said, walking away.

"Hey, wait", Lou ran behind her. "C'mon, you can't just abandon Tammy. You are her best friend"

"Well, it's your fault"

"Look, you really want to quit your best friend's wedding because of someone whom you hardly know? Whom you even don't consider in your life?"

Debbie looked away from Lou. Yup. She really was being silly. She is giving importance to Lou by not attending Tammy's wedding. She didn't want to do that.

"Also, if you quit, the world will be saying 'Debbie Ocean was jealous of hot Aussie blondie and so didn't attend the wedding! Her best friend's wedding! Can you believe it! She is such a bitch'", Lou said in perfect American accent.

Debbie rolled her eyes but what Lou said was true. People will speak bad. Also, she can't miss her best friend's wedding. Tammy needed her. And she is the maid of honour. But also, she couldn't tolerate this blonde.

"Fine. I will be back. But on one condition"


"You quit"

"Quit what?"

"Tammy's wedding"

"Really? You want Tammy to not have her friend at her wedding? Don't you think that is selfish?"

Debbie sighed. Though she hated this blonde, she did have a point.

"Fine. You attend. So will I. But you should not interfere in anything I do, say or... Well, do or say. Also, I want you to maintain at least 3 feet distance from me"

"Why? Do you have any contagious disease?"

"Fuck you. I don't want to be near you. So, if you agree to these conditions, only then I will be back"

"Fine Debbie Ocean. Let's start from the beginning. Louise Catherine Miller here", Lou said, holding her hand out to shake.

"The condition starts right now. So, distance", Debbie said, ignoring Lou's extended hand. Lou rolled her eyes and stood around 3 feet away.

"I am deaf. If I don't hear you, it's totally on you", Lou said loudly. Debbie rolled her eyes again, and walked towards Tammy's apartment. Lou smirked and walked behind her.


Being around Lou wasn't easy. She was the centre of attraction, too much adored by Tammy and other bridesmaids of hers. They were around Lou, and Lou was being charming as ever. Debbie didn't like a bit of it. She just sat on the couch, nursing her drink. She really hated this blondie.

"Loosen up, Ocean", Tammy said, sitting next to her. She knew the pact between Lou and Debbie and she didn't actually like it. Also, she felt Lou was attracted to Debbie. Else, there was no way Lou would tolerate Debbie's silly conditions.

It was clearly evident that Lou was looking at Debbie with soft eyes which other girls beg to have from Lou. Tammy knew Lou's kind heart and if Lou actually was interested in Debbie, then it would be great for everyone.

"Was Australia short of good people? Out of 20 million, you found her as your friend?", Debbie showed her displeasure. Tammy sighed.

Lou could hear what Debbie was speaking. Though she was speaking to other ladies, her eyes and ears and mainly heart was on Debbie.

"I don't know what you are complaining about. She is the sweetest and loveliest person I know"

"She is a two-timing bastard, Tammy"

"Well... That's not the point"

"That totally is a point. She is a cheater and you are praising her. We are lawyers, doesn't mean we should defend a rascal in personal life"

"She is my friend; Debbie and she never ever did anything wrong. I am pretty sure there is something you failed to notice. Lou can never cheat on anyone"

"I never fail, Tammy. I saw in front of my own eyes. She was two-timing"

"Did you see two girls whom Lou was cheating?"

"I saw one. And heard one"

"Debbie, c'mon. We can't believe everything we perceive. I trust Lou. She can never cheat anyone. Nor can she break anyone's heart. You are unnecessarily hating her"

"Whatever. I am very clear about her. And there is no way I am letting her anywhere near me"


Debbie sighed in irritation. She didn't know how to be with this blonde for next three weeks. Apparently, Tammy needed help from her bridesmaids for all the preparations as she couldn't do. But well, everyone couldn't commit for three continuous weeks without attending their work. After all, they too had a life, work and they couldn't just take leave from their jobs. However, Debbie was free, much to her own surprise. She just finished a highly complicated case and was yet to take any new major case. Tammy was dealing with 2 cases right now, which would be over by next weekend and so, she wouldn't be free for preparations. She needed a week off for wedding and another week for honeymoon and so, she was working extra hours, covering for Debbie's paperwork too. Also, unlike Debbie, Tammy mostly deals with lawsuits which means high income to their firm. So, Tammy in office was very much needed. And she trusted Debbie to arrange everything the way she wanted. So, Debbie had no excuse to give. Not that she would give. But after Lou volunteered to help in Tammy's wedding preparations, she wished she had some excuse. Now, both Debbie and Lou were supposed to do every single arrangement until the wedding, which means, they will be spending time together for three weeks!

"Flowers", Lou looked at Debbie. They both were in Tammy's apartment (because Debbie didn't want Lou to know hers), making the list of things and arrangements for wedding.

"Garden Roses"

"Just that? Do we add other flowers?"

"I don't know. Roses are pretty good"

"Well, it is, honey. But we can have Gypsophila, Amaryllis and many others. We can have an arrangement made"

"Firstly, I am not your honey, and secondly, I have no idea what fucking flowers they are"

Lou shook her head, smiling. "It's better if I look into flowers", Lou said.

"You can't decide all by yourself. Tammy wants my approval on everything"

"Then help me"

"I don't like flowers"

"Well princess Hissy Fit, we won't have any in our wedding. But this is Tammy's. And she loves flowers. So, you can't have your way"

"Fuck you. There won't be any wedding between me and you. And I told you, don't..."

"Chill baby. Let's fight later. For now, let me deal with flowers"

"I can't let you do whatever you want"

"You can assist me if you need"

"I am never an assistant. Definitely not yours"

"Are you always a bitch? Or is it something you are being only in front of me to gain attention? If so, then it is not working, bitch"

"How dare you call me bitch, you bitch"

Lou rolled her eyes. "Got it. You are always a bitch"

"Just... Can you for once not degrade or comment on me and concentrate on what to be done?", Debbie said, irritated.

It was true. Since the get-together, Lou and Debbie had their not-so-sweet banter going on. Debbie still was thinking Lou as a jerk. Lou didn't bother to change Debbie's views about her. But Lou couldn't hold her attraction for Debbie to herself either.

"Fine darling. Let's work together without degrading. You know, my sister is about to get married this December. And she has everything planned already. Do you mind if I ask her to send some flower and decoration designs?"

"You have a sister?"

"Yup. Ann Miller. Well, people know her as Louanne Miller. Soon-to-be chairman of Miller's group"

"Chairman? Wow!"

"Yup. She merged her start-up with dad's company two years ago. And now, Dad wants to retire and so... she is stepping in. Dad gave 40% of his shares to her so that she will have the majority"

"And rest to you?"

"He gave his 40 to me. Remaining is with him. He can't just let go until everyone start fearing and respecting Ann the way they do to him. Right now, though she has majority shares, the managing board still are cranky. You know, a young woman being the chairman is hard to digest. So, Dad is accompanying"

"But he doesn't have enough shares, isn't it? He gave to you"

"Yup. But I have no interest in that company. I am happy with my business. Though I get millions from Millers every year as profit. So, he, who has 3rd most shares currently, has enough power. And together, my dad and sister are super power in that board, holding 48% of total shares. Adding mine, Millers will have 80% shares. So, we are the majority. No one can beat us"

"Oh. You said you have your own business. What do you do?"

"Furniture. I own Phoenix furniture & carving. I have three showrooms and factories in this state. Planning to extend to neighbouring states too"

"Oh, you mean all the expensive but beautiful furniture is of your company"

"Not really expensive. But yeah. Not afforded by everyone. But hey, it deserves that price. It isn't easy to carve things by hand and have such great symmetry. My workers are gems and I pay them a lot"

"This is how you know which furniture to get for the wedding and for Tammy's future apartment?"

"Yup", Lou smiled. "And she is getting it from my company"

"So, your sister will be the chairman soon", Debbie spoke, clearly having an intention of getting Millers to her firm. Having Millers as their client means minimum yearly income of 30 million. Plus, others would be interested in her firm too. Clear business extension. And because Tammy is friends with Lou, she can try to persuade Millers through her. Also, she can persuade Lou Miller too as a client by representing Phoenix.

"Yup. She will be the youngest in board but the most powerful. And because I support her and dad too, she will have the majority by default in every decision she takes". Lou said, smiling.

"Oh. And she is getting married? Strange", Debbie tried to lighten the moment using her humour. She didn't want to ask more about business. Questioning too much might lead to irritation.

"What's strange about that?"

Apparently, Lou wasn't in mood for humour when it came to her sister.

"She is your sister. I am expecting her to be a jerk too, two-timing and cheating", Debbie said, chuckling.

Lou stared at Debbie. Not the mock stare or anything, but serious one. The one that can induce fear in the opponent's heart. Debbie realised she crossed the line.

"Consider yourself lucky that you still have your pretty face intact", Lou said in low tone, controlling her anger.

Debbie looked at Lou, who had her right hand clenched into fist. She didn't take time to realise that Lou was angry and trying to control her anger.

"I was joking", Debbie said, not really ready to apologise, though knew she was wrong. But she knew if she spoke anything, Lou would blast.

"Well, don't joke about my family ever", Lou said, and walked out, not looking back. She closed the door with a bang. Debbie sat there, not knowing what to say.


A/n: What do you think, guys? 😀

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