Hunted, Baited Love...Book 4...

By MKG2012

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Altan Colleen Blackstone, a lot can be said about this sweet man who has had a good life, a wonderful family... More

1. Altan
2. Brent
3. Gary
4. Joseph
5. Altan
6. Brent
8. Joseph
9. Altan
10. Brent
11. Gary
12. Joseph
13. Altan
14. Brent
15. Gary
16. Brent
17. Altan
18. Brent
19. Altan
20. Brent

7. Gary

819 54 3
By MKG2012

Holy shit today I finally see Joseph for the first time in forever. According to Altan he’s been back for about a month now visiting his parents and what not, now that he’s here it’s all too real and I’m nervous as hell. More nervous than two months ago when I saw Brent for the first time since we took him to New Moon. 

Seeing how much he had changed, I thought it was all an act but Altan assured me it was no act and the old Brent was a thing of the past. He’s been a Godsend honestly. I mean just this morning he did some repairs on Altan’s house I’ve been meaning to fix for quite a while but we always got caught up in other activities. He has also brought back the Altan I thought was lost to all of us all those months ago, he brought him true happiness and I couldn't be more grateful.

“Could you be any more tense?” Altan asked, chuckling. 

“Can you blame me?” I asked. 

“No but you’re acting more tense than when you met Brent which is pretty ironic.” He chuckled. 

“Whatever, what time does Brent get off of work anyway?” I asked, trying to change the subject. 

“Repair shop closes at six but he’ll be home in time for a late lunch before going back and he’ll be home for dinner.” Altan said and we got out of the car and made our way to the big tree in the park where Joseph said to meet him. 

As we walked towards the tree, I could feel somewhat of a pull but it was faint. I guess he really is alive. 

“Smile, please? It’s the first time you’ve seen him in a while.” He said. 

“How are you so calm about this? He’s your mate too y’know. I mean yea you went into his mind to warn him he was going to die but still, it’s like you’re unaffected by the pull.” I said frustrated. 

“It’s the unofficial rejection, Gary. Look at what happened with Brent, he flipped his shit when I went there. Although it was two different circumstances it was still a rejection nonetheless." He said, sounding offended by what I said. I just sighed. 

“I’m sorry babe, I didn’t mean to flip out.” I said biting my lip. 

“It’s ok, now let’s go.” He said and grabbed my hand. 

When we got to the tree there he was, alive and well, he looked healthier than ever before. It was amazing to see him look so healthy when all this time I couldn’t get the image of his sunken eyes, thin body and pale skin out of my head. 

Now standing in front of me is a tall, broad, blonde and tanned God. He looked so sexy. His eyes shining, his smile bright, his muscles bulging against his t-shirt and his thighs as big as his biceps. Just so thick and I was drooling. He was wearing shorts so I was just in heaven. 

"Calm down love, he can't smell how turned on you are but I sure can so please calm down. I really don't want to mount you here and now even though I could care less if we're in public, we just can't right now."

“Fuck I can’t help it, look at him.” I bit my lip and we walked closer. 

“Joseph?” I called out and he instantly looked in our direction. 

“I’m going by Kingsley now but that works.” He smiled and it was like it was just us two around, just like it was years ago. 

“I like Joseph better though." I said and I hugged my long lost dead and reborn again mate. 

“It was the goddesses too y’know.” He said and he took a shuddering breath as he held me. 

“I missed you so much every single day Joseph, is this real?" I asked because it feels real and I know I'm awake but I have dreamed of being with him so many nights in my sleep.

He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes and his thumbs wiped my tears off my cheeks and he smiled. 

"It's as real as the air we breathe Gerald. I'm here and alive." He said and kissed me, deeply. I wrapped my arms around my mates neck and kissed him back just as deeply and I felt our bond growing stronger each passing second. 

"I missed you too Gerald, so very much." He whispered against my lips and kissed me again. 

"I Joseph Kingsley Eckhart accept you, Gerald Benjamin Cortez as my mate." He spoke the words I have been longing to hear and I sobbed happy tears. 

"I Gerald Benjamin Cortez accept you Joseph Kingsley Eckhart as my mate." I said and we kissed again, reconnecting as mates after so long. 

As we came to, we both chuckled as Altan walked behind Joseph and wrapped his arms around him. He seemed a bit emotional so we wrapped our arms around him so he was between us both and just let him cry it out. 

After our reunion we sat at the picnic table a few feet away from the tree. 

“I still can’t believe I’ve been gone fourteen years. Time seems to be much different in that realm. It seems so slow when obviously here fourteen years have passed. You should have seen my parents when I showed up. My dad opened the door just to have my mom faint at an instant as she saw me. She thought it was a dream that I wasn’t actually there and I wasn’t someone who told her son’s identity and got surgery to look like her father. Who I supposedly looked like.” Joseph said randomly and we all laughed. 

“That’s a lot of work to go through and costly.” I said. I’ve talked to a few cosmetic and plastic surgeons at work because we all intermingle and sometimes have to consult with them so I know what all it takes to do all that. 

“That’s what I said to myself when she was accusing me. She almost went as far as to want a DNA test done but my dad didn’t think it was necessary because we know about the supernatural and figured Altan had done something to help me. Apparently when they came the day I died, the doctor’s told him about my dream of a blonde blue eyed angel in the form of a tiger so he knew something was up.” Joseph said. 

“I guess I should have changed my form then.” Altan teased.

“If you had, I’m sure my dad would have been on my mom’s side and have me committed to a mental institution or jailed. You know how close we were as a family and here someone comes claiming to be your son who died fourteen years ago so no, I thank you for coming as I knew you.” He smiled. 

“Altan we gotta get going, Brent gets off in ten minutes.” I said feeling my phone vibrate and looking at the text. 

“Who’s Brent?” Joseph asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 

“We’ll explain in the car in full detail.” Altan said and we got in the car. 

As we drove to the repair show we retold the last fourteen years of our lives from our perspectives. 

“And that’s been our life.” I said. 

“I knew he was bad but damn he was evil.” Joseph muttered. 

“You know him?” I asked. 

“When I returned, I met him a bit after that's because I work for Collen.” He said. 

"How long have you been back?" Altan asked, gripping the steering wheel a little too hard.

"Eight months." 

"And you didn't reach out to let us know because? Didn't you think your mates deserved to know you were alive? All these years we had to live with your death, with you being gone and feeling like we weren't complete. There are some things I left out that I feel we can talk about later but Joseph, you staying away for eight months knowing we were here, that hurts." Altan said and I could feel how hurt he actually felt. 

Yes we knew he was back, but since he doesn't feel things the way Altan does and now me to an extent because of my bond with Altan, he doesn't know we have wanted him to come to us, to be with us. Maybe mine and his bond isn't as strong with him as it is with me? How didn't he feel so empty since he's been home to seek us out? He knew where we were, apparently he even knows Brent after he asked who he was. 

The rest of the drive was done in silence, it wasn't awkward but we didn't talk, too into our thoughts to have a conversation I suppose. 

When we finally pulled up to the repair shop Brent was pretty shocked to see Joseph in the back seat and so we had to fill him in and we fell back in silence until Joseph spoke up. 

“How have you been? You look good.” 

“Not without a lot of therapy to be honest but I hate talking about it so I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the full extent.” He said and Joseph hugged him tightly. 

“What matters is you got better and you look happier and healthier. I was honestly beginning to worry you’d end it all without help.” Joseph said. How right he was, was spot on. 

“That night I was admitted I was going to…” He said looking at his hands and I thanked the heavens we were home and we premade lunch and we just had to warm it up. 

After the food was heated up, we sat down and Altan just sat and looked at us, his mind is blocked so I can't even hear his thoughts and when he does that, he's truly upset and hurt. He did that a lot before he and Brent talked. 

"Altan are you alright?" Brent asked first. I kept my mouth shut knowing Altan so well, he's not alright. 

"Not really no. What I don't understand is, why take eight months to finally come see us? I'm gonna be honest and tell you Kingsley that I have known from the moment you came back. I knew exactly where you were and how you were doing. I knew you were healthy and had a good job working for my family and Kate is mated to family so I have been told about you by more than one person. I had a lot to do with you coming back, you know that so what exactly did you come up with to think it was ok to not come to us sooner? More specifically Gary since you are his mate. Also you are mine, I just never told you back then because I didn't want you to feel like you were hurting someone else so I kept my distance but I fought like hell to get you healthy so you wouldn't die. When you died, I had to go, far away from everyone for a while because it felt worse than a rejection so when you did finally come back, I felt a lot better, almost whole again. Yea I could have popped in and been like 'surprise' but I wanted to see how long it took you to reach out, to see how important Gary was to you. Instead I find out you have been friends with Brent this whole time and went to see your family but you didn't even come here, to see anyone really. I'm not mad or pissed off, I'm hurt Joseph, Gary deserved to have his destined mate in his life. Yes we have a mate bond but you and him are true mates and you not reaching out to him is just completely wrong. I don't care how anyone looks at it, it is wrong. If it were me or anyone else, we would have wanted to see our mate as soon as possible. Did you not feel anything, feel empty, lost, incomplete? Anything at all when you came back and weren't with us? Eight months Joseph, after fourteen years, that's a hell of a long time to be without our mate. You take your time and think about a reasonable excuse to my question and when you have one, let me know. I'm so happy you are here don't think I'm not, all of my mates here with me is a dream come true but I am going to have a hard time forgiving you for this. Not to put Brent on the spot but he hasn't even earned my forgiveness even though I accepted him as my mate, I still haven't forgiven him and he knows and I know those reasons that we won't discuss. I don't even know if you want to be my mate, that is your choice, I won't influence you into accepting me or anything like that. Gary though, he deserves you as his mate Joseph because he loves you and when he loves someone, it's bliss. Do not hurt him again. Do what you feel is right when it comes to me, I'll accept whatever you choose." Altan got up from his seat, kissed me and Brent and kissed Joseph's forehead and went upstairs. 

“I think I’ll just head out. Thank you all for your time. It’s good to see you Brent.” Joseph smiled. 

“Are you really leaving just like that?” I asked. 

“He’s right. Gary, I should have come sooner, there’s nothing I can say that would be good enough for him. He gave me my life back, I can’t compete with that level, I’m human for God sakes. What can I do to make a God feel better? That's the question I have because right now I just feel like utter crap. I just…need some time.” He said and wrote an address down.  

“Collen gave us all two weeks off while the office is being renovated so I’ll be at my parents so I’m not leaving, not now at least. Hopefully I can make it up to you all in that time.” He said kissing me and hugging Brent.

I couldn’t have him leave me again, not like this. 

“If you walk out that door Joseph Kingsley, you better never come back. I’m done with you leaving my life and hurting me watching you leave.” I said as my mind replayed the last rejection over and over. 

 He just sighed. 

“So what do you suppose I do Gary? I’m out of options.” 

“How about you fight for us dammit!?” I said, getting pissed off. 

“Now sit down and let's talk this out over lunch.” I huffed and we both sat down across from each other. 

“So Altan is mate's to the three of us? Fuck yea! I'm still Altan sexual.” Brent said practically eye raping us unconsciously. Damn him for making me laugh. 

“You’re what now?” Joseph asked and Brent chuckled. 

“I have always been straight, never even looked at a man in a sexual way but that changed when I met Altan. Now he’s all I can ever think about in a sexual way so therefore making me Atlan sexual.” Brent said and Joseph looked a little lost but smiled nonetheless. 

“Gotcha. Is he going to be ok?” Joseph asked, referring to Altan.

“He will be. His family is big on honesty and being truthful no matter what the situation and knowing you were here and so close but didn’t bother to come, it does hurt and I would also like to understand why you didn’t but the thing about Altan, he feels things on a whole other level. With his power of being empathic he feels things on such a deeper level that it takes him time to sort his feelings and his feelings on top of how I felt and you, it more than likely hit him hard all at once. He just needs time to meditate and relax, to clear his mind. He will be ok though.” 

“Altan has been through a lot, and I’m one of them things who has hurt him way beyond anyone else and if he can come and talk to me, get to know me, look past everything I have done to a lot of people and to him and his family, trust me when I say he will get past this. This is like a papercut compared to a knife wound if you will. It will be fine Joseph, just have faith in him.” Brent said and even though he used wounds as an example, it made sense. 

“Have you two been mated long? You have mate marks so I’m assuming you are mated.” Joseph asked me and I shook my head and blushed slightly.

“No honestly we haven’t. We have been together for four years but we didn’t mark one another until six and a half months ago now.” 

“Wow, why wait so long? You two have something special as far as I can see and I have seen it for myself years ago.” 

“College and work took a lot of our time and if we were to be mated, we would have had to be near each other a lot in the beginning and since he is a God, it wouldn’t have turned out well so we had decided to wait and he asked one night if he could mark me and I said yes because we were both settled into our jobs and we were in a good place in our relationship so it was the perfect time.” 

“Any kids?” He teased but I bit my lip and bounced my leg up and down slightly.

“I’m not sure yet.” I said and hoped he would drop it. I’m almost certain if I was pregnant, Altan would have told me because he would have known before me and he hasn’t said anything yet, if he will.

“I thought for sure you and him would have had a few by now but now I know. Do you want kids?” 

“Of course I do. It takes time sometimes and sometimes it happens the first time you mate. Everyone is different. Chase is finally pregnant and he has been with Kody for a few years and he finally got pregnant so it will happen when it’s meant to. It may not even be Altan who will be the father, maybe that’s why it hasn’t happened yet, I don’t know and I am ok with whatever happens whenever it does.”

“Can you imagine Altan being pregnant?” Brent joked but my face showed no joke about it.

“Hell no.” Joseph and I said at the same time, making us all laugh. 

“He’s like his papa, in almost every way so no, he won’t be taken, he will do the taking.” I said and Brent nodded like he already knew how our sex life was going to be. 

“Well I guess I will just go with the flow when it comes time to do whatever it is we have to do.” Joseph said and I winked at him and he chuckled. 

We both looked at Brent and I couldn’t help but smell his arousal. So our hunter likes the thought of being hunted huh? 

“Well, I hate to run but I have to go back to work. Y'all can continue this conversation and fill me in later or we can wait until I get home.” He said. 

“We have no problem waiting, have fun at work.” I said and he left. 

Since Brent left and Altan was most likely sleeping or meditating I wrote a note to him telling him we would be walking around the pack. 

“This place is pretty damn big.” Was his first thought and I snickered. 

“You don’t know the half of it, some of the members aren’t even here because they’re either still at work, visiting family elsewhere or at another pack looking for their mates. When they’re all back you’re gonna wish it was this quiet again.” I laughed. 

“I’ll take your word for it.” He said as he scanned the area around us. 

“Hey Gary, how are things with Brent?” Alpha Ethan said walking up to us with Beta Kody on his arm. 

“Alpha Ethan. Things are going well. You still don’t trust him although it’s been two months?” I asked sincerely. 

“I mean I’m starting to, but I need more time.” He said and I understood where he was coming from. 

Brent himself doesn’t blame them so we’re not off to a bad or great start. 

“I understand, by the way this is mine and Altan’s mate, Joseph.” I said. 

“Well isn’t he lucky.” He chuckled. 

“I know isn’t he.” I smirked. After all this time he still idolizes Altan and acts like a kid around him still. 

“Joseph, say hi.” I nudged him. 

“Hi Alpha Ethan.” He said and I laughed. Alpha Ethan was a big intimidating guy on the outside but if only Joseph knew how much of a teddy bear he truly was. 

“Welcome to the crazy family.” Beta Kody said laughing and Alpha Ethan pouted. 

“You’re so getting it later. Or maybe not.” Alpha Ethan huffed. Ooo someone’s in trouble. 

“I’m sure we’ll see you guys this weekend. I have off this weekend for once.” I said. 

“I’ll hold you to that.” He said and I chuckled and off they went. 

 As we got home it was pretty late, and honestly I was glad he was tired as well. Which randomly reminded me, I had to check on Altan. 

I went up to our room and opened the door to find him lying on his back, his hands folded on his belly and his feet crossed. His way of sleeping after meditation. I kissed his cheek and pulled a blanket over him and walked out to go back downstairs. 

“Dude, Alpha Ethan is one intimidating Alpha.” Joseph said. 

“Whatever you say.” I said. 

As it got later in the day, Joseph and I cooked dinner and luckily just in time as Brent walked through the door. 

“Hey you, how was work?” I asked him and hugged him, he's very soft for a muscular man.

“As long as I get to tinker with things it’s never boring, so it was pretty fun and great. Has anyone checked on Altan?” He asked. 

“I did after we came home, he was knocked out.” I said. 

“I hear footsteps now so I’ll go check.” He said like a devious kid on a mission. I didn't hear anything, I just think he wants to see his mate which is adorable for Brent.

Not even a minute later all we heard was ‘Brent put me down’. 

“Got him.” He smirked. 

“Did you expect anything else?” I asked Altan. Brent had him wrapped in a sheet and slung over his shoulder like Santa with presents. 

“Just get him to put me down.” He huffed and I laughed. 

“You’re no fun when you just woke up.” Brent said, letting him out of the makeshift sack. 

“You mean no fun when I was still sleeping. You practically jumped on the bed.” He said. 

“Sorry love, I was just worried about you.” He said innocently but we all know he loved teasing Altan. 

“Yea yea, I’m fine and better than I was. I talked to the Goddesses and meditated so I’m a bit more calm. Let’s eat and we can talk.” He said and so we did. 

“What did the Goddesses say?” I asked. 

“They told me what went on but nothing more and just told me to keep an open mind and told me even if I’m a God I’m just as normal as the rest but nothing more.” He said and I nodded. 

“Well did you find my note?” I asked. 

“I found it when I got up to get water and before going back to sleep.” He said. 

“You should have seen Joseph when we ran into Ethan, he lost all color.” I exaggerated in hopes I'd cheer him up. 

"He's a teddy bear, don't worry." Altan laughed a little. 

"Speaking of Ethan, we've been invited to have a family dinner and he insisted so you know what that means." I said laughing. 

"Yup." He smiled. 

After dinner we just had a chill night watching movies and eating junk and smiled when I saw Joseph and Altan talking casually. I really hope tomorrow is a better day. 

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