Hazbin Hotel II Hell's Paradi...

By Fancybunnynii

415K 13.4K 2.2K

*** A fallen Angel, huh? Well, Heaven isn't really crack up to be the best. Cast away to Hell with her cool b... More

War against Heaven
No thanks, Michael!
Little Princess
Present for Charlie!
New Orleans
A Gentleman
Party Time
Hell's new Sinner
Charlie's Girlfriend
Fragile Bonds
Vanishing Act
Happy Hotel
Dance of Gold and Red
Back Home
First Client
666 News
New Friends
Funny Mix-up
Brave or Stupid?
Tea Party
Dinner for Two
The Question
Drinking with Music
Green with Jealousy
Show Off
My Darling Belial
Start of the Day
Lively Party
Don't leave me
Find a Way
Trial of Heaven
Welcome Home

Bite the Bullet

5.4K 203 15
By Fancybunnynii

In the darkest corner of an alleyway, Belial sat against the brick wall. Nifty looks at the blind woman who winces every time she takes a breath. The spot of blood became bigger as the taste of blood color Belial's mouth. She felt like thorns wrap around her heart. Not wanting to waste any time, Belial muster the strength to summon her shadow friend. "Get...Help." She orders the shadow. Nifty quickly went to her side when Belial coughs up blood. Dark gold and spit mix to the floor. "Nifty, you got to do me a favor." Belial still keep her voice calm as she rip her shirt to reveal her bloody chest to show an inch wide hole. It looks like a bullet wound. 

She lifts her back from her spot as she moves her shirt down. "Check...if...there is an exit wound." Nifty quickly looks at Belial back to her shock to see three scars around Belial's lower back. Belial could hear her faint gasp. She doesn't want to show her back but now it is not the time to worry about it now. "There is no exit wound." Nifty told her. 

"I think it is a bullet." Belial coughs out. 

She got to get this thing out of her chest. 

"Let me help then." Nifty is ready to take the thing out of her chest but Belial's left hand wrap around her hand to stop her. "No...Let me do it." Belial told her. She knows it is not a demonic bullet since it doesn't affect her like this.

She doesn't want Nifty hurt from this bullet. 

"It's...holy. It will hurt you." 

Lifting up her right hand for Nifty to see something forming at her finger tips - metal claws with strange etchings on the surface. Without a single moment of hesitation, she drives her right hand into chest. Nifty heard the sound of crackling bones, tearing of muscle, the sound of blood dripping on the ground. She could only watch in shock as Belial shows no reaction to having her hand into her chest. 

Pulling out her hand out of her chest, Belial held a single glowing bullet between her index finger and thumb. A moment of relief could be seen on Belial's face as she rests her back against the brick wall. Her right hand lay limply on her side. "Got it..." Belial broke the tense silence with a tired grin at Nifty. The cyclops' eye is on the bullet resting on the palm of Belial's hand. The fallen angel couldn't see the fading glyphs on the bullet as it disappears - losing its power. Belial breathes in a sharp breath, "Shit...it hurts to move." Nifty quickly takes out a clean handkerchief from her skirt pocket to press on Belial's wound. 

"Let's go, then! Can you heal? You, angels can heal right?" This question made Belial chuckle softly. "I would but...I can't..." She admits. She thought this bullet is an exterminator bullet that she could handle but this bullet is different. It seems stronger, dangerous. Belial couldn't admit it but she felt like she is close to death for that moment. Nifty quickly darts around the alleyway for any way to help her - anything. 

"Haha, what do we find here?" The women heard a deep crackling voice. Nifty saw many eyes of demons on the bleeding Belial resting against the wall. The sight of her blood and flesh brought pleasant chill down their spine. Nifty saw a range of emotions from their eyes - lust, greed, hunger, thirst for blood. "The fallen angel, Belial on the ground like a wounded animal! I never thought the day we would see you like this!" One of the demon's howl with laughter. The others laugh with him. 

Nifty glares at the group of hungry demons. She is ready to tear these demon's eyes and limbs off. The sound of shuffling made Nifty looks at her right. Belial slowly pulls herself up then wipe away the blood from the corner of her mouth. These demons are asking a death wish. Just because she looks like this doesn't mean she is not out of the count. The whispers echoing in her head became frequent. 

Rip off their flesh!

Make them suffer!

Pay with their blood!

"You know...I was just having a good time today but..." Belial takes off her sunglasses to reveal glowing silver eyes. The demon pause to see a silver aura around Belial as her grin became wider. The horns on her head became longer but this time it forms tiny spikes around her horns. Her hair's bun uncurls itself to a wild ponytail. Her metal claws form into full metal gauntlets. Armor boots form around her feet. Glowing chains begin to form around Belial. A couple of demons flinch when two long chains shot at the brick walls. 

"You just have to ruin my day...So let me ask you sinners, who wants to die first?


This day had gotten worst as Belial's shadow burst through the front door. "What the f-!" Husk shouts out as the shadow moves around the lobby's floors, walls, and ceiling like a panicked animal. It knock down a few tables and chairs, paper fly around. This includes Husk's bottle from his hand. "Hey!" Husk curses at the shadow. The noise attract Charlie, Vaggie, and Jasper from the hotel's office at the back of the lobby's front desk. Vaggie held her spear, locating the source of this mess. "What's going on?!" Charlie saw the shadow swiftly moves past their feet. 

"I-it's Lady Belial's shadow...but its acting unusual!" Jasper shouts out. He is about to call the shadow but the sound of the light on the ceiling to pop. He let out a yelp. "How can we stop it?!" Vaggie shouts out. The sound of snapping fingers echoes throughout the lobby. Their eyes turns to Alastor standing in front of the staircase. "Stop this shadow from making a bigger mess." Alastor chuckles. They watch three shadow figures left Alastor's feet to charge at the erratic shadow. They caught the shadow as they fell to the floor into one large black blob. Three shadows tangle and hold down the tinier shadow from moving anymore. 

The wild shadow is reduce to a hand-size black blob. White eyes look up at the people surrounding it. A whimper left its lips. "Great job." Alastor dismiss his shadows to pick up the small shadow into the palm of his left hand. "Now then, young lad. You said this is Belial's shadow?" His eyes lands on the shaky demon. "Y-Yes...I never thought it would act like this." Alastor looks down at the shadow. "Now then, what is wrong? It must be something important if she only sent you." He declares. Before the shadow could point at the door, it let out a loud screech then it melts away between Alastor's fingers to the floor. It is reduce to a puff of smoke. 

This brought a chill down Charlie's spine. The sense of danger made Charlie go to her worried state. "A-aunt Bel...! She must be in trouble." She gasp in realization. Under the deepest part of his heart, Alastor agrees with Charlie. Alastor nods his head then summons his microphone. "Then, we shall go and help!" He declares. Alastor know where she is since he has something that belongs to her - her feather. With a single snap of his finger, Alastor teleport the group with him to aid Nifty and Belial. 


They appear in a dark alleyway. Alastor looks around his surrounding to have his eyes land on the pile of dark gold blood. Charlie gasp at the bloody sight. "A-aunt Bel? Where is Nifty?" She looks around for any sign of the small demon. Vaggie held her spear tightly, alert for any signs of attack. They turns the direction that leads to the street. Their eyes take in the sight of blood spill on the walls and floors. Vaggie and Charlie cringe at the sight of dead demons scattering around the alley. This sight made Alastor's lips curl up with sick delight. 

"Nifty!" Charlie calls for the small demon. In response to her call, Nifty comes from behind a wooden crate. Her eye shines to see a familiar sight. She runs to them. "You guys are here!" Charlie and the other saw that Nifty is in one piece - not a single drop of blood or dirt on her clothes. The princess places her hands on her shoulders. "Y-you're fine! I'm glad...!" She is relieved that one of them is safe. "I-I thought...something bad happen-" 

"I'm perfectly fine since Belial protect me but hurry she is hurt!" Nifty quickly runs away from the group to runs to the street. "Nifty!" Charlie and the other follow the small demon to froze in place. Charlie and Vaggie were shocked beyond belief. Husk's mouth drops open while Alastor looks at the sight with delight. Streets bear deep crates, buildings struggle to stand, fire from flipped cars light up streets, dead demons lay on the streets. 

Stomp, Crunch, Stomp, Crunch

Ah, music to Alastor's ears and a pleasing sight to see Belial let go of herself again. 

Underneath Belial's armored boot is the red mush remains of a demon's head. "Aunt Bel." Charlie broke the rhythm of Belial's boot and the skull of a demon. Vaggie tense up when Belial lifts her head to reveal glowing eyes. Her hands tightly grasp her spear. She will fight even if it is Charlie's aunt. Vaggie promise that she will protect Charlie even from someone like her. Belial straightens herself to reveal her shirtless self with a fist sized wound in her chest. They could hear Belial struggling to breathe. Her blood coats her lips. "I-its me, Charlie." Charlie decides to take the first step towards her aunt. 


Vaggie looks up to see Husk who mutters a shut up. Husk doesn't want her to ruin any chance of calming the walking chaos that is Belial. Five seconds of tense silence, Belial finally utters a word. "...Pup...?" Charlie nods her head. "Yes, it's fine now. Aunt Bel, time to come home." They watch Belial let out a forced laugh. "...Yeah, that sounds...good for now. Especially to you guys..." Her aura and the glow left her body. Belial fell forward. Before she hits the ground, Alastor caught her in his arms. Her face press against his chest. His eyes lands on her scarred back. Sharp nails brush past one of the scars. 

His other hand pets the top of Belial's head. He clicks his tongue at the sight. "Such a shame not to fight you again but I shall wait until you recover." He thought to himself. With a single swoop, Alastor carries her in his arms with his left arm supporting her back and his other hand under her knees. He tense up when realizing that Belial is displaying her black brassier to the world. It took all of his strength to not react at the sight. As if Charlie could see his discomfort, she removes her pink coat to cover Belial up. 

"Now then, let us go back to the hotel. I believe Belial needs help with these wounds!" He announces in a cheerful voice. Husk let out a scoff then mutters a whatever. Vaggie comforts Charlie by pulling her close. Alastor and the others left the sight to return back to the hotel with Belial in tow. 


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