Life With Superman (Completed)

Autorstwa iam_adrianaj

66.4K 2.3K 233


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 17

1.9K 60 13
Autorstwa iam_adrianaj

Danielle has arrived! Sorry for any mistakes.

California was beautiful. My apartment was beautiful. My relationship was beautiful. Cocky? I might be. My life is going good at this moment. I was still in school but I was taking my classes online now so that I could work and bring in my own income. Lance wanted to take care of me financially while I was in school as well as Chaz but I told them that I still wanted to bring in my own money. I didn't want to depend on no man at all. Lance and I didn't live together. He wanted to but I didn't want to move in his apartment and he didn't want to move in to mine so we stayed in separate apartments complexes. It's been a couple weeks, close to a month, and I'm just now finally getting comfortable in my apartment. It was a one bedroom, one bathroom apartment that overlooked the beach.

I was excited that Lance was bringing his daughter, Danielle, over tonight so I could meet her for the first time. She had just came back from Florida from visiting her mom's side of the family. Lance never mentioned Danielle's mom and every time I would bring her up he would just kill the subject. Something wasn't right and I didn't like the fact that he would kill the subject every time. One of these days I was going to get the truth.

*knocks on the door*

"Who is it?" I asked from the other side of the door.

"Who you think it is?" Lance's voice questioned back as I opened the door to see him and Danielle smiling at me.

"And who might you be?" I asked Danielle.

"I'm Danielle," her cute soft voice answered.

"Wassup baby girl," Lance greeted me before he kissed my lips. Danielle covered her eyes and said, "ewww." She was so adorable. Lance put her down and they both walked inside my apartment. The first thing she went to was the living room where the Wii was.

"So you in here making that ass drop?" Lance asked making me laugh.

"No I was just dancing," I answered.

"I was about to say go ahead and throw it back one time for me,"

"If you're throwing stacks I'll throw it back in every direction,"

"Girl you better chill. You know how my friend gets," Lance said looking down at his pants. I couldn't do nothing but laugh. Lance and I still haven't had sex. Like we would make out and touch but we never went further than that. I was waiting for the right time. I wanted to catch him off guard. Plus there was still some things that I had to install in my room and there were a few things I needed to go buy. I've already had a few classes. I wanted that night to be mind blowing. No man wants a boring ass female in bed. Lance and I walked in to the living with Danielle. She saw that I had The Princess and the Frog, my favorite movie, and she screamed. Lance just shook his head and I started laughing.

"She love that damn movie and I'm getting tired of it," Lance said sitting down on the couch.

"Daddy can you put this in?" Danielle asked.

"This ain't my house. Ask her," Lance answered as he focused his attention on his phone.

"Here baby. I'll put it in," I said taking the disc from Danielle. Lance kind of made me upset by saying that. I know he wanted to live together but I wasn't about to move in to his apartment that he paid for. What if we was to get in to an argument and break up? He would put me out and that wasn't going to happen. Not in my book. I laid down on the couch after putting the disc in to the DVD player. Lance looked at me and shook his head but I didn't know why. I guess he wanted me to come sit by him. Danielle climbed on to the couch that I was laying on and sat in front of me. I was shocked that she liked me and she had just met me. I looked at Lance but he was too busy on his phone which got on my nerves. Made me wonder who in the hell had his attention because it sure wasn't me.

Danielle was knocked out before the movie ended. I didn't want to move because I didn't want to wake her up so Lance came and picked her up. There was a knock at the door and I couldn't think of anyone who would come this late at night.

"It's just my moms," Lance said walking to the door. Lance opened the door and greeted his mom, Lynn. This was my first time meeting her and she was sweet. She just couldn't stop complimenting me and telling me how beautiful I was and that we should get to know each other more. Lynn took Danielle from Lance's arms and said bye before leaving out. I locked the door then Lance and I walked in to my bedroom to lay down. This was the perfect time to ask about Danielle's mother now.

"Lance," I said.


"Can you please give me information about Danielle's mom?" I asked.

Lance sighed and asked, "Why does it matter?"

"Cause I want to know. Like can you just be real with me?"

"Danielle's mom left her at home by herself and took off with her boyfriend without telling anyone. Okay?" Lance said getting up from the bed.

"Lance I'm sorry,"

"You good," He said as he put his shoes and jacket on.

"Where are you going?" I asked.


"Are you coming back?"

"I don't know. I'll holla at you later."

That was the last Lance said before he left. I felt bad that I kept asking about Danielle's mom. I somewhat knew how it felt to grow up without a mom being there but I knew that Danielle had both her grandmother's in her life and they both loved her dearly. I was concerned about what Lance was going out to do. I didn't want him to get hurt and I didn't want him to do anything stupid but I knew he wasn't coming back for the rest of the night so I took a shower and just laid down. Hopefully tomorrow would go as planned and the night was even better.

Lance's POV

I hated telling people about Danielle's mom because every time I thought about Danielle's mom made me mad as hell. What kind of mother does that shit. If she didn't want to take care of her damn responsibility she should've told somebody instead of leaving a one year at the damn house by herself without no one around to watch after her. I swear if something would have happen to my daughter I would've hunted her mom down and hurt that bitch. I've never put my hands on a woman before but she deserved whatever came her way. I stopped by the trap house to meet up with everyone. We needed to discuss how we was going to take over and establish our drug cartel.

"Wassup pops," I said as I dapped up my father, Byrd, and my brother Vincent but we called him Vince.

"Wassup. Y'all sit down," my dad demanded, "Look the only way we gon' take over these streets is to take out another drug cartel."

"Who it's ran by?" Vince asked.

"Chaz Johnson and his crew. He has threw boys working for him. That's Jr, Quez, and Cash. He also has a bodyguard, G," my dad said as he laid out pictures of all of them. I took the pictures from his desk and scanned them as my dad kept talking. Taking out people wasn't nothing to us. That's what we did for a living. We started out flipping and whipping to selling on the corner to now killing motherfuckers. That's just what we do. Had to keep my daughter straight. Put a roof over her head, food in her stomach, and clothes on her back. She was motivation to getting money. The only reason I live for other than God letting me live to see day after day. That was my baby girl.

"Alright so what's the plan?" I asked.

"They're hosting a party at a club in a couple weeks for Jr's birthday and I decided that we would give their trap house a little visit while they're gone," my dad explained.

"Wait how are we suppose to find out where their trap is?" Vince asked.

"Laura knows everything," my dad answered.

"Aha my old hoe?" Vince asked making me laugh.

"Watch your mouth boy. You know your mama love her and you love her too," my dad said.

"I'm telling you. I don't know why yo ass acting," I put in. Vince just shook his head. Vince and Laura was funny as hell but Laura definitely Vince's ride or die. Whatever Vince needed, she got it for him. Hell she did the same shit we did when it came to getting money. That's who did all the behind the scene action for us. We needed work, she did it. She even bust at some niggas for us. Her and Vince was on some Bonnie and Clyde type shit just like my parents. That's the main reason why Vince kept her around even though he be stunting like a motherfucker.

I kept thinking about Crystal. She probably was thinking that I didn't care which is not the truth. I did care about her and I wanted to prove to her that I did care so I decided to head back to her crib and stay with her for the night. I wanted to live together but she didn't want to me in with me which made me upset but I didn't say nothing about it. I just left it alone. One of these days we were soon going to live under the same roof and I willing to wait on that day.

I knocked on Crystal's door until she came to open it. She was so beautiful even though it looked like she just woke up. All the thoughts that was rushing through my head made my friend get on hard but I had to calm it down. I knew she wasn't ready and I wasn't going to rush her. Waiting on the right time.


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