heal me [k. bakugou]

By MiddleClassWriter

165K 4.6K 1.2K

"You didn't hurt me." "What?" He scoffed lightly. "You did not hurt me." She repeated herself. "Hurt is inte... More

act i
part ii
part iii
new book?


5.6K 176 28
By MiddleClassWriter

now playing I cant handle change by roar

"i'm so tired!" kirishima groaned as yuki, mina, kaminari and he walked back into the classroom. they were all extremely sweaty, and definitely worn out. mr. aizawa didn't hold back during the assessment at all. "but then again, i'm sad that the day is over."

"i'm not," mina exhaled as she scooped up her bag. "the one thing i want right now is a nice hot shower."

"can i join?" kaminari winked cheekily toward the girl. mina lifted her head up at the comment and walked over to kaminari. the boy immediately redden in the face as he reached up to scratch his neck. "i'm sorry! i didn't mean it..."

mina stopped mid walk and let her frown drop. "wait," she scoffed, popping one of her hips out. "so now you don't wanna shower with me?" she asked, offended that kaminari had taken his offer back. "if you're going to make a comment like that, do it with your whole chest, denki. no one likes take-backs." she huffed.

"huh?" kaminari asked, looking down at mina. he had confusion written all over his face. "i thought you—"

hitting kaminari's arm with a book she had been holding, she scrunched up her nose. "and i'll have you know denki, i look really hot in the shower! you're missing out. fantisize about it, why don't you?"

with that, mina huffed one last breathe toward the blond and strutted out of the classroom. kaminari widened his eyes before twisting on his heels to face yuki and kirishima. "i don't think i understand..." he murmured. "what just happened."

"i don't know buddy," kirishima chuckled as he threw his bag over one shoulder. he walked over to his friend and gave him a soft pat on the shoulder, "i don't know. at least you know now, at least with mina, to not hold back. or you'll get wacked again."

"chicks, man," denki complained as he exited the classroom, the there two trailing behind him. "and to think i was good with the ladies."

"maybe one day," yuki murmured in a soft voice, as to comfort the boy. denki had his shoulders hunched over as he walked, looking much like a sad puppy. yuki followed behind the boys afterwards, much more quietly, at a sluggish pace. it didn't take kirishima long to notice her rapid change in behavior. kirishima slowed his steps down before looping his arm around her shoulders like he had been doing all day. 

"we'll see you tomorrow, kaminari," he called out to the blond before looking down at yuki. "what's up?" he questioned as he leaned his head down to talk to her. yuki let a small yawn slip out past her lips before she tried to answer.

"I'm just tired," she sighed, reaching up her left hand to rub her eyes. "that's all," she let another yawn escape. "nothin' to worry about." 

"aizawa work you too hard?" kirishima held the front building door open for them as he continued the conversation.

yuki shook her head, "he worked all of us hard."

"then, what's got you so sleepy?" kirishima prodded softly. yuki blinked her eyes a few times quickly to stop her from falling asleep then and there. she had only felt these symptoms a few times before and they never ended well. she cracked her neck a few times, hoping the movement would keep her awake. the two walked down the concrete courtyard before they reached the huge, metal doors of u.a high school.

"if i use my quirk too hard and too much in a short period of time," yuki begun to explain to the boy, "such as a class period, then my body gets exhausted. very exhausted, and pretty quickly. there isn't much stopping it, not that i have learned yet. it's just a downside of my quirk."

"did you over use your quirk?"

yuki hung her head down to face the ground, almost ashamed. "maybe..." her voice trailed off softly. 

the boy clicked his tongue. "yuki," he shook his head. "it's the first day, you should have held yourself back a little or preserved your energy." 

"i wanted to impress mr. aizawa!" she said, bringing her hands back up to her face. "and it's hard to hold back when he said the lowest scoring student was going to be expelled. even though we now that was a lie now, i didn't want that student to be me." 

kirishima stopped walking as the two hit the main streets. he glanced down at the tried girl, who he had perched under his left arm. yuki was visibly tiresome, and by the looks of it, couldn't keep her eyes open very well. her eyelids would drop every other second, being shot back open at the last moment. "do you want me to walk you home?" kirishima asked, budging her shoulder gently so she would open her eyes again. "to make sure you get there safe?" 

yuki parted her lips before meekly shaking her head. "it's alright kirishima, i've dealt with the fatigue before. i'm sure i can manage."

please, don't help me. she thought, chewing on her bottom lip. i can't accept it. please please please.

kirishima unwrapped his arm from yuki and soon cupped both of her shoulders in his hands. the pair stood close to each other, face to face. "you sure? i don't mind yuki. i know we haven't known each other that long but i... i don't want anything bad to happen to ya."

a warm, pink tint dusted over yuki's cheeks but again, she denied his request. "i'll be alright, i promise."

kirishima clicked his tongue and took his hands back. he dug around in his jacket pocket for a moment and fished out his phone. with a quick click of the screen, kirishima offered the phone toward yuki. she glanced down to see a fresh contact page open. "text me when you get home?"

yuki let her fingers gently ghost over the keypad while the phone was still in kirishima's clutches. once she was done, the boy sent a quick text to her so she would have his number as well. she felt her phone buzz inside her bag.

she laughed softly to herself as she imagined what mina's reaction would be if she were to have witnessed the scene though, yuki knew the difference between flirting and concern. she knew deep down that kirishima was simply worried about her.

yuki nodded her head, "i will." and with that final comment, kirishima and yuki parted ways.


after around twenty minutes of walking, yuki was finally a few streets away from her neighborhood. she felt her eyes become extremely heavy. most of her body ached, but none felt like the arches of her feet. they stretched as she continued to walk, paining her with every step she took. yuki sighed as she blinked quickly to keep herself awake. she knew she had over worked herself during her assessment, but she didn't regret it. yuki wanted to do everything possible to impress her new teacher. to impress anyone. 

she wasn't the most present being, with a soft exterior and an even more delicate interior. yuki had the kindest of hearts, melting between fingertips and staining minds. she just wanted to be seen. to be perceived. 

yuki tried her best to pick up her walking pace. There was a strong urge to get home quicker swirling around her body-- she knew it wouldn't be long until everything fell apart. Her body was sending signals to her mind. It was starting to shut down. 

yuki began to skip over the cracks in the sidewalk as she began to feel the slight banging against her skull. she shuffled faster when her head started to spin. she had never fainted fully, and never in public, yet she didn't know how much longer she would be able to hold on. 

yuki looked up from the ground and gazed around for anything that could possibly distract her from the humming dizziness she was feeling. her eyes landed on someone walking in front of her. a boy. he was only a few feet in front of her. he had ash blond hair. yuki recalled seeing him for a majority of her walk home, but he had seemed to slow down. now the two were only an estimated five feet apart.

before yuki could investigate the boy more, she heard a heavy sigh and the kicking of pebbles as the boy harshly spun around. yuki easily recognized the crimson eyes and the permanent frown. bakugou. 

"are you following me or something?" his tone was dark, and it dripped with the ghost of anger. yuki weakly shook her head as an answer. every movement sent another crack of pain circling. her mind had become extremely foggy and yuki was slowly processing that she could faint at any minute. "or did you come all this way to brag that you did better than me during the ball throw? huh?"

"no..." yuki lifted her hand to her temple and inhaled sharply. her head ached, yet there was nothing she could do. no amount of slow breathing or blocking the sunlight could help the pain she felt. "I don't care," she paused as she sharply inhaled once more. "about the ball throw. you're technique was better anyway. a-and you dominated the ranks..." yuki spoke quietly, nearing a whisper. bakugou stepped closer to hear her hums, leaning his ear down to her height.

"then what is it?" bakugou questioned, frustration climbing up the back of his throat. he walked closer to yuki again, only coming a few inches of her. "why are you following me?"

"I'm not following you. not everything is... about you," yuki breathed out quietly, "I live there. w-white house, yellow door." she couldn't speak loud enough anymore. She could hardly speak at all. yuki lifted a shaky hand to point at house at the end of the street across from them. Bakugou squinted his eyes, examine the pale colored house. he stared at the less-than-green lawn, the rusted shingles, and the cherry blossoms on the rooftop. he scoffed. 

"yeah, right," bakugou clicked his tongue and took a step closer to yuki, "i think i would know if you were my neighbor."

"just... moved." yuki couldn't fight back, or even process the words of frustration that left the boy's lips. her knees gave out, buckling into each other before her back slapped the pavement hard. the fall took the struggling breath out of her lungs. bakugou stared down at the girl with wide eyes as he took a step back. he watched her fall, but couldn't process fast enough to catch her. it all had happened too quickly. 

he scurried to the ground next to her, hovering his fingers above her neck, checking for any beat of her heart. it was present, slower than normal but not alarmingly so. bakugou looked under her head for blood shed, but it was clean. he sighed softly as he allowed himself to relax for a moment.

he watched as yuki's eyes slowly closed, losing the crystal color in the process. her hands fell off her temples and to the pavement with a soft echo. bakugou gulped at the scene. he noted her shallow breathing. 

he glanced around him once more before scooping the girl gently up in his arms. he held under her thighs and her back, securing her in a tight hold. he furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at her. a girl of 16 shouldn't have been this light, nor should her shoulder blades be stabbing his hands as he carried her across the street. 

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