𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo...

By chib1chan

57.3K 1.2K 2.3K

Haunted by a terrible childhood due to her cruel fate, y/n has been looking for the Spider since she was a ch... More

Crimson eyes
Master (lemon)
I love you
Jefe (slight lemon)
Sweet dreams (lemon)
The thorn birds
Spider (lemon)
Eternity (end)


3.3K 87 91
By chib1chan

Your pov

Melody is calling...

Melody: "Kurapika! Y/n! We can't find the boss! She changed her clothes in the bathroom, so it looks like she organized everything!"
Kurapika: "I have half idea where she is headed. Go back to the hotel and get ready"

Call ended.

Kurapika: "His daughter ran away, we are probably headed to the same place"
Y/n: "The auction..."
Light: "They're saying they saw her come in..."
Y/n: "Don't worry, Kurapika and I will take care of it, but I can't help that much in these situations, with your chain you can find her in much less time, and I don't see the reason to collaborate. I'll take care of the spider"
Kurapika: "All right. I'll rejoin you as soon as I find her".

Well, that way I can kill the killers without Kurapika noticing.

Chrollo's pov

Chrollo: "I heard you're good with prophecies"
Neon: "I manage. Many important people come to me on purpose"
Chrollo: "How accurately do you get it right?"
Neon: "100%, they say!"
Chrollo: "They say...? But aren't you making the predictions?"
Neon: "My hand writes by itself"
Chrollo: "Huh? Fantastic! Would you read my future?"
Neon: "Sure. Write your name, date of birth and blood type on the paper"
Chrollo: "All right... So there"
Neon: "Let's see... Done!"
Chrollo: "May I see?"
Neon: "Sure. My prophecies are a bit strange, perhaps the events of the first verse have already occurred"
Chrollo: "Huh?"

'The calendar loses a precious component.
The remaining months gather to mourn.
The mourners play a melody,
While the eleventh moon quietly rises'

Chrollo: "incredible... Everything matches... We should go now"

'East is the direction to follow. You will find one who awaits you...'

Someone waiting for me, huh?

Chrollo: "Let's create a good mess".

Your pov

???: "Nostrade-sama, your daughter is resting in room 501 on the fifth floor"
Light Nostrade: "Kurapika, come with me. Y/n, at least take care of patrolling the building"
Y/n: "received".

Well, I don't even have to seek an excuse.
I killed three of the killers, now I'll stalk one of them, maybe he'll take me to a spider.

Huh? Did he stop behind a door? Who did he see?

Killer: "No stupid traps, let's have fun you and me alone".
???: "It doesn't seem like we're alone, don't you think? I have a feeling that someone is following you".

Shit! This is not the situation to talk to him, I'll have to be patient and run away.
Who knows who it was... He must have been a spider judging by the corpses that decorate the corridors.
Perfect kills.
What? A pen? Who kind of killer kills with a pen? Could it be his Nen?

Chrollo's pov

Uvo-san, can you hear it? It is our requiem for you.

Leaving the room, I noticed three more corpses, it can't possibly have been one of mine, they don't have this killing method, and then none of them have entered yet.
Could this be the guy who was following the killer earlier to get to me? However, did he do it to get my attention or because he wanted to challenge me personally?

No, the last one is to be excluded, as soon as I spoke of a stalking, his aura suddenly disappeared. If he wanted to challenge me he would show up after I killed that guy. He probably thought about waiting for introductions, realizing it wasn't the best time.
Judging by the kills, he's smart, it didn't take long, the same time it took me to kill the guy he was stalking.
He's an interesting guy, I like him.

Kurapika's pov

Light Nostrade: "They're late! Our escort hasn't arrived yet!? They are called Melody and Basho"
???: "They are probably stuck in traffic, the ambulance is on its way".

Ambulance? There is something suspicious. The man who entered the building with Neon wanted to call a doctor...

Kurapika: "Boss"
Light Nostrade: "Kurapika, don't walk away from my daughter. Outside there is already y/n. You stay here, at least until the ambulance arrives"
Kurapika: "...All right then".

Finally, the ambulance has arrived.
It is dangerous for Y/n to patrol the building alone in this situation.

Light: "If you really care, now you can go out, but if I call you you have to come back immediately, along with
Kurapika: "Received".

The chaos has broken out... It is only a matter of time before the situation becomes uncontrollable. I have to brake y/n before she gets in trouble,
I care about her safety.

Unknown number is calling...

Kurapika: "Hello?"
Gon: "Oh, kurapika!"
Kurapika: "Huh?"
Gon: "What a relief, I can finally hear you!"
Kurapika: "Gon!?"
Gon: "Yup. Can you talk now?"
Kurapika: "No, I'm sorry. I'm busy"
Gon: Wait up! I have something to tell you! Killua and I met the Phantom Troupe. Or rather, they captured us"
Kurapika: "What's going on inside your head!? Do you have any idea how dangerous they are?"
Killua: "We didn't realize it, but now we know, and for that we need your cooperation"
Kurapika: "Don't talk nonsense, I already have my informants and my helpers"
Killua: "The guy with the chain who killed one of them is you, right? They are looking for you everywhere. If you don't consider us your friend or your equal, we will force you to cooperate!"
Kurapika: "I'll call you back..."

Call ended.

???: "Are you ok? I found the bodies of some killers! Someone has already entered the building!"

Shit. The intruder must be a member of the spider. I have to find y/n immediately or it'll get bad for her if she meets them.

Y/n: "Kurapika!"
Kurapika: "y/n! What a relief, are you ok?"
Y/n: "Never been better! The boss?"
Kurapika: "Rests in her room. They found the bodies of some killers, maybe it's time to rejoin us, are you going to go through that door?"
Y/n: "Don't worry, go back to the boss, I'll take care of it here, if I made it this far, it won't be a problem to continue. I prefer to keep on alone again, sorry"
Kurapika: "You're right, the boss is calling me. Please be careful"
Y/n: "You too".

Your pov

Inside that door... There are... The Zoldycks and...
The head of the Spider...

I have hidden my presence since I entered this building, but Chrollo had realized myself anyway, who knows what he must have thought...
I just hope he doesn't already see me as an obstacle to get rid of quickly.
Probably the Zoldycks have also noticed that I'm spying on them from back here, but they are too busy with the moment to pay attention to an insignificant brat like me.

Silva: "How long... Do you remember me?"
Chrollo: "How could I have forgotten? You killed one of the spiders"
Silva: "It has been difficult"

I guess killing my parents was a piece of cake, wasn't it?

The battle has already begun, but the noises they produce are very slight, it was to be imagined by professionals like them.
Will Chrollo make it against two Zoldycks?
If not, I'll be ready to risk my life to save him, at least distracting them for a few seconds.
Unfortunately I can't see what's going on in there, but I can at least hear their voices.

Zeno: "Alright?"
Silva: "No problem"

Apparently Silva was attacked. Strangely, I don't feel wrath towards him, after all that day he only did his everyday work, my parents were worth nothing to him. That infamous aunt, it's all her fault...
She didn't even deserve to die...
The building started shaking within seconds of the fight... Will I be able to impress the boss, considering what's going on?

Zeno: "NOW! KILL HIM!"

just two minutes have passed since the clash and already an explosion has engulfed the entire building, stunning my ears, but not inflicting damage.
I absolutely have to see how Chrollo is!

Damn... Due to the din I can't hear what they're saying, but it looks like all three survived.
As soon as the Zoldycks opened the door, I took a quick glance before running away at full speed, and Chrollo was staring at me with a mischievous smile as if to say
"Come in, don't be afraid".

I hadn't realized that the explosion had caused me to subconsciously deactivate the zetsu.
The boss... Has seen me!
However, Light Nostrade was calling me, so I had to run away, otherwise I would have aroused too many suspicions. But I had time to smile from afar at Chrollo, who pulled the bandana off his hair to throw it at me.

I couldn't understand what that gesture meant, but then he motioned me to look down. My thigh is bleeding, so he gave me the bandage to stop the bleeding. Before tying it up and running away, I kissed the bandana to convey my intentions, obviously not hostile.

I met Kurapika outside the building, he noticed my leg because that evening I was wearing a different dress suitable for the occasion:
the color was a scarlet red, it was a sheath dress, rather simple but very elegant.
I had to get involved in the crowd.

Kurapika: "y/n!"
Y/n: "Kurapika! Are y-
???: "Hey, you two! Shouldn't you take part in the auction?"
Kurapika: "What do you mean?"
???: "The boss of the Phantom Troupe has been killed".

Poor naive. Don't you realize who you are talking about? If he was still alive after that battle, he would still be alive for a long time.

Kurapika: "That can't be true..."
Y/n: "In fact it's all bullshit. Come on, let's go, we'll kill him".

I'm not bad as an actress after all!

After that, those two men from earlier took us to the place where the alleged corpses of the Phantom Troupe members were.
At the sight of them I shivered, but then I calmed down thinking that it was the work of the Nen of one of the members. If only I could talk to Hisoka...

Immediately after seeing those bodies, Kurapika ran to the auction to get hold of the crimson eyes, so we went back to the hotel. Melody reassured us that they would take care of tomorrow's auction.

Kurapika's pov

Well, now I informed Gon as well... The bodies were too realistic to be fake...
Who knows what y/n thinks...
Y/n! She was hurt when we joined us! I have to take care of her!

Y/n: "Don't worry, I'm fine. I found this sling on the floor, someone will have lost it. So I used it to stop the bleeding"
Kurapika: "I see... Listen...
No, it doesn't matter".

How the heck did she get such a wound? Could she have done something behind my back?

Author's pov

Kurapika is now drowning in an indescribable emptiness
*Happy guitar solo*.

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