𝐼 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 (Chrollo...

By chib1chan

59.7K 1.2K 2.4K

Haunted by a terrible childhood due to her cruel fate, y/n has been looking for the Spider since she was a ch... More

Master (lemon)
I love you
Jefe (slight lemon)
Sweet dreams (lemon)
The thorn birds
Spider (lemon)
Eternity (end)

Crimson eyes

3.7K 83 122
By chib1chan

Time skip

Your pov

After those words, Ilu offered to help me bury my grandfather's body, without saying anything else.
He asked me if I wanted to stay there, even though he already knew the answer would be no, although I had no other choice.
He decided to lend me some money and recommended a place where I could sleep using the Hunter license. When I got out of the car, I gave him an endless deep hug, then he muttered a "goodbye" and drove away.

During these months I have trained my Nen by expanding the effectiveness of hatsu and I have become stronger to try to get the job I was looking for. I chose to work for the Nostrade family, as they were closer to the Yorknew City auction, although I haven't tried to get hired yet.

It's almost August now, I should call Hisoka to ask him about the hunter exam he had to repeat, but he didn't give me his number...
Unless ...

The card!

I immediately took the card I had kept, and activating the gyo I saw a number written on the back of the card.
That fool...

Hisoka's pov

Sweet fruit~♡ is calling...

Long last! I've waited so long for this moment! Who knows how much she have changed...

Hisoka: "yo~♧"
Y/n: "Hisokaaa!"

I missed her beautiful voice, I guess she is happy now, if so am I.

Hisoka: "How's my precious doll?~♤"
Y/n: "I'm good! I have a lot of things to tell you!!! You can't even imagine..."

Her voice became melancholy in the last sentence... Is she pretending to be happy with me?

Hisoka: "I'm glad, I have to talk to you about my exam as well~◇"

(Time skip)

Y/n: "Why did you have to terrorize two children? Even if you said they are very strong you can't be creepy with them!"
Hisoka: "Speaks the one who killed her grandpa~♤"

Y/n: "Leave me alone!"
Hisoka: "Okay, but I have to tell you something important... Or I better say to show you... See you in an hour in front of the place where you are staying for the moment~♡"
Y/n: "How do you know? Did you stalk me?"
Hisoka: "I asked Illumi, I knew he would help you~♧"

Your pov

Y/n: "Illumi!"
Hisoka: "Mh?~◇"
Y/n: "Oh, it's nothing, I just remembered his full name"

I can't tell him he's my best friend, it's our secret.

Hisoka: "Heedless~♡ Anyways, see you later fruit~♧"
Y/n: "Wa-

Call ended.

He's such a silly boy, but I love him just the same, he's a friend after all, the only one after Ilu.
I opened the wardrobe I had in my narrow room to choose a more lively dress, today I'm in a good mood, I don't want to wear black clothes at least for today!
I chose my grandmother's nineteenth-century style dark green dress, one of the most beautiful, and I ran to the bathroom to get ready, I want to see how much I can surprise Hisoka!

Hisoka's pov

I rang the doorbell of her hotel room, and as soon as the door opened, I saw a gorgeous girl standing in front of me, light makeup on her pretty face and an amazing dress that flattered her waist and... It doesn't matter. Gorgeous. Should be of age now right?

Y/n: "Yeah!"
Hisoka: "...What?~♡"
Y/n: "I got you! Ahah! You're wordless!"
Hisoka: "Yeah... I couldn't help it. You look beautiful, the boss would pass out if he saw a sexy woman like you filter with him and tease him~◇"

I regret it, I shouldn't have said that.
She is jumping on her bed screaming inconceivable words. Cute. I told the truth though, I'm glad I made her happy~♧

Hisoka: "Can you stop screaming and get out of bed please?~♤"
Y/n: "Oh! Sorry! It's just... It's just that I couldn't believe it! You'll make me so happy if you swear it's the truth!"

I nodded smiling, and she jumped on me hugging me tightly. Adorable.

Hisoka: "Stop that! You're embarrassing me! And you will ruin your wonderful dress!"
Y/n: "Okay sorry again I'm too happy to calm down"
Hisoka: "Anyways fruit... Are you ready? Take a deep breath and close your eyes~◇"

Your pov

I almost forgot that he had to show me something important. I covered my eyes with both hands, then heard the sound of something rather light falling to the floor.

Hisoka: "You can watch now~♡"

As soon as I opened my eyes, I subconsciously glanced at the floor to identify what made that sound.
I saw his crop top, so I looked up in confusion and saw a tattoo of a spider covering his back.

Y/n: "You're kidding. It's not possible, I can't believe you. You're definitely kidding"
Hisoka: "Well... It depends. I'm lying but not to you~♧"
Y/n: "What the hell?!"
Hisoka: "Bungee gum has the proper-
Y/n: "Cut it out"
Hisoka: "Tsk, all right! The tattoo is fake, I did it with bungee gum, but I'm still part of the spider. Let me explain. I killed member number 4, so I'm supposed to become the fourth member of the Phantom troupe, but I don't care, I just want to meet the boss~◇"

I shivered and gulped before asking him the crucial question:

Y/n: "Do you know where Chrollo is?"
Hisoka: "Unluckily, no~♤"

I threw myself on the bed resigned and sighed, but Hisoka sat next to me trying to console me.

Hisoka: "Don't worry! I heard from Machi, a member of the spider, that he will be in Yorknew City on August 30th with all the members, I should also be there since I should be part of the spider~♡"
Y/n: "That's... That's amazing! Thank you so much!"

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek making him blush, and then got up to leave the room.
He obviously followed me.

Hisoka: "Y/n, little fruit, what's going on through your head?~♧"
Y/n: "I MUST work as a bodyguard for Nostrade's family right NOW or I'll be late!"
Hisoka: "Do you need to get something? I think you should at least bring your wallet~◇"

I ran to the room and took the ace of hearts and a pin Ilu gave me a few weeks ago when we met again for the first time in months.

Hisoka: "I know someone who wants to work there as well~◇"
Y/n: "Seriously?!"
Hisoka: "Yup. I can give him your number as it is rude if i give you his without warning him~♡"
Y/n: "Okay! It will be easier for me if I already know someone!"
Hisoka: "Okay, good luck my dear fruit, don't die~♧"
Y/n: "Speak for yourself!"

I greeted him with a chuckle and went to the station to go to the Nostrade family building.
I think I'm ready to work there.
As soon as I sat in the seat of the first train, an unknown number called me.

Y/n: "Hello?"
???: "Pleased to meet you. Hisoka gave me your number saying you want to work for Nostrade's family"

As I imagined, he was the guy Hisoka was talking about.

Y/n: "Nice to meet you, we don't need names. You're right, Hisoka told me about you too"
???: "Can we talk face to face please?"
Y/n: "Sure. When and where?"
???: "Hisoka told me you'll come to the palace within the day, so I'll wait for you"
Y/n: "Are you already there?"
???: "Yes, for about half an hour"
Y/n: "All right. I'll be there in about two hours"
???: "All right"

Call ended.

He's worse than Ilu! His voice is almost scary for how cold it is.

As soon as I entered the villa, a butler greeted me in the waiting room where there were already six people, including a blond boy who smiled at me as if to say "I'm the one who called".
Returning the smile, I approached him, but before I could say hello, a man appeared on a big screen:

Butler: "Now that you are all there, you will receive the information for your engagement"

???: "I don't care about the license, I just care that you are able to get me what I want"

After that, we were provided with devices bearing the items that guy was talking about.

As soon as a Kurta's eyeballs appeared on the screen, the boy on the call froze and shivered.
The tension of that moment was broken by that boy's voice, warning us that being strong is essential to being hired, enough to get out of this building.

As soon as the screen went out, strange black men rushed into the room and attacked us.
Looking for something to protect myself from bullets, I realized that a guy with horrible sideburns wasn't being attacked, but was trying to disguise himself.
So I rushed on him putting my hands on his temples and depriving him of conscience, he will stay like that for a while.
In doing so, I also stopped his hatsu discovering that those men were his doing, too easy.

Blonde guy: "You preceded me, my compliments"
Y/n: "It was basic to think of a spy in these situations, or even two"
Blonde guy: "You aren't wrong"

With the Dowsing technique and with the help of a lady's hatsu that makes her perceive people's heartbeat, the other spy was discovered. They said it would be difficult...
That blonde guy and I quickly separated from the rest of the group by exiting first, I was quite happy to be out so easily, but he didn't seem to think the same.

Kurapika's pov

If I found an item and got the place, I would be able to participate in the Yorknew city auction... In fact, I absolutely have to participate! The Spider will be there and I must avenge my brothers...

Y/n: "What are you thinking so terrible?"
Kurapika: "None of your business"
Y/n: "Why?"
Kurapika: "This may be the last time we see each other. I don't see the reason to tell you about it"
Y/n: "At least you could ignore it and say you were worried about something else. I know it's crimson eyes, you shivered when they appeared on the screen"
Kurapika: "That's enough! Okay I'll tell you a few things but don't think about getting personal information! This is only because you impressed me before..."
Y/n: "Go ahead"
Kurapika: "I'll tell you just one thing since you don't seem like one of them... I'm looking for the spider, those infamous ones! They all deserve to be exterminated! THEY BELONG TO HELL!"

Your pov

They belong to hell, huh?
Take back what you said before I choke you with your own chains.

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