By yoonmai1

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Cover By: @SolanaStellaLuna SOPE AU Love. Youth. Passions. Talents. Friends. And Hate. What else could you... More

Character List (READ!!)
Reverse Card
never ending
New Attitude
something (part 2)
Not Just Friends
Not Just Friends (part 2)
Face Reveal
Make Out
Make out (part 2)
Right Away
Double News
Next Step
I'm Jealous
End Results
Last Chance
Heartbreak PART 2
Authors Note


43 4 3
By yoonmai1

"MIN YOONGI WAKE UP, WE'RE LATE! HURRY UP! YOONGIIIII!!" Hoseok jumped out of bed.

It was 9am and they had planned to wake up earlier so they could go have breakfast with Hoseok's mom.

"YOONGI, I SAID WAKE UP!" Hoseok shouted again.

In return a sleepy Joon-Ho dashing into the room scared for the yelling.

"The fuck you doing?" He asked.

"Trying to wake up this man." Hoseok answered a bit annoyed.

"Don't yell at him." Joon-Ho teased.

"What do you suggest then." Hoseok crossed his arms.

"I don't know. I've never tried to wake him up before." Joon-Ho shrugged.

"Exactly." Hoseok rolled his eyes and turned back to look at Yoongi.

Joon-Ho, then, started walking towards Yoongi. He looked at him as he laid on the bed, snoring lightly, mouth slightly opened, and arms spread across the bed. He chuckled lightly and then looked back at Hoseok, who was ready with his dagger eyes.

"Why don't you just leave him alone?" Joon-Ho suggested.

"I don't because I know that if someone doesn't wake him up, he might not wake up himself." Hoseok answered and walked to Joon-Ho's side.

"Then, ummm... pour water on him, boom." Joon-Ho again suggested.

"No! He'll murder me if I do. Plus that's worst than yelling at him." Hoseok again glared at the younger.

"Then I don't know, just don't be rude to him. You have no idea how much he suffers when you are." Joon-Ho whispered the last part.

Hoseok took a deep breath and turned to look at Joon-Ho.

"Did you say something?" He asked, clearly knowing what he said.

"Yea, I said that you have no idea how to wake him up!" Joon-Ho shouted a bit.

Hoseok knowing that's not what he said. They both rolled their eyes at each other. Hoseok then walked up to Yoongi and grabbed his left arm, he then pulled his arm. That made Yoongi groan and move around.

"Yoongles, wake up." Hoseok repeated in his ear.

Joon-Ho then threw himself next to Yoongi, watching him whine at the sunlight and Hoseok trying to wake him up. He snuggled onto Yoongi's side and giggled at Hoseok's actions.

"He's not gonna wake up." He again said.

"I know, this guy is hard to wake up." Hoseok gave up and rested his head on Yoongi's chest.

"Yoongiiii!" Hoseok again shouted and shook him trying not to kiss him right infront of Joon-Ho.

"Mmm?" Yoongi groaned once more.

"Wake up, we're late." Hoseok again shook his arm.

Joon-Ho still smiled at his poor tries.

"Move over." Hoseok looked over at Joon-Ho and signaled him to move.

Joon-Ho scooted a little bit towards the edge and pulled Yoongi with him.

"Now leave, I want to wake him up by myself." Hoseok hopped into the bed as well.

"Never, I want to watch you fail." Joon-Ho rested his head back and watched.

For the next 5 minutes they poked his cheeks, and tried all ways without making an out rage. He would just move around, kicking Joon-Ho in the process, not so accidently.

"Even in his sleep he hates me." Joon-Ho teased.

"Ahhh this is impossible." Hoseok sat back.

When he did, Yoongi instinctively crawled onto his lap like a cat and snuggled closer to Hoseok. With that the younger caressed his head and looked down at Joon-Ho who had fallen asleep again.

"Baby, wake up." Hoseok whispered to Yoongi.

He grabbed his chin and made the sleeping boy unknowingly look at him.

"Wake uuup!" He whined.

Yoongi after so much tries finally started wakin up, and felt himself on Hoseok's lap.

"Yoongles... wake up or I'll kiss you." Hoseok said adding a bit of aegyo.

Leaving the almost fully awakened boy dumbfounded.

"Kiss me then." The other said unconsciously.

Hoseok could only chuckle at his response, still he did as Yoongi told him and kissed him. Yoongi immediately kissed back, lifting himself up to reach Hoseok. The two had their lips dancing against each other's for a few moments until Yoongi pulled away because of lack of air.

"What time is it?" He asked with a husky voice.

"9:17am, we're late." Hoseok lifted him up from his chest.

"What is he doing here? Please don't tell me he slept here because I swear I'll murder him in his sleep." Yoongi growled .

"No he didn't, I would never let him. He tried helping me wake you up. We need to get ready because we had to meet up with my mom at 9." Hoseok complained.

"Damn it, I forgot about that." Yoongi dug his head again onto Hoseok's chest, only for him to take it back out.

"We have to go. I'm not leaving her waiting." Hoseok got up, dragging Yoongi with him.

"Wait, but I don't want him sleeping on my bed." Yoongi pointed at the boy sleeping on his bed.

"You want me to kick him out?" Hoseok smirked.

"Well, yes. Im too lazy to." Yoongi crossed his arms.

"And we're too late to worry about that. Just let him be." Hoseok dragged him to the bathroom.

"We're not going to do anything with him outside." Yoongi said as he watched Hoseok locked them in the bathroom.

"I wasn't planning to. We really need to hurry up." Hoseok smirked at his boyfriend.

Yoongi sat down on the counter next to the sink and watched Hoseok with a sleepy and tired look. The other noticed and stared back, only getting a muffled laugh in return.

"I'm not ready for what's to come next." Yoongi uttered silently.

Hoseok looked back at the mirror, but his reflection didn't grab his attention, Yoongi's clothes did. He hadn't taken off the pink shirt he took from him, and Yoongi pouting with his bed head and a pink shirt was just too cute, he wanted to take a picture.

"Go change." Hoseok spoke again, taking Yoongi out of his trance.

The older nodded, and opened the door just to come back with his clothes. He sat back down on the counter, where he hesitated to take off the pink shirt.

"Can I have this shirt?" Yoongi asked shyly.

"No, but you can borrow it." Hoseok giggled.

"Fine..." Yoongi looked down and took it off.

Quickly replacing it with his black, oversized shirt. Then he stood up to take off his shorts, that were now showing everything they needed to Hoseok.

"You need to wear my clothes more often, you look cute in them." Hoseok wouldn't stop repeating making the weary boy blush.

He slid off the shorts, and again hurried to replace them with his black jeans. He took a deep breath and sat down on the counter to now check his boyfriend out.

"Yup... as hot and adorable as I remembered you to be... so then what's wrong?" Yoongi mumbled out teasingly.

This made Hoseok again look at him in concern. A simple glance took his to see Yoongi bitting his lips as he look little by little at him from top to bottom.

"Are you sick?" Yoongi added.

Hoseok looked at his hand, as it went up to his forehead and cheeks to check the temperature.

"No, that's not it. Then what is it?" Yoongi crossed his arms, and gave a puzzled look.

"I dont know... can you please hurry up?" Hoseok grinned and roled his eyes.

"Hey it's you the one that needs to get ready." Yoongi slightly hit his shoulder.

Hoseok just watched him as he walked out the bathroom and closed the door. He also changed and hurried to go outside where Yoongi was sitting in the living room.

"Let's go." He said rapidly and dragged Hoseok to the door.

They put on their shoes at the entrance and ran down stairs, out to the parking lot, and inside the car. It was a 30 minute drive to where Hoseok's mom had told them to go, and somehow his mom was just getting to the place too.

"Oh... sorry if I'm late." She apologized.

"No, we just got here too." Hoseok shook his head.

Yoongi was standing next to Hoseok, with the big urge of holding his hand. Jiwoo stared deeply at the scene knowing perfectly what was about to happen.

"Why don't we go inside." The woman said and pointed at the restaurants door.

They all nodded and headed inside. The place was almost full, with many people sitting on it's tables, waiting for their foods, some eating, and others ready to leave. They all walked behind the waitress who said her name was "Maddy". She smiled and left them to chose, but giving Yoongi immediately a gloomy aura.

"No I swear... somethings off." Yoongi whispered to Hoseok just caressed his hand for him to call down under the table.

A few minutes after Maddy came back asking for drinks. She smiled again and left, and in her smile Hoseok could finally see it. It wasn't real, but it didn't look like those waitress fake smiles, it was more of a different type of smile.

"Here are your drinks, are you ready to order?" She asked, adding a discreet smirk at the end.

Hoseok right that moment had an instinct of raising his arms, which took him to lift up his hands intertwined with Yoongi's. Yoongi attached his hand tightly, and slightly jumped to the move. He looked up afraid someone might care about what just happened, and let go right away. That instant the waitress looked at them in disgust.

"Is that it?" She asked as they all finished ordering.

Yoongi sighed as he felt the girl already stabbing him with her eyes. He felt out of place, and that made Hoseok worry.

"Yoongi are you ok?" Hoseok's mom asked.

Yoongi nodded and didn't open his mouth at all. Soon after, Maddy was back with all the food. She set the first plates down, leaving Yoongi's till the end. When she did, she tilted the plate and spilled everything on Yoongi's lap.

"Oh No! I'm so sorry. Here let me get you something to clean up." She left with an evil shining in her eyes.

Yoongi had jumped from his seat at the feeling of food on his legs. Hoseok jumped up with him and took a deep breath. Yoongi by now had unnoticeable tears in his eyes. He really did feel something coming from thay girl.

"Here you go." She said hanging some towels to him, or more like throwing.

Yoongi didn't even use them, but instead put them on his chair and excused himself. He ran towards the back where the bathroom was, having Hoseok follow him.

"Are you ok?" Hoseok asked as he embraced his boyfriend.

"I'm fine, and don't touch me! My clothes is dirty, yours will get dirty too." Yoongi pulled away.

Now he really did have tears rolling down his cheeks. Small sobs came out of the boy and he looked down. Hoseok cupped his cheeks and made him look at him.

"Don't be sad, just ignore this until we're out Ok?" Hoseok smiled and waited for Yoongi to answer.

They again hugged and Yoongi almost cried on his shoulder, but he still couldn't since they were in public.

"She ruined my happy mood." Yoongi complained trying not to worry his boyfriend more.

"I'm sorry baby." Hoseok said and patted his head.

They went back and saw Hoseok's mom sitting with her head hanging low, and Jiwoo giving Maddy a death glare.

"Eat up ok boys?" Again the woman spoke trying to avoid whatever just happened.

Of course no one was happy with what happened, but they had no say in the situation. After all, the only thing they didn't know was that this girl is homophobic, and with seeing the both stand outside she could tell there was something between them. Sadly, no one ever did anything about this, because Hoseok and Yoongi knew that's culture being against them.

"Who is she... like for real?" Yoongi asked as he sat next to Hoseok after an hour of still being in the same place.

"No idea." He answered, and tried holding onto Yoongi's hand, but the older pulled it away.

They were sitting inside Yoongi's car, trying to analyse what happened an hour back. Hoseok's mom excused herself and Jiwoo to the bathroom, where they were obviously also talking, and now Hoseok and Yoongi waited for them.

"Please don't be mad." Hoseok backed his hand away, afraid to hurt Yoongi.

"It hurts..." Yoongi whispered as he clenched onto the sides of his shirt.

Everything hurt, his head, his legs, and specially his heart. That's where it hurt the most. He wanted to hug Hoseok tightly and just fall asleep in his embrace, but that wasn't going to help.

"Yoongi, I'm really sorry." Hoseok apologized again and started getting teary too.

"No... it's not your fault." Yoongi uttered.

They shushed when they saw Hoseok's mom and Jiwoo come towards the car. The women both sat at the back seats and smiled at the two upfront trying to keep calm.

Inside the restaurant Maddy was asked by her mates why she did that, and she answered with a He deserved it.

"No, you can't just attack customers like that." A man told her.

"Its not my fault he's commuting a sin." Maddy shouted back.

"First deal with your own life, then you can go around dealing with others." An older girl scolded her.

Back outside, Mrs. Jung said she needed to go bye some quick groceries so Jiwoo and her could survive the whole day.

"Eomma, can we take Yoongi to change first?" Hoseok cooed and waited for an answer.

He received a nod, and he mimicked by nodding back. They took a turn and headed towards the dorms, where they all went to their dorm and waited for Yoongi to change.

As he did, he took of his pants revealing some red marks, all from the plate, silverware, and heat of the accident. He sighed and took another pair of pants similar to the ones he had on, just a lighter shade. He groaned when he slid the pants on as the bruises stung.

Come on Yoongi, get over it. You're living in the present, not the past and not the future... The present...

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