Unseen: Mass Effect FanFiction

Autorstwa RedzDragon

8.1K 178 22

Unlike her famous Spectre brother, Captain Shepard has always preferred to work in the shadows and away from... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 3

412 12 0
Autorstwa RedzDragon

Shepard woke up several hours later to an empty bed.

He must have gone while I slept, Shepard thought getting up from the bed and grabbing her hoodie from the floor.

After a quick shower and a change of clothes, Shepard made her to the kitchen and stopped short.

"Garrus," Shepard said surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I didn't know you wanted me gone so soon," Garrus said sitting on a barstool with a mug.

"N-no," Shepard stammered. "I-just-of course not."

"Relax," Garrus said. "It was a joke."

"Funny," Shepard mumbled going to the cabinet to grab a mug.

"It's a devo brew," Garrus said as Shepard poured herself some coffee. "Found it in one of the cabinets."

"Yeah, I found a couple of devo food when I moved in," Shepard replied also taking a seat. "Never found the time to clean it out."

"Maybe you don't have to," Garrus said staring at her.

"Why is that?" Shepard asked taking a sip of coffee. "Planning on staying with me? Or is the plan to forget this all happened?"

"I have a proposition for you," Garrus said instead.

"I'm listening," Shepard replied, curious.

"In my line of work," Garrus began. "I'm always gone for days, weeks, months at a time. After a while, you get used to being alone."

"It's nice to have a place to stay," Shepard whispered not wanting to interrupt him.

"Given the circumstances," he continued. "I normally wouldn't be doing this but seeing how life gets tiring I figure I change things."

Shepard knew exactly where he was coming from. Once everything had settled and the peace treaty was in effect, the Alliance wanting to show good faith "loaned" Shepard to the Council to use as they saw fit. It wasn't long before she was being sent on personal errands, missions of retrieval, and other non-essential tasks. After the assassination had been foiled, John was promoted and Shepard was seen as a runner-up for Spectre. That changed when, her father Anderson, told the Council that she specialized in espionage and infiltration before the war and it wasn't wise to waste her talents on meaningless things. Sure enough, Shepard was given the missions and the resources but never the title of Spectre.

"I've grown tired of the solitude and it's nice to have company."

"You're more than welcome to stay here," Shepard said slowly. "It's not impressive or anything but it has its perks."

"You can say no," Garrus replied.

"I feel the same way," Shepard said. "It's nice to have company and besides I like the view."

Garrus grunted and didn't say anything.

"I'm assuming last night was just a one-time-only deal?" Shepard asked, having him around when it was possible was definitely a huge perk if it came with a reoccurrence of last night.

"I don't expect you to be exclusive," Garrus replied. "But if we happen to be here at the same time, I have no objects."

"Alright," Shepard agreed. "With one condition"

Garrus waited patiently for her to continue.

"We don't bring other partners here."


It wasn't long after that Garrus left, saying something about grabbing his things from the ship. Shepard took the time to clean and make room for his stuff. Knowing what she knew about turians, Garrus would appreciate having some room on the workbench. Once everything was moved, Shepard took the time to go through some unread messages and found one from Anderson. He wanted to grab dinner with her at the Ryuusei Sushi place, the message also mentioned wearing something nice. Shepard looked at the time and cursed, she was supposed to be meeting him in 30 minutes.

Shepard took the fastest shower she had ever taken not bothering to wash her hair and grabbed the nicest clothes she had before dashing out the front door shoes in hand. Shepard took a sky cart and got to the restaurant with 5 minutes to spare. She only hoped Anderson wouldn't say anything to her. When she arrived, Anderson was waiting for her outside and he was wearing his best suit. Shepard had to hand it to him, he knew how to clean up well.

"What's the occasion?" Shepard said in greeting.

"I can't have dinner with my daughter without having a reason?" Anderson asked, drawing Shepard into a hug.

"Ah, so we are having a father and daughter dinner then," Shepard replied, returning his hug.

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Anderson said.

"Lead the way," Shepard said, smiling.

As Shepard followed Anderson to their table, she saw a glimpse of a turian who looked a lot like Garrus but couldn't be sure.

"Aster," Anderson called out when she stopped.

"Sorry," Shepard said, smoothing her skirt down. "I thought I saw someone-"

Shepard stopped short as Anderson went to their table and Shepard got a glimpse of their guest. It was no other than Dr. Chakwas, Shepard was surprised to see her wearing a dress and not her usual doctor lab coat.

"Dr. Chakwas," Shepard said in greeting. "Fancy seeing you here. Are you with someone?"

Anderson cleared his throat, "I invited Karin to have dinner with us."

Shepard couldn't help the small laugh that escaped her, "So it's not just a father and daughter dinner. Could have fooled me."

"Aster," Anderson said in warning. "We can at least have a civilized dinner, can't we?"

"That depends if I have to make small talk," Shepard replied politely. "After all it's not like I was blinded sided to this dinner."

"I don't think it would be wise to cause a scene," Dr. Chakwas inputted as several people around them noticed that they were still standing.

"We wouldn't want that now would we," Shepard agreed sarcastically taking a seat. "It's not like there aren't any important people eating here."

Anderson and Dr. Chakwas both took their seat in silence. The three of them sat in silence as they waited for their waitress to stop by.

"Major Anderson," Shepard heard someone call out.

Shepard looked around as Anderson stood up and greeted a turian. This turian looked a lot like Garrus but his plates were duller.

"Mr. Vakarian," Anderson greeted. "How are you doing?"

"I'm well," Mr. Vakarian replied, glancing at the table. "I see you're here with your family. I won't take up too much of your time. I just wanted to stop by and say hi."

Both of them chatted a bit more before Mr. Vakarian left. By then the waitress showed up and took their drink orders. Shepard got water while Chakwas ordered wine from Anderson and herself. While Anderson and Chakwas conversed, Shepard excused herself and went to hide in the bathroom for a bit.

Thankfully the bathroom was empty and Shepard leaned against the counter looking through her messages. She only had a few non-urgent messages pending but nothing that would make it a good enough excuse for her to leave diner early. After being in there a few minutes, Shepard headed back just as the waitress came back to take their orders. Shepard ordered the first levo base meal on the menu, not caring what she got.

Dinner was quiet except for the occasional conversation of passing the salt or the pepper. Dr. Chakwas began another attempt of conversation in which Shepard didn't comment or join in. Anderson was more than happy to converse with the good doctor. Shepard wasn't sure why she didn't like Dr. Chakwas but there was just something about her that didn't sit well with Shepard. By the time their plates had been picked up and their drinks refilled, Shepard was fed up.

The music started playing and most of the couples began to dance on the dance floor. Shepard took the opportunity to go over to speak to the waitress that was attending them.

"Excuse me," Shepard said, grabbing her attention. "Can I have the check for the Anderson table?"

"Are you paying the bill in full or partial?" She asked looking at her console.

"Just my meal,"' Shepard said. "I don't want to intrude on a romantic evening they're having."

"Of course," the waitress replied. "I understand. Your total is 60 credits."

Shepard gave the waitress her credit chit and waited for her to run it.

"Leaving already," a familiar voice asked from behind her as the waitress handed her the credit chit.

"Yeah," Shepard replied turning around to greet the newcomer. "Time to call it a night."

"I hope it doesn't have to do anything with me," Garrus said, a drink in his hands.

"I didn't even though you were here," Shepard said, smiling.

She wasn't lying, technically.

"Sure, you didn't," Garrus said, taking a sip. "You're here with company?"

"Something like that," she answered, looking around.

"Expecting someone?" Garrus asked, a bit sternly also looking around.

"Avoiding more like it," Shepard muttered.

Good, they're still dancing, Shepard thought seeing Anderson swirling Chakwas around.

"Avoiding me?"

"Of course not," Shepard said acting wounded by the comment. "I'm more wounded about the fact that you would think I would avoid you."


"Garrus," someone called out making the both of them turn around. "There you are."

Coming toward them was an older female turian with the same markings as Garrus. Anyone would assume it was a family member or at least a relative.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. I didn't know you had company," the older turian said seeing Shepard.

"Aster," Garrus said, introducing them. "This is my mother, Camelea. Mother this is Aster."

"Nice to meet you Aster," Camelea said, smiling. "I didn't know Garrus had such pretty friends."

"Thanks," Shepard said smiling a bit embarrassed, "It's nice to meet you too."

"Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting," Camelea asked, looking at both of them. "Your father was wondering where you went."

"I imagine father and our guest weren't too happy," Garrus mumbled, sounding a bit irritated.

Shepard was silent. The "guest" must be someone important if Garrus's family was meeting them. It was a well-known fact that turians made a big deal about meeting important members of the hierarchy.

"Garrus-," Camelea began in her mothering tone.

"Not now mother," Garrus replied, glancing at Shepard.

"I-was just leaving," Shepard interrupted, looking between Garrus and his mother. "It's been a long day and I have to get up early."

"Oh, that's too bad," she said. "Here I was hoping you'll join us. Any friend of Garrus is welcomed."

"Perhaps another time, mother," Garrus replied also interrupting.

"Well, alright," she agreed. "Have a good night dear."

"Thank you," Shepard said. "Have a good night."

Shepard excused herself and check on Anderson one more time before leaving the restaurant.

                                                                                       *POV CHange*

"She seems like a nice girl," Garrus's mother commented as Garrus watch Aster leave. "Have you known her long?"

"I just met her the other day," Garrus replied distracted.

"Oh," Camelea said, intrigued. It was rare for Garrus to just meet someone and be so smitten with them. Camelea knew there was more than he was letting on.

"I accidentally broke into her place," Garrus continued smiling a bit. "My friend gave me the wrong apartment number."

"At least she didn't shoot you," Camelea replied. "She looks like she can take care of herself."

"She can," Garrus agreed.

"Come on dear," his mother said patting his arm. "Before your father agrees to marry you off."

"I wouldn't put it past him," Garrus agreed following her.

Czytaj Dalej

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