Elegance | Harry Potter

By potterhy

2.1M 68.8K 88K

Slow burn Harry Potter x oc! Evelyn Clermont, Fleur's sister, goes to Hogwarts despite everyone's expectatio... More

The Decision
Year 1-1 | Hogwarts
Year 1-2 | Sorting
Year 1-3 | First Day
Year 1-4 | Flying Lesson
Year 1-5 | Trolls
Year 1-6 | 3rd floor
Year 1-7 | First Game of Quidditch
Year 1-8 | Christmas
Year 1-9 | Nicolas Flamel
Year 1-10 | Detention
Year 1-11 | Trapdoor
Year 1-12 | Wizard's Chess
Year 2-1 | New Year
Year 2-2 | Defense Against Dark Arts
Year 2-3 | Eat Slugs
Year 2-4 | Heir of Slytherin
Year 2-5 | Chamber of Secrets
Year 2-6 | Ginny Weasley
Year 2-7 | Duel
Year 2-8 | Dumbledore
Year 2-9 | Polyjuice Potion
Year 2-10 | Basilisk
Year 2-11 | Tom Riddle
Year 2-12 | Diary of Tom Riddle
Year 2-13 | Un-Petrify
The Malfoy Ball
Knight Bus
Year 3-1 | Unexpected Ride
Year 3-2 | The Grim
Year 3-3 | Euphoria
Year 3-4 | Boggart
Year 3-5 | Lonely
Year 3-6 | Storm
Year 3-7 | Hogsmeade
Year 3-8 | Buckbeak
Year 3-9 | Scabbers
Year 3-10 | Werewolf
Yead 3-11 | Brave
Year 3-12 | Myself
Quidditch World Cup
The Dark Mark
Year 4-1 | Pumpkin Pasties
Year 4-2 | Goblet of Fire
Year 4-3 | The 3 Unforgivable Curses
Year 4-5 | Friendship
Year 4-6 | Ferret
Year 4-7 | The First Task
Year 4-8 | Partner
Year 4-9 | Yule Ball
Year 4-10 | Golden Egg
Year 4-11 | Second Task
Year 4-12 | Third Task
Year 4-13 | Barty Crouch Jr.
Year 5-1 | The Boy who Lies
Year 5-2 | Special Quill
Year 5-3 | Relationships
Year 5-4 | New Rules
Year 5-5 | Dumbledore's Army (1)
Year 5-6 | Dumbledore's Army (2)
Year 5-7 | Dumbledore's Army (3)
Year 5-8 | Dumbledore's Army (4)
Year 5-9 | Dumbledore's Army (5)
Year 5-10 | Christmas
Year 5-11 | Dumbledore's Army (6)
Year 5-12 | Sirius Black
Year 5-13 | Department Of Mysteries
Year 5-14 | Prophecy
Year 5-15 | Dumbledore vs Voldemort
Year 5-16 | Someone Worth Fighting For
Joke Shop
Year 6-1 | Death Eater
Year 6-2 | Liquid Luck
Year 6-3 | Quidditch Tryouts
Year 6-4 | Butterbeer
Year 6-5 | Slug Club
Year 6-6 | Quidditch (2)
Year 6-7 | Won Won
Year 6-8 | Christmas Party
Year 6-9 | Burrow
Year 6-10 | Burrow (2)
Year 6-10 | Secrets
Year 6-11 | Love Potion
Year 6-12 | Sectumsempra
Year 6-13 | The Chosen One
Year 6-14 | Astronomy Tower
Muggle World
Ministry of Magic
Dumbledore's Will
Godric's Hollow
Sword of Gryffindor
Malfoy Mannor
Shell Cottage
Battle Of Hogwarts (1)
Battle Of Hogwarts (2)
Our Time
Battle Of Hogwarts (3)
(Bonus 1)
(Bonus 2)
End of The Story Special :)
Alternative Ending

Year 4-4 | Age Line

17.4K 595 1.1K
By potterhy

It was raining hard outside. I sat down beside Hermione inside the great hall watching all the people put their names in the Goblet of Fire.

"What did Moody talk to you about?" Harry asked moving to sit next to me.

"Nothing much" I replied looking at the doorway as two boys pushed another boy inside the age line surrounding the goblet of fire. Cedric Diggory, that idiot didn't listen to me just like Fleur. He put a piece of parchment in the goblet of fire making it burst into flames. We all clapped as Cedric turned around and faced me smiling.

"You're an idiot Cedric" I said as he walked towards me completely ignoring Ron who had tried to wave at him.

"Weren't you the one in the kitchen past curfew yesterday" He laughed jokingly before running to join his friends.

"Oh speaking of, Evelyn, can you sign this paper?" Hermione handed me a parchment paper titled S.P.E.W.

"Hermione.. The house elves actually like their jobs. Their purpose is to serve and you're taking their purpose away" I sighed signing the paper nonetheless. Our attention was quickly drawn to the Weasley twins as they ran inside the great hall screaming.

"Well fellas, we done it!" Fred shouted.

"Cooked it up just this morning!" George shouted as well continuing his sentence. Typical Weasley twin things.

"It's not going to work" Hermione mocked. Fred and George quickly sat down beside her, Fred on the left and George on the right.

"Oh yeah?" Fred started.

"And why is that Granger?" George continued.

"You see this-" She pointed at the blue circle around the Goblet of Fire, "this is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself"


Hermione scoffed at Fred closing her book, "So, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by a pathetically dim witted aging potion"

"That's why it's so brilliant-"

"Because it's so pathetically dim witted" George finished Fred's sentence once again. They quickly laughed and stood back up shaking a vile with yellow liquid inside.

"Ready Fred?"
"Ready George"
"Bottom's up"

They drank the aging potion and jumped inside the age line. Nothing happened. Everyone got up out of their seats and crowded the twins and started to cheer, even Harry and Ron. I walked up beside Cedric crossing my arms watching the two put their name in the goblet. This time blue flames shot out of the Goblet throwing George and Fred flying backwards out of the age line. When they had gotten back up their hairs started to turn white and started to grow beards.

"You said!"
"You said!-"

The twins lunged for each other and started to roll on the floor fighting. The students watched in amusement yelling "Fight Fight Fight Fight!" over and over again.

"I don't get why everyone wants to enter so much" I muttered to Cedric.

"Well eternal glory sounds nice. Maybe then I'll be worthy enough for you" He said laughing again. I looked up at him furrowing my eyebrows but turned away at the sound of the door barging open. The students all parted as Viktor Krum marched in with Igor Kakaroff. He was super intimidating that even I stood to the side as he walked toward the goblet of fire. He put a piece of parchment in the goblet looking at Hermione and smirking before leaving. Oh?

"If you get chosen, that's who you're up against" I whispered to Cedric.

"And you'd root for me right?"

"Of course, but again remember if you die I'll say I told you so"

That night all the students were gathered around the Goblet of fire inside the great hall to see champion selection.

"Fleur!" I saw my sister in her Beauxbatons uniform grouped up with the other girls, "ARE YOU NUTS? HAVE YOU GONE MAD?!" I shouted a little too loud drawing attention to myself. I quickly looked around smiling and turned to face Fleur again as chatters began to fill the Great hall once again.

"Eternal Glory does sound nice doesn't it Evelyn" She pulled me gently by my arm sitting down on a seat pulling me down with her.

"Fleur, I don't know about this"

"I'll be fine, Dumbledore isn't going to let anyone die" Merlin her english accent was terrible.

"Sit down, please" Dumbledore yelled. I sat on the other side of the room across from Harry Ron and Hermione with Fleur holding her hand tight.

"And the moment you've all been waiting for, the champion selection!" Dumbledore gestured towards the fire lighting up the great hall and dimming it down. Slowly, he walked up towards the Goblet with his arm out touching the Goblet before stepping back. The fire turned red and spit out a parchment which Dumbledore caught.

"The Drumstrang Champion is, Viktor Krum!" He read off the parchment. Viktor stepped up as all the Drumstrang boys cheered for him and shook Dumbledore's hand before walking inside a room on the other end of the great hall.

The fire spat out another blue parchment which flew into Dumbledore's hand. The Beauxbatons champion. Fleur straightened her posture staring at it while I squeezed her hand tighter. Please don't be Fleur Please don't be Fleur.

"The champion of Beauxbatons.. Fleur Clermont!"

Just my luck. Fleur had a huge smile on her face and I let her hand go letting her walk up to Dumbledore to shake her hand and enter the room Viktor had gone into.

Another piece of parchment fell into Dumbledore's hands and I buried my face into my hands. Please don't be Cedric.

"The Hogwarts champion, Cedric Diggory!"

Oh fucking hell. The students roared and clapped for Cedric who walked up shaking Dumbledore's hand. He looked at me with such a big smile that I couldn't help but smile back shaking my head. He walked towards the room walking ever so happily.

"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will get the prize of victory, the tri wizard cup!" Dumbledore yelled pointing at something covered under a cloak. Crouch came over and uncovered it to reveal a beautiful glowing blue silver trophy. My gaze quickly shifted from the trophy to the Goblet of fire which was acting incredibly strange. It turned red making noises and spat out one last parchment.

"Harry Potter" He read out. I looked at Harry in disbelief, how could this happen? He wasn't even 17 yet, he's only 14!

"Harry Potter?" He called out one more time. Everyone stared at him as he just sat there with his eyes widened.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore called out a final time. Hermione quickly nudged Harry to get up and pushed him towards Dumbledore. I knew something was up, just this wasn't something I was expecting. Dumbledore stared at him and watched him closely as Harry walked towards the room. Whispers quickly filled the great hall.

"He's a cheat!" A boy shouted.

"He's not even 17 yet!" Another one shouted. No, he didn't cheat. Someone else had out his name in the Goblet of Fire but who and why? Harry wouldn't do that, why would he willingly put himself to danger after going through so many things already? Besides his expression is just pure shock.

"Everyone return to your dormitories" Dumbledore said before walking into the room following Harry.

I quickly ran over to Hermione and Ron who were discussing something.

"I can't believe he didn't tell us. He craved eternal glory that much yeah? Being the chosen one wasn't enough for him" Ron muttered.

"Ronald you can't possibly think Harry had put his name in the Goblet of Fire willingly!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't know Evelyn, it's the only thing that makes sense" Hermione backed Ron up.

"Hermione you too? Seriously?" I was shocked, I thought Hermione would know better. Now how exactly am I supposed to feel with my sister, a close friend and a boy that I fan.. no I don't fancy Harry... but they're all entering the tri-wizard tournament. Merlin's beard.

"Come on Evelyn how else would Harry's name be pulled out of the Goblet if he wasn't the one to put it in?" Ron asked. His face was serious, the usual goofiness had completely disappeared.

"Well.. I-" I paused. I didn't know how to explain this one, "I don't know.."

"Exactly" Ron muttered and stormed away out of the great hall and towards the boy's dormitories. Hermione looked at me furrowing her eyebrows before walking towards Ron. She stopped to look back apologetically before running towards him again. I sat outside the great hall leaning my back against the wall waiting for Harry to come out. I just need to hear from him to be sure he really didn't do it on purpose. What if he did? What was I going to do? Be disappointed I guess, cheating just for eternal glory.

I started to doze off a little but jumped awake at the sound of people walking. Soon, Victor Krum came storming out of the great hall followed by Fleur. I didn't say anything and just gave her a tight hug which she returned.

"I hate you right now. Goodnight" I whispered in her ear as she laughed pulling away. She placed her hand on my shoulders looking at me sympathetically before walking off to the Ravenclaw common room. Next Cedric came out just as Fleur had disappeared into the corridors.

"I told you something was up" I muttered crossing my arms.

"You can't say I told you so yet, I'm still alive" He smiled messing up my hair. My smile quickly faded as Harry walked up looking at me, he looked so conflicted.

"Good night" I nodded at Cedric who walked away giving me a smile.

"Harry, did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" I whispered walking up towards him, "Please be honest with me"

"No, I swear" He said looking at me in the eye, "I don't know what happened- I just- I just thought this would be a normal year and now I'm competing in some life threatening tournament. I never asked for any of this" He talked with so much frustration in his voice. I quickly leaned in and wrapped my arms around him giving him a hug. He was a little thrown back at first but then soon returned it burying his face in my shoulders.

"Evelyn I-I'm scared"

"It's okay, Dumbledore wouldn't let you die" I whispered. I looked up still hugging Harry to see Moody walk out. I quickly pulled away as Harry turned to see Moody standing looking at us closely before walking away.

"Let's get some sleep, you'll need it" I grabbed Harry's hand as he nodded and headed off to the common room.

A super quick Harry's POV

"Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire Harry?" Dumbledore asked CALMLY.

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