In Sickness and in Health

By XxImposterxX

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Lumity au. the owl house and their characters belong to Dana terrace. (but Luz and amity here and a few othe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2-Let's Visit Amity!
Chapter 3- A Normal Hexside Day
Chapter 4-Tutor
Chapter 5-Are You Going Back?
Chapter 7-Stay.
Chapter 8-Shoot Your Shot
Chapter 9-One Condition
Chapter 10-Fearless Champion
Chapter 11-Blind To The Truth
Chapter 12- Walking on Thin Ice
Chapter 13 - Will We See The Stars Shine Again?

Chapter 6-Im Going To

386 16 9
By XxImposterxX

I guess this is it. This is the end.
Sadly Luz's condition kept getting worse and worse, and as Willow's request that if the condition kept getting worse, she should go back to the human world to get better.

And that is what Luz is planning to do, she will spend this last day with her friends and have so much fun that she'll forget about her health declining.

Luz wakes up and stretches her arms, neck and back. Feeling refreshed, Luz showers and changes into casual clothes. Today was a Saturday so she doesn't need to get ready for Hexside....

And she probably won't have to get ready for Hexside on Monday either, that thought made Luz frown visibly. Luz heads downstairs and checks around if Eda and Lilith was back yet, unfortunately they were not back yet.

"Hi Luz! Wow your eyes look just like death!" King was happy because he thought Luz was doing something to get closer to the darkness and the demons. Luz looked at king with a worried face.

"That's... Not normal for humans, is it?" King looked at Luz with a worried look, Luz looked over to the side and went to the kitchen to make breakfast with the groceries she and King bought the other day.

"Luz, when Eda gets back maybe she can help." King grabbed Luz's leg as he also proceeded to hug it. "You don't even know the whole story, it's not that bad King, don't worry." Luz said as she patted his head.

"Weh!" King jumped back and started walking back to the couch, he stopped and looked back at Luz, knowing that something was terribly wrong and he might not be able to help on what it was. He jumped onto the couch and started napping.

Luz flipped over an egg and turned the stove off, making that 'click' sound. She placed the egg on a plate and started eating it. The outside world to her was quiet and blurry, it's like the only thing that exists is her while the rest was a wet painting smeared around using her hands.

Luz checked what was happening in town during that day, and as if it was perfect timing, it was the annual carnival.(this time it wasn't hosted by Tibbles, thank Titan.)

Luz scratched her cheek as she put on her shoes. "Where are you going?" King asked as he stood by the door. "To the carnival, wanna come along?" Luz stretched her arm out for him to grab onto. King happily grabbed on and hopped onto her shoulder.

They started treading towards the town when suddenly Luz remembers about hooty "Hoot! hoot! Not even going to ask if I wanted to go along with you, shaking my head." Hooty proceed to close his eyes and make a 'hmph' sound.

"You know you cant even get out of the house...also how did you know about the existence of smh" Luz pointed out. Hooty stares at Luz and King, making them uncomfortable "Oh, I definitely can get out." Hooty starts extending his body outwards.

Luz pushes him back to the door "OOKAAYYYYYYY, Let's not have people tripping over you while in town, alright?" Luz continues to push Hooty back as she was starting to struggle. "Let's run as soon as you let go of him." King whispered. "Do you no think that, that's my plan?" Luz whispered back as she struggled to push him back, Luz gives up and let's go of him and start running.

"Where are you going, hoot hoot!?" Hooty yells as Luz runs farther and farther from the owl house "Great job! Can't believe you followed what I said!" King pumps his fist into the air.

"Hah, I'm having fun all the time here in the Boiling isles."Luz said as she continued running, you never know what Hooty can do. "It's not the same in the human world? "King asked.

" Let's just say, I'm not surrounded with the most creative and the most fun people in the world."Luz smiled thinking about all the friends she made in the Boiling isles.

Luz clearly had horrible eyesight as she ran straight into a tree. "Grrk-!" Luz held her head in pain "Luz!" King jumped onto her stomach "Im fine! I'm fine!" Luz sat up slowly and scratched her back. "come on, hop on, we're going to be late for the carnival."Luz puts her shoulder near King for him to easily hop on.

Soon they both arrived in the bustling town, there were many people queued for the carnival rides, people enjoying their cotton candy, people playing the games to earn prizes.

" What ride do you wanna go on?" Luz asked King, King looked around shrugged his shoulders so they decided to grab some cotton candy and chill on a bench. "do you want to try getting that prize you've wanted 2 years ago?" Liz suggested, King thought about it for a while as he stared at the prize booth. "Sure thing! But who can get the most tickets first?" King challenged.

"oh, you're on!" Luz smirked and they both rushed off to complete as many games they could. Time went by quickly and they both regrouped at the prize booth to see who got the most tickets in the short amount of time they had.

"988,989,990,991,... And a thousand and forty-two." The person at the booth announced. "YES! THE KING OF DEMONS ALWAYS WIN." King jumped up and about. King had 11 tickets more than Luz had. "Looks like the king of demons is also the king of carnival games." Luz smiled.

Luz looked around and saw Amity along with Willow and Gus in the distance. "Hey King, is it alright if I join my friends?" Luz crouched down to eye-level with King. "Huh? Oh sure, King is bored and... Outta here!" King left and went home with a prize hanging from his horn.

Luz runs up to the three while waving her arm like an excited kid. "Amity! Gus! Willow!"Luz called out to them, they all looked back at her with smiling faces. Luz scratched her neck which caused Willow to frown.

" Noceda !  I did not think you would be here on this occasion."Amity looked at Luz a bit surprised. "Loosen up a little bit."Gus gave Amity a playful elbow jab. Which caused Willow to snicker.

" Never can waste a good day like this!"Luz said happily as she rubbed her eyes. "I think you should have slept a little longer... You seem to be tired" Amity said as she was troubled. "This bundle of joy can never be tired! Let's all have fun playing games!" Luz hugged all three of them.

"Alright, if you say so."Amity still was troubled about what was wrong with Luz. All three of them started voting on which rides they should go on and what rides they should avoid, as long as which ones they were doing first.

" I say the roller-coaster first! "Gus motioned. "nope, nope, nope!" Willow disagreed. "Maybe the curse-rel? (carousel)" Amity suggested. "uh, maybe we should split on what kind of rides we want, I want the thrilling rides, who wants to go with me?" Luz asked, all three of them thought for a while.

"I like the thrilling rides-!" Gus happily said but Willow pulled him over to the side as she said something to him. Amity adn Luz looked at them unsure on what that's about.

"I'm going with Willow" Gus said as he formed a grin but a frown soon after. "Alright Amity, are you going with them or with me?"Luz asked with a soft smile."It's unfair if you go alone, right? " Gus voiced out. "Ah, yeah you're right. You can handle roller coasters right? I remember that time in Willow's memory, you don't really mind."Luz spoke

" Yes, I do not mind... "Amity grabbed the end of the sleeves of Luz." Hey, don't be afraid to hold my hand! You're always welcome to."Luz smiled as she grabbed Amity's hand making Amity shiver and blush.

"get in, there's only that much seats."The Rollercoaster operator ushered to those who were in the line. Luz and Amity was about to get on the ride but the operator sperates them. "The line cuts here, you wait for next one. Hurry the ride is about to go." The Rollercoaster operator looked at them.

Amity panics on whether she should leave Luz behind and get on the ride, since she couldn't bring to words that she was with someone. "Wait, she's with me, I stay with her." Luz told the operator. The operator rolled their eyes and placed Amity back in line with Luz and let's another person on the ride.

"T-Thank you, Noceda."Amity stared at the ground as Luz pulled Amity close to her. "Don't sweat it, always speak up!" Luz encouraged Amity. Luz scratched their neck while waiting for their turn.

Amity looked up to see that Luz's skin was really irritated and got upset. She grabbed something out of her purse and tapped on Luz's arm. "Hm? What is it?" Luz looked at Amity, making their faces close together. If that wasn't bad enoguh for Amity, someone pushed them making Amity hit Luz's lower jaw with her forehead.

"Eye-" Luz stumbled back, hitting another person, causing them to tower over them as the person growled at them in a menacing way. "Uh, haha! Lo siento amigo..." Luz backed up along with Amity and other bystanders.

"Should we negotiate with them?" Amity asked. "Uh, pretty sure it's too late for that." Luz jumped back as the person tried grabbing her. "Next!" The operator yelled out. Luz grabbed Amity and they went on the ride as quickly as they could, escaping the wrath of the angered rider.

"Whew! That was close!" Luz wiped a sweat from their forehead and proceeded to scratch the end of their eyebrow. They both looked at each other and proceeded to laugh together.

"Alright, starting the ride in"The Rollercoaster operator pulled the lever, making the ride drive forward. The ride continously ascended and at the peak it stopped for a moment then it suddenly dropped down, making all the passengers scream their hearts out.

Amity tugged onto Luz's arm making Luz scream louder. Soon the ride was over. "Sorry for grabbing your arm so suddenly." Amity apologized. "Don't worry! I just got really surprised, after all, I did say you were welcome to grab my hand."Luz chuckled

"Oh, come with me."Amity pulled Luz to the side and grabbed soemthign from her purse, it was a container filled with an ointment. She placed it on the spots that was irritated on Luz's skin.

Almost immediately, the irritation went away slowly until it was just a red spot and didn't felt itchy. "Woah it works like a miracle! Thank you!" Luz jumped happily "you're very welcome, Noceda... However, this only lasts a little while. I noticed your skin was quite bothered." Amity stated.

Luz hugged Amity tightly. "Noceda?" Amity called out. "Thank you Ams, thank you for helping me a lot."Luz smiled, Amity didn't know how to respond because she wasn't used to these kinds of stuff. Amity decided to wrap her arms around the back of Luz.

" There you guys a-"Gus was cut off by Willow yanking him to the side. Luz broke the hug as she grabbed Amity's hand. "Let's go back to the others, shall we?" Luz smiled a bit bigger than the previous ones.

"Gus! Willow! How was the ride?"
"Boring" "Fun"
"That's awesome! Which rides should we go next?"

All four of them thought about it "I heard there was a kraken ride!Over there." Gus pointed east to where they were. "Isn't that the ride where there are like arms and carts, and it would go up and down while it spins?" Luz described it.

"Yep! Pretty much like that!" Gus beamed up while Willow gulped. "I'm sitting this one out" Willow waved her hand around. "I'm down for it, how about you Ams?" Luz turned to Amity.

"I-I don't mind..." Amity rubbed the back of her head. "will you be okay on your own, willow?" Luz asked as Willow stayed on the side. "I'll be fine! Go have fun, the three of you!" Willow waved happily. Luz nodded and the three of them head towards the kraken ride.

When Luz got there, it was way bigger than she thought it would be... Like WAY bigger. "uh" Luz gulped "so? Whaddya think? Do you think you cna handle this bad boy?" Gus proudly stands as you can hear the screams of people. "Amityyyyy, can you handle this rideee? Because I sureee can't." Luz leaned over a fence as she puts her arm on it.

Amity stares at the ride and back at Luz. "There's a first for everything."Amity replied "ah." Luz responded. Then it was silence. "Alright let's gooo!!!" Gus pulled the both of them to the line, there were almost little to none, people lining up for this ride.

"is it this bad." Luz asked Gus
"Oh, you'll get used to it!" Gus shrugged it off
"Absolutely horrid." Amity added
"You can already tell?" Luz looked at Amity "I'm always right."Amity smirked at Luz but you could tell Amity is terrified of going or near this ride.

" Hop on kids! "The operator was quite friendly, probably because they haven't seen that much people going on this one. "You there! You're going on the single person cart, I'm sure you're a brave boy now! You've been here so many times." The operator pointed at Gus

"Oh, I'm going with my friends."Gus replied "Oh... It's more fun in the single cart! Single cart. Go. Now!" The operator patted his back as Gus made a 'tsk' as he walked over to one of the single cart with his back slumped over.

"Hold on tight to me this time" Luz giggled remembering in the previous ride. Amity giggled too. They both hopped onto one of the carts and were securely stuck to the seat, to make sure they wouldn't fly off.

The ride started slowly, but soon the ride was spinning faster and faster as the carts dropped down and ascended and repeated. Luz held onto the railing, frozen. As Amity screamed while holding onto Luz's arm. Halfway through the ride Luz started screaming "MAMAAAAAA-"

The ride soon came to an end, Luz got off and dropped to the ground, she felt her soul leave her body. "N-Noceda, are you okay?" Amity said with her entire body shaking. "..." Luz was unresponsive. "WOOOO! AGAIN!" Gus got out of the ride with his arms up.

"is she dead?" Gus asked as he crouched down and poked her face. "..." Amity stared at Gus with a terrified look. "N-Not literally!" Gus waved his hands around. "Estoy muerta" Luz rose from the ground.
"Look, she's aliveeee" Gus shook the wrists of his hand (you know that gesture like 'ta-da~)

"Do you need assistance getting up, Noceda?" Amity held her hand out for her to grab. "Thank you very much."Luz grabbed it rather quickly making Amity almost go off balance. "Ah sorry. "Luz rubbed the back fo her head. "It's alright! I'm sure your body couldn't handle it"Amity smiled

All four of them regrouped together and went to more rides together, Luz and Amity went to the carousel, Willow and Gus went to a ferris wheel, and they did other things too like eat food.

Soon the sun was starting to set,If it wasn't just Luz seeing things, the sky was painted with more reds than oranges. Willow looked at Luz with a frown. Amity and Gus look at Willow with concern.

"Hey willow, is there something you aren't telling us?" Gus asked, Which alerted Luz. "I think Luz should be answering that question instead." Willow diverted their attention from her, to Luz.

"Luz?"Amity stared at her. "Um, I actually have to go back home today." Luz looked down to the groud with a frown. "What? But it's only been three weeks! weren't you going to stay here for three months?" Gus cried out.

"Supposed to... But, I have to go back sooner than I thought... I'll see you guys again next year." Luz smiled softly at them.

Amity stood there, liquid spilling out of her eyes but she soon wiped them away before anyone saw. "I'm really sorry, I had so much fun with all of you for this past three weeks."Luz hugged Willow and Gus.

" Amity, don't worry."Luz smiled as she hugged her softly but it lasted for a while,Amity hugged her back tightly. Luz knew neither any of them wanted her to go back soon, but it was inevitable

" Luz..."Amity was about to blurt something but she prevented herself from saying it. "See you next year. "Amity finished as she smiled softly but painfully.

Luz would like to stay longer in the Boiling Isles and not spend fall in a boring camp that makes you just like other people.

But what could she do? She has to go back. That was obvious from the start.
"See you guys again,next year."Luz smiled and started walking back to the owl house, leaving an upset Amity, lonely Gus, and a concerned Willow.

" Hoot! Hoot! You're back!"Hooty stretched out to greet Luz but saw her visibly upset, so he stretched back into the door." what made you upset? Hoot hoot! Do you know who made meee upset? "Hooty squaked

"Not now Hooty.I have to go somewhere." Luz opened the door, but even though she was mad, she didn't slam it close. "Luz! You're back...?" King looked at her with concern.

Luz went upstairs and started grabbing her things. "Are you going somewhere?" King asked.

Luz closed the door as she sighed. She left.

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