My Hero [Momo Yaoyorozu x Rea...

By GFanatiiK

362K 6.2K 5.2K

Y/n is a confident teenager which aims to be one of the best heroes. However he had a turbulent past but that... More

Day One
The Meeting: Part One
The Meeting: Part Two
A Class Representative
USJ Attack: Part One
USJ Attack: Part Two
The Date
A Day Together
Class Restarts + Announcement
Sports Festival Starts
Sports Festival: The First Tests
Sports Festival: The Fights
Sports Festival Ends
Holidays and Shopping
I-Island: Part One
I-Island: Part Two (SEX WARNING)
Summer Training Camp
Memories Of The Past
Villains Attack
The Rescue: Part One
The Rescue: Part Two
Symbol of Peace vs Symbol of Evil
An Eventful Night (Sex Warning)
Moving To The Dorms: Part One
Ultimate Moves
Why Couldn't I Be Normal?
Negative Thoughts
Sweet Feelings (Sex Warning)
The Big Three
A Step After Another
An Interesting Turn of Events
Learning From The Best

Moving To The Dorms: Part Two

4.4K 77 191
By GFanatiiK

"Are you sure I can't take the piano?"

In one wing of the Yaoyorozu family's palatial mansion, Y/n and Momo were about to finally be done with her packing. Momo's room which used to be impeccably tidy, was now turned upside down. A pile of several dozen cardboard boxes stacked like a pyramid seemed out of place within her elegantly decorated room.

"Babe, I'm already not sure the dorm rooms will be big enough for this bed to fit in, so no, you definitely can't bring the piano." Y/n said amusingly as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Oh really? How big are the dorms going to be?" Momo asked innocently, stopping to pack up all her remaining garments and turning towards her boyfriend. She was rich beyond reason and lived in a place to say the least... spacious. Of course moving to dorms would be quite a big change for her.

"Well..." Y/n walked around Momo's humongous third closet, the one being only intended for her evening dresses. "About as big as this closet." He spoke and Momo's face scrunched up in confusion.

"This small? Baby you can't be serious, this is my closet." Momo retorted, pushing her bottom lip in a pout. Yes. She definitely was insanely rich.

Y/n chuckled and stopped in front of her. "That's why I told you not to pack up all the clothes from the previous closets." He said and booped her nose. Y/n delighted in teasing his girlfriend. He never let an opportunity slip and had become annoyingly good at it since they both met.

Momo sighed. "Alright, I'm done with my packing then, besides, why didn't I even think that I would never need to wear a dress to class..."

"Momo?" Said her mother, entering the room. The teenagers turned towards the source of the voice and walked out of Momo's closet, meeting Yumi. In her shadow was the family butler, Uchimura.

"Well? Are you prepared for your big move?" Yumi asked, anxiety somehow escaping from her tone. Something Momo took notice of but didn't pick up.

"I've just finished packing, mother. It would have taken way longer without Y/n's help. As you can see, we tried to make everything as compact as possible, yet..." Momo furrowed her brow in discontent, she realized that not even a quarter of it all would fit in her future room if the dorms were as small as Y/n predicted.

Her mother wore a look of concern as well, but for the complete opposite. "Will you manage with so little? Did you pack a tea set large enough for your entire class, so that nobody feels left out at teatime? And how about your evening dresses?" Yumi's concern did nothing to ease Momo's expression.

"Surely all those things aren't necessary mother..."

"It never hurts to be prepared, Momo." Yumi said flatly, which made her daughter start to doubt herself for a second, but she fastly pulled herself together meanwhile Y/n attended the scene silently.

"Mother, honestly I don't think I'll...-"


A word and a glance from the lady of the house prompted a small nod from the butler, he understood his employer's wishes without a full explanation.

"Another cardboard box, ma'am? Of course. I've also been informed by U.A. that a maid may not accompany Miss Momo within the dormitory, so I've taken the liberty of purchasing the latest models of household appliances." The butler said.

"All of which are sure to be useful for the other students as well! Wonderful! Ah, and we mustn't forget entertainment, the contents of the playroom will have to be packed as well." Yumi added.

"Mom please..." Yumi and Uchimura stopped their dialogue and looked at Momo as she just interrupted them. "The school dormitory will be a place of education and training. We're meant to be as self-sufficient as possible." Momo said, objecting to her mother's frivolous additions to the packing list which was already way too long.

"Oh, Sweetheart..." Tears welled up in Yumi's eyes. "Forgive me. It's just that I never expected my baby to be leaving the house this soon, so I can't help but worry." Momo ran up to her mother and took her in the deepest hug she could.

"Mom... I'm sorry for worrying you, but I'll be fine. Plus, remember that Y/n will be with me the entire time." Momo said comforting her mother.

"Yes, Yumi I promise nothing will happen to Momo as long as I'm with her." Y/n intervened.

"You see? No need to worry." Momo added, still hugging her mother.

"Of course, I know you'll both be fine." Yumi broke the hug with Momo and her eyes had red marks from crying. She cupped one of her daughter's cheek. "Sweetheart, you'll be all grown up soon. But if you take nothing else, at least accept this gift, purchased to commemorate your new life in the dormitory. Uchimura?" With a snap of his fingers, the butler signalled the maids in the hallway to wheel in a handcart with about ten more cardboard boxes. Momo frowned of confusion and opened one. She found it was nearly bursting at the seams with new books.

"An encyclopedia set with reference books from every country of the world Miss Momo. Your father was certain this would please you more than anything. You will find custom-made bookshelves as well." Uchimura explained.

Momo was amazed before her gift. For those who knew the jet black haired girl well, it was no secret that books were what Momo loved the most after her boyfriend, her parents and her friends. Books were an infinite source of knowledge, each contained new knowledge or a different approach to it. A knowledge of which she was delighted and which was very much appreciated in view of her quirk.

The library was undoubtedly her favourite place so far in her house, it was almost exclusively granted to her. It was basically her house inside of her house and she was the princess of the place. She spent thousands of hours in there and was very used to it. But even so, it was always so magical whenever she entered it again. This place had the peculiarity of marvelling her to the highest point for different reasons, whether it be the calm that reigned in the room, the way these hundreds of books were arranged on these dozens of bookshelves from left to right and then from top to bottom in alphabetical order, which gave this piece an unprecedented dimension of order. Or else, the fact she got to discover the very new books her father brought from his different business trips, without even pointing it out to her, only so she could be surprised when she'd discover them on her next foray.

Strolling along these aisles that seemed endless to her when she was younger was something she enjoyed doing alone. But recently, she was no longer alone to walk these alleys. Every time she felt the need to go to the library, Y/n was silently following her, their fingers interlocked to not let go of each other. She never forced him to come, especially since it encroached on their time for physical training. But she was so filled with wonder to be surrounded by books, Y/n couldn't miss that expression of hers. And it just made Momo even happier that he was coming with her. He couldn't help but smile as he stared at her sparkling midnight eyes that carefully scanned the shelves in search of a new book she would later read in no time.

"Oh, thank you very much! Of course I'll have to bring these with me!" Momo said, thrilled with her gift. Yumi and Uchimura watched her warmly, feeling a bit more emotionally prepared for the girl they cared for to leave home.

"I'm glad you like it Momo. Anyway, we'll let you be but keep in mind it's already late in the afternoon and you still have to go back to Y/n's place to pack up his stuff. Don't waste too much time." Yumi kindly warned them and took her leave, along with the butler.

As soon as the door closed, Momo turned back to Y/n, the latter wrapped his arms around Momo's waist whilst hers snaked around his neck. They made eye contact and smiled at one another. "Your mother is amazing." Y/n softly said.

"I know." Momo replied, smiling contentedly. Her relaxed expression turned into one of sadness, in line with her train of thought. "Y/n?"

"Hmm?" He hummed in response, focusing on her girlfriend for whom he noticed her all so sudden change of mood.

"Nevermind, I was just lost in my mind. Sorry for bothering you, Babe." Momo answered apologetically.

"Come on Momo, you know you're never bothering me. What was that about?" Y/n demanded.

Momo faltered for a moment before she responded. "Well, actually I wanted to ask you how your mother was but I just realized it was highly inappropriate, especially lately... I'm sorry Y/n." She looked away ashamed, but Y/n took her chin between his thumb and index finger and raised her head so that she looked at him again.

"It's all right Babe. Actually my mom was the strongest woman I've ever known..." His smile was so radiant that it lit up the room as he remembered about his mother and her mimics, like the way she used to ruffle his hair when she was putting him to bed, or the way her mouth contorted into a soft and expressive smile each time her gaze landed on him. Damn he missed that smile. "She had a strong personality, she was so kind but could turn into an absolute terror when she was angry. No matter the situation, she always remained the best mom." Momo wiped away the hot tears that dripped down his cheeks with a tissue she just had created out of her wrist.

"I'm really sorry Y/n..." Momo said trying not to sound too much like she was about to cry at any moment as well. She would already miss her parents way too much while she'd be at the dorms, but it was way different for Y/n. He had lost his mother forever. She couldn't imagine how he felt. "I wish she was still there." Momo said hugging him tightly and pressing her head against his chest.

"Me too Momo... She would have loved you."


*The next day, U.A. Heights Alliance*

By now, the whole class 1-A was together except for Y/n and Momo who didn't arrive yet. All of them were making casual conversations, the events of the summer camp and Kamino already seemed far behind. Before them stood the new Heights Alliance dorms. Built only three days ago and only five minutes from U.A., they were intended in the main purpose of ensuring the students' safety.

"Hey look, it's Y/n and Yaomomo!" All eyes turned at the invisible girl's statement as her sleeves moved frantically. The two students didn't even have time to announce their arrival that all of their friends had lunged at them and clustered all around.

"Hey everyone, we're sorry for bei-AH!" Momo was immediately tackled into a hug by her best friend.

"Yaomomo, I'm so glad you're fine." Kyoka said hugging her tightly. Momo could only smile as she corresponded to the hug.

"Just as I am relieved that you are, Kyoka."

"Y/n, it's good to see you man!" Kirishima spoke.

"We all were super worried for you." Kaminari added to which a major part of the class nodded in agreement. Y/n smiled warmly at his classmates' caring attitude. He looked towards Midoriya, the latter stood in front of him, a sad expression sporting on his features.

He looked down as he spoke up. "I'm sorry I couldn't prevent you from being captured Y/n. It turned out just like Mr. Aizawa said it would, I barely managed to save one person and was totally useless afterwards."

Y/n could tell Midoriya really blamed himself. But before he could open the mouth and say a thing, he was firmly gripped by the shoulders and shaken violently. "I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU! DO YOU SUFFER ANY AFTER-EFFECTS!? IT'S MY DUTY AS THE VICE CLASS REPRESENTATIVE TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE ALRIGHT!" Iida said in his typical frantic way, which made Y/n chuckle.

"Thank you everyone for your concern, but I'm fine."

"Y/n, is that super villain who fought All Might really your father?" That was it. That was the sentence that pulled him back to reality. Momo in addition to being perfect in every way, was also a very dedicated girlfriend. When they got reunited, Y/n's world was a terrible storm. A storm Momo somehow managed to prevent him from by surrounding him with all her love. She was what could be likened to a cosy place where he took refuge. Momo made him feel safe and helped him forget his troubles.

Although he could forget about his problems, he couldn't avoid them. He knew it, so Momo did. And this storm which was reality had just managed to penetrate that cosy place of him to bring him back to reality. He guessed he now had to face the music.

Everyone went silent and all looked towards Shoji, behind whom Mineta's voice had just been heard. As Y/n looked at them all, the only thing he saw was sad expressions from his classmates. "I-"

"Now then class 1-A, I'm glad to see you all here." To Y/n's relief, the entire class turned to see their teacher standing before them at the entrance of the dorms.

"And we're glad to see you here Mr. Aizawa. I was sad because I thought you might not come back after that press conference." Tsuyu spoke out from the group.

He rubbed his head as he responded. "I'm surprised too. But well... A lot's happened. They let me the hook for now. Anyway, I'm gonna give you a quick overview of your dorms. But before that, the training camp was meant to earn your provisional licenses. And that's still the goal."

"Oh yeah, that's right! That's what we were doing!"

"With everything that happened I totally forgot."

"This is important. Listen up." Aizawa's blank stare suddenly turned into a glare. "Todoroki, Kirishima, Midoriya, Yaoyorozu, Iida, Bakugo. On that night, you six headed out to rescue Y/n. And judging by the look on your faces, everyone except Y/n, Hagakure and Jiro knew about it and didn't say a word. I think that all of you here understand the consequences of those actions. The issue has been swept under the rug and officially you were never there, but let me say this much." He paused, the tension among the class was at its height as they awaited him to continue. "If not for All Might's retirement, I would have expelled every single one of you except for Y/n, Jiro and Hagakure. But kicking anyone out of U.A. at present is ill-advised, particularly since we can't get a read on the League of Villains' next move."

The rescue team, as well as the rest of the class, felt a wave of relief wash over them, it was to be expected that Aizawa would figure it out. "However, the six who went of course, but also the twelve who knew but did nothing to stop them. Your reasons aside, the fact remains that you betrayed our trust. From this point on, if you fall in line and behave properly, you might be able to regain our trust. Now everyone looks lively, I'll give you a small overview of the dorms."

"Lively? After that...!?" The class shouted in unison.

Y/n could see the faces of his classmates, all already looked downtrodden but Aizawa's unforgiving reprimand did nothing to lighten the mood. He felt guilty for almost getting his entire class expelled.

"Consider yourself lucky I didn't get expelled because of you, Shadow Bastard." Bakugo grumbled, catching Y/n's attention as he walked past him and followed Aizawa into the building. The rest of the class quickly started to follow suit the ash blonde and entered the building.

"Are you okay?" The soft and angelic voice of his beautiful girlfriend made Y/n look towards her. Her head was slightly tilted on the side and her innocent eyes the colour of the midnight sky were settled on him.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... all of you almost got expelled because you went to rescue me. If only I wasn't so weak, none of this would have happened."

"Baby, nobody blames you, so please don't do it either. We ourselves decided to go and rescue you while being perfectly aware of what we were exposing ourselves to. And in my concern, I would do it a million times again if it'd mean I could be with you again." She concluded her sentence by filling the gap between their lips, in a soft minty, strawberry kiss.

Momo's lips captured his and Y/n could feel her emotions coming through her lips to his. Her hands slowly raised up to around his neck and her arms gently wrapped around it. Y/n took a half step closer, moving a strong arm around her waist while his other hand went to her cheek, cupping it in his hand.

As much as they wanted to continue just doing that, their moment didn't last long as the two of them rapidly broke the kiss, not wanting to get more intimate publicly. But it was still so perfect. No one was there to disturb them since all of their fellow classmates had already entered the dorm. However, a certain pink girl and a purple haired girl smirked as they watched the scene from afar and rejoiced from the source of teasing material they just had gotten against Momo.

"And you know you aren't weak. Don't ever say that again." Momo added honestly.

"Why are you so kind with me?" Y/n asked.

"Because I love you. Now let's join the others." She quipped back. It was a reminder of why he wanted to spend every second of his life with her, because she loved him. He meant everything to her. And god, it was reciprocal. Y/n loved Momo, so much. He wanted to fall asleep with her in his arms, he wanted her smile to be the first thing he'd see when he woke up.

The two lovers hurried to join their classmates inside, who were all in shock to see how big the dorms were. Obviously, Momo wasn't that impressed. The dormitory, despite its large surface area, would never compete with the Yaoyorozus' domain.

"One class to each building, girls on the right, boys on the left. The first floor features the dining area and the kitchen, as well as the bathrooms and laundry rooms. A part of it is also dedicated and acts as a common area, equipped with a TV and sofas." Aizawa explained. The building itself and everything inside still had that brand-new look and smell, which only made the students more excited about this radical change in their lives.

"This place is so spacious!" Ashido commented.

"We've even got a courtyard!" Sero added.

"SWANKY LIVIN'!" Uraraka said and wobbled to the ground, gaining Iida's attention as he frantically shouted her name while chopping the air with his robotic movements.

"D-Did I just hear right!? The bathrooms and laundry rooms are in the common area? T-This can't be true. After all these years, are my dreams finally becoming reality?" Mineta's voice was barely a whisper but did not escape Aizawa's vigilance anyway.

"They're split up by gender. And that's enough out of you." The teacher reprimanded him, irritated to say the least. "Moving on... The rooms start on the second floor and are individual. Each one being given air conditioners, personal bathrooms, refrigerators and closets. Enjoy the luxuries." Aizawa had just finished talking when Mina elbowed Momo slightly and mouthed her those two words, 'individual rooms'. Momo followed her train of thoughts and said nothing, but the remarkable blush spreading on her cheeks did. Ashido couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips as her teasing was successful.

"These are your room assignments." Aizawa spoke up, showing a piece of paper with students' names by floors.

(Y/n's room is right next to Bakugo's. Also Uraraka's and Momo's are switched.)

"All of your belongings should be in your respective rooms. Today's set aside for settling in. We'll talk about what comes next tomorrow. Dismissed!" Shota said to the group of students.

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa!" The class responded in unison, with genuine energy. While most moved towards the elevators and the upper floors, Aizawa called Momo aside.

"What is it about, Mr. Aizawa?" Momo asked when she made it to him. She thought he had called her to ask her something related to her function as the class representative, but it turned out it had nothing to do with that.

"All of these are your things." He said, gesturing at a pyramid of boxes which sat in a corner of the common area. The stack was even taller than before, certainly because of the additional encyclopedia set and bookshelves. "Everything won't fit, you'll have to pick up just five or six boxes to keep. Only the bare essentials. Send the rest back."

"F-Five or six?" The ravenette stammered. "Surely you jest, Mr. Aizawa!"

"I'm dead serious. Now, get on with it." The teacher said, bearing his usual blank expression to which everyone identified him. He walked away towards the exit and eventually left the dorms.

"Five or six boxes... How am I supposed to choose so few?" Momo whispered to herself.

"Do you need help?" Momo was startled at the voice coming from behind. She assumed everyone had gone to their rooms, making her the only person left in the common area. "Calm down, it's just me." Y/n said, raising his hands in surrender while laughing.

"Baby, you scared me." Momo said as she turned around, her voice was almost a whine.

"I'm sorry Babe, I didn't mean to scare you." He said and released the softest of smiles. A smile that he knew made Momo's heart beat out of her chest, and was all dedicated to her.

"It's fine. I thought you went to your room."

"Why would I let you alone here?" Y/n retorted.

Momo's lips contorted in a smile at her boyfriend's caring attitude. Her gaze returned to the pile of boxes that stood before them and she blew out a sigh as she spoke up. "I have to choose what I keep and what I send back home."

Y/n chuckled before speaking. "Somebody should have warned you to not bring that much stuff to the dorms.

"You did." The ravenette responded, looking on the side and doing that adorable pouty thing of her.

Y/n smirked, looking forward to his next sentence. "Oh, really? I did that?" He said even more amused. Momo rolled her eyes but eventually giggled. Y/n then looked at the boxes behind her. "Anyway, I'll help you with that pyramid of boxes."

"Certainly not." Momo firmly responded.

Y/n backed his head in confusion. "Baby? Why not?"

"Because you need to unpack your stuff as well."

"Yeah, but I'm your boyfriend. I-" He was interrupted as Momo slipped a finger in front of his lips.

"Exactly Y/n, you're my boyfriend. Not one of my maids or my butler. I'll be fine handling a few boxes, honestly. And if you care so much helping me to unpack, then you'll just have to come when you're done with your room." She sounded loving but defensive. Y/n didn't seek to insist further, he knew his girlfriend always had the last word.

"Alright, Beautiful. I'll see you then. Just call me if you need help." A barely perceptible shade of red seized her cheeks as he called her by another nickname that described her perfectly. They kissed quickly and after they let go of each other, Momo looked at his back until he turned at the corner and was no longer visible. She focused back on the pyramidal pile of boxes and her brain agonized, only wondering how she'd pare down her possessions.


*At the fourth floor*

"Get the hell out, Shitty hair! Who the fuck said you could stick around!? Don't you got your own crap to unpack?" Bakugo's cries echoed through the corridors of the 4th floor. None of the students from class 1-A actually thought about it when they were told they'd now live at U.A. But now, they would have to get used to it.

Y/n was down the hall, heading to his room. He could hear Bakugo's shouts intensify as he got closer to his room. Eventually he walked past the room and stopped in front of it. The door was open wide and Kirishima was inside, being yelled at by Bakugo. "One of your boxes has found its way to my room, and I- Hey Y/n, what's up!" The owner of the hardening quirk said as he looked above the ash blonde's shoulder and caught a glimpse of his friend.

Bakugo instantly whipped around and glared at him. "'The fuck are you doing here too!?"

"I was just heading to my room." Y/n replied blankly.

"And where the fuck is your room!?" Bakugo retorted slightly irritated.

"Right next to yours." Y/n said nonchalantly.

"Damn! You guys are room neighbours. That's so manly!" The two squinted in confusion at Kirishima who just had spoken up. "Okay, maybe it's not so manly after all..." The faux red haired boy rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Actually, I need to talk to you." Y/n told Bakugo, now gaining the full attention of the explosive blonde. They stared at one another, exchanging cold glances bordering on hostility. The thing about their relationship was that it was really... delicate. If at the beginning of the year they both hated each other, their relationship, although tumultuous, had evolved somewhat even though they were still walking on thin ice. Now they were able to come to an agreement if only to team up, as they did in Kamino.

Kirishima broke the silence that had settled in the room for the past few seconds. "Alright, I'll let you guys talk. Try not to kill each other." He tried to joke but it didn't have much success as they both remained silent. Eventually, he walked away towards his own room.

Y/n was then the first to speak up. "Okay, I know we don't get along with each other and I'll-"

"Stop being so fucking annoying. Whatever the fuck you wanted to talk about, just spit it out." Bakugo growled, interrupting him.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you, for you know... saving my life." Y/n said.

"Did you just fuckin' came here only to say thank you!?" In all honesty, that was pretty much the kind of reaction Y/n had expected from Bakugo. So he just rolled with it.

"Tchh, anyway... Look, I bet that villain from Kamino, All For One, is your father given your reaction earlier. But I don't give a fuck, neither I do about what else you're hiding. That's none of my business and it'll change nothing. I still wanna beat you and be the number one hero in the end. Just, how hard were you going against him?"

"W-What?" Y/n was taken by surprise and somewhat confused by Bakugo's question.

"Are you fucking deaf?" Bakugo growled as he had to repeat himself. He almost cursed himself for what he was going to say, it reminded him of the Sports Festival and his crushing defeat against Y/n. "At the Sports Festival... you were going 20% against me. How much did you go against him?" He reiterated his question and his irritation could be felt. Through his annoyed voice, but also through his gestures as he grit his teeth and looked on the side.

"I guess I crossed the 70% although it was only for a single attack..." Y/n responded quietly.

"Damn it..." Bakugo cursed as he leaned against his desk. "That guy was as strong as All Might and you're telling me that you didn't go all the way against him!?" Bakugo almost yelled, noting once again the difference in level between him and Y/n.

"Bakugo, I have no clue what you're thinking about, but don't get me wrong. I've barely managed to maintain the 70% for a single attack, it was pure luck. And even if it wasn't... my body wouldn't be able to take it anyway."

Bakugo blinked several times. "Wait, what the fuck do you mean that your body can't take it!?"

Y/n sighed, turned around, and walked towards the door. "You'll have to make do with that, I've told you enough already." He turned around and started to walk to the door.

"Hey Y/n!" He stopped on his tracks and turned at Bakugo's call to him. He was rather surprised, it was the first time Bakugo used his name instead of whatever stupid nickname he could think of. "While you were captured... Ponytail had a mental breakdown." While it seemed out of character for Bakugo to care about one of his classmates, Y/n could only guess it was part of his atonement for what he did to Momo earlier in the year. However, he was still not ready to forgive him.

As for Momo's mental breakdown, Y/n was perfectly aware of it. The terrified face she had at Kamino would remain forever etched in his mind. He had also seen how she reacted at the hospital, he could only feel bad for putting her through this. But he still was proud of how strong she remained in spite of everything. He himself had no idea how badly he would have reacted if their roles were reversed and Momo was actually the one captured.

Thankfully, all this was now behind them and they were back together again.

"See? You finally said my name once." Y/n said, not responding directly to Bakugo. "Oh and one more thing, I'd like to spend my days without hearing you shouting constantly."


The black haired boy scoffed and left the room.


*Time skip brought to you by Y/n unpacking his stuff*

As soon as he was done unpacking, Y/n walked off the room, making his way to the girls' side of the 4th floor. He reached Momo's room, knocked at the door, turned the knob and walked inside after hearing his girlfriend's voice from the other side. "Hey Momo."

"Hey Baby, you were right. The room is just as big as my closet." Momo said jokingly.

Y/n chuckled and looked at the arounds. "Wow, you didn't waste any time from what I see." It was perhaps the most expensive dorm room he'd ever see. Victorian patterns adorned her furniture, reflecting her taste in decoration while recalling the status of her family. The walls, just like at her home, were painted a soft cream colour. Her brand new encyclopedias sat in bookshelves next to her desk. The bedspread, the same colour of the walls rested on a bed Y/n however didn't recognize as Momo's usual one. "Is that a new bed?"

"Yes, I had planned to use the old one but as I saw the size of the room, I figured out it would have been too cramped. So I made a new bed myself." Momo explained. Y/n could quite picture that the room would have been too claustrophobic with the old bed. The new one was still imposing, but certainly not as much as the previous and actually gave Momo space.

He gave her room one more look and his gaze landed on her desk. His eyes caught a framed picture of the two of them at Musutafu's Festival. He smiled as he remembered well that day. They were both wearing yukatas and had taken it at a photo booth, Y/n hugged Momo from behind and kissed her cheek while she smiled joyfully.

It was also the first time they had gotten... intimate.

Another reminder of that day sat in a corner of the room. The huge teddy bear he had earned her. Its colour matched perfectly with the cream walls.

"Y/n, would you be a sweetheart and help me putting away the last clothes that are in this box?" Momo asked softly, to which he didn't answer but obligated.

Y/n started to unpack her clothes until one moment his gaze crossed a very familiar piece of clothing. He pulled out the hoodie he had been wearing during their first date and had given to her. "You brought it with you."

"Of course I did!" She rushed over and took the hoodie off his hands. She hugged it, holding it up to her face and Y/n just smiled widely as he looked at her.

"You're so cute Momo. That's killing me." He said lovingly. Momo smiled innocently as she made her way to his face, deeply kissing him.

"I love you Y/n." She said after breaking the kiss.

"I love you Momo... Hey, we should go out on a date one of these days. It's been a while since we didn't go to one."

Her smile widened at the idea that just blossomed out of her boyfriend's mind. "That would be a great idea."She left a soft kiss on his cheek. "Why don't you show me your room for now?"

"Hmm, so you can see where I'm going to fuck you all night long after our date?" Momo immediately covered her now blushing face with her hands. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm sorry Baby, but I had to make the joke. Although it was only half a joke."

"Baka! Don't say things like that!" She said still blushing and hiding her face.

"Anyway, let's go down to the common area. The others are probably done as well. I'll show you my room on the way up." The two walked downstairs and went to the living room, where all the boys currently were. "Hey guys." Y/n waved at them as he and Momo approached.

"Y/n, Yaomomo!" Kaminari greeted them.

"Aren't the rest of the girls done?" Y/n asked.

"Of course we are!" He turned around only to see Mina leading the rest of the girls except for Tsuyu. "Guys, we've been talking and we've got an idea!" She exclaimed.

"And what kind of idea is that?" Y/n demanded, raising a brow. The rest of the boys also stared at her sceptically. Everyone who knew Mina was right to mistrust her. It was for a good reason this time.

"How about we have a room presentation contest?" Mina announced in a sparkling and energetic voice.

"Fuck off, I'm going to sleep." Bakugo jumped off the couch and stomped away to his own room.

"Alright... If everyone else is okay with this, then let's begin with the first room, which is Modoriya's!" Mina said nevertheless happily.

"Not so fast!" Iida suddenly stood between his classroom and the stairs, cutting them in their tracks. "Communal living is another way to train our sense of law and order, but not only! Now that we are all, or at least almost all together, I think it's time for me to fully introduce you to my lecture class for couples and public displays of affection!"

The entire class whined in unison, some of them immediately tried to stop the inevitable. "Iida, this isn't necessary."

"Of course it totally is necessary. From now on, we will all live together and will get to learn more about each other. Relationships between some may evolve and become more intimate. Let's take Y/n and Yaoyorozu as an example. It is no secret that they are in a relationship. And although they may be serious students, they remain nonetheless hormonal teenagers. This growing relationship, although I do not wish it, can take a disastrous turn. Especially when Y/n constantly keeps staring at Yaoyorozu's back and upper chest!"


All eyes turned to Y/n as facepalmed. Momo despite blushing violently, responded to the vice class representative. "Iida, please understand that Y/n and I are able to take responsibilities for our couple ourselves. And I do believe it would be the same for all of us. I really think this lecture isn't necessary."

"Alright, if you say so... Furthermore, it is true that if there were to be any clarification on this subject, it would be up to you, as the class representative, to make them." Iida responded to the relief of the class.

Kyoka smirked and cupped her hands to Momo's ear, whispering something that only the owner of the creation quirk could hear. Her cheeks warmed up as she blushed more than anyone had ever seen her before. "Baka! Baka! Baka!" Momo shouted, hiding her reddened face behind her hands. Meanwhile, Kyoka watched as everyone wondered what she could possibly have told her.

And then she watched as Y/n asked her. "What did you tell her?"

"Oh, it's nothing, really. Let's move on to the room contest." Jiro said, still giggling. Despite the class's irrepressible need to know what Jiro had murmured to Momo, well, it was essentially Mina as the rest of the class already moved on, Kyoka remained silent on the subject. The class would never know what had plunged their class representative into such a state of embarrassment.

Y/n placed a gentle hand on Momo's head as he leaned forward until he was at eye level with her. "You all right, Baby?"

"You guys are adorable!" Hagakure squealed.

Momo spread one of her fingers, letting Y/n catch a glimpse of one of her beautiful onyx eyes. "This is so embarrassing..."

Y/n smirked. "It's fine. You look cute when you're embarrassed... Are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Later." Momo whispered. Y/n nodded and wrapped an arm over her shoulder. Then the class walked up to the 2nd floor.

"NO, NO, NO, NO, HOLD ON!!" Izuku yelled desperately. Everyone collectively entered his room.

... And saw All Might everywhere.

Bedsheets, curtains, frames, posters... Wall to wall the entire bedroom was covered with All Might. From his shelf, onto his desk, figures were perfectly aligned, and in a very precise order. He had spent half his afternoon deciding whether he preferred to arrange them by date of publication, or according to the different ages of costumes. He had an astronomical collection there, actually he owned all the existing All Might figures. All except one...

The limited cowboy All Might, the one that never was released in Japan.

"All Might all around! It's a fanboy room!" Uraraka exclaimed.

Izuku blushed at her comment. "I-It's because I look up to him... Kinda embarrassing..." He replied leaning against his desk. Y/n just shrugged looking at Izuku's room. This was pretty much what he had imagined.

"Man, what have we gotten ourselves into here...?" Kaminari asked from the entrance.

"I don't know, it could be fun though..." Sero added.

Next room was Tokoyami's one. And certainly he was not pleased for everyone to be there, so he stood in front of his door blocking the passage. But the determination of his fellow classmates got the better of him and he was eventually shoved out of the way by Hagakure and Ashido. The dark and brooding atmosphere of his room contrasted with the bright colours of the previous one. "Dark and scary!" The two girls commented as they first entered.

"Oh, I know! This would be the perfect place for scary-story sessions!" Mina said overexcited and no longer able to stay put. It gave her ideas for evenings to come and obviously Tokoyami wasn't at the end of his surprises.

"Damn you all..." The occupant of the room commented, with a clear scowl on his beaked face.

"So cool! You even have a sword!" Midoriya fantasized around the object.

"Y/n, don't you like this room?" Kaminari asked.

Y/n frowned of confusion as he responded to him. "Why are you interested in my opinion?"

"Because your quirk is about shadow and dark stuff!"

"So you're basically telling me that because my quirk is dark matter, I should like pitch black? What if my quirk was light, I should like luminous places?" Y/n said and chuckled at his own joke.

"T-That's not what I meant to say..." Denki defended.

"I know. I'm just messing around with you. To be honest, I like the dark. It's quiet and infinite." Y/n explained.

"BE GONE!" Tokoyami shouted embarrassed.

Everyone moved on to the next room, which was Aoyama's. If there was one word to describe the room, it would be-

"SHINY!!" The class shouted in unison. A disco ball sat in the centre of the room, reflecting all the more the light that emanated from the room. Mirrors filled every empty space on the wall. At one of the corners of the room stood an armour reminiscent of the French Middle Ages.

"Non, non, non mon ami... Not shiny, T W I N K L Y!"

"Nothing surprising. Really."

"Pretty much what we expected."

"Always the same vibe."

"This is so fun! Who's left on the 2nd floor?" Uraraka asked. Class 1-A turned around and saw Mineta standing at the bottom of his doorway, he gestured to them to come to him. Momo gave him a glare full of contempt.

"Alright, let's move on to the 3rd floor." Y/n stated.

They all continued visiting each boy's room. It came to Ojiro's turn and well, his room was absolutely normal. There was really nothing unique about it. In a sense, the fact that there was nothing unique actually made it unique.

"Wow! So plain!"

"Whoa! It really is plain!"

"Yup, just about the plainest room you could have!"

"Don't force yourself to comment if you don't have anything nice to say..." Ojiro said nervously.

Then it was time for Iida's chamber to be judged in the same way as its predecessors. Uraraka made a comment about his ridiculously huge collection of glasses. The vice class rep eventually explained defensively he had such an amount of glasses because he expected to go through many pairs during their intense training.

"... You don't like it!?" And now it was Kaminari's room. Honestly, it didn't have the success he had expected. And on the contrary, the girls really liked Koda's room which was right next to Kaminari's, though it was more the rabbit they liked than the room itself. "No fair, using a pet like that. That's cheating Koda." Denki told him while the girls were still fawning around the little animal.

"*sigh* This is taking way more time than I expected. I wanna go to bed." Y/n muttered to himself, tired of his long day.

Momo took Y/n's hand in hers and interlocked their fingers. "A few more rooms to go then you can go to bed Baby," Momo whispered softly.

The class thought they were done with the 4th floor.

But then came the fateful moment...

"Isn't it weird that only the boys had to present their rooms?" The class stopped at Mineta's remark. "This is an exhibition, right? So if we're gonna pick a winner, then it's only natural that we see the girls' rooms too! Who's the best interior decorator in the class? That's what we're here to decide!" Y/n ruminated as he went to shut the grape boy up, well aware it was another ploy to ogle the girls. But he stopped on his way as the other boys surprisingly agreed to Mineta's suggestion. The girls' no-holds-barred criticism stoked the competitive fire in the boys and the few disheartened of them had gained Mineta's cause, although it wasn't for the same reasons as the little pervert.

"Great idea, I'm in!" Mina said excitedly.

'Amazing, it just makes more rooms to visit...'

"I'm sleepy." Todoroki said absentmindedly.

"Yeah, I'm getting tired too..." Kirishima added.

"Then your room's next, Kirishima. Let's pick up the pace!" Hagakure said as they reached the 4th floor.

Kirishima rubbed his headband as he stood before his door. "Whatever you say. But I'm warning you, you girls probably won't get the vibe I'm going for." He opened the door and everyone peeked inside. He was right, he instantly got a collective sigh and groan of disapproval from most of the girls.

"In the 'room you wouldn't want your boyfriend to have' rankings, you're second." Hagakure told him without any filters.

"Manly..." Y/n commented quietly.

"Finally someone who likes it! I'm glad you're getting the vibe too man!" Kirishima gave him a smile and a thumb up. Y/n just chuckled as he followed suit the rest of the class to Shoji's room which was next.

His room was literally empty.

"Okay, who's up next?" Mina demanded.

"It's Y/n's turn!" Momo stated with sparkling eyes while she was still clinging to his arm.

"Uhh, yeah I guess it's me..." Y/n responded nonchalantly scratching the back of his head and walked towards his own room. The expectations on his room were really different from one individual to another.

'Our class's most capable student...'

'Our class's best looking guy...'

'Our class's most mysterious student...'

"Alright, let's just get this over with. I'm tired... One more thing, let Momo enter first." The rest of the class nodded since they really had no reason to oppose it. The ravenette gave at Y/n a look full of love and he just smiled as he turned on the knob.

The door to his room swung open to reveal a rather modern decorated room. The walls were painted white and the floor in grey. The large kingsize bed stood on the right side of the room leaving enough space to move in the centre of the room. His own TV was fixed to the wall facing the bed. Finally, a laptop sat on his desk, which was positioned against the left wall.

"Baby, your room is amazing!" Momo said marvelling about it.

"Wow, your room is so modern! Kinda cool though..." Mina commented.

"Damn Y/n, you have such tastes in decoration!" Denki commented.

"You should take a cue from him." Jiro laughed at him and the whole class followed, laughing in the same way.

"Hey! That's not cool!" Kaminari protested.

"But yet true." Tokoyami said silently. The blonde haired boy scowled at him, giving him a look that said 'come on, you're not going to get into it as well'.

And then said. "Come on, you're not going to get into it as well!"

"It's not that big of a deal man. Everyone has his own tastes. Yours are just... questionable?" Y/n told Denki and the rest of the class headed up to the 5th floor, leaving the blonde devastated.

Everyone particularly appreciated Sero's room and its exotic decoration, though they were even more impressed by the room before them. "JAPANESE!"

Indeed, Todoroki's room was way different from any other rooms. Right down to the last detail, the interior was just as a traditional Japanese house.

"My family home is traditionally Japanese, so I don't like modern flooring." The bicolour explained with a monotone voice.

"Who cares why? How did you remodel your room in one day!?" Mina shouted at him.

To what he only responded. "Hard work."

"What's up with this guy..." Kaminari commented.

Y/n smirked as he looked at the arounds. "Where did you find the materials?"

"The school has entire warehouses full of things that they no longer have use for. Recovery Girl told me I was free to have whatever I needed." Todoroki responded and earned a sceptical look from the others.

"What does Recovery Girl even have to do with this?"

"That's a long story..."

"Anyway, Sato's room!" Mina interrupted.

They went to the last boy room and were instantly met with an uncommon smell. "My room's kind of boring. Really." Sato stated. Except for Todoroki's, every room was pretty much the same. Sato's room was no exception to the rule. It was typical, perhaps the only difference was the presence of an oven.

"Something sure smells good though. What is it?" Ojiro demanded.

"Oh no! I was in such a rush that I must have forgotten to finish this..." Sato rushed over the oven and pulled a cake out of it, the delicious smell spreading even more than before. "I was just baking a cake and I wanted to share it with everyone! It would really be better with frosting, but... want some?" The girls instantly clustered around him, like bees around a honeypot. He offered a slice to everyone but suddenly felt an odd sensation in his legs. He looked down and noticed that Kaminari and Mineta had clung to him.

"This is so unexpected from you... Traitor!" The two shouted at him as they crawled on the ground. Meanwhile the girls were savouring each bite of the delicious cake. They were all truly bewitched its flavour.

"Tasty! So light and fluffy!" Uraraka said.

"This blows Sero's surprise right out of the water!" Mina stated.

"What a charming hobby you have Sato! We'll have to get together to combine your confections with my tea!" Momo told him.

"Huh, don't talk about tea..." Y/n groaned jokingly, getting Momo's attention as she turned towards her boyfriend and giggled at his comment.

"Alright now is time for the girls' rooms!" Mina spoke up.


"Do we really have to?" Jiro demanded as she stood in front of her door.

"Yes. Now open the door, so we can get a glimpse of your room!" Mina said. She was certainly the one taking that room contest the more seriously, which kind of made sense since she was the one having the original idea.

"There're even more instruments than I thought!" Denki shouted stunned by the extensive collection of musical instruments. From drums to guitar, let alone the keyboard, Kyoka knew how to play each of these instruments. With great ease and mastery on top of that.

"Your room is splendid Kyoka. You brought all of your instruments from what I can see." Momo told her, to whom Jiro nodded silently.

"You're one rockin' girl Jiro! Can you really play all of these!?" Uraraka asked impressed as she turned all around and eyed all the instruments.

"Somewhat yeah..." The purplette responded, twiddling her jacks together.

"Unladylike. Non mademoiselle!"

The next second, Aoyama was seen crumpling to the floor as Jiro had fired one of her jacks in his ear and ear raped him. "Moving on. Next!" She said annoyed.

"Next is me, Hagakure!" The class followed the jiggling clothes of the excited invisible girl towards her room and... What could be said about it, except it was very girly. "Well!?"

Mineta being Mineta, he went straight for Hagakure's underwear drawer and started wafting the smell to his nose. "Plus ultra..."

"You don't beat around the bush, Mineta!" Toru shouted angrily.

Y/n, both exasperated by Mineta's behaviour and wanting to be over with the room contest the sooner, stretched out his right arm towards the boy. His eyes glowed red as he activated his quirk, dark matter whips came out of his phalanges and wrapped Mineta as he was dragged to Y/n. "Although we're only on the second floor, I'm sure the fall would be painful. So unless you want me to throw you off this balcony, I advise you to stop." He threatened him. Mineta nodded vigorously and was eventually freed as the whips eased back to Y/n's arms.

"Thanks Y/n!" Hagakure said.

"Damn Y/n, you gave me Mr. Aizawa's vibes!" Sero told him.

"Huh!? What do you mean?" He said back, rather confused.

"Well, first your glowing eyes when you used your quirk and second, those dark whips that came out of you and wrapped their target just as his capture scarf." Sero explained.

"Yes. Now that you're pointing it out I can see that too." Shoji declared.

"If you say so..." Y/n shrugged.

They all went to Mina's room, it was typical Ashido's style. The only reaction the girl got from the boys was a collective 'wow'.

"That's all you got to say!?" The girl had been waiting since the beginning of the competition to present her room, she was so excited at the idea of seeing her friends' reactions before her room...

Now she was desperate.

The class 1-A moved to the second girl's bedroom on the floor which was Momo's. "Yaomomo, it's your turn!" Hagakure squealed. The creation hero was a bit nervous but opened her door anyway, revealing her room to everyone.

"It's a princess room!" Was everyone's reaction.

"This is almost the same furniture as I use back home but... it's not really original compared to yours." Momo said nervously, tugging a strand of her long untied hair behind her ear.

"Ohhh, that's so cute!" All the girls squealed at her framed picture of Y/n and her on the desk.

"I wish I had a boyfriend to do such things as well." Mina stated, her features now sporting a pout.

Y/n smirked as he kissed Momo's temple, making the pink girl even more jealous.

"Next up is Asui..." Midoriya stated.

"Where's Tsu anyway?" Sero demanded.

"Oh, I think Tsuyu wasn't feeling well." Uraraka replied.

"No reason to bother her then. We'll check out her room another day." Kaminari concluded.

"Last up is Uraraka!"

"Mine is quite boring compared to Yaomomo's room or any other room actually..." She said nervously as she opened the door and showed the rest of the class her extremely plain room.

"I mean it's perfectly normal to have a normal room, Uraraka." Midoriya tried to cheer her up.

"That was the last room!" Everyone released a sigh of relief. That room tour was way more time and energy consuming than they had anticipated.



"Alright, with Bakugo and Tsuyu out of the running. The provisional first-ever king of room is... with six votes total, the student whose room crushed our expectations with its sweet originality is..."

"Rikido Sato!"


"Sato, you cheater!" Kaminari and Mineta half shouted, half cried.

"By the way, you got every single girl's vote! The main reason, that yummy cake!"

"WHAT ABOUT THE ROOM!?" All the boys except for Y/n and Todoroki shouted. Meanwhile the other debuted an argument about the validity of voting for the cake and not for the room itself, Y/n walked up to Momo.

"You didn't even vote for me?" He faked a pout as he trailed his thumb across the back of her hand.

"I'm sorry Baby, but Mina said we couldn't vote for ourselves. And since I spend as much time in your room than in mine, I thought it basically was cheating." Momo said softly. Y/n couldn't help but smile at her innocence. Momo was so pure at heart.

Y/n smiled as he responded to his girlfriend. "It's all fine Babe, plus I have to admit that his cake was good." He watched as Momo giggled at his words. "Anyway, I'm going to bed. Are you coming with me?" He whispered softly.

"Sure." She quirked a smile and soft smile. They walked to the stairs but stopped at Uraraka's call for Momo.

"Yaomomo, can you come with me? Deku, you too. And Iida. Also Kirishima and Todoroki... It won't take long." The zero gravity girl demanded.

Momo's lips brushed his in an ever so softly kiss that lasted barely a second. Y/n missed her lips already as soon as they disconnected. He wanted more of her than a simple kiss that he didn't even have time to appreciate. "I'll be quick." She whispered to him. Y/n nodded and they let go of their hands as he went to the 4th floor and she went with Uraraka.

Uraraka dragged the group outside of the dorm. All were curious as to where Uraraka could be taking them so late at night. They quickly got the answer to their question as they noticed Tsu in front of the building, looking down at the grass. "Actually, Tsuyu has something to say to you all."

Her gaze didn't quit the ground as she began speaking. "Well as you know I usually don't hold my tongue, but sometimes I find myself at a loss for words... Remember what I said back at the hospital?"

'If we break the law, then we're no better than the villains...'

They all nodded as Asui continued. "I didn't hold back. And the way I said it was kind of harsh and hurtful though I did it to protect you. So when I heard this morning that you guys went anyway... I was shocked. I thought I'd stopped you so I was filled with disappointment in myself and bad feelings. This started to well up in me. I had suddenly no idea what to say... A-And i-it broke my heart." Tears welled up in her eyes but she kept talking anyway. As everyone listened to her, a feeling of sadness and guilt washed over them.

"So now... even if I'm still n-not sure about everything, I had to say something. B-Because I want to be able to hang o-out with everyone again." Tears kept flooding her face and she tried to wipe them.

"It's not just Tsuyu. We were all super uneasy about it. And we all want to start over again. That's why we do stuff like king of the rooms. Because we know how everyone is feeling... The only thing we want is going back when we could all just smile together!" Uraraka raised an arm in happiness at this, trying to cheer everyone up.

The members of the Y/n Rescue Squad now understood that it wasn't only about them, it was about their entire class. Their unrelenting feeling of guilt only intensified. They all rushed over Tsuyu and started apologizing to her.

"I'm so sorry! Thanks for opening up!" Kirishima started.

"Asui, I'm so sorry!" Momo said apologetically.

"Asu...- I mean Tsuyu!" Midoriya stuttered.

"I'm sorry, Asui." Todoroki said blankly.

"Me too! I'm so sorry Asui, I didn't behave in the right way as your friend and classmate! I promise to redeem myself." Iida shouted as well.

The group stood outside for a while, comforting their friend. In the end, everyone had worked so hard to get things back to how they were before.



Y/n walked to the door and fully opened it. Momo was met with the sight of her boyfriend but her midnight pools instantly settled on his bare chest. His body was amazing and she couldn't pull her eyes away. He noticed her gaze trailing up and down his body. "Can I help you with something?" He asked smirking.

Momo said nothing. She looked him one more time instead, her eyes scanning that perfectly sexy V-line of him that disappeared in his pants, moving her gaze up his smooth and chiselled abs, his supple pecs and lastly his gorgeous ruby eyes and overall handsome face. Although she felt the need to jump on his neck, she managed to suppress that urge.

"What if it was another girl than me behind the door?" She asked with a bit of jealousy in her voice.

"I knew it was you, Babe." Y/n simply responded as he closed the door behind her after she walked in.

"Oh really? And why is that?" She questioned back.

Y/n leaned forward, his lips now being a few inches only from Momo's. "Because you're the only naughty girl who doesn't go to her room at such a late hour."

Momo's face suddenly turned red. "Well... I-"

"Just kidding, Momo." He said somewhat amused and smashed his lips against hers real quick. "Come on, time for bed now."

Y/n watched as his beautiful girlfriend removed her clothes in front of him and crawled onto the bed, seeking the warmth of his body as she snuggled up to him. He wrapped an arm around her and rubbed her back with his hand. "Your skin is so soft Momo..." He mumbled, already feeling sleep catching up with him.

"And you're so sweet Y/n..." She released a contented sigh.

"... What did Jiro whisper to you?"

"Tomorrow Darling, you need to sleep."

A/N: Another chapter done! Hope you guys enjoyed it. Actually this chapter is the longest of the story although it wasn't really planned.

Also I'm sorry since this chapter should have come out way sooner but the room tour competition was a nightmare to write for me and I kinda feel like I completely fucked up this part of the chapter... I'm aware this wasn't one of the best chapters so far but I hope you appreciated anyway.

Finally, I already said it but we reached the 20k reads on this book. This is amazing, thank you to everyone who contributes to the prosperity of this book.

Hope to see you all in the next chapter!


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