Mizu: A Tale of a Kunoichi (R...

By MerliahOcean137

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As if life wasn't hard enough for (Y/n) Moon as a mermaid princess of the Seas and Oceans, she also had to tr... More

Chapter 1 - My First day in Norrisville
Chapter 2- Last stall on the left
Chapter 3 - Got Stank
Chapter 4 - So You Think You can Stank
Chapter 5 - McFist of Fury
Chapter 6 - Gossip Boy
Chapter 7 - House of 1,000 Boogers
Chapter 8 - Monster Dump
Chapter 9 - Attack of the Killer Potato
Chapter 10 - The Tale of the Golden Doctor's Note
Chapter 11 - Dawn of the Driscoll
Chapter 12 - Night of the Living McFizzles
Chapter 13 - Viva El Nomicon
Chapter 14 - 30 Seconds of Math
Chapter 15 - Monster Drill
Chapter 16 - Silent Punch, Deadly Punch
Chapter 17 - Stank'd to the Future
Chapter 18 - Wave Slayers
Chapter 19 - Sword Quest
Chapter 21 - Weinerman Up
Chapter 22 - Evil Spirit Week

Chapter 20 - NuKid on the Block

410 8 15
By MerliahOcean137

Norrisville High

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Voice? What voice? What does Mr. Smith mean by it?" I said to myself. I couldn't get the words out of my head of what Mr. Smith said.

"Hey, Ocean!" Howard said which got my attention. I shake my head and said; "Huh what? Sorry my mind was somewhere else. What were you saying?"

"I said, what do you think about our fancy chef hats?" Randy said. I looked at how stupid they look. I said; "You guys left me saying no words."

"See, even Ocean likes them." Randy said. Uh no. They look more ridiculous than tuna. As they were entering the classroom, Howard said; "After you chef Cunningham"

"Oh no no no. Chef Wienerman. I insist." Randy said. In a few seconds, I saw the boys going in through the same door at the same time to enter the classroom. After day 'Successfully' manage to enter the English classroom, I went off reflecting upon Mr. Smith's words.

"A voice." I said to myself.

Ah ah ah ahhhh.

I looked up. Why does that sound familiar? I looked over to where I heard the voice coming from, but someone was drinking from the water fountain. But nothing sounded like it.

The girl's bathroom

I went to the bathroom quickly before I could attend class, which I am already late for.

All I could think about was about my weapons and that voice Mr. Smith mentioned. Sure, my weapons can still be used, but they haven't been upgraded for centuries. TBH, some of them are even breaking. And some of them are too fragile or not strong enough to fight with. As I went into a stall, I heard someone opening a facet, letting some water down while they are washing their hands.


I opened my eyes with surprise. I peeped over the door and looked at the water going down her hands. Where is that coming from?! It's driving me insane!

"OUCH!" The person outside said. I opened the door and saw that I heated the water with my powers. I gotta get out of here.

In the corridor

I ran out of the bathroom. Suddenly, I hear it again, only multiple times as I look at everyone who was talking, but it didn't come from them. I quickly ran past everyone, heading towards my class, letting my emotions go all over with the water: freezing, heating, going everywhere.

In the Canteen

I give up! It's been driving me insane. Good thing it's break time. I didn't want to hear or talk with anything or anyone else, so I want to sit down alone where nobody would sit next to me. As I was walking toward our table, I heard Howard and Randy fighting. What gives? Weren't they in happy and excited earlier today?

"Hey, what is you suppose to be, huh? Tell me?"

Everyone turned around and looked at from where the sound came from, Bash! Of course. Everyone stopped from what they are doing, seeing what the new kid will do. The new kid said; "I am Franz Nukid. Hallo. Now you say 'hallo.'"

THAT'S IT? He says that and points his finger at Bash's face. What is he doing? Oi. You're gonna die! Bash looked at him confused and said; "Ha-llo?"

"That was excellent 'hallo.' You win!" The new kid said. Bash said; "Yeah! I win."

"Ha! I love this guy.I don't know why, but I love him!" Bash said filled with happiness. He pats his back and said; "Come here you little munchkin!"

As everyone starts cheering, everyone says 'Hallo'. Well, everyone except Randy and me. I said to Randy; "What's with everyone today repeating the same word."

As Cunningham was walking away, muttering to himself, I said to him; "Hey, if you need a lunch buddy, you still have me."

As we arrived next to the new kid, he said; "Oh, hallo! Now you say "hallo."

"Franz, I know you think Howard's your new best friend and all, but actually he's my best friend." Randy said. Really? This 'Franz' kid is bothering you? I said; "What do you mean?"

"We're just kind of having a thing right now, and you got caught up in the middle of it. So, it'd be the cheese if you could find someone else to "hallo" with."

Franz's P.O.V.

As I had the input of zis random kid's hallo, I have scanned his face and voice. My computer generator has compared it to the Ninja's audio my creator has tasked me with.

"Say hello to my ninja eye poke!"

"Ninja identified." Mine computer said. It is ze perfact match! The young fraulein next to ze boy said; "This is just so stupid."

My computer generator also compared her voice vith the fraulein's voice.

"You know, you can be so stupid when you don't think."

"Mizu identified." Mine computer said. Und another perfect match. I said to them; "Hallo, Ninja und Mizu."

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"Hallo, Ninja und Mizu."

"What did you just say?/ I beg your pardon?" Randy and I said, simultaneously. I tried coving it up as I said; "I'm sorry, I think I heard wrong, can you repeat that?"

"I said, hello, Ninja und Mizu." Franz said. Both Cunningham and I gasped. How? When? What? Where? I said to Franz; "But neither of us are the Ninja, nor Mizu."

"But you are the ninja and Mizu, I know this." Franz said.

"You told Franz?" Howard said, who was standing next to us. I said to Howard; "I know this looks bad but let us -"

"You're trying to jack my BFF." Howard said. Randy said to Howard; "No, Howard, he just figured it out."

"Franz, OK? You can't tell anybody." I said to has as I looked at him straight into his eyes, making sure he got the message. Franz said; "But I must, it is my duty."

Howard chuckles and says; "Ah, duty."

Boys, so stupid, so, so stupid. Suddenly, I heard lazers from above us. I'm not joking. A laser went through the roof of the canteen got lifted off and moved to the side. We all saw was removed the circleI'm not joking. A laser went through the roof of the canteen got lifted off and moved to the side. It was one of McFist's airship flying above. As everyone ran out of the canteen, Three black ropes came down from the airship and along with them were 3 robo-wolves surrounding Franz. All that Franz say was; "Oh, hallo."

Seriously?! HOW IS HE THAT CALM? One of the Robo-wolves said; "Take him to McFist."

They grabbed Franz and tossed him over their shoulder and up the ropes. Howard said; "They're Franz-napping him!"

"McFist can force him to give up our true identity." I said. Randy said; "This kid doesn't know how much trouble he's in."

Randy and I ran towards the canteens bathroom, entering our respective ones.

Canteen's girls' bathroom

That is until I noticed that Randy ran into the girls bathroom. I shouted; "RANDY!"

"Sorry!" Randy said as he ran out of the bathroom and went to the boys one. I wore my mask and transformed into Mizu.

Ah ah ah ahhhh.

As I was about to go out of the girls bathroom, I heard the voice again. I said; "Where are you coming from!? What do you want?"

"Mizu! Could use some help here!" Ninja said from the other side of the room. I'll come back to find it.


As I came out of the bathroom, I saw Ninja riding a flying Robo-wolf until he got smashed into the lunch lady's food and melted. Was - Was she going to give the students that? The boiling food also hits Franz's face. I immediately ran next to him and said; "Don't worry Franz. I'll heal you."

I take some water from a random plastic button to heal his wound. Ninja came next to us and said; "See, Franz. This is why you shouldn't know our secret. It puts you in danger."

Yes I was about to place the water over the burned area, Franz said; "No, ninja and Mizu. It's you who is in danger."

As Franz Turns around he reveals that the melted part of his face revealed a robot in disguise. By shock, Randy, Howard and I said; "You're a robot?"

"The most dangerous enemy often wears the mask of an ally."

Ninja said out loud. I looked at him and said; "Wisdom embraced by the Nomicon, I assume."

"Oh! You're the enemy the Nomicon was warning me about." Ninja said. Howard clears his throat and said; "Anything you'd like to say to me?"

I said to Howard; "Actions speak louder then - OOOOFFF"

Franz punched me and sent me flying and crashing down on a table. Ninja said; "Oh! No body messes with my partner."

Awwwww. He's so sweet. Franz also punched him and it flew him towards my direction and he landed on me, breaking the table. The Ninja jumped off the table while I was still seeing starfish going round in circles. The Ninja took his hand out for me and said; "You okay?"

"Yeah. Now since he's not your BFF or whatever, we can smash him!" I said as I punch my hands into a fist. Ninja and I said; "Hiyah!"

As Franz was charging towards us, the Ninja takes out his nunchucks and I was about to use some of the same water in a bottle from before to attack. I jumped into the air as Ninja was using his nunchucks to keep Franz back while I tried to fry his circuits. However, as I landed behind him and before I could attack him, Franz said; "McFist is uploading my data. I win!"

"No!" I shouted. As he looked at me from behind him, he grabbed both nunchucks and swings the Ninja around, hitting me with him as if he is some ragdoll and throws us towards a door.

In the boiling kitchen room

As we landed at the edge of a rail, I felt something heating up my face. As I open my eyes, I could see red boiling lava underneath us. I said; "WHY WOULD LAVA BE IN SCHOOL!?"

Ninja said to me; "Actually, this is the chili for today's lunch."

As we heard Franz coming our way, further breaking the door, he jumped on us and pushed our face downwards towards the boiling chili, using his heavy metal foot. Franz said; "Goodbye, Ninja and Mizu."

Ninja and I were struggling to breath. I couldn't use siren scream, no water was around me and I am pretty sure my weapons are breaking by the second. Franz said; "Now you say goodbye."

"Hey, Nukid." Howard said as he was standing by the door with a lunch tray trying to smash him, but nothing happened. You know, metal and metal. Franz said; "Hello, Howard. What are you doing?"

I cough out and try to catch my breath. I asked the Ninja; "Are you OK?"

Ah ah ah AHHHHHH

I ignored Ninja as I heard it again. Ninja said; "You okay?"

"I just keep on hearing a voice." I said. Ninja said; "What voice? I don't hear anything."

Then it clicked!

Ninja took his chance. He uses his scarf to grab Franz and threw him down into the big bowl of boiling chili. As robo Franz jumped up, he says 'Hallo', but as he gradually says it, he melts more and more, breaking him down.

"Well, I guess you have to know the difference between your Franz and your enemies." Ninja said as he was holding onto the rail. Howard face palms himself and said; "Ugh, too soon, Ninja, too soon."

"Hey, class is about to start. I gotta go." I said as I ran away. Ninja said; "But we have 20 minutes left. Where are you going?"

I grabbed the nomicon from Randy's bag and ran out from the canteen as I jumped through a window.

Norrisville High

As I jumped out of the window, I ran toward the small Woodland area so that nobody would hear or see me. I said out loud; "Listen, I know I've been ignoring you. But now, I know that you have been waiting for Mizu."

I closed my eyes and opened my arms to embrace the voice.

Nothing. Now, the voice doesn't want me. I opened one eye to look around. I said; "Really?"

I slouched and sat down. Did the voice give up? I said; "How can I find from where the voice is coming from?"

I really liked the voice. It felt kinda familiar. Merfolk used to call each other out with he voice as a warning or an alert to inform the others. It gave me an idea. I alerted her in a calming manner; "Ah ahhhhhh ahh."

Ah ah!

"Let's play a little game shall we?" I asked the voice. I took off my mask and turned back to my formal self.

(You know what it is! Zhu Li, DO THE THING!)

(Also, I am a person who loves and is studying Musical theatre, you expect a lot of music and descriptions.)

The Voice

Ah ah oh oh oh (I stand up)

Ah ah oh oh oh oh oh oh (I look around)


I can hear you but I won't

Some look for trouble while others don't (I look around, trying to find the voice)

There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day (I try to embrace the voice)

And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away, oh oh oh (A gentle wind breeze with leaves flew past me)

The Voice

Ah ah oh oh (Is the wind talking to me, too?)


Oh oh (I looked at the leaves in wonder)

The Voice (Yln)

Ah ah oh oh (This peaked my interest)


You're not a voice (I started to walk after the leaves)

You're just a ringing in my ear (I moved the bushes and branch out of my way and I started to run)

And if I heard you, which I don't (I looked around to spot the leaves moving around, but I saw nothing)

I'm spoken for I fear (I ook at my surrounding, trying to find another way of finding the voice)

Everyone I've ever loved is here within these walls (I walked towards a tree and touched it, gently.)

I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls (Suddenly, the ground underneath me shaken)

I've had my adventure, I don't need something new (A tree root started to grow at a rapid speed upwards and took me around the woodland)

I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you (As it stops up high, I went on other trees and saw a bright light)

Into the unknown (I looked up and around me as I saw the beautiful scenary with the sun shining on my face and leaves blowing in the wind)

Into the unknown (I was embracing the moment)

Into the unknown (I shouted out to the world)

The voice

Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh oh oh (Even though I was enjoying the moment, I still didn't understand where I needed to go)


What do you want? 'Cause you've been keeping me awake (I was jumping down the trees)

Are you here to distract me so I make a big mistake? (I land on the green grass slowly, going through toe, ball, heel)

Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? (I looked at the ground and saw a puddle, reflecting me)

Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? (I look at it, analysing it.)

Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow (I stand up, noticing all the trees point towards the same direction)

Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go... (I slowly walking towards it. As a ray of light was blinding me, I raised my hand and walked through it)

Into the unknown? (I put my hand down)

Into the unknown (I looked at the lake in front of me, Lake laRusso)

Into the unknown (I slowly walked towards it, curiously)

The Voice

Ah ah oh oh

Ah ah oh oh


Oh oh oh

Are you out there? (I looked at the leaves flying)

Do you know me? (I looked at the trees)

Can you feel me? (I looked at the sun in the water)

Can you show me? (I looked at myself in the water)

Ah ah oh oh (I looked at my hands and around me, nobody is near) (the voice: Ah ah oh oh)

Ah ah oh oh (I closed my hands and my eyes) (the voice: Ah ah oh oh)

Ah ah oh oh (I stablised myself and prepared myself in as I breath in, and opened my eyes) (the voice: Oh oh oh oh)

Ah ah oh oh (I lifted one of arms , raising the water) (the voice: Oh oh oh oh)

Ah ah oh oh (I lifted the other arm, raising another pillar of water in the middle of the lake) (the voice: Oh oh oh oh)

Ah ah oh oh (Suddenly, the ground took me to the lake and in it) (the voice: Oh oh oh oh)

(Suddenly, seaweed and leaves from the vine were going towards the water pilliar)

Where are you going? (I started looking them in amazment, forming an arched Pilliar gate, with water flowing down, still there with out my help)

Don't leave me alone (I put my hands down, slowly swimming towards the flowing gate)

How do I follow you (I swam towards the gate as my tail appeared)

Into the unknown? (I swim into the flowing gate and jumped right in it)

The Voice

Oh oh oh

Inside the water portal

I jumped through the portal, feeling water around me. The water looked more greener and bluer at the same time. As I looked in front of me, I saw a mermaid. Not exactly. She was a freshwater mermaid

I said; "A freshwater mermaid? I've never seen one before, but I've learn about you guys."

"You're not bad looking yourself, saltwater." The creature said. She had an aussie accent. I said; "So, I am trying to find someone or something. A voice kept calling for me"

"Ah ah oh oh oh." The creature sang. It's her! I said; "I finally found you. You were such a pain in my but."

"Gee! You look like the painful one, Mizu." She said as she swam away. I said; "Wait! How did you know -"

"I saw you last time I was swimming around Lake LaRusso during that battle in the lake." She said. I recalled the battle I had with that stank'd monster Buttermaker. But still, why would she want me. I said to her; "Hu?"

"You're thinking about why I brought you here, right?" She said. She swims away and I follow her. I said; "The Ninja and I needed new, and upgraded weapons. So naturally, I went inside the Nomicon. And -"

"What's a Nomicon?" She said. I said; "It's an anciet book of wisdom with all of the previous Ninja's knowledge."

"And somehow, she managed to get herself into the book as well." She said. I asked; "Who?"

"The Mizu before you." She said. I said; "Right. So, we went inside the book and it said -

In the realm of the ninja, A swordsmith crafts blades in a cauldron of fire"

"Did she tell you from the Nomicon or did the Ninja tell you?" She asked. I thought well and said; "The Ninja said so, why?"

"And she said nothing." She said. I said; "No."

"Ahhhh. A task. Come on, think about it. What did that goofball say?" She said. I thought again.

In the realm of the ninja, A swordsmith crafts blades in a cauldron of fire

The Red Nomicon said so. I took out the book from my bag, which I was carrying the whole time. I read the words out loud in front of me;

In the realm of the ninja, A swordsmith crafts blades in a cauldron of fire

Suddenly, I looked around. Let's Enola Holmes this. I said out loud; "If he is saying in the realm of the Ninja.... In the realm of a kunoichi! Alright, got that part. Next, A swordsmith crafts blades in a cauldron of fire. Alright, swordsmith, got that, still the same, but fire? Mizu is suppose to be a waterbender."

I stopped swimming and looked around me. I said; "I am Mizu, a kunoichi, right? My realm is water, in this lake in this case. Fire is not my element, Water is! Water is also my realm. So, my swordsmith should be in this lake."

Suddenly, it made sense! I looked up eyes wide open and said; "IT'S YOU! You are Mizu's swordsmith!"

"Pleasure to meet you, Mizu." She said. I asked; "But, but. HOW? You look so young. You must be at least..."

I started counting my fingers to figure out how old she is. She said; "Don't fret about it. Listen guppy, we got some weapons to upgrade. Come on."

As I follow her, we entered a cave.

Inside the cave

As we entered the cave, I swam behind her and above water and I was amazed. The cave is just something to hide the grotto.

"Come on." She said as he pushed herself up on the rocks and her tail immediately turned into legs, well amphibian legs. She still had her colours of her tail on her legs. I pulled myself up and laid on the rock floor. I use my powers to dry my tail faster. She said; "She always had a problem with her tail drying."

"Hey, I didn't ask, what's your name?" I asked. She said; "Rowena Lynn."

"Thank you, Rowena." I said. As my tail disappeared and my legs appeared, I stood up and observed everything. Rowena started to walk up the stars and I followed her.

In the Grotto

As we enter the place, I saw gadgets and gismos a plenty. She's got who's its and what's its galore. Rowena said; "Welcome to my workplace."

"This is awesome. This looks nothing like the other's sword smith workshop." I said, amazed by the place. She said; "So, Mizu. I've heard you needed upgrade, ejh?"

She went in front of the table, in the middle. She used her hands, turned the table and said; "Reveal."

As she did so, the rocks on the wall turned around, one by one, showing different kunoichi weapons. OMG, FANGIRL MOMENT! AHHHHHHH. I went next to the weapons and said; "WOAH! YOU MADE THESE?!"

"Who else can do weapons for a mermaid by another mermaid?" Rowena said as she sat down. I was fangirling so much. I felt like Deku meeting All might for the first time, if All might were these weapons. I said; "These look amazing!"

"That's not all. Check this new baby." She said. I turned to look at her as she was holding a box. I was excited and then a thing came into my mind; "This isn't a paper tessen, right?"

"What do you think I am? No way. A woman's weapon is to be built for another kunoichi." Rowena said. As I open the box, a brown bag was in it. I said; "Ahhh, this is it?"

"Actually, it's a water skin. Mizu always complained about not having any water whenever she is in combat most of the time. So I created this, but I didn't manage to give it to her, since had passed away." Rowena said. I said; "This is great. Finally, some water that I can carry."

"Don't worry, you got another one. Here." She said as she gave me another one. I was so happy. I said; "Thank you, Rowena. I don't know how to pay you back the things that you have given me."

"Well, you can give me some plants for me to learn and explore about. I mean, how else was I suppose to point to you the direction of where to come" She said. I was shocked; "You can bend all elements?"

"Not really. I can communicate through anything that has a form of water in it." She said. I said; "No wonder I heard you from school."

"Yeah, you made me tired after a day like that." She said. As we were walking down the stairs and towards the pool, she said; "And thank gale for the assistance."

"Who?" I asked. She said; "The wind spirit."

"Oh, right. Of course." I said. Desciding not to ask her anymore question. This is a lot to take in. She said; "So, shall we go back up to the surface?"

"Thank you, Rowena Lynn." I said as I jumped into the water and swam back to the surface.

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