๐‚๐Ž๐๐‚๐„๐€๐‹๐„๐ƒ| Klaus Har...

By wheelerblossom

472K 14.1K 7.8K

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time to be gay
โ†Season Two


7.5K 260 162
By wheelerblossom

"All right. First of all, I wanna say i'm sorry. I know I really screwed the pooch on this whole going back in time and getting stuck thing." Five spoke as he looked around at his siblings plus Lav who were all huddled together in the small living room area space in Elliots apartment.

"Just a tad." Lavender said as she crossed her legs with a eye brow raise.

"But the real kick in the pants here is we brought the end of the would back here with us." Five finished off his speech after Lavender interrupted.

"Oh my god, again?" Klaus asked in shock as he looked around at all his siblings who didn't seemed phased by the information, "All of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the wor- Oh my god! Our cult is gonna be so pissed, Five! I told them we have until twenty-nineteen."

"We have until Monday. We have six days." Five said with a huff, unamused by Klaus as Lavender rubbed his back comfortingly.

"Is it Vanya?" Klaus spoke up again as he began to take a drink.

"Klaus!" Allison scolded him as well.

"What? It's usually Vanya!" he went on as he leaned back on the couch cushions.

"It's not Vanya." Lavender defended quickly.

"Do you have any leads, Five?" Vanya spoke up, ignoring Klaus potentially insulting comment.

"Yeah, we have one." Five said as he held out a file which Allison took.

"Holy shit, is that dad?" Ivys tallest sister spoke as Lav went to her side to look down at the picture.

"Stupid man." Lavender said with a eye roll as she sat back down while Diego was the one to pat her back this time.

"And he's standing on the grassy knoll." Diego added in with a knowing look, already seeing the picture and having it burned in his mind.

"Diego and I have been trying to talk to Dad about what exactly this means. So far, we got nothing." Five said with a shrug and a sigh before Diego spoke up before anyone else could.

"Not nothing, we know he's planning to kill Kennedy." Diego said as Lavender sighed and rubbed her temple.

"Reggie is killing the wrong president." Lavender said with a crazy look as Klaus laughed loudly at her all to serious words.

"Maybe. But we don't know who or what sets doomsday in motion. Could be Kennedy, could be something entirely independent. But if we know something changes the timeline, we have to make it right again." Five went on with his hands shoved into the school boy shorts as he looked around at the others.

"Yeah, but how if we don't know what's broken?" Allison made her point with a confused look, finally glancing up from the photos of Dad.

"Oh, come on, do the math. We know Dads having shady ass meetings with some shady ass people. We know he's on the grassy knoll in three days to kill the president. So I think we all know what we have to do." Diego spoke as he stood up, making eye contact with Five as he joined his side.

"Find Dad." "Kill Dad."

Lavender raised her eyebrows with a humorous expression, "I'll kill him for you."

"None of us are suppose to be here, right?" Vanya spoke as Klaus knocked knuckles with Lav after her point was made, "I mean, what is it's us? Has anyone here done anything to screw up the time line?"

"Diego's been stalking Lee Harvey Oswell." Luther spoke up next ad Lavender whistled.

"Snitches get stitches." Lavender said as she looked to Diego with raised eyebrows.

"You're working for Jack Ruby!" Diego yelled back at Luther with a angry point.

"Allison has been very involved in local politics." Klaus said from where he was slumped backwards.

"Okay, you started a cult!" Allison yelled back.

"Thank you!" Ben spoke up.

"Five jumping through time without care that anyone is look could definitely mess a few things up." Lavender said with a knowing look to him as he looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh, don't even go there when you became the mommy of a whole bunch of cult followers." Five shot back as Lavender scoffed loudly.

"As if I didn't mommy you for years!" Lavender yelled back at him as arguing flooded through the apartment.

"I'm just a nanny on a farm." Vanya said with wide and innocent eyes, "I don't have anything to do with all of that."

"Well, maybe you do, we just don't know it yet." Allison went on to her as Lavender hummed.

"Yeah, what's been going on at your farm, Vanya?" Lav asked  with chuckle before Diego whistled loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Listen to yourself. Everything in our lives is connected to Kennedy. That can't be a coincidence. Luther works for Ruby, Allison is protesting the government, Lavender can't keep her mouth shut about the future, Dad is on the grassy knoll, Klaus is.... doing something weird and pervy but probably related. See, clearly, we were all sent back here for one specific reason: saving John Fitzgerald Kennedy." Diego spoke his speech before everyone broke out into a argue against, whether that was offended by Diego's words or not agreeing, it started massive ruckus within the Hargreeves siblings.

"Guys, you all die." Five spoke up, cutting them all off as sadness dropped from his words, "I was there. I saw it. And I wanna forget it but I can't. I saw Russian nukes vaporizing the world with all of you in it... in a war that never happened until we brought it here. And Hazel gave his life to save us, so you may need to shut up and just listen to me. I don't know if the things we've experienced here are all connected. I don't know if there's a reason for everything. But Dad will. We need to talk to him before everyone and everything we know is dead."

"Okay, i'm out." Luther spoke almost immediately after Fives words.

"Oh how I haven't missed you." Lavender rolled her eyes as she put a arm around Klaus.

"Did you even hear me, Luther?" Five asked him is disbelief before he could move past him.

"Yeah, yeah, I did. I heard a fifty eight year old man who still wants his daddy to come and fix everything. Well, you can count me out." Luther spoke with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"That's rich coming from you." Lavender giggled as Diego sent her a half smile.


"Come back!"

"Save it, Diego!"

"You know, I could really go for some tacos right now." Klaus spoke up as the three other Hargreeves men left, leaning Klaus and Ben with the girls, "Allison? Wifey? Vanya?"

"Shouldn't we wait?" Allison asked while referring to the rest of the boys.

"You know those guys. I mean it could take forever for them to bro it out." Klaus spoke as Lav hummed from where she was putting a lamp shade on her head.

"Vanya, tacos?" Klaus went on as he looked to his shortest sister who sat up straight on the single couch.

"Is there anyway that tacos are gonna cause the end of the world?" she asked wearily as Lavender gushed at her adorable words, reading the lamp on on her head but out of her eyes.

"I mean there's only one way to find out, right?" Klaus laughed as Allison grabbing her purse.

"Come on wife of mine." Klaus sing-songed as he took Lavenders hand, "That lamp shade really brings out your eyes."

kylie speaks

my heart,
lavender and her
lamp shade.

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