No love lost. | Nash Grier Fa...

By mendesugh

76.6K 2.1K 1.2K

This is the sequel to the book called "Magcon Babysitter | Nash Grier Fan Fic|" If you haven't read it yet I... More

6. Finally


15.9K 325 145
By mendesugh

The alarm went off for the third time. Everytime I pressed the snooze button, of course, it ringed again. I finally opened my eyes and unlocked my phone, making the alarm stop for once and for all. I lazily turned over to my right and saw Kian, he was in like his 7th dream already.

My head started to pound like crazy, it was obvious I was going to be hungover. I looked at the clock and It read 7:14, I was so going to be late. I can't keep snoozing the alarm everyday like this.

I quickly threw on the same clothes I was wearing yesterday for the party, since I forgot to bring new ones for the day. I knew I was going to get at least an observation for not respecting the dress code but that's really a minor thing, I mean, I was wearing a flowy skirt and a tight crop top. I grabbed one of Kian's big ass jean jackets tho, just in case it made it look more appropiate. I have dealt with so many detentions and obvservations for breaking the dress code recently that one more won't hurt nobody.

Kian was way too asleep for asking him to drive me, I knew he wouldn't even wake up if you threw a glass of freezing water, he got wasted last night. I did too, but I can deal with mornings. I made my way to JC's room. He didn't drink at all at the party so I figured he wouldn't mind.

"Wake up pweaty pwincess" I said, sounding like a baby and shaking him slightly. He groaned for a while but opened his eyes giving me the 'what the fuck' look.

"You best be ready in ten, I'm late again" I said and kissed his messy hair. He plopped himself on his pillows again and I left the room yelling "I mean it JC, ten minutes" and I think I heard him go "FUCK"

I run down the stairs and opened the fridge to take a look inside. Every time man, every fucking time they throw a party, and that's almost every two days, the fridge goes empty. I sighed out loud and grabbed two Capri suns that were there for some miracle. While I waited for JC I made sure to leave a note on the fridge that said "GO FUCKING GROCERY SHOPPING :)"

I heard JC's car getting out of the garage and made my way outside, taking with me some random keys. I was already 15 minutes late, this is morning is going to be a pain in the ass I can already tell. On our way there we drank our Capri suns in silent and I looked at my schedule and saw I had Spanish class first period and sighed. That teacher hates me so much It's unbelievable. She has always something to say about me. When I got there I thanked JC for the ride and told him to go grocery shopping. He nodded, but I knew he won't do it.

I ran to my locker, got my books real quick and entered the class in a rush. Everyone's eyes landed on me, analyzing my whole body but I rolled my eyes. Mrs. Sophia gave me a dirty look and cleared her throat. "You are so tarde Miss Parks. As always." She said, a hint of disgust on every word. I said nothing, I didn't feel like picking up another argument with her since she always sends me to the principal's office anyway. I can't afford going there with these clothes. That's the only thing that I can rescue from her horrible attitude; she gave no fucks about what I wore.

After about some minutes the class went on and she handed me my test we did last week. I got a B-. Man, today sucked so bad.

I'm not the same A+ student I used to be, since the beginning of this school year I have gotten a single A and that was math, then they were all bellow B+. My parents are not happy at all of course, It's been a rough senior year so far.

They hate Kian to the core, they said he made me get into trouble more than I should and that my low notes are because of him. That's why we argue ALL the time. They won't shut up about how changed I am, how my vocabulary was so rude and unladylike, how much time I spent out of home and shit like that.

In my defense, I don't really feel like they need to pay that much attention to all that stuff, maybe I did get into trouble and it get out of hand once. We ended up in jail because supposedly we disrespected a cop who gave Kian a noise complaint fine, but my parents got the bill. They really do hate him a lot, and I hate that they hate him. Just two nights ago we fought about him, my mom literally told a neighbour that my relationship with Kian was UNHEALTHY, like what the hell? Like the neighbour gave three fucks about us, give me a break.

It's not an unhealthy relationship, It's just that we mishandle situations sometimes, and it got physical twice. Twice! and she has to run to the neighbour to cry about it. Everyone is misjudging us and it's annoying me so much. Kian and I care so much about each other, you don't even know. I have gotten to know him so much in the last 6 months and the same with him. We do everything together which sometimes can be irritating, but at the end of the day we are always good.

He was there for me every time I needed someone, and I know I can fully trust him no matter what. It's really more a friendship than a relationship, but I can't really call him a friend If I'm going to end up kissing him or having sex with him. He makes me feel wanted and alive most of the time, and he also makes me laugh way more than he should, so even tho we fight a lot, that doesn't even compares to what we have. If I can resume this last 6 months in a word, it would be CHANGES.

I also featured in some of Kian's videos. I mean, a lot of them to be honest, so a lot of attention was brought to me. What I did about it? I took care of my body, like way more than I did before, and I dressed better. If I was going to have some eyes looking at me at times, I better be as pretty as I can be. It was Senior year, c'mon! I might as-well make the best of it and try to make people remember I went to high school with them. Last year, I barely had one friend, my chemistry lab partner.

I heard the bell rang and it amazed me how fast time passes when you bullshit your way through Spanish class thinking about your life. That pretty much explained my sucky grades. Any way, I grabbed my books and headed to my locker again. While in the hall, I gained a few whistles from the damn juniors and some compliments from the lacrosse team. I just rolled my eyes at them.

I opened my locker and looked for my physics text book. My phone buzzed and I took it out, unlocking it. It was a text from Kian.

"Morning babe, don't forget we shoot GF tag 2.0 today! I'll pick you up after school xx"

I'm not really looking forward to get picked up after school by Kian. When he does, I find him with some stupid girl flirting with him. And he can't just brush them off, because if they're fans, that'd be just rude. It drives me crazy.

"Who you texting Anna?" Danny whispered to my ear making me turn around in a heartbeat. It scared the shit out of me. "OH MY GOD DANNY, DON'T DO THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT" I yelled at him, making him laugh. Danny was the captain of the lacrosse team and one of my best friends, he was like a really hot head detention punk. I got my physics book and slammed the door shut. I wasn't feeling very good, I think I was still hungover.

"Well you look like shit, Anna" He said. I gave him a death glare and before I could say something Amy reached us, she was looking down at her phone like always. "My god, this man's jawline can moan my lawn anytime" She said while licking her upper lip, and I almost choked.

"You know Amy, if you so thirsty for the D you could have called me" Danny teased her, but she rolled her eyes at him and called him a man-whore, making them start another argument. I stopped listening to them and entered the class, meeting there Luca and Irina. They are the rest of the gang, we are always together at school.

Amy is the kind of girl who is always in the middle of some kind of drama, and Irina who is twin with Luca, is the kinda girl who always ends up doing the group project by herself. And then there's Luca, who is just a hot mess. We used to have Chris around, until Kian decided he had to stay away from me and literally threatened to break his nose if he ever checked me out again. This was the only class we all had together.

Soon enough, lunch came and we all sat together at our regular table. Amy looked up from her phone for the first time in ages and actually paid attention to us. "Whoa Anna, you're looking way too hot to be in school. Didn't you got detention or something for the dress code?" She said, Danny laughed and teased me about my short skirt "Yeah those freshmen woulnd't stop looking at your ass"

I rolled my eyes at them and ignored it. I was really on a bitchy mood to be honest. I wanted this day to be over. Emily came back with her lunch looking really excited. "Duuuuuuuudes, guess what? I got free tickets for us to go to some convention or something next Monday!!" She squealed.

"What convention?" Luca said, chewing on his fries. I didn't really paid much attention, I knew I was going to end up going with them anyway. "I don't know but I got tickets for us free thanks to dad! I don't care what it's about but we're going" She said, and we all just agreed.

"Here, found it" Amy said scrolling through her phone. Of course she did. "I looked for the next events here at North Carolina this monday. Here it is, listen: MAGCON is a Meet-And-Greet CONvention where your kids can meet their favorite social media stars" She said, almost crying from laughter. "Oh my god Emily, you got us the tickets every freshman girl in the building wants! How sweet of you!" She joked, making Luca and Danny laugh too.

I just froze right in my seat. I knew what Magcon is, of course I did. That's Nash's fucking tour. They are coming back here. A big lump in my throat started to form, making me unable to speak. I haven't thought of him in so much time. It's been half a year since it all happened and I guess I managed to push all those memories deep back in my head.

"Yeah you keep laughing Amy, when you actually see how hot these guys are, you'll be the one asking for VIP tickets" Emily smirked down at her phone, clearly looking at pictures of the guys.

My stomach turned. The mixture of being hungover and this news, made me feel sicker than what I felt like this morning. "I know I said this before, but now I mean it. Anna, you look like shit" Danny said, but this time he wasn't joking. Their heads turned to me and they all showed worried faces.

"Yo Anna, forreal don't you want to go to the nursery?" Luca asked. Emily got up from her chair and tried to help me up but I stopped them.

"Guys, that's Nash's tour" I said, and my voice cracked. They all remained silent for a moment, unsure on what to do, I figured. "Well shit" Amy mumbled.

"Guys I'm ditching the rest of the day, excuse me" I said bluntly. I really didn't wanted to make a drama out of it, so I figured I should leve before I fainted. Well, I'm overreacting, I'm not gonna faint. For now.

I've told them ALL about me and Nash at the beginning of the year, but then it kinda turned into a touchy subject so we never spoke about it again. I was devastated for some time, so I pushed those memories and thoughts so, so, so deep behind my mind so that I would never have to deal with them, that I got to forget about him for a good amount of time. I guess now is the time I never wanted to come.

I sat down on a big tree the school had right behind the library and immediately, all the memories flew right before my eyes.

I... missed him.



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