Find Yourself

By ogdragontamer

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Victor's journey is far from over. He will struggle and learn who he is, find great love and great pain. Bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Halloween Special
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 22

571 19 7
By ogdragontamer


Before you read this chapter, parts of this chapter will not make sense unless you have caught up on Redeeming Dillon to Chapter 3 - Chasing Butterflies. Both stories are intertwined, and crucial parts of both stories intersect!


As I walked up to the room that I watched my nephew walk into, I was greeted by a handsome nurse who stopped me and said, "Unfortunately, I can only let a few people in at a time, and with those four, that puts the room at maximum capacity." I gripped my purse and nodded my head. I took a deep breath and asked, "Um do you mind opening the blinds? I haven't seen my nephew in a long time." The nurse smiled and said, "Of course!"
As soon as they were opened, I felt time standstill. Dillon looked the same, just older. He was always a handsome boy, and if Fred had stood up for us, he would have been my son, and he wouldn't be where he is right now. "Um, ma'am, would you like a kleenex?" I shook my head and looked in the direction of the person that spoke, and it was the nurse. I stared at him for a while, and it must have gotten awkward because he said, "Um, you were crying. I just wanted to see if you needed a Kleenex."
I put my hand up to my cheek and noticed the tears that were running down my cheek. I quickly wiped them away and blurted out, "That man in there almost was my son. My ex-fiance and I were going to rescue him from his abusive parents." The nurse looked at me with a half-smile and said, "What happened with that? How come it didn't happen?" I sat down on the bench next to the room, and the nurse joined me as I continued, "He left with a note and no explanation."
He leaned against the bench and asked, "Well, you seem like you have your life together.  Why didn't you fight for him?" Now the tears were streaming down my face while I said, "I wanted to, but I had no chance because his parents are the Vanderbilt's." With this news, the nurse looked shocked. He asked, "The last name on his chart says Baxter-" I laughed, thinking about how I know exactly why it says this, knowing how Charlotte is the mastermind behind everything.
Just then, the silence that grew between us was growing louder until I heard, "Hey, Auntie Monica, we are going to help Carter with his art show. It is only down the block, so we are going to-" I smiled and said, "That's ok Victor, I will see you soon, ok? And Benji, you better treat my nephew right, and remember what we talked about, ok?" Victor looked at Benji as they both said, "Ok!" Carter gave me a quick smile and said, "He is in there if you want to say hi." I nodded my head and said, "I will go in a bit.  I don't know if I am ready yet." Victor smiled as he said, "I will text you the time for the art show tomorrow, ok?" And like it was clockwork, I got up and squeezed my nephew tightly, thinking about the situation that Dillon is in right now.
Once they were down the hall and out of sight, I looked at the nurse that was still sitting next to me, and I said, "I think I am ready to see my nephew right now." He smiled at me with his caramel-colored skin and short black hair and said, "If you need anything, my name is Graham. I am Dillon's nurse." I smiled at him, thinking about how I poured my heart out to him and said, "My name is Monica Torres." Graham smiles at me softly and says, "I hope you see him often because he has a long road of recovery, and he needs all the family that he can get." I gave him one last smile as I took a deep breath and stepped through the door to Dillon's hospital room.
Once I was in, everything was very real, my nephew was right in front of me, and he was hooked up to countless life-saving devices. I knew that his memory is now gone, so I am sure that he can't even remember my name. Luckily he was asleep, and I did not want to wake him, so I sat on the chair next to his bed, and I grabbed his hand. Under my breath, I said, "Peanut, if only your uncle could see you now." I squeezed his hand and watched as he layed there. He looked so much like the little boy that I wanted to save so much.
"Auntie Monica?" I heard a raspy voice say as I stared at the equipment he was hooked up to. I think to myself, "Did I just hear him say my name?" I looked over at him, and to my shock, he was looking right at me. I felt the tears stream down my face now. There was no stopping my crying now. "Hey, Peanut!" I muttered between sobs.
He smiles at me with the same adorable smile, I remember when he was a kid, and I felt my heart melt. I wiped away the tears and asked, "You remember me?" He smiles at me and with the same innocent face and asks, "Where is Uncle Fred?" With that question, I felt my heartbreak. How could I tell him that he left me? I sat there silently, wanting to tell him everything, but I am sure that it would be too much for him to hear.
"Did he just call you by your name?" I heard Graham say from the doorway. I looked towards him and said, "Ya, he called me Auntie Monica and remembered his uncles' name." He looked at me with excitement across his face.  He gestures for me to come out in the hallway with him. I looked at my Peanut and said, "Auntie Monica will be right back soon, okay, peanut?" He coughed one time and said, "Ok, I will wait for you."
As I walked out of the room, Graham and a doctor, I assumed Dillon's doctor was.  Both were waiting for me. The doctor looked at me and said, "You are 100% sure that he remembered you?" I smiled, thinking of how he called me Auntie Monica and asked about Fred. I said, "Yes, he did!" The doctor started to write down on his clipboard and said, "If it is alright with you, for Dillon's recovery, I would like you to be here as an anchor to help reboot his memory if that is okay with you."
I smiled and said, "Of course I will." The doctor smiled back at me and said, "That is wonderful! I will have Graham give you a therapy schedule that works with yours." I shook my head, and as I did, the doctor turned and headed down the hall away from Graham and me. I grabbed his clipboard and wrote down my number, and said, "I am new to town, so I am free all the time." I didn't wait for him to respond as I headed back to see my nephew.
As I walked back into the room, I walked up to my nephew and caressed his face, watching him look at me with the eyes of the innocent boy that I use to know. He gave me a half-smile and said, "Are you going to go now?" I nodded my head and said, "Peanut, I will be back every day to see you, ok?" He had a tear run down his face, and he said, "I love you." I kissed him on the forehead and replied, "I love you too, Peanut. And don't worry, I will have your uncle here with me soon."
As I stepped out of Roger's hotel room, I stopped at the door to look at him one more time. As I do, he smiles at me and says, "Isabel, I am glad that you want to give us a chance." I freeze when I hear that. I don't know if I am ready for anything with anyone. My separation from Armando is so new, and if I am honest with myself, the divorce hasn't even started yet. I mutter, "Ya, Roger. It is great that we are doing this, but I need to do it slowly, as I told you. I can't just jump right in."
Roger stood up, walked over to me, grabbed my hand, and looked into my eyes with his ocean blue eyes. I feel myself freeze.  It was his eyes in the first place that made me fall for him. At first, it was just nice to have someone to talk to, someone who would listen and engage with me. Not someone who ignored and neglected me for the longest time.
I sigh as I feel myself give in to him and say, "I am all for giving us a chance, but let's just take it slow. How about a date on Friday?" Roger smiled at me and then said, "I will text you and pick you up at-" I immediately thought of what my sister would do if she saw him, so I blurted out, "I will meet you here at seven!" Roger leaned in and kissed my cheek and said, "Seven it is!"

Friday Morning

As I opened my eyes, wrapped in the arms of the man that I love, I felt like I could lay here forever. His warmth was so inviting and protective.  I felt safe and complete. I rolled over to see that I was the first to wake up, and watching Benji sleep was the cutest thing ever. The way he looks so content was more than I could bare. I decided I was going to wake him up with a kiss.
I wrap my arms around him and pull him in for a kiss, which wakes him up. "Oh! Good morning to you too!" I smiled as I kissed him again and again. The next thing I knew, we had rolled over, I was on top of my boyfriend, both of us only in our boxers, and I wanted to keep kissing him forever.
Benji wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close as we kept kissing, and when he let go, he grabbed my butt and clasped it tightly. I moaned when he did, enjoying every sensation as I knew that we eventually had to get ready for work. I pulled myself off of Benji long enough to look at the clock on my phone. Benji smirked underneath me and asked, "What's up? Got a hot date?"
I laughed and said, "Well, if I do, I dont want to keep him waiting." I bridged the gap between our lips, and we were kissing again. I heard Benji moan, and it just made my excitement grow even more.
*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* My phone lights up and, of course, it rings when it's the least opportune time. Benji and I were just getting to a good point. I look at Benji, who looks just as annoyed as me, and at the moment, I just let the phone ring. Whoever is calling can wait.  Benji is more critical. Once the phone stopped ringing, we let out a sigh of relief .
*Ring* *Ring *Ring* My phone goes off again, and I groan, wondering if something is wrong. Benji laughs and reaches for my phone and says, "Babe, I think someone wants to talk to you." Benji looked at the screen and said, "It's Pilar." I kiss his neck as I say, "Answer it, babe." "Hey, Pilar!" Benji says into the phone as I keep kissing his neck.
He goes silent for a moment before he says, "Babe, your sister wants to talk to you." He kisses me fast as he puts the phone to my ear and starting to kiss my neck like I was his. "Hey, Pilar!" I mutter, trying not to moan as Benji explores ways to keep me turned on. "Victor, I need you home RIGHT NOW!" She snaps over the phone.
I was starting to get worried about her tone, so I sat up, which positioned me where I was sitting right on Benji's lap as he layed on his back. I could feel his excitement, and I tried as hard as I could to suppress my urges. I ask, "Pilar, what is going on?" She frantically snaps, "Victor, just get home. Mom and dad are arguing, and it's getting worse."
I thought of all the fights I had seen my parents have and never have alarmed me before. The fact that Pilar sounded that scared proves that I am needed to be there. I look at Benji, who now looks concerned, and says, "We will be there as soon as we can." I hang up the phone and climb off my boyfriend.
"Babe, we have to go!" I frantically say as I tear through my clothes, finding something for me to wear. Benji stands up and has a look of concern and disappointment and asks, "Babe, what happened?" I look at him and say, "Mom and dad are fighting, and it's bad. I need to get there for Pilar and Adrian." Benji has a look of panic on his face and starts reaching for clothes too. I kiss him one last time and say, "I'll take care of that later." I wink at him, and his face blushes.
Once we made it over to my old apartment building, I flung the door open, and we both darted up the stairs, flying past the first floor until we made it to the door. I knocked on the door once, then pulled out my key that I haven't used in forever to open the door.
Once I was inside, I saw my dad, red in the face, and he didn't even know that I had opened the door. He was right in my mom's face and screaming, "Isabel, there is no way in hell that you are taking Adrian and Pilar from me! Victor.-"  I walked over and slammed my hand on the table and roared, "What in the hell is going on?"
I seemed to have startled both my mother and father because they both jumped, and my mom said, "Victor!" I looked right at her, and again I asked, "What is going on?" My dad roared, "Your mother is trying to take you guys away from me! Saying that where she lives is closer to school and that it just makes more sense." I kept my gaze on mom and asked, "Mom, why are you just taking them? What if Pilar and Adrian want to choose where to live?" She looks at me and says, "No, I am their mother.  They go with me, Victor! You dont even live here anymore, so why does it matter to you?"
I roared, "They are my siblings, and they have a choice! They dont need to hear you two fighting all the time!" Dad snapped, "Who even called you?  You don't live here anymore."  I really wanted them to listen to what I have to say, but it looks like they are just trying to disregard me altogether.
I took a deep breath and asked, "Have you two even asked Pilar and Adrian where they want to go?" Isabel looks shocked that I stood up to them, and I am so defiant, but I stood my ground. After a few minutes of them standing there silently, I repeated, "Have you two even asked Pilar and Adrian where they want to live?" The silence grew louder as all I got from them was blank stares.
I look at the hallway where Benji sees Adrian and Pilar standing right next to him. I smile at my siblings, who looked defeated, and then back to my parents. I sternly say, "They are going to come over to where Benji and I live for a bit while you guys figure out what is going on between you too."
My mom opens her mouth like she is about to speak, but I turned and started towards the door. Pilar and Adrian followed me as Benji grabbed a toy that Adrian had pointed to. As I stepped out the door of the apartment, about to shut the door, I said, "You two never use to fight like this. We deserve better." I closed the door behind myself, and I did not wait for a response from either of them.
I hurried out of the building, and I met my boyfriend and siblings at the front of the building, and to my surprise, Felix and Carter were there as well. I ran up to my best friend and said, "Hey! I thought you guys would have been getting ready for tonight!" Felix laughs and says, "Well, I figured that since I have a shift at Brasstown when you guys do, we can hang out there and go after work."
I look at my siblings, and before I could ask, Pilar says, "I can watch Adrian at Brasstown for free coffee all day." Benji laughs and says, "I think I can swing that." Adrian hugs Benji tightly and says, "I want a Hot Chocolate with lots of whip cream!" Benji tousled his hair and said, "You got it, bud!"
As we all head down the street, heading back home, I noticed that Pilar was focused on something, and I couldn't tell what it was. I asked, "Everything ok?" She shakes her head like she was in a daze and said, "Ya, I thought I saw something-" *Ding* *Ding* Pilar's phone went off, and she groaned, "Ugh! Mom is probably chewing me out!"
She looked at her phone, and her mood changed fast. I nudged her arm and asked, "What's up?" She smiled and said, "I just got asked out on a date!"
----- Find Yourself is back!! Thank you to everyone who waited patiently while I took a month off while I finished my degree! I am back to posting regularly next week. (Sorry this one is a bit late.  The election has me stressed!) Next Wednesday, Leviathan will be back with the first one-shot about Sovereign. I am changing the story as the first two chapters didn't meet what I wanted. Sovereigns one-shot will be extra long as it will be her full back story.

Please remember to vote, comment, share, and like! Love you all!

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