Hazbin Hotel II Hell's Paradi...

By Fancybunnynii

415K 13.4K 2.2K

*** A fallen Angel, huh? Well, Heaven isn't really crack up to be the best. Cast away to Hell with her cool b... More

War against Heaven
No thanks, Michael!
Little Princess
Present for Charlie!
New Orleans
A Gentleman
Party Time
Hell's new Sinner
Charlie's Girlfriend
Fragile Bonds
Vanishing Act
Happy Hotel
Dance of Gold and Red
Back Home
First Client
666 News
New Friends
Funny Mix-up
Brave or Stupid?
Tea Party
Dinner for Two
Bite the Bullet
The Question
Drinking with Music
Green with Jealousy
Show Off
My Darling Belial
Start of the Day
Lively Party
Don't leave me
Find a Way
Trial of Heaven
Welcome Home


11.9K 399 65
By Fancybunnynii

Lucifer doesn't spare any expenses when creating social gatherings or parties. Belial stood at the sidelines with a glass of champagne. Like always, Lilith help Belial wore a black one shoulder dress that reach her ankles with a right slit above her knees. For shoes, she wore a black short heels. Her hair resting on her shoulders with a silver clip holding her hair away from her face.  

Her back press against the pristine gold wall. Listening to the sound of music and chatter of demons, Belial take a sip from her glass to ease herself. This gathering is for high ranking individuals, nobles, and overlords. Some of the overlords are mostly sinners who are powerful enough and able to take territory for themselves. They even have souls for them to keep from the deals they made. These deals would give them control over the unfortunate souls - leading them to servitude for life or other job for them.  

Belial could feel Lilith and Lucifer's power nearby including some demon princes that work under him. She doesn't feel like talking since most of their conversations would lead into boring politics or bragging. For now, she will help herself with more champagne and listen to the music - people would call it being a wall flower but she doesn't care. "I thought I would find you here, Belial." An elegant voice made her turn to her left. 

Dressed in a high collared pink blouse with a long dark red skirt, her platinum blonde hair neat and proper. On top of her head is a dark red hat with pink feathers and roses.  Her smile reveals spark white teeth. Black eyes look at the Belial. "You are free to join me, Rosie." Belial offers, "Just grab a glass of champagne." She give the overlord a welcoming grin. "Far more entertaining than being with Franklin and the other Overlords. I think one of them bragged about their gold encrusted fork with diamond, rubies, and sapphires." Rosie replies then summons a glass of champagne in her left hand.  

"Well, that didn't take long." Belial mutters, "Don't they have something else interesting to talk about?" Rosie giggles at her comment. Nursing themselves with expensive champagne, Rosie and Belial exchange a few words. Rosie stands beside Belial. "So, I heard you have an interesting fight with a new demon." She changes the conversation. Belial let out a sigh, "It was just getting better until Lucifer called me." Rosie clicks her tongue. The demon would like to see the fight herself since it is rare for Belial to fight someone that isn't under Lucifer's list of kills. 

From the grapevine, the demon is able to live the next day. She doesn't know what happen after their fight but the demon didn't stop his destruction - attacking numerous demons and able to take down a few overlords overnight. His power is nothing to scoff at. He is able to broadcast his destruction through their radios. Due to his broadcasting, demons call him the Radio Demon. 

"It is a shame, I would to see you break a few bones." Rosie comments. Belial let out a chuckle. The blind woman moves her glass around, thinking about Alastor. She is right about him not needing luck - he is able to make himself at home in Hell. She had a feeling that Alastor was not happy about not continuing the fight between them. She was right as Alastor is able to make a name for himself in Hell. Even Lucifer was amused to see the new demon becoming a powerful individual. He kept a close eye on Alastor even listen to his broadcasting. 

It didn't take long for Lucifer to bestow the title of Overlord to Alastor.  "Speaking of the Radio Demon, he is here now." Rose muses, her eyes lands on the demon in red approaching the royal couple with a grin. Rosie notice the other demons are keeping a close eye on him - looking for any form of weaknesses from the newcomer. "It seems the other overlords are keeping an eye on him." She adds. Belial shakes her head, "Probably feel threatened since he is able to overthrow a few overlords easily." Rosie nods her head in agreement. "Franklin and the others are getting to comfortable with their title - not thinking once that they will be defeated by a newcomer." She gave Belial another glass. 

Belial chuckles under her breath, "Good, that will teach them that they aren't the top of the world forever. I would kick a few teeth in to wake them up if I have the chance." Rosie takes a sip from her glass. "Be sure to invite me! I would like your work up close~" A sadistic grin appears on Rosie's face. They listen to the music change its tune into one song meant for dancing. A few princes of Hell including the royal couple walking into the middle of the dancefloor for a dance. 

Her grin turns into a polite one when she saw Alastor left the couple to approach the both of them. His eyes lock on Belial who take a long gulp from her drink. Her mind clicks in realization when she looks at Belial. "Is the Radio Demon really that clueless or dancing with death?" Rosie thought to herself. She glances around the grand ballroom to see the demons whispering to themselves under hushed breath. 

"Good evening, Belial or should I say Lady Belial?" Alastor greets the blind demon. Belial let out a short laugh. "I don't care, you can call me Belial." He nods his head, his red eyes move to Rosie who holds out her right hand to him. "It is pleasant to meet the new Overlord. Call me Rosie." Alastor greets her with a kiss on her hand. 

"The name is Alastor, my dear. Wonderful to meet other Overlords in this party!" Alastor releases Rosie's hand then turns his attention to Belial. "So, my dear Belial. Why are you a quiet wallflower? It is not in your character!" Alastor comments. Belial almost snorts at his comment. "Once you hear someone bragging of their expensive wares for centuries, you heard everything. It gets boring, trust me." She replies. They hear a laugh track from Alastor. He gives Belial a wide grin. 

"Then, you don't mind for a dance with a sinner like me?" He asks, bending his head slightly to give a polite bow. Rosie holds back from her laugh. This man is getting more interesting by the minute. Never in her life in Hell saw someone boldly ask Belial for a dance. The only people she danced is the members of the Magne family. People outside of the family aren't brave enough to approach Belial for a dance. 

Belial broke the silence with a loud laugh and a huge grin on her face. Her laugh caught a few eyes on them. "If you don't mind me stepping on your feet." She replies, holding out her right hand to him. Alastor chuckles then takes her hand gently. "You won't able to do so, I am quite a good dancer." More eyes are on Alastor and Belial as they walk to the dance floor. 

Rosie watch the duo dance with the song. She notice that Alastor holds Belial's hand with his left and his other hand kept on her right shoulder. Even if Belial gave that small comment, she doesn't miss a beat with Alastor. The demons gave the duo space out of awe and fear - they don't want to interrupt their dance. Lilith and Lucifer watch them with interest. The succubus saw a grin on their faces as they spin and twist past them. 

Watching the dance, they didn't hear the both of them exchange words. 


"You dance with grace, my dear." Alastor compliments his partner. Belial laughs under her breath, "Too bad that I can't use the 'I'm blind' card when I step on your toes." Alastor grins at the blind woman. His eyes are on Belial, taking in the sight. Having her around is entertaining, it is truly a shame that he can't fight her again. The closest thing of a 'fight' he would probably get is this dance. "So, what is your plan?" Alastor heard Belial ask him. He chuckles with a reply, "Plan for what, My dear?" 

"Come on, just because I am blind doesn't mean I am stupid. Dancing with a Magne means something." Belial replies. Alastor spins his partner and caught her in his arms. "Oh no plan at all, my dear. All I just wanted to erase your boredom away - after all, life should be entertaining." He replies, looking down at the blind woman. His grin widens to see Belial giving him an eye-catching smile. They finish their dance with Alastor giving Belial a low dip. The sound of clapping caught their ears. The duo almost forgot that they are in the spotlight. 

Alastor help Belial stood up straight as he guides Belial away from the dance floor. "Oh well, I don't really care you are planning something or not. I'll give you a pass this time." Belial looks up at Alastor. "How wonderful you are, my dear! I would like have another dance next time. I forgot how entertaining it is to have a wonderful dance partner." She heard Alastor's laugh track after his sentence. 

"Ha! Don't get your hopes up, Radio Demon. I won't give you another chance." 

"Dear, is that a challenge?" 

"I didn't say anything, so take it as you will." 

Oh, she is testing him. How fun! 

Alastor watch Belial leave to stand with Rosie. He turns away from the women to walk away, humming to himself. He thought this party will be a boring but this night is quite entertaining! Since he can't fight her again, he will just make little games for them to play. His lips curl up with excitement. 

Life in Hell will be the most entertaining thing ever!


A/N: Inspiration of their dance. Enjoy the video. 


Incorrect Quotes

When Lucifer doesn't let Alastor fight Belial

Alastor, angry: Can I say a bad word?

Belial: Huh?


Belial: I mean...

Alastor: (Turn to Lucifer): YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH. 


Alastor: Listen, my dear. You got to expected the unexpected.

Belial: *PUNCH HIM* 

Belial: Did you expect that, huh?


When Alastor kills Belial

Alastor: It goes against my moral compass...

Belial: (Comes back to life) Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel.


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