How to Date an Asshole

By AlanisKorali

466K 20.4K 2K

Like most people, Lauren had a big crush on a celebrity when she was a teenager. Unlike most people, she met... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67

Chapter 14

8.3K 395 20
By AlanisKorali

Chapter 14

I woke up to an incessant ringing from my phone. It's Hailey Facetiming me.

"What?" I said in a groggy tone. 

Her eyes widened, "Jeez, you look like hell."

"Well, good morning to you too."

"What happened to you?"

"Oh, I don't know, but it could never be because I was tossing and turning last night," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I slept at, like, 2:30." I  groaned. "What do you want, Hailey? It's 8:00 in the morning and it's Sunday!"

"Well, it's already 8:00 and the news doesn't sleep. Check your messages. I've sent you the article."

"What article?" I went to the messages app to check the article.

"Holy shit." I sat up and felt all the sleepiness in me evaporate.


I clicked on the article and immediately scrolled through the pictures. It doesn't matter what they say about us because it's all speculation, what I need to know is if my face is still unknown to the public or is out for everyone to see.

"You know what, it isn't that bad, I just thought you should know." she shrugged.

I tried to even my breathing in an attempt to calm my nerves.

There's a picture of Axel looking at me while I was picking an apple. Another of us hugging under an apple tree from when he found out that paparazzi were after us. And one from when we were running from the paparazzi and the rain.

To the innocent eye, the hug may look sweet, romantic even. What they don't know is that it's just a hiding tactic for Axel to be able to cover my face from the press.

The pictures in the article showcased only the back of my head. Thank God. 

It's the second article now about Axel that actually involved me, but for both times I seem to be left unscathed. It would've been a scandal if someone had a photo of me with Axel.

I  sighed in relief but I know that it's only a matter of time before they see me with their beloved movie star and I'd be attacked by internet trolls. One wrong move, one different camera angle, and the public would feast on me for breakfast.

"Lauren, you still there?" Hailey said.

I almost forgot I was talking to her. "Yeah."

"So, how do you feel?"

"I... I don't know what to say."

Hailey shook her head slightly, "It's okay, you're still in shock."

"Yeah..."  my voice trailed. "That's the thing though... I don't know why I am, I  already expected this. I know something like this would happen."

Her brows raised at my admission. "Explain," she said slowly.

"Axel and I knew about the paparazzi, that's why we were running on the third picture. The rain is sort of like a blessing in disguise, now that I  think about it. Without it, the paparazzi would've had a holiday. You know what, I can't even believe they found us. I thought they'd be busy enough because it's Fashion Week in less than 24 hours."

"Back up, tell me everything about the date." she shook her head, "No, scratch that. I need to be there in person. Meet you at The Café in 30?"

"Oh, okay. How about 45? I just woke up, as you know."

"Alright, in 45 then. I'll see you."

"See you, Hailey. Bye." I said then dropped the call.


What just happened? 

Why did I agree to breakfast with Hailey? 

I grabbed a pillow over my head and groaned. First date conversations with her are insufferable.

Oh, what the hell. I'll just suffer the consequences later.

I got out of the bed and got ready for Hailey and I's breakfast date. I seem to be entangled in dates lately.

*       *       *

I  decided to just walk to the café. It's no big deal, it's only a  20-minute walk from my apartment. I put my shades on as I walked down the steps of my apartment building and into the street with my earphones plugged, playing Guerilla Radio by Rage Against The Machine, feeling like a badass in an all-black outfit.

Hailey was sitting at one of the café's outdoor tables – a two-seater with a  big light brown umbrella in the middle. This café in New York is such an oxymoron. Normally, people in this city will just come and go for coffee, grab and run; but this coffee shop is different. The way it's set up, you'll feel like you're in France – well, sans the idyllic environment. Here we have boisterous car horns and casual F-bombs.

"There you are," Hailey said as I got to her table.

I placed my phone on the table then rolled up my earphones as I sat in front of her, "I'm sorry I'm late."

She shrugged, "5 minutes isn't a big deal."

"I can see that you've already ordered," I said, looking at the coffee and bagel in front of me.

"Well, it's your usual and I thought I'd save us some time. I'm sorry, is it okay with you? I can order something else."

"No,  it's alright. It's perfect. So, I guess that means you've already  paid?" I smirked then sipped on my coffee. "Oh my God, you got me PSL?" I  shook my head in delight. "Food really does taste a lot better when  it's free."

She laughed, "Yes! That's how much I want to know everything about your date. I'm willing to pay for your breakfast."

I put the shades over my head. 

Hailey sipped on her coffee. "So, apparently you went to the orchard yesterday."

"Uh-huh," I replied as I was munching on my bagel.

My eyes caught something on Hailey's back. I almost choked.

"Okay, now I really need to know." her eyes were dancing in anticipation.

"No," I replied after I drank some water, still coughing a little bit. "I saw Sheila."

Her brows knit in confusion, "Sheila? Your manager at Steinhouse?"

I nodded then she's about to check behind her.

"Don't look!" I hissed, looking down, covering my face.

"Why are you even hiding? You look ridiculous."

"Sheila is a master of small talk and when she sees me, she'll come over and twist something into making me feel bad about myself. She's the epitome of the holier-than-thou attitude. I swear I've never met someone quite like her."

"Jesus, I forgot about all that. It's a wonder you've endured working with her for a year!"

"For her." I corrected.

"The Lauren I know doesn't give a rat's ass about anything when someone tries to bully her. Remember that one time in 8th  grade when Mica called you fat? You told her it was a pity because you  could exercise and diet but there are no solving height problems."

"Yeah, well, she was like 4'10." I defended.

"It doesn't matter, okay? Would you just stop!" she swatted my hand off my face.

I exhaled. "Yes, it doesn't matter, she's gone now."

Hailey rolled her eyes.

I was stirring my coffee when my phone pinged from a notification. Hailey grabbed my phone off the table first.

"What was that?" I asked trying to grab my phone from her.

"Oh my God," Hailey said staring at my screen, her jaw dropping in awe and delight.

"What is it?" I insisted, walking over to her side to check.

It's an Instagram follow request from Axel.

My jaw clenched at the information. I closed my eyes. What is he trying to do?

Hailey cocked an eyebrow at me, "Trying to be Instagram official, I see."

"It's not –"

"What happened yesterday, Lauren?" I tried to get my phone from her but she held it close to her chest.

"I won't give you your phone until you tell me everything," she added.

"Seriously, Hailey? What are we, 16? I need to reject that follow request."

"Sit down and spill." 

I rolled my eyes. Insufferable, I tell you.

I  told her everything and she drank her coffee with vigor as she listened attentively. I earned the classic wide-eyes, the occasional gasps, and the look of disbelief.

"And that's everything," I concluded.

She's about to say something when my phone pinged again.

"Oh my God, is he seriously sliding into your DMs now?" she said, amused.

"What? Why? What did he say?" I came rushing to her side.

Message request
"I don't know if your account is still active but since you blocked me, I had to find other ways."

Hailey clicked on it then another message popped,
"Okay, I know you've now seen my message."

I  grabbed my phone from Hailey successfully. "Hey!" she protested. I  walked back and took my seat, Hailey stood and crouched next to me.

"What are you trying to do? Following me on Instagram? Stalker much?" I replied.

"I was just trying to get your attention." the message popped.

I looked at Hailey, "Now you see the downside? I had to deal with someone like this."

I typed, "I'm deleting your follow request."

"What?" then Instagram video popped up on my screen. Hailey gasped, "Oh my God." I rolled my eyes and accepted his call.

"Are you serious?"

"Do you know how many girls want my Instagram follow and you're just deleting it?" he said while I was talking.

Did he really just?

"Well,  hello to you too, shirtless boy?" I said then lowered my phone,  covering it from nosy passersby. "If you must know, I'm outside and  someone might see your face from my phone."

"Hey!" Hailey waved.

"And just how many of those girls were you out on a date with yesterday? And did you even think of your IG watchers? They're gonna see that you  followed me, had I accepted, and the mystery girl article is a mystery  no more." I continued.

"Girl, you tell him," Hailey whispered, staying out of the screen.

"Uh, hey? Halle, is it? We met at Crosshair?"

Hailey moved to show her face to the screen and said, "It's Hailey and yeah,  we did. I'm her best friend." then moved away again.

"Oh, Hi, Hailey. And Lauren, I'm sorry." His face looked apologetic, "I guess, old habits die hard."

"Such a sorry excuse," Hailey mouthed.

"I'm such an idiot. I'm so grateful you're thinking for the both of us," he added.

"Ugh, too cheesy." I cringed. For the both of us? Gross. He just let out a low laugh. "Okay, so, I'm gonna drop the call now if you don't have anything more to say."

"No, I..." he protested. "I actually have something to ask."


He opened his mouth to say something then closed it again. He shook his head.

"Oh my God, is Axel James nervous?" I chuckled, amused.

"No!" he looked down. Obviously, a lie.

"Okay, then what is it, James? I don't have all day." I said. Hailey was taken aback, having this amused look on her face.

Axel closed his eyes then opened them, taking a deep breath, "I have a show on Friday... I know you're busy throughout the week but I'm thinking  maybe you stay past your bedtime on a Friday."

"What show? Where are you going with this?"

"I  want you to come to my show for the New York Fashion Week." his voice abrupt. I was about to protest but he spoke again. "You wouldn't be recognized; I'll make sure your seats aren't noticeable enough. We can meet after... Or not? It's up to you. I just... I want you to see what I  do."

I looked at Hailey for counsel. She nodded encouragingly.

I looked back at the screen, Axel looks at me, hopeful, maybe even holding his breath.

I looked at Hailey again, she rolled her eyes then raised both her thumbs up.

I huffed, "Fine."

Axel grinned widely. "Alright, I'll send you the details here. Please don't block me on Instagram."

"I'll think about it," I replied. He kept on grinning. "I've got to go now. Bye."

"Okay." he nodded. "We'll talk later. Bye."

"No, we're –" then the call ended. "not." I continued.

Hailey sat back across of me, looking delirious. "What? Finish your food. We'll go get groceries after."

She just giggled. I rolled my eyes and threw a napkin at her.

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